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Satoshi Miwa
2781th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"PS3 After launch fun" , posted Thu 23 Nov 13:09post reply

Well, it seems the after launch fun for Sony's PS3 has hit even sooner as Ubisoft and Take Two Interactive have taken some of their PS3 exclusive titles (GTA4, Assassin's Creed) and announced them for the X-box. Well Koei followed that up by announcing Fatal Inertia (Made in Canada of all places) and Bladestorm (DW in the middle ages) for the 360.

(All on Gamespot if you want to read)

Of course the typical system war flaming soon hit their comment boards, which is always entertaining. But does anyone get the feeling that Sony may be watching Blue Dragon's Sales figures a little more closely now? I get the feeling that if Blue Dragoon can pull in close to a half million sales or manage to sell 300,000 360's in Japan we may have a very different market place.

Either way this is probably going to be the most perversely entertaining Console war since the 16 bit wars. I just need a catchy slogan like Blast processing to make it all fit togther...


Maese Spt
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"Re(1):PS3 After launch fun" , posted Thu 23 Nov 15:08post reply

Probably it's just a retarded question but, how is it that japanese second hand stores have already a fuckton of PS3 2nd hand games to sell? Are japanese players THAT compulsive?

マツケン サンバ!!!!

2081th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):PS3 After launch fun" , posted Thu 23 Nov 20:57post reply

But does anyone get the feeling that Sony may be watching Blue Dragon's Sales figures a little more closely now? I get the feeling that if Blue Dragoon can pull in close to a half million sales or manage to sell 300,000 360's in Japan we may have a very different market place.

I HOPE SO. And I'm not saying that because I preordered the Blue Dragon LE 360, either. I don't even know if I'll like Blue Dragon, but I hope it's a success, because I like the 360. I'm buying into the dream. Blame it on the boss theme.

I mean, I'm sure I'll buy all 3 systems eventually, but I want Sony and Nintendo to suffer for their stupidity. Actually...really just Sony. They aren't doing anything right, they're treating consumers like crap and somehow they're getting away with it. Microsoft is trying really hard with the 360, and they're decidedly consumer friendly. They have a nice system with a number of promising games coming out for it. They deserve a strong place in the market.

But man, the PS3 launch (and the Wii one to a lesser degree) has been really sad. No system selling games, and none on the horizon, either. These people who are buying the systems for $2000...what are they paying for!? Although the Wii software lineup is equally dismal, at least Wii owners can buy Zelda, go home and play the hell out of something they've been anticipating.

If I see a Wii in a store, it might be hard to fight the temptation to buy it. But even if someone gave me a PS3, I don't know if I'd take it out of the box for some time.

553th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(2):PS3 After launch fun" , posted Sat 25 Nov 04:06:post reply

Pollyanna: At least Wii Sports is a nice pack-in. I had a lot of fun with the bowling and golfing mini-games. Makes me wish I had one, but I missed out on the launch. Making your Mii character is pretty cool as well. I like Nintendo's approach to making video games a little more interactive, and I agree that Sony is setting themselves up for failure. My friend quoted an article he read, saying that one of the Sony big-wigs commented on the system not needing any games to sell big in all territories. Unfortunately, he was correct, but for all the wrong reasons (reselling systems on auction sites for profit). Sounds like a pompous attitude towards their audience to me.

Zelda and Trauma Center are the two titles I'm interested in so far.

[this message was edited by EddyT on Sat 25 Nov 04:10]

Just a Person
830th Post

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"Re(2):PS3 After launch fun" , posted Sat 25 Nov 08:31post reply

But does anyone get the feeling that Sony may be watching Blue Dragon's Sales figures a little more closely now? I get the feeling that if Blue Dragoon can pull in close to a half million sales or manage to sell 300,000 360's in Japan we may have a very different market place.

I HOPE SO. And I'm not saying that because I preordered the Blue Dragon LE 360, either. I don't even know if I'll like Blue Dragon, but I hope it's a success, because I like the 360. I'm buying into the dream. Blame it on the boss theme.

I mean, I'm sure I'll buy all 3 systems eventually, but I want Sony and Nintendo to suffer for their stupidity. Actually...really just Sony. They aren't doing anything right, they're treating consumers like crap and somehow they're getting away with it. Microsoft is trying really hard with the 360, and they're decidedly consumer friendly. They have a nice system with a number of promising games coming out for it. They deserve a strong place in the market.

But man, the PS3 launch (and the Wii one to a lesser degree) has been really sad. No system selling games, and none on the horizon, either. These people who are buying the systems for $2000...what are they paying for!? Although the Wii software lineup is equally dismal, at least Wii owners can buy Zelda, go home and play the hell out of something they've been anticipating.

