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155th Post

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"11 11" , posted Sat 11 Nov 01:29post reply

anyone taking note of PS3 Japan release so far? From what I heard. There isn't much queues.

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Bata kun
2959th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):11 11" , posted Sat 11 Nov 01:59:post reply

anyone taking note of PS3 Japan release so far? From what I heard. There isn't much queues.

They stole a page from Sega's book! XD

Oh and to answer your question, uh, no. Insert Credit has something though.


[this message was edited by Bata kun on Sat 11 Nov 02:03]

1297th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):11 11" , posted Sat 11 Nov 02:48:post reply


famitsu otu-

[this message was edited by Zepy on Sat 11 Nov 02:49]

449th Post

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"Re(3):11 11" , posted Sat 11 Nov 02:51post reply

Where's the love?

For a nitpicker you sure dress poorly.

1114th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(4):11 11" , posted Sat 11 Nov 20:10post reply

I have a working-class complex. I can't afford a PS3, let alone importing a Japanese one. And anyway I'm too busy waiting for the European release of my Wii to care about Sony's latest console, which unlike Wii has done nothing yet to renew the gamer's experience in my opinion. Call me a fetichist, but I'm really hyped by the wiimote/nunchuk innovation, and not the least by the Blueray technology.

Time Mage
2466th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):11 11" , posted Sat 11 Nov 22:15post reply

Call me a fetichist, but I'm really hyped by the wiimote/nunchuk innovation, and not the least by the Blueray technology.

However, don't be expecting sex simulators with the Wiimote, eh? ;)

I'm also more interested in Wii's launch, but I think I'm not going to buy one on launch day. Few units are expected to be distributed in Spain, according to the latest rumors, and luckily I have enough games to keep me distracted until Wii is decently available.


1116th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(6):11 11" , posted Sat 11 Nov 23:34:post reply


Meet Magi
Gimme Meat (yes, I cheated here, but I was thinking of Oroch...)

[this message was edited by Kikkoken on Sat 11 Nov 23:35]

Time Mage
2468th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):11 11" , posted Sat 11 Nov 23:54post reply


Meet Magi
Gimme Meat (yes, I cheated here, but I was thinking of Oroch...)

I... think you have replied in the wrong topic. Haven't you?


2067th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):11 11" , posted Sun 12 Nov 07:22post reply


I... think you have replied in the wrong topic. Haven't you?

hahahaah! That just made my day!

But yeah, with me and the wii/PS3, I'm in no rush. I have enough games to last me until the systems DIE. (and nothing to get on the new ones) Really, I'm hoping somehow in the futur the PS3 will get better...like it's got a sickness or something. I hope it causes a whole bunch of apartment fires, gets banned, then gets remade in a way more appealing to me.

592th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(9):11 11" , posted Sun 12 Nov 08:52post reply

The only reason for me to be getting a wii at this point is the fact that I could play any of the 3D Zelda games they've made to date, because believe it or not, I haven't played any of them!

But I want to try it before blindly buying the it. I've got a friend that it's going to get it at the lauch day, so I hope that I can convince myself about it before the thing runs out of stock!


2078th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):11 11" , posted Sun 12 Nov 15:04post reply

The only reason for me to be getting a wii at this point is the fact that I could play any of the 3D Zelda games they've made to date, because believe it or not, I haven't played any of them!

You can do that with Gamecube >_>

593th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(2):Re(10):11 11" , posted Sun 12 Nov 22:10post reply

The only reason for me to be getting a wii at this point is the fact that I could play any of the 3D Zelda games they've made to date, because believe it or not, I haven't played any of them!

You can do that with Gamecube >_>

Right, but I would be retarded if I get a GC now, it's like getting a GB Advance instead of a DS.


7985th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Re(10):11 11" , posted Sun 12 Nov 22:48post reply

Right, but I would be retarded if I get a GC now, it's like getting a GB Advance instead of a DS.

I think people who own a DS but only play GBA games on it don't look any brighter.
I know that. I have a mirror.

594th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(4):Re(10):11 11" , posted Mon 13 Nov 06:04post reply

Right, but I would be retarded if I get a GC now, it's like getting a GB Advance instead of a DS.

I think people who own a DS but only play GBA games on it don't look any brighter.
I know that. I have a mirror.

Ha ha, ok. The gist of it is that you can play both game catalogues on it.


112th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(10):11 11" , posted Thu 16 Nov 05:35post reply

The only reason for me to be getting a wii at this point is the fact that I could play any of the 3D Zelda games they've made to date, because believe it or not, I haven't played any of them!

Glad I'm not the only one! At one time I considered picking up a Gamecube so I could play all those Zelda 3D games I missed out on. But then I realized that I utterly hate the Gamecube controller and the GC looks too much like a lunchbox or two Dreamcasts stacked on top of each other.

595th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(2):Re(10):11 11" , posted Thu 16 Nov 22:24post reply


Glad I'm not the only one! At one time I considered picking up a Gamecube so I could play all those Zelda 3D games I missed out on. But then I realized that I utterly hate the Gamecube controller and the GC looks too much like a lunchbox or two Dreamcasts stacked on top of each other.

Don't forget that in the end, the games are what really matter. That's why I didn't pick a GC, or why I know I'm not getting a 360.


156th Post

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"10,000,000,000 yen PS3s!(Brandon come int!)" , posted Fri 17 Nov 07:40post reply

anyone taking note of PS3 Japan release so far? From what I heard. There isn't much queues.

Interesting note. Kotaku covered abit of it but he resellers of PS3 are selling the PS3 at original prices with a game thrown in even.

The reason. 2ch folks are creating fake accounts and bidding it like crazy. Here's 2 examples


Caught the tidbit on danny choo.

Sorry Brandon, on the path of busy lately. This is the best I can do for now. Will come back with more news sir!

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Bata kun
2974th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):10,000,000,000 yen PS3s!(Brandon come i" , posted Sun 19 Nov 04:34post reply

anyone taking note of PS3 Japan release so far? From what I heard. There isn't much queues.

Interesting note. Kotaku covered abit of it but he resellers of PS3 are selling the PS3 at original prices with a game thrown in even.

The reason. 2ch folks are creating fake accounts and bidding it like crazy. Here's 2 examples


Caught the tidbit on danny choo.

Sorry Brandon, on the path of busy lately. This is the best I can do for now. Will come back with more news sir!

Chupiler and I are worried about the EBay inflation. That's all that I'm going to say. XP
