Fighters history Dynamite - Forums

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7973th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Fighters history Dynamite" , posted Wed 1 Nov 21:26post reply

Basically, SNK signed a contract with G Mode to be able to use their characters, especially FHD's characters. SNK will be able to use G Mode's characters in their arcade and consumer games, while G Mode will use SNK's in their cellphone games, starting next spring with a "Garô vs FHD".

More crappy old characters in KOF XII.


8th Post

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"Re(1):Fighters history Dynamite" , posted Wed 1 Nov 21:41post reply

That's both, interesting and scary at the same time. Sounds as if Battle Coliseum 2 is in development, after all.

I always wondered why G-Mode bought Data East's IP.

Thanks for sharing.

2661th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Fighters history Dynamite" , posted Thu 2 Nov 02:57post reply

I didn't realize people had that many good memories -or any memories at all, really- of the FHD characters. Tapping into some hidden well of nostalgia is the only reason I can think of for having SNK sign a deal to have the FHD guest star in their games.

7974th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Fighters history Dynamite" , posted Thu 2 Nov 04:06post reply

That's both, interesting and scary at the same time. Sounds as if Battle Coliseum 2 is in development, after all.

That would be great.

But since they talked about random characters like Hayate showing up in KOF XII, I'm f34r. FHD has a lot of weird characters, which I'm all for since SNK doesn't want to create any of those, but they would feel weird in a KOF that's already too weird.

Karnov in Nejibako 2 ? Heaven Yeah.
Any of these retarded freaks in KOF ? Hell no.

2074th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Fighters history Dynamite" , posted Thu 2 Nov 04:13post reply

Most of those freaks I could do without, but if Mizoguchi or Karnov make it into NGBC or KoF somehow with voice intact I will not complain.

168th Post

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"Re(3):Fighters history Dynamite" , posted Thu 2 Nov 04:24post reply

You should see some of the combo vids and current tournament play of FHD. Man.

Makes me want to find those FH and FHD laserdiscs now...

I didn't realize people had that many good memories -or any memories at all, really- of the FHD characters. Tapping into some hidden well of nostalgia is the only reason I can think of for having SNK sign a deal to have the FHD guest star in their games.

The Temptation of Wheat is upon us!

3606th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Fighters history Dynamite" , posted Thu 2 Nov 05:36:post reply

You should see some of the combo vids and current tournament play of FHD. Man. come some of them now!

many of those aren't combo, just super hard versus CPU stuff. here's a combo one.

[this message was edited by exodus on Thu 2 Nov 05:47]

2050th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Fighters history Dynamite" , posted Thu 2 Nov 05:39post reply


Karnov in Nejibako 2 ? Heaven Yeah.
Any of these retarded freaks in KOF ? Hell no.

I agree.

The downside with using ANY FHD characters is that they're ALL poorly designed. Buuut...if you pit them against World Heroes characters, then it's magic.

3606th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Fighters history Dynamite" , posted Thu 2 Nov 05:56post reply


The downside with using ANY FHD characters is that they're ALL poorly designed.

Interesting point, but I heard, and correct me if I'm wrong here, that your mom was poorly designed. Any truth to that statement, or...?

P.S. Fighter's History 4 lyfe

7975th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Fighters history Dynamite" , posted Thu 2 Nov 06:10post reply

Interesting point, but I heard, and correct me if I'm wrong here, that your mom was poorly designed. Any truth to that statement, or...?

You just made me wake up my neighbor with a big loud laugh. I gave him your name and address to track down.

3607th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Fighters history Dynamite" , posted Thu 2 Nov 06:31post reply

I gave him your name and address to track down.

I think I saw him on the way to the treacherous moving toilet once!

2051th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Fighters history Dynamite" , posted Thu 2 Nov 06:36post reply


Interesting point, but I heard, and correct me if I'm wrong here, that your mom was poorly designed. Any truth to that statement, or...?

my mother is dead

3609th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Fighters history Dynamite" , posted Thu 2 Nov 06:39:post reply


my mother is dead

I fall for that one every time.

But not this time! Pollyanna would never reveal personal information on the internet. I'm on to you!

(P.S. unless it happened in the last month you've already made statements to the contrary)

Actually once when someone did that to me and I believed it, the truth was actually worse - her mother had once tried to kill her! That'll mess you up.

just noticed iggy finally outranks rid as the top poster! zomg!

[this message was edited by exodus on Thu 2 Nov 06:53]

2052th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Fighters history Dynamite" , posted Thu 2 Nov 07:15post reply


Actually once when someone did that to me and I believed it, the truth was actually worse - her mother had once tried to kill her! That'll mess you up.

Yeah, with me...

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
I don't know if my birth mother is alive or not, cause I was an orphaaaan! My adoptive mother is alive and well, but my birth mother could be dead in a ditch somewhere. In addition to putting me up for adoption, she killed her second child, so I guess I got lucky.