If I see a Wii in a store, it might be hard to fight the temptation to buy it. But even if someone gave me a PS3, I don't know if I'd take it out of the box for some time.

So, are the first lineups for PS3 and Wii that disappointing?? Are there any games released so far for these systems worth the purchase??

And BTW, how well are these consoles selling?? I read that the PS3 is selling every console available, but mostly because there arenīt many PS3s available so far. And I have no clue about the Wii sales...

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347th Post

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"Re(3):PS3 After launch fun" , posted Sun 26 Nov 01:38post reply

But does anyone get the feeling that Sony may be watching Blue Dragon's Sales figures a little more closely now? I get the feeling that if Blue Dragoon can pull in close to a half million sales or manage to sell 300,000 360's in Japan we may have a very different market place.

I HOPE SO. And I'm not saying that because I preordered the Blue Dragon LE 360, either. I don't even know if I'll like Blue Dragon, but I hope it's a success, because I like the 360. I'm buying into the dream. Blame it on the boss theme.

I mean, I'm sure I'll buy all 3 systems eventually, but I want Sony and Nintendo to suffer for their stupidity. Actually...really just Sony. They aren't doing anything right, they're treating consumers like crap and somehow they're getting away with it. Microsoft is trying really hard with the 360, and they're decidedly consumer friendly. They have a nice system with a number of promising games coming out for it. They deserve a strong place in the market.

But man, the PS3 launch (and the Wii one to a lesser degree) has been really sad. No system selling games, and none on the horizon, either. These people who are buying the systems for $2000...what are they paying for!? Although the Wii software lineup is equally dismal, at least Wii owners can buy Zelda, go home and play the hell out of something they've been anticipating.

If I see a Wii in a store, it might be hard to fight the temptation to buy it. But even if someone gave me a PS3, I don't know if I'd take it out of the box for some time.

So, are the first lineups for PS3 and Wii that disappointing?? Are there any games released so far for these systems worth the purchase??

And BTW, how well are these consoles selling?? I read that the PS3 is selling every console available, but mostly because there arenīt many PS3s available so far. And I have no clue about the Wii sales...

I'm pretty sure the Wii has sold out all over the place as well, it just took a couple more hours because there were more units to go around.

Truthfully, I'm loving the system already. Red Steel looks interesting, Zelda is of course a system-seller (don't own it yet, myself) and the system comes with a pack-in game worth playing a lot. We've played Wii Sports more than Monkey Ball, in fact. And we haven't even DONE the boxing part of it yet.

The Wii launch is a pretty big success, aside from there being a shortage of controllers. It's practically impossible to find some, even after there being a small restock yesterday.

390th Post

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"Re(4):PS3 After launch fun" , posted Sun 26 Nov 08:38post reply

I'm glad I waited, but now I really want a Wii...
I wanted to wait for some feedback by the real buyers (not journalists) and I heard mostly good things so I only have to find one now. I'll try to look the first week of december since I don't have enough money for that kinda purchase until then, but I'm definitely getting one.
Hopefully they'll restock soon, but I'm not too worried about that (I would if we were talking PS3...)


174th Post

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"Re(3):Wii impressions" , posted Sun 26 Nov 12:33post reply

So far I like the Wii.

WiiSports is great. Tennis and bowling are my favs. Bowling is the most like the actual game. We were up all night playing it. BUT it has to be played with someone. I wasn't motivated at all to play single player, and doesn't feel right by yourself.

Zelda is awsome. Best launch pick. So far the best Zelda yet imo. The controls work fine, though some may miss the manual camera and button sword attacks, but you just get use to it. Anything involving aiming is much better, and the learning curve is excellent. Thankfully the gameplay isn't about running straight to the next dungeon. There's a ton of things to do.

Trauma Center is my 2nd best launch pick. I was worried that without friction the game wouldn't work, yet it does thanks to rumble. The rumble feature in the controller gives you just enough tactile response to complete the immersion of being in surgery. One good idea was mapping tools to the analog stick, making gameplay alot faster and smoother. The only way to move at that speed on the DS is with the dual stylus style. You also get a second doctor to play. The music nicely redone to, more dramatic and tense. There's also remix of the opening theme in a "daytime drama" style.

The virtual console kind of sucks. The games work fine, but I was expecting the online store but more like a real online store. Its lacking and just seems slow even on broadband. Also any downloaded game appears as its own channel. So what do you do when you fill up all your channels? I thought they would do a folder/sub folder thing. Another gripe is that VC games can only be saved/dwnld on the 512mb of console memory(no sd). What happens when you fill that? Lastly there's nothing really to download yet.

The console its self is aesthetically amazing. Loads up pretty fast by staying in a sort of advanced stand by. The menus are simple. The slot loader eats gc and wii disks easily. All in all a really thought out design; you don't have to make room for it.

