Your thoughts on Sengoku Basara 2 - Forums

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Your thoughts on Sengoku Basara 2" , posted Thu 23 Nov 17:33post reply

Due to popular request, I proudly present the official SB2 thread!!! Now, ladies and gentlemen, proceed to hotly discuss about this game's many wonders and scarce flaws.

Oh, by the way : Maeda Keiji FTW!!!


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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Your thoughts on Sengoku Basara 2" , posted Thu 23 Nov 20:40post reply

I wish I had time to go back and play this. I gave up saying "I can play this, or I can not play this, and either way, I'll never be finished." It really does provide an insane amount of stuff to keep you busy!

I can't pick a favorite level, but I can say that "No thanks Zabi!" never gets old, as well as "blowing up" Mitsuhide. I don't remember his line word for word, but it makes me laugh every time.

I think the item system could use some work, as a large number of the items are vastly inferior or just for fun. The basic stat up ones are nice because they allow you to get a head start with weaker characters, but get on my nerves, because you're kind of gimped without them. They make me feel like I don't have as much choice on what items I want.

I'd like the system to be a bit more complex...maybe more with the parry/issen idea they sort of worked in, but I think, since the game is very popular with girls, they're intentionally keeping it simple. Still, if you always play on the highest difficulty level you can manage, you'll have some pretty epic fights. I like the ones where you're afraid to attack the boss with anything but your basara attack, so you keep the gate guards alive, pick off the little guys, then run in terror whenever the boss catches up to you.

Also, most of the endings are kinda lame and I realllly miss the 2D animation from the first game. The character designs just aren't meant to be made into FMV models.

Ahhhh, I suddenly remembered Oichi. Mannnn she's great. She makes me laugh and she makes me horribly sad at the same time.

Maese Spt
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"ai wo oshiete agerru yo!" , posted Thu 23 Nov 21:54post reply

I'm too lazy to elaborate on this, so I'll copype what I wrote earlier, and then continue:

I find that Sengoku Basara 2 is, by far, the funniest game on PS2 whole catalogue. Well, I admit that I have a weird fetish for japanese History so I can't possibly resist to the perspective of butchering the whole Takeda army at Kawanakajima with Nobunaga's wife, who by the way is portrayed as a butterfly-tattooed gunslinger girl, dressed with a haute couture kimono which would make any chick on Pistol Opera blush in shame, and whose secondary abilty consists on fighting her way with the help of a vulcan machinegun. Priceless.

But other than that, I also think Sengoku Basara 2 is the pinnacle of hack´n slash games.

It has many great details (such as half-beaten enemies begging for mercy on he ground); the replay value is pretty high due to the fairly large amount of options, scenarios and characters; graphics are pretty good (although it pisses me off seeing that characters speak without opening the mouth!); and, most important, IS FUN AS HELL.

Woah, quoting oneself feels awufully narcissistic... oh yeah.

Also, I would say "Kenka Matsuri" in Kyoto is my favorite level (since anything related to Maeda Keiji really rocks), but I certainly love Odawara spring siege and all the Takeda related scenarios (Kawanakajima, Nagashino and such) as well. Itsuki's stage is specially charming as well: a Sengoku based beat'em up MUST include an ikki stage... even if the chief of the revolting peasants is a ponytailed loli. The Tôhoku accent is priceless too.

And as for the quotes goes, it's really difficult to choose, but I totally love Oichi and her emo rants... And of course I'm all for Zabi's broken japanese. Ieyasu sounds pretty hilarious too. Oh, and let's not forget the lovable Mitsuhide, the lost brother of Azumi's Bijômaru.

In fact, EVERYTHING in this game is hilarious, starting from its very elementary premise. It parts from the same irreverent and bizarre vision of japanese history as Sengoku Musou, but it takes it to a whole new dimension, which is just great. Special mention for mecha-Tadakatsu, Matsu's Sailor Moon trasformation, Sengoku Gohonyari sentai team, and Itsuki's faithful supporters. Absolutely priceless.