End of Spoiler

So...yes...poorly designed indeed. She'd fit in just fine in Fighter's History.

Believe it if you will!

3609th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Fighters history Dynamite" , posted Thu 2 Nov 08:14post reply


Believe it if you will!

I do!
Surprised you mentioned it here though.

You're killing my happy funtime fighter's history buzz with all your reality :(

Red Falcon
5728th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Fighters history Dynamite" , posted Thu 2 Nov 12:05post reply

I'm probably unique in this respect, but I drool at the prospect of Karnov being in a KOF, haw haw haw. And yes, the Great Grapple DVD = awesome.

Best site EVER:Link Here

Bata kun
2948th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Fighters history Dynamite" , posted Thu 2 Nov 13:35:post reply

Here is what Chupiler and I think. Oh and Rid as well. It seems that a collection's in place. I mean, SNK has been doing that a lot lately (though my friend's a tad upset that he'll have both "Tenka" and "Rokuban Shoubu").

Still, I don't know why this move was conducted. Money? It'll hardly help them finacially. Chupiler and I don't know if a guarantee of a new game is set in stone and don't forget. There still isn't a new "World Heroes" game.

Ah, the more I talk here, the less likely my arguements will make sense. I don't know. I'll stop now.

[this message was edited by Bata kun on Thu 2 Nov 13:36]

669th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(9):Fighters history Dynamite" , posted Thu 2 Nov 18:10post reply

Well, retaking old franchises like FHD is always great news, but I think they should have picked up Breakers' license instead. That game was great, fun and it had a really weird character roster (Pielle FTW!!!). Well, perhaps the next time...

3496th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Fighters history Dynamite" , posted Thu 2 Nov 18:57post reply

The downside with using ANY FHD characters is that they're ALL poorly designed. Buuut...
Well there is an other possibility, SNKP can redraw them, and update them with a fresh new look, like they did for Kisara and Cyber-woo... It's SNKP we're talking about after all....

(Expect Iggy to awake someone else....)

Fortes fortuna juvat...

2053th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Fighters history Dynamite" , posted Thu 2 Nov 20:30post reply

Well there is an other possibility, SNKP can redraw them, and update them with a fresh new look, like they did for Kisara and Cyber-woo... It's SNKP we're talking about after all....

(Expect Iggy to awake someone else....)

I wouldn't really consider the designs "fresh new looks", as they only redrew the characters to fit the game. They didn't really redesign them. The Fighters History characters are so...uhm... "special" that I think they defy redesign.

In other news, I too would like to see Pielle in another game. I actually was talking about that to a friend earlier. He was a monster! All of his moves were so spectacular! And that VOICE!

12th Post

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"Re(9):Fighters history Dynamite" , posted Thu 2 Nov 21:29:post reply

Here is what Chupiler and I think. Oh and Rid as well. It seems that a collection's in place. I mean, SNK has been doing that a lot lately (though my friend's a tad upset that he'll have both "Tenka" and "Rokuban Shoubu").

A volume for the Neo-Geo Online Collection with FHD is not very likely. There are more chances we'll see it in Hamster's Oretachi Geesen Zoku, if you ask me.

This reminds me of Suikoenbu Fuu-Un Saiki, by the way. And the uglyness of Mizoguchi and Yungmie inserted in the game. Sheez... Did that game invent the crossover stupidity which is so popular these days, indeed?

[this message was edited by Recap on Thu 2 Nov 22:18]

444th Post

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"Re(4):Fighters history Dynamite" , posted Thu 2 Nov 22:42post reply


The downside with using ANY FHD characters is that they're ALL poorly designed.


Buuut...if you pit them against World Heroes characters, then it's magic.

Ryouko × Ryouko

For a nitpicker you sure dress poorly.

Ikari Loona
160th Post

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"Re(5):Fighters history Dynamite" , posted Fri 3 Nov 03:01post reply

I seriously doubt FHD characters will end up in KoF - that license sticks to purely SNK characters, even if obscure ones, while NGBC also included some by ADK - the theme to that series being "Neo Geo" ins the first place already opens quite nicely the possibility of adding stuff from other companies, provided the characters/games were once released on the console. Besides, the FHD gang fits much better than characters from games like WakuWaku 7, which enjoyed some popularity, yet wouldn't still quite fit with rest of the existing NGBC cast for the most part. My bets go for Ray, Ryoko and Karnov, but it being a team game there might be a 4th... maybe Clown, to make a boss team with Karnov?...

Then again, Ryofu from WH seems to be in the DS CFC, so maybe some FHD'er will make it to that one too...