Maese Spt
335th Post

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"how about the new Zelda?" , posted Sun 26 Nov 16:07post reply

It's not really a stricly Wii-related question, but... I'm kinda curious about how Zelda: Twilight Princess is making you feel, fellow MMCafers.

I mean, I'm afraid I won't be able to play the game for a long time, so at least I wanna know if I'm really missing something great.

マツケン サンバ!!!!

2083th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):PS3 After launch fun" , posted Sun 26 Nov 19:56post reply


So, are the first lineups for PS3 and Wii that disappointing??

Well, the PS3...yes. Very VERY disappointing. I think Resistance: Fall of Man is supposed to be good? (certainly not up my alley, though) and everything else is almost universally hailed as mediocre. That's not even the problem, though...the problem is that there isn't anything on the horizon. The release schedule is really dismal and no promising-looking games have dates yet.

The Wii suffers from a similar problem, but at least Wii sports is fun with friends, Zelda is Zelda, Caduceus is decent, and Wario Ware is on the immediate horizon.

Maese Spt

I'm not a Zelda fan, so I don't know if that makes my opinion more or less valid. I also haven't spent a lot of time with the game, as I don't own a Wii.In my opinion, if you're a Zelda fan, you're going to love the game. It follows the formula very well and there's nothing really wrong with the game.

I can't help but be irritated by it all the same, though, mostly because I said "this is my chance to really get into Zelda!". I was really excited about the scenario, and while it doesn't look fantastic in motion, every screenshot I saw looked really nice. Somehow, I thought that it wouldn't have the usual stiff combat system and hours and hours of screwing around, but as I seem to be the only person on the planet that's bothered by that, it must not be a problem, or at the very least not a problem worth addressing.

But really, I'm just irritated at Nintendo fans that say "the Wii isn't about graphics, it's about innovation". I can agree with that, but it has the added implication that Wii games must be held to a higher standard of innovation since it "isn't fair" to complain about inferior graphics, because "that's not what it's about." That being said, Zelda, which is of course, the biggest game on the system, is not the least bit innovative. It's a carbon copy of earlier formulas that implements the Wii controller competantly, but with little ingenuity.

That doesn't, by any means make it a bad game, but it does encourage me to consider getting the Gamecube version instead. I would encourage those with a Gamecube who are still iffy (or too poor) about the Wii to do the same. As I'm sure most rabid Zelda fans have a GC already, (or they aren't THAT rabid) they can probably wait another 2 weeks.

Just a Person
831th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(4):PS3 After launch fun" , posted Mon 27 Nov 10:43post reply


Well, the PS3...yes. Very VERY disappointing. I think Resistance: Fall of Man is supposed to be good? (certainly not up my alley, though) and everything else is almost universally hailed as mediocre. That's not even the problem, though...the problem is that there isn't anything on the horizon. The release schedule is really dismal and no promising-looking games have dates yet.

The Wii suffers from a similar problem, but at least Wii sports is fun with friends, Zelda is Zelda, Caduceus is decent, and Wario Ware is on the immediate horizon.

Thatīs a shame for PS3... hopefully MGS4 may make up for that. Thereīs also a racing game that looks really interesting (canīt remember its name, but the player can use different vehicles to race, from cars to motorbikes and others - I usually hate racing games, but that one looked amazing!).

Wii Sports does sound fun! About Zelda, I guess you have some valuable points here. People were expecting lots of innovation in its gameplay; hopefully the game itself may compensate for the lack of interaction with the Wiimote?? And I wonder how will be the gameplay in MK Armageddon (and whether will Khameleon be added to it - even though I donīt like her very much, but itīs fair that she has a final appearance).

That reminds me the last console I had was a N64 (no kidding; all the others have been played at game stores or friendsī houses)... maybe itīs time for a change?? Iīll see when more promising titles appear for each console...

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553th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(4):PS3 After launch fun" , posted Mon 27 Nov 15:15post reply


But really, I'm just irritated at Nintendo fans that say "the Wii isn't about graphics, it's about innovation". I can agree with that, but it has the added implication that Wii games must be held to a higher standard of innovation since it "isn't fair" to complain about inferior graphics, because "that's not what it's about." That being said, Zelda, which is of course, the biggest game on the system, is not the least bit innovative. It's a carbon copy of earlier formulas that implements the Wii controller competantly, but with little ingenuity.

I do worry about that as well. Similar things have happened for 3rd parties (and even Nintendo themselves) when they introduced the DS. It seemed that a lot of companies used the stylus functions because they felt obligated to. In turn, a lot of the games felt more cumbersome with the added stylus features, when the game would have done fine, or even better without it. I can see the same happening with the Wii's controller setup.