Man, I love this game. I never seem to get tired of it. For christ's sake, IT EVEN FEATURES FRIGGIN' FRANCIS XABIER WITH TWO BAZOOKAS!! What's not to love?

"Marro dono, ai wo oshiete agerru yo-!"

マツケン サンバ!!!!

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(1):ai wo oshiete agerru yo!" , posted Thu 23 Nov 22:27post reply

Well, now I have enough reasons to retake this game (I dumped it after beating Keiji's story mode). If only the upgrading menu was a bit more user-friendly, this would be a perfect game. Also, it has the longest chain attacks I've ever seen ( and that means a lot, coming from a dude who used to make combos in James Pond 2)...

Maese Spt
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"konna tokoro de shinitakuneeeeeeee!" , posted Thu 23 Nov 22:35post reply

Well, now I have enough reasons to retake this game (I dumped it after beating Keiji's story mode). If only the upgrading menu was a bit more user-friendly, this would be a perfect game. Also, it has the longest chain attacks I've ever seen ( and that means a lot, coming from a dude who used to make combos in James Pond 2)...

You won't regret it, believe me! And the upgrading system is really simple, you'll see, just check the faqs.

Speaking of combos: my record is 3000+ hits with Mamushi's daughter (i.e. Nohime) at Kyoto kenka matsuri. Beat that.

Man, how do I regret having my PS2 12,000 kms away now...

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
well, at least I can enjoy Keiji's bizarre adventures (courtesy of Tetsuo Hara) for free everyday at the second hand store!

End of Spoiler

マツケン サンバ!!!!

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):konna tokoro de shinitakuneeeeeeee!" , posted Fri 24 Nov 03:25post reply


Speaking of combos: my record is 3000+ hits with Mamushi's daughter (i.e. Nohime) at Kyoto kenka matsuri. Beat that.

Bah! That's nothing! I've gone at least 7500 (I don't remember the actual number, but it was around there). Of course, that's with the combo+ weapon (and item too, I think).That was just sort of...boring, really...but it was one of those things to do once just to say that you did it. Like everything else, it should be easiest with Yukimura.

Also, "upgrade menu" do you mean the shop, or what? I mean, the items aren't too complicated unless you want to get fancy, and you can visually pick out the new weapons and techniques, so it shouldn't be too bad? Maybe I'm forgetting something.

I wish more of the techniques were useful, as a number of them...hell...most of them are just for kicks.

I think the most amazing moment in the game was when I was fighting Honda and -he-attacked-me-with-fin-funnels. I nearly died. Well...I DID die in the game. Sure wasn't expecting that.

You know, I usually hate it when people say "this would be a good theme song for this", because I usually feel that the theme song for something is the best theme song for something, but when I hear "Matsuri Danshaku" by Orange Range, I can't help but think of this game.

Maese Spt
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"Re(2):konna tokoro de shinitakuneeeeeeee!" , posted Sun 26 Nov 16:04post reply


Bah! That's nothing! I've gone at least 7500 (I don't remember the actual number, but it was around there). Of course, that's with the combo+ weapon (and item too, I think).That was just sort of...boring, really...but it was one of those things to do once just to say that you did it. Like everything else, it should be easiest with Yukimura.

Wow, that's serious business... but I admit I never care about combo+ and such items/weapons; when choosing my equipement I always stick to the stuff which deals more damage and/or gives me more life. Anyway I sure was bored after the 3000 hits and proceeded to kill the gate master, so I can figure how painful could be a 7500 combo!

You know, I believe the game is fun enough to be actually worth playing even with the horrendous "Evil Kings" localization... but the thing I love most of Sengoku Basara is that, despite its insanely apocryphal nature, it still has some little historically accurate highlights for the Sengoku jidai aficionado. For example the way Nobunaga calls his wife "Kichô" every now and then, or how Matsu uses to adress Toshiie only by his ashigaru days name "Inuchiyo". Those little details make my day.

Oh, and I don't know about Maturi Danshaku, but everytime I play as ikki lolita Itsuki, Hinoi Team's "Ike ike" comes to mind...

マツケン サンバ!!!!