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

3615th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Fighters history Dynamite" , posted Fri 3 Nov 03:40post reply


Then again, Ryofu from WH seems to be in the DS CFC, so maybe some FHD'er will make it to that one too...

That's a good point - not for this one, cause it's finished, but for the next.

Unless they set up the deal beforehand in secret.

4258th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Fighters history Dynamite" , posted Fri 3 Nov 04:01post reply

Ryouko × Ryouko

For the first time in my life; I think chaz is right *goes back to lurk mode*

Avatar >.>

See??? He is a God...

2663th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Fighters history Dynamite" , posted Fri 3 Nov 05:28post reply

A side note, but thanks to the FHD characters getting a new shot at stardom I ended up reading up a bit on the game to refresh my memory. I was surprised to learn that all the judo Ryokos are based on an actual person and that Mizoguchi was only supposed to be around 17-18 years old. Going off his looks and voice I would have guessed that ugly bastard was actually about 40.

169th Post

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"Re(7):Fighters history Dynamite" , posted Fri 3 Nov 10:56post reply

I think there's some rule that says that all judo girls must be named Ryouko. One of the latest Simple 2000 games ( has a Ryouko representing the judo high school.

The Temptation of Wheat is upon us!

Red Falcon
5729th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Fighters history Dynamite" , posted Fri 3 Nov 12:07post reply

In other news, I too would like to see Pielle in another game. I actually was talking about that to a friend earlier. He was a monster! All of his moves were so spectacular! And that VOICE!

I would try to type out an impression, but it just isn't possible. The sound is too good to put to words.

Anyone know what happened to the Magical Drop license? I'd really like to see some new Drop related things... and I still say the charas could work in a fighter.

Best site EVER:Link Here

Bata kun
2948th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Fighters history Dynamite" , posted Fri 3 Nov 13:41post reply

Anyone know what happened to the Magical Drop license? I'd really like to see some new Drop related things... and I still say the charas could work in a fighter.

How long has it been since the last "MD" game came out?

2056th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Fighters history Dynamite" , posted Fri 3 Nov 13:59post reply


Anyone know what happened to the Magical Drop license? I'd really like to see some new Drop related things... and I still say the charas could work in a fighter.

I loved Magical Drop, but that game broke my fingers like no other. It got to a point where my hands couldn't keep up with my head, and it started getting painful. I've never played a game that made me move that fast before.

I'd really like to see a new one, though...and I guess the DS would be a good enough place for it. It's been so long that if they did some shiny new designs, they might pick up a new fanbase to go along with the old one.

3616th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Fighters history Dynamite" , posted Fri 3 Nov 14:33post reply

g-mode owns it...I think they made some cellphone versions, and for a while licensed it out as PSOnebooks and stuff.

445th Post

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"Re(9):Fighters history Dynamite" , posted Fri 3 Nov 19:33post reply

There is also this:
Naruto Magical Drop (DS)

But it's unofficial, obviously.

For a nitpicker you sure dress poorly.

589th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(10):Fighters history Dynamite" , posted Sat 4 Nov 07:45post reply

There is also this:
Naruto Magical Drop (DS)

But it's unofficial, obviously.

Haven't tried it yet, there were no screenshots with the release so I didn't know if it was interesting enough.

Also, the demo of Crazy Power Disc was good, what can you tell me about the finished game?


Ikari Loona
161th Post

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"Re(7):Fighters history Dynamite" , posted Sat 4 Nov 12:47post reply

Anyone know what happened to the Magical Drop license? I'd really like to see some new Drop related things... and I still say the charas could work in a fighter.

I'd love to see that game's Justice in a fighting game - I just have no idea on how they'd handle my other favorite character, the Hanged Man... of keep up the whole tarot theme in such a different genre for that matter.

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

2077th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Magical Drop" , posted Sat 4 Nov 20:17:post reply

Anyone know what happened to the Magical Drop license? I'd really like to see some new Drop related things... and I still say the charas could work in a fighter.

I'd love to see that game's Justice in a fighting game - I just have no idea on how they'd handle my other favorite character, the Hanged Man... of keep up the whole tarot theme in such a different genre for that matter.

The World would make an interesting character to pull off in a fighter, though I'd most like to see the Fool somehow.

I had the Neo CD version of MD2 but playing that game on the Neo CD pad was absolute torture, cramps galore. I really wish I had bought the Saturn version of MD3 :(

[this message was edited by Gojira on Sat 4 Nov 20:20]

446th Post

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"FHD vs. CPD" , posted Sat 4 Nov 20:28post reply

Haven't tried it yet, there were no screenshots with the release so I didn't know if it was interesting enough.

Well given the price you don't risk much by giving it a try, heh?
Quality is OK for a homebrew and pretty close to what you would expect from the cross between the two licenses. Arts and sprites were ripped from official stuff. Do not expect something as polished as Omalone - which got a new release by the way. Speaking of which, the original graphic designer from Omalone (who apparently left the project and got replaced by someone else now) is working on a genuine DS game and there is even a new trailer: it's not the final cut therefore there is no sound yet.