Also, I feel that it would be hard to consistently find the ingenuity to make a game under the gimmicky schemes that the DS and the Wii have. I'm all for ingenuity as well, but I would rather see it flow from good standard gameplay (DrillDozer for GBA is a good example). I don't want to see it forced onto a console. It limits the developers' options, and they may end up taking their titles to XBox 360 or PS3 instead. Either that, or they will be lazy about the specifics and just add bare-bones functionality for the Wii-mote or stylus.

391th Post

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"Re(5):PS3 After launch fun" , posted Tue 28 Nov 01:26post reply


But really, I'm just irritated at Nintendo fans that say "the Wii isn't about graphics, it's about innovation". I can agree with that, but it has the added implication that Wii games must be held to a higher standard of innovation since it "isn't fair" to complain about inferior graphics, because "that's not what it's about." That being said, Zelda, which is of course, the biggest game on the system, is not the least bit innovative. It's a carbon copy of earlier formulas that implements the Wii controller competantly, but with little ingenuity.

I do worry about that as well. Similar things have happened for 3rd parties (and even Nintendo themselves) when they introduced the DS. It seemed that a lot of companies used the stylus functions because they felt obligated to. In turn, a lot of the games felt more cumbersome with the added stylus features, when the game would have done fine, or even better without it. I can see the same happening with the Wii's controller setup.

Also, I feel that it would be hard to consistently find the ingenuity to make a game under the gimmicky schemes that the DS and the Wii have. I'm all for ingenuity as well, but I would rather see it flow from good standard gameplay (DrillDozer for GBA is a good example). I don't want to see it forced onto a console. It limits the developers' options, and they may end up taking their titles to XBox 360 or PS3 instead. Either that, or they will be lazy about the specifics and just add bare-bones functionality for the Wii-mote or stylus.

Don't forget the impressive production costs...

I may be dreaming here, but I'm pretty sure if the Wii gets a wide enough user-base, then many smaller game developpers will be tempted to make games for it, because : a) they are attracted by the wii-mote and novelty of the system; b) it costs practically nothing to produce a game for it (compared to other systems); and c) apparently, the developping tools and kits provided by nintendo are really helpful and easy to use;

As a company, that's what I'd go for... then again... if it turns out like another Gamecube and the user-base is not that good compared to other systems, the previous points do not count. You're in it for the money, so you might as well go for the systems with the most users, even though the investment is considerably larger.


1373th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(6):PS3 After launch fun" , posted Tue 28 Nov 03:35post reply


c) apparently, the developping tools and kits provided by nintendo are really helpful and easy to use;

At the moment, this is somewhat incorrect.

There's a lot of pretty important Wii-mote stuff that isn't provided right now. Maybe that'll change in the coming months, but in the past few, there wasn't much at all.

392th Post

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"Re(7):PS3 After launch fun" , posted Tue 28 Nov 04:05post reply


c) apparently, the developping tools and kits provided by nintendo are really helpful and easy to use;

At the moment, this is somewhat incorrect.

There's a lot of pretty important Wii-mote stuff that isn't provided right now. Maybe that'll change in the coming months, but in the past few, there wasn't much at all.

I had read about this and was basing my comment on that... but maybe this tool isn't available yet.


3654th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):PS3 After launch fun" , posted Tue 28 Nov 04:07post reply


There's a lot of pretty important Wii-mote stuff that isn't provided right now. Maybe that'll change in the coming months, but in the past few, there wasn't much at all.

that changed already - check into 'livemove'.

polly - I think it's unlikely you'll enjoy the wii right now. It's not ready...I've played several of the launch titles, and they're either gimmicks that aren't well-implemented (excite trick), or games that don't need to be on the system at all (zelda, tony hawk). I'd wait til there's something really tangible there.

Oh and the Ubi Assassin's Creed announcement was made some time ago - some of those are new though.

I think Japan will never be an important market for the 360 - and frankly I don't think that even matters anymore. Important design or graphics decisions rarely come out of japan anymore anyway.

2084th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):PS3 After launch fun" , posted Tue 28 Nov 05:12post reply

While it is nice that companies can fight rising production costs with the Wii, it's not like I'm really looking for cheap games. The upside with the DS is that you get 2D games, cheap or not. So you may have instances where it's "I don't want to make an expensive game, so I'll make it for the Wii, but that means I have to come up with a gimmick."

I don't care that Zelda doesn't use the Wii controller. That doesn't make me want Zelda less, it just makes me want a Wii less. With poorl-implemented controller schemes, the Wii is nothing but a Gamecube, and the Gamecube is nothing to get excited over.

