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Iggy 7977th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Imoya did it again" , posted Wed 8 Nov 00:22
OK, so, they released Samurai Tenkaichi on PS2, right ? Great port, bonus, all. Then they announced a SS compilation, with all NG games except Supisupe, but with Tenkaichi instead, so lots of fan will buy the game twice (and, one can guess, without the cool bonus of the first PS2 port).
And now, they are releasing a THE BEST version of Tenkaichi in January. What are they... No, I know what they are thinking. It's just that... erffff
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Iggy 7987th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):Other random news" , posted Tue 14 Nov 23:42
quote: There were the Kengo games... ...which I've heard by most accounts suck. Badly.
I disagree. Well, I only played Kengô 3, but since the license is one of those "the same game over and over with just tiny tuning up" things, I think it's alright. The thing is, it's a totally different type of game, with lots of statistics, tables, number and all. The fighting part is very interesting, has quite an atmosphere, it's just... not Bushidô Blade at all. But it has its own good points.
Oh, and Kengô 0 sucks ass.
Ikari Loona 164th Post

Regular Customer
| "Re(2):Imoya did it again" , posted Thu 23 Nov 07:18
quote: On SNK's site, news about the traditional end year party : there will be a tournament of KOF 98 Ultimate Match, KOF MI Regulation A (is this Ash's new outfit ?) and KOF Nests hen compilation.
Meaning all 3 games should be done soon-ish.
Mentioning those 3 in the same sentence could almost make one think KoF MIRA was also getting made for home consoles... I, for one, would mind, but who knows...
quote: CFDS's site is getting updated, with this time several CF2 original characters coming back. Could care less, but G-Mantle is there.
Nice, no more Mantle wannabes. It sure seems like they're aging Kid a little bit with every game... I bet Cap, Shin and the girls will be the last to show up on the page.
quote: Also, any card can support any card as long as it's of the same element. Lots of card characterizations gone... No more Mature/Vice/Goenitz or Shôma/Natsu powerdeck.
Is the back-up value still fixed regardless of cards used? In the previous game you only got a 300 boost, so I never bothered sacrificing characters with moe BP than that to back up others, especially since Reaction cards became available in CFC2.
As for the lost options that kinda sucks, but hopefully the individuals cards will still maintain abilities that have something to do with the characters' stories and playstyles...
"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"
Ikari Loona 165th Post

Regular Customer
| "Re(4):Imoya did it again" , posted Fri 24 Nov 03:47
quote: I'm surprised : if it's Ash and not a new character, it's OK+. I mean, anything is better than THIS.
There's a glimpse of a possible alternate look for ash here:
Dunno if it's anything the game will actually include, but given the amount of alternate everyone else had in MI2, limiting Ash to 2 outfits would be odd...
quote: No, this time the card gains as many HP as the one you discard had, which makes it a lot more interesting. But it costs one point of the same color of the cards.
Hmmm... so now MP is replaced by points of different colours, I take it?
It could be interesting if different colours reflect different strategies, not unlike MtG (which I never really played seriously, but am roughly aware of), with some colour handling direct damage, another cutting down the amount of cards the opponent, can use, etc...
"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"
NARUTO 3500th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(5):Imoya did it again" , posted Fri 24 Nov 18:51
quote: It could be interesting if different colours reflect different strategies, not unlike MtG (which I never really played seriously, but am roughly aware of), with some colour handling direct damage, another cutting down the amount of cards the opponent, can use, etc...
What? color doesn't show a different strategies??? this just proove that you never really touched the MAgic games...!! Of course color show defferent strategies:
-Whites for "weenies" with über protective game, the "can't touch me" style. -Red for massive damage at low cost. -Green for stong monster and healing stuff, with an opponent life bar who takes ages to drains out. -Black for über tricky game with Traps and drawback, can be a nightmare....for booth players. -Blue for mind game, mostly based on spell for trap, and deck locks, or deck controls...
Of course They're different would see the point a of making such a game if not...
 Fortes fortuna juvat...