Joyeux Donne-Merci à tous! - Forums
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1117th Post
Red Carpet Premium Member+
"Joyeux Donne-Merci à tous!" , posted Fri 24 Nov 21:00
Happy Thanksgiving and long live the turkeys!
387th Post
Silver Customer
"Re(1):Joyeux Donne-Merci à tous!" , posted Sat 25 Nov 00:21
Yeah, don't overeat (who am I kiddin'?)
Also, Happy Black Friday!
Eh Kikkoken, en canadien-français, on dit "Action de grâce". C'est pas mieux que Donne-merci remarque... Bizarrement, le thanksgiving canadien n'est pas à la même date que l'américain... ils doivent pas remercier pour les mêmes choses, j'imagine.
7994th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(1):Joyeux Donne-Merci à tous!" , posted Sat 25 Nov 08:30
Give it to me and I'll thank YOU!
2683th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(2):Joyeux Donne-Merci à tous!" , posted Sun 26 Nov 06:00
I hope everyone has at least one holiday in their part of the world where the only point of it is to eat until you fall into a bloated stupor.
Maese Spt
336th Post
Bronze Customer
"Re(3):Joyeux Donne-Merci à tous!" , posted Sun 26 Nov 16:08
quote: I hope everyone has at least one holiday in their part of the world where the only point of it is to eat until you fall into a bloated stupor.
Here in Basque Country that's called "Christmas".
マツケン サンバ!!!!
7995th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(4):Joyeux Donne-Merci à tous!" , posted Sun 26 Nov 18:24
quote:Here in Basque Country that's called "Christmas".
I was about to say the same thing.
3656th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(5):Joyeux Donne-Merci à tous!" , posted Tue 28 Nov 07:20
the turkeys around me were particularly happy, since I didn't eat them.
7999th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(6):Joyeux Donne-Merci à tous!" , posted Tue 28 Nov 07:25
quote: the turkeys around me were particularly happy, since I didn't eat them.
Answer your emails instead of spreading your hate vegan propaganda !
3658th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(7):Joyeux Donne-Merci à tous!" , posted Tue 28 Nov 08:09
quote: Answer your emails instead of spreading your hate vegan propaganda !
you should check your email before you start accusing people of things!
I mailed you like three hours ago!
also: hate is all I know.
Satoshi Miwa
2783th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(6):Joyeux Donne-Merci à tous!" , posted Tue 28 Nov 15:38
quote: the turkeys around me were particularly happy, since I didn't eat them.
I bet you threw them out of Helicopters like WKRP did -
8000th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(8):Joyeux Donne-Merci à tous!" , posted Tue 28 Nov 17:28
quote:you should check your email before you start accusing people of things! I mailed you like three hours ago!
Then how is it I haven't received anything ?
You don't love me anymore, and neither does your mom. That's the ugly truth.
1118th Post
Red Carpet Premium Member+
"Re(7):Joyeux Donne-Merci à tous!" , posted Tue 28 Nov 18:23
quote: the turkeys around me were particularly happy, since I didn't eat them.
Answer your emails instead of spreading your hate vegan propaganda !
Hang on, Exodus never said he didn't eat their eggs.