Again, fancy controller or not, I just want good games. I don't want them to be "cheap" games as an alternative, but if they are, that's fine, too. It's just this whole PS3 vs Wii argument, and as much as I hate the PS3 right now, as I said, if we're holding the Wii to a higher level of innovation, then it's not delivering. But then agai, I thought the DS was a joke when it first came out, too.

I'm thinking of this from a reviewer's standpoint. If they give a Wii game a lower rating because of inferior graphics, then it's surely to met with "that's not what the Wii is about". So you have to judge the games harsher on gameplay, right? And if they don't have superior gameplay, then they're just inferior products.

Hmm...I think I kinda said that already, but I've already typed it, so there's not much point in deleting it.

1375th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(8):PS3 After launch fun" , posted Tue 28 Nov 06:39:post reply


that changed already - check into 'livemove'.

Last my co-workers tried, it still had some reasonably significant drawbacks, so it's not quite the magic bullet that people might think it is from its press releases.

I haven't played Trauma Center yet, but from what my friends tell me it's great.

[this message was edited by Spoon on Tue 28 Nov 06:43]

61th Post

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"Re(9):PS3 After launch fun" , posted Tue 28 Nov 07:01post reply

I'm hearing alot of inconsistent criticism regarding the Wii. Alot of people seem to think that the games will be gimmicky and then say they're not innovative enough.

Personally, I think Zelda makes very good use of the controller. It makes aiming alot easier, and swinging to attack is more fun than pressing a button. It's not a world smashing pole shift in gameplay, but it is fun, and even after the novelty wears off, i still say its an improvement over previous control schemes.

Is it innovative? Well, hell yeah. Wii sports is unlike anything else you can play on a home console. It's getting great press and Nintendo really is expanding the market. I had the wii out during my big family thanksgiving dinner and even the parents and grandparents were interested in playing it. Theyd NEVER express interest in playing with a regular gamepad.

I think the problem that most gamers are having with the Wii is that it is different, but it just doesn't appeal to them. That's fine too. I mean, honestly, i'd rather have a good new street fighter than a PS3 or a Wii, but i still think the Wii is damn cool so far. And like the DS, it should only get better.

Also, as far as inferior graphics go, I care about art more than processing power (and Im sure most of you guys would agree) and I think the current gen systems are powerful enough. Twilight Princess has a nice art style (even though I liked Wind Waker's alot more) so I'm happy with it. I don't care for the art style in Resistence: Fall of Man, so no matter how well rendered it is (and it's not really that well rendered anyway, its get very boring lighting and minimal use of Normals mapping) it still looks bad to me.

An even better example is Elder Scrolls: Oblivion. That game looks like a smoking turd to me. A very high poly count, shiney, well rendered smoking turd, with great draw distance, but a turd none the less. It's designs are completely boring and artless. The best stuff in it is copied from real life, and anything they tried to make up looks fake and without culture or esthetic. But for some reason, alot of magazines seemed to go nuts for its graphics. Hell, I've read reviews of other 360 rpgs like FFXI or Enchanted Arms that say that they can't compare to Oblivions graphics. But you know, to each his own.

Anyway, long story short, i like the Wii. It's fun in ways that other systems aren't and it will only get better.

And as long as the art style is good, the graphics look great.

3655th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):PS3 After launch fun" , posted Tue 28 Nov 07:17post reply


Last my co-workers tried, it still had some reasonably significant drawbacks, so it's not quite the magic bullet that people might think it is from its press releases.

I suspected as much, but I know nintendo uses it in-house - just did an interview with the guy spearheading it.

Ah well!

And yeah, I too am most concerned that it won't inspire people to make 2D games - this seems to lend itself best to 3D. blast!

62th Post

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"Re(10):PS3 After launch fun" , posted Tue 28 Nov 07:53post reply


And yeah, I too am most concerned that it won't inspire people to make 2D games - this seems to lend itself best to 3D. blast!

Don't forget about Metal Slug (I have no idea how thats going to work out) or the new Paper Mario (although I wish it had sprite animation instead of paper doll rotations).

And also, this game gives me hope:

It's the new SD Gundam SCAD Hammer game.

I'm excited about it because its got that old Super Famicom feel to it, like the Great Battle Games or Go Go Ackman.

It's 3-d, but its got a nice 2-d isometric feel to it. Also, it's got the EXACT Super Deformed proportions that just rub me the right way. You know, really big head, stubby body and limbs, very clear that they are SD and not children. Someone's paying attention on this game!

On top of that it also has my school acronym in there (SCAD).

3657th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):PS3 After launch fun" , posted Tue 28 Nov 08:07post reply

Don't forget about Metal Slug (I have no idea how thats going to work out) or the new Paper Mario (although I wish it had sprite animation instead of paper doll rotations).