Also, the demo of Crazy Power Disc was good, what can you tell me about the finished game?

I have a lot of respect for Retsuzan in terms of hard work and dedication, however CPD was the first time I truely enjoyed the result. It's a fantastic clone of FPD/WJ unfortunately lacking in the number of stages and characters.

The game shown on my avatar is the upcoming Crazy Power Disc Perfect, which I would advise to get instead as it seems to add/correct a lot from the first episode (more characters, more stages, new gameplay elements, tuning up everywhere...). There are a trailer and a demo of this new version to get here. chazumaru, via various - [p]

For a nitpicker you sure dress poorly.

Red Falcon
5731th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Magical Drop" , posted Sun 5 Nov 04:57post reply

There are quite a few charas I'd like to see. Actually, I'd LOVE to see how somebody would get Hanged Man to work, ha ha ha (if he'd even be playable...)

Best site EVER:Link Here

3621th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):FHD vs. CPD" , posted Sun 5 Nov 06:39post reply

quote: chazumaru, via various - [p]


590th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(1):FHD vs. CPD" , posted Mon 6 Nov 00:09post reply


Well given the price you don't risk much by giving it a try, heh?
Quality is OK for a homebrew and pretty close to what you would expect from the cross between the two licenses. Arts and sprites were ripped from official stuff. Do not expect something as polished as Omalone - which got a new release by the way. Speaking of which, the original graphic designer from Omalone (who apparently left the project and got replaced by someone else now) is working on a genuine DS game and there is even a new trailer: it's not the final cut therefore there is no sound yet.

That's very interesting. Omalone works for me until the proper games starts, then no matter what I do, the game just doesn't work, but the music keeps on playing. I haven't tried the new version to see if it works, but anyways, I was very impressed with the elaborated menus and the art.


Also, the demo of Crazy Power Disc was good, what can you tell me about the finished game?
I have a lot of respect for Retsuzan in terms of hard work and dedication, however CPD was the first time I truely enjoyed the result. It's a fantastic clone of FPD/WJ unfortunately lacking in the number of stages and characters.

The game shown on my avatar is the upcoming Crazy Power Disc Perfect, which I would advise to get instead as it seems to add/correct a lot from the first episode (more characters, more stages, new gameplay elements, tuning up everywhere...). There are a trailer and a demo of this new version to get here.

Awesome, I'm going to try that new demo right away! Do you know a good place to order these kind of doujin games? I know Himeya, but they are usually mighty expensive. And now that I'm asking, do you know any place to order doujin music CDs? I'm looking for CDs from Scoundrel Records and Woodsoft, like the Maikoso BASIC Magazime, etc.

Thanks in advance!

quote: chazumaru, via various - [p]


Too funny!


3497th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):Magical Drop" , posted Mon 6 Nov 18:47post reply

There are quite a few charas I'd like to see. Actually, I'd LOVE to see how somebody would get Hanged Man to work, ha ha ha (if he'd even be playable...)

Make him walk on the upper part of the screen and reverse the up/down command. So if you duck he'll make it on the upper part, when down will make it "jump" and thus far bringing him to the bottom part of the screen...
That would be confusing and hard to master.

Fortes fortuna juvat...

447th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(2):FHD vs. CPD" , posted Tue 7 Nov 07:36post reply


Do you know a good place to order these kind of doujin games? I know Himeya, but they are usually mighty expensive. And now that I'm asking, do you know any place to order doujin music CDs?

Nope sorry I can't help you, I only buy Doujin software when I am in Japan (or ask friends to get them if they have the time and opportunity). Maybe Toranoana allows international orders? I have no idea, to be honest.

For a nitpicker you sure dress poorly.

3622th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):FHD vs. CPD" , posted Tue 7 Nov 08:24post reply

messe sanoh should set up an international online store. I think it'd do a-ok!

591th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(4):FHD vs. CPD" , posted Wed 8 Nov 06:57post reply


Nope sorry I can't help you, I only buy Doujin software when I am in Japan (or ask friends to get them if they have the time and opportunity). Maybe Toranoana allows international orders? I have no idea, to be honest.

Ahhh, ok, thanks anyways. I browsed several times Toranoana and some other similar websites, but I don't think they would allow international orders, but who knows. Maybe it would be better to contact the authors directly?

Also, have you guys noticed all those superplay DVDs that some people are releasing? There are quite an interesting bunch, including Bare Knuckle 2, Night Slashers, Nekketsu Kouha Kuniokun, Osman, and many others.

messe sanoh should set up an international online store. I think it'd do a-ok!

Who? Where? When?