Yeah, Metal Slug's the only thing I'm really interested in. And if SNK decides to port other stuff there, along with a good controller, well - that'll work for me.

Not a big paper mario fan...but that SD Gundam game's pretty fun. I played an early beta at E3, and that was kind of cute.

19th Post

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"Re(8):PS3 After launch fun" , posted Tue 28 Nov 09:15:post reply

Important design or graphics decisions rarely come out of japan anymore anyway.



Yeah, Metal Slug's the only thing I'm really interested in. And if SNK decides to port other stuff there, along with a good controller, well - that'll work for me.

CVG said the other day that SNK-P has now an agreement with SCE to port the NG catalogue to PS3's on-line service. That doesn't exclude necessarily the Wii and they also have Garou Densetsu Special planned for the XB Live Arcade, but still.

I fail to see the interest in Wii Metal Slug, though. The new control features are totally stupid for a game like this, in my opinion, and show clearly that it's not a Japanese development nor something the original creators would have implemented.

[this message was edited by Recap on Tue 28 Nov 09:23]

3659th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):PS3 After launch fun" , posted Tue 28 Nov 12:47post reply

I fail to see the interest in Wii Metal Slug, though.

metal slug 1-6 all in one place. that's basically it for me! And you don't have to use the stupid weird modes if you don't want, so it's good enough for me.

and important design decisions used to be made in japan! you remember!

Satoshi Miwa
2782th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):PS3 After launch fun" , posted Tue 28 Nov 15:33post reply

I fail to see the interest in Wii Metal Slug, though.

metal slug 1-6 all in one place. that's basically it for me! And you don't have to use the stupid weird modes if you don't want, so it's good enough for me.

and important design decisions used to be made in japan! you remember!

Well, I won't deny that Japan has faded in terms of important design decisions, the aura of Japan is still in strong play. It's that reason alone why the PS3 will still sell strong as all the Final Fantasy fans will get a PS3 for the latest game. And unless the 360 systems can move some units in Japan that'll never happen (and hence for now that PS3 still has a bright future, even if the release is a textbook example of a bad release).

Although to be fair when has Sony ever had a killer launch title for it's home systems? I vaguely remember the PSX having nothing stellar really. It wasn't until Tekken, Resident Evil, and FF7 that the system really took hold in NA. And the PS2 was sold on smoke and mirrors and the fact it had a free no-name $30 DVD player built in.

Still I do want to see Kuturagi taken down a peg or two. Especially for some of his crazy sayings lately. He's gone more of the deep end than Yamauchi did in his final years at Nintendo...

And you can use the classic pad for the Wii Metal Slugs? That's good news indeed. Now to decide on the PSP version (Which will probably have load times but is portable) or the Wii version....

19th Post

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"Re(10):PS3 After launch fun" , posted Wed 29 Nov 00:40post reply


metal slug 1-6 all in one place. that's basically it for me!

But Metal Slug Anthology is also being released on PS2! Didn't even I say that on my first post here?

Anyway, the upscaled graphics will kill it, as usual.

67th Post

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"Re(2):Re(10):PS3 After launch fun" , posted Wed 29 Nov 12:24:post reply


Well, I won't deny that Japan has faded in terms of important design decisions, the aura of Japan is still in strong play.

Japan is still important and relevant. I mean, cmon, has there ever been a bigger design shift than the Wii?

And beyond that, alot of recent "innovative" American games are inspired by Japanese ones.

For instance, God of War owes alot to the Berserk games (DC and PS2). Both games have a combo system based on chaining kills together, both have context specific killing animations, both also have boss specific attacks implemented through timed button presses.

I remember some quote from Kojima saying that God of War had a sorta Japanese sensibility to it in terms of "service to the player" or something like that. I think he meant that it was very highly polished (perhaps implying that American games ussually aren't).

Another highly lauded game is Guitar Hero, which is basically Guitar freaks plus 2 extra frets and licensed American rock music.

Also, the game designer of Gears of War said that he was very inspired by Resident Evil 4, which he called the best game of that year. That game certainly has a Resident Evil 4 feel to it in terms of the quick action dynamics and the prolific use of the action button.

I'd say that Japanese games are still as relevant as ever, it's just that American games are catching up in terms of popularity and innovation.


Although to be fair when has Sony ever had a killer launch title for it's home systems?

I remember being real amazed at the original Toshinden, in all its goraud shaded glory. It was graphically unlike anything I'd experienced at home before.

The PS3 doesn't have this novelty. Current Xbox 360 games blow the PS3 lineup out of the water. Gears of War looks much better than Resistance Fall of Man, both in terms of art style and technical power.

That Genji game has nice graphics though, even if it's supposed to be boring.

Still I do want to see Kuturagi taken down a peg or two. Especially for some of his crazy sayings lately.

I rather like Kuturagi and his loud mouth. I wish more Japanese designer's were like him. If they were, then the Japanese would get a little more credit for what they do.

I hate how humble people like Hideo Kojima are. He has such a high concept warped view of art that he refuses to say that his games have any artistic merit.

At the same time, people like David Jaffe (God of War, Twisted Metal Black, Mickey Mania) talk themselves up to an incredible degree. Jaffe comes off as incredibly full of himself. He talks about what an artistic triumph all his games are, and how he's going to be the first guy to make a game that will make people cry. He's completely rediculous, but he gets so much credit and respect.

And to his credit, although I sorta hate his games (except for Mickey Mania) I do really respect him, because it's all an act, and he realises that he has to say these things in order to promote himself.

I mean, any Western game designer that's done anything of merit is known by name. And I mean, they all deserve it, you know, people like Will Wright, John Carmack, Jaffe etc.

But what about the Japanese guy that designed Herzog Zwei, effectively creating the Real Time Strategy genre? Does anyone know who he is?

Do you ever hear of ANY japanese game designer boasting about their innovations (other than Itegaki)?

Alot of innovative stuff still comes from Japan, they just don't advertise and promote themselves as well as their brother's in the west.

[this message was edited by nobinobita on Wed 29 Nov 18:31]

64th Post

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"Re(2):Re(10):PS3 After launch fun" , posted Wed 29 Nov 12:32post reply


Anyway, the upscaled graphics will kill it, as usual.

I don't understand why they don't just put scanlines in all those games. I've read very technical documents describing the difficulties of upscaling and emulating low res etc.

At the same time, i've seen with my own eyes how great Street Fighter Alpha 3 (ps1) looks on my HD ready TV in all its interlaced glory. Same with Street Fighter III: 2nd Impact (but not Third Strike for some reason).

Street Fighter 3 on a nice screen with scanlines is basically the most beautiful game ever made.

3662th Post

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"Re(3):Re(10):PS3 After launch fun" , posted Wed 29 Nov 14:26:post reply


Japan is still important and relevant. I mean, cmon, has there ever been a bigger design shift than the Wii?

fair enough - but it's not how it was. remember the days when you wouldn't even *buy* an american game because you knew it'd be terrible? I sure do.


And beyond that, alot of recent "innovative" American games are inspired by Japanese ones.

Inspiration doesn't really count - I mean that definitely goes both ways. Look at Kenka Bancho, Yakuza, and Capcom's new Shinjuku Wolf - if those aren't GTA inspired, I don't know what they are!


Also, the game designer of Gears of War said that he was very inspired by Resident Evil 4, which he called the best game of that year.

I know, I did that interview!


I'd say that Japanese games are still as relevant as ever.

Still relevant, yes. As ever...I wouldn't agree. I think it's a much different world than it was in the 90s.

wow...I left lots of quote in there randomly.

[this message was edited by exodus on Wed 29 Nov 17:57]

2085th Post

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"Re(3):Re(10):PS3 After launch fun" , posted Wed 29 Nov 16:04post reply


Do you ever hear of ANY japanese game designer boasting about their innovations (other than Kuturagi)?


The problem with Kutaragi is that he's so insane that you can't take him seriously. His claims are so outlandish that they're meaningless. Also, he's been terribly insulting lately. It's like, it wouldn't surprise me if he said something like "People who have PS3 are like Gods, like a new race of creatures. Those who don't have PS3s are trash, unevolved garbage."

All you get from a statement like that is that he's arrogant, crazy and elitist, which is all I'm getting anyway.

3662th Post

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"Re(4):Re(10):PS3 After launch fun" , posted Wed 29 Nov 17:58post reply

The problem with Kutaragi is that he's so insane that you can't take him seriously.

one of my dreams is to interview Yamauchi. ahhhh. That'd be nice.

65th Post

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"Re(4):Re(10):PS3 After launch fun" , posted Wed 29 Nov 18:26post reply

remember the days when you wouldn't even *buy* an american game because you knew it'd be terrible? I sure do.

Haha. Yeah I do actually! Ok, now i understand where you are coming from and I agree with you. Those were my favorite days of gaming actually.

Inspiration doesn't really count - I mean that definitely goes both ways. Look at Kenka Bancho, Yakuza, and Capcom's new Shinjuku Wolf - if those aren't GTA inspired, I don't know what they are!

does it count that I find all those games infinitely more interesting GTA?

I know, I did that interview!

Doh! My apologies! I should actually start remembering these things, especially since ive started posting here instead of just lurking.

I do enjoy your writing for insertcredit and gammasutra (that's where the interview was posted right?)

it's a much different world than it was in the 90s.

I hear ya brother! I mean, a good game used to just clearly be a good game. Heck, I used to trust EGM scores! I NEVER got a game that scored less than an 8 average! (except for Herzog Zwei, which was awesome)

Just today I was thinking about how we're into the 5th generation of consoles (starting with NES) and i felt a little sad. The 90s seemed so far away, and with it, the pure love and excitement I felt for games.

It makes me even sadder cos I'm probably going to be entering the games industry (from the art end) and there's very little out there that i'd like to work on. I've been going over in my head what lies ill have to say during interviews to get a job.

"Of COURSE I love Tony Hawk!!! It Rawks!! I play it all the time!!!"

It's not even that I think American games are BAD or anything, they're just a different flavour that i didn't grow up with.

Of course, if i can be paid a liveable wage to animate for any game ill be pretty happy.

66th Post

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"Re(4):Re(10):PS3 After launch fun" , posted Wed 29 Nov 18:30post reply



ahem. How embarassing. Yes, i meant Itagaki, who i see as the Japanese equivolent of David Jaffe.

Asia needs more loudmouths like him!

Yeah, i guess Kuturagai is kinda crazy. But I respect him alot for what he did with the ps1.

Time Mage
2476th Post

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"Re(5):Re(10):PS3 After launch fun" , posted Wed 29 Nov 21:09post reply

one of my dreams is to interview Yamauchi. ahhhh. That'd be nice.

Yamauchi is too much for anyone. Kutaragi started being arrogant when Yamauchi retired... Because NO ONE is allowed to beat Yamauchi. He's the Chuck Norris of the videogame industry.

I'm the leading man. You know what they say abut the leading man? He NEVER dies.

21th Post

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"Re(3):Re(10):PS3 After launch fun" , posted Wed 29 Nov 23:39post reply


I don't understand why they don't just put scanlines in all those games.

Actually, they don't even need to put fake scanlines anywhere, just to use the systems' true low-res modes instead of upscaling the graphics for a hideous interlaced hi-res display. It's completely non-sensical. Here I tried to elaborate on the possible reasons some time ago.

Still relevant, yes. As ever...I wouldn't agree. I think it's a much different world than it was in the 90s.

It is totally different, of course. These days' industry sucks for some reason. Join the drama, people.

3664th Post

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"Re(5):Re(10):PS3 After launch fun" , posted Thu 30 Nov 01:58post reply


does it count that I find all those games infinitely more interesting GTA?

That Shinjuku Wolf game will be awful. I actually have fun playing GTA, because I like screwing around in games and making them break more than completing them, these days.


gamasutra (that's where the interview was posted right?)

yeah, no worries - just funny is all!


It makes me even sadder cos I'm probably going to be entering the games industry (from the art end) and there's very little out there that i'd like to work on. I've been going over in my head what lies ill have to say during interviews to get a job.

Well, you could go the indie route, and there's a lot of innovation there, or you could get in with a company like bioware, which - while I don't find their games interesting - do RPGs and suchlike.

There's stuff out there if you look, it's just a bit hidden.

67th Post

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"Re(6):Re(10):PS3 After launch fun" , posted Sat 2 Dec 06:41post reply


I actually have fun playing GTA, because I like screwing around in games and making them break more than completing them, these days.

I can't really get into GTA. I can see why other people like it so much, and it is fairly creative and original, but I've never been intersted in playing as an asshole. I think that's one of the big changes that's occured. I've heard countless people say "finally, i can be the badguy!" regarding GTA and lots of other games.

It always made me wonder about them. I never wanted to be the badguy as a kid. I LIKED being good.

I mean, the whole "sandbox" thing is fun. But I have more fun playing Combatribes, where you get to slam people's heads together and step on their nuts (but theyre evil so they deserve it). To my knowledge, that's the only game where the protagonists are a clear foot taller than everyone they fight. It's a great bully simulator.


Well, you could go the indie route, and there's a lot of innovation there, or you could get in with a company like bioware, which - while I don't find their games interesting - do RPGs and suchlike.

Oh yeah, i didn't meant to sound so down before. I'll definitely be happy doing art for a living just about anywhere. I have some friends working for Radical Axis (the company that produces all those horrible new cartoons on Adult Swim and Comedy Central). They told me that all the animators know that the shows suck, BUT they have fun working on them. As a side note, my friends have actually been told that some of their animation was TOO good for TV and to scale it back and make it look bad to match everything else.

I mean, on a perosnal level that sort of attitude really bugs me to my core. But I can see why things are like that on a practical level. I don't expect to get my dream job right away. I'll have to work my way up there. But there are lots of cool American companies like Epic (Gears of War) who are making games that i like, and that's somethign to shoot for.