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Pollyanna 2109th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):apparently Famitsu doesn't like CFCDS," , posted Sat 9 Dec 21:32
quote: Polly, you avatar, is just Heavenlish!!!
Heavenlish! What a great new word! I love compliments in slightly awkward English.
It reminds me of something a Mexican man working at KFC said to me. He said "Oh, your skin! You're beautiful, like a...like a clown!"
"A...clown?" I asked.
"No, no...like a...a...(word in Spanish). Like a doll...a porcelain doll! With pink cheeks!"
So now, whenever someone tells me a look good, I say "Yeah, like a clown."
Arngrim 230th Post

Frequent Customer
| "Re(4):apparently Famitsu doesn't like CFCDS," , posted Sun 10 Dec 05:33
quote: Polly, you avatar, is just Heavenlish!!!
Heavenlish! What a great new word! I love compliments in slightly awkward English.
It reminds me of something a Mexican man working at KFC said to me. He said "Oh, your skin! You're beautiful, like a...like a clown!"
"A...clown?" I asked.
"No, no...like a...a...(word in Spanish). Like a doll...a porcelain doll! With pink cheeks!"
So now, whenever someone tells me a look good, I say "Yeah, like a clown."
So you have learnt that spanish are the best when it comes to pay someone a compliment...
 But I still want to quench your thirst. Because I am the one that put you into the desert.
Time Mage 2480th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(7):Random news: Knytt" , posted Tue 12 Dec 19:00
Dragon Quest IX is announced, and will be for the Nintendo DS.
After the initial shock, I'm not very surprised about this: The Wii and the PS3 both have a small amounts of consoles out now, plus one is still a risky gamble, and the other is just too expensive (to buy and develop for), while the DS is all over Japan, and is quite cheap to develop for. And, since the sale will surely be great, I end not knowing whay I was surprised at first, really. It's the most logical choice.
I'm the leading man. You know what they say abut the leading man? He NEVER dies.
Pollyanna 2113th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(8):Random news: Knytt" , posted Tue 12 Dec 19:06
quote: Dragon Quest IX is announced, and will be for the Nintendo DS.
After the initial shock, I'm not very surprised about this: The Wii and the PS3 both have a small amounts of consoles out now, plus one is still a risky gamble, and the other is just too expensive (to buy and develop for), while the DS is all over Japan, and is quite cheap to develop for. And, since the sale will surely be great, I end not knowing whay I was surprised at first, really. It's the most logical choice.
I feel exactly the same way. I think I said pretty much what you just said about half an hour ago. Logical though it may be, I wouldn't say it's quite "expected", especially when you've completely forgotten about the game.
PS: I like how you don't even consider the 360 an option, kind of like people don't consider it a next gen system half the time. It's like it's already come and gone.
Pollyanna 2114th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(10):Random news: Knytt" , posted Tue 12 Dec 19:59
quote: Let's be realistic: The 360 is an excellent console, but for Japan, it won't be able to compete. Blue Dragon did just well, but it didn't put the 360 in any leading position, not even in a decent position. And, since the first and more important market to consider when making a DQ is Japan...
I know, I know. I couldn't even come up with an explanation for why it would be on 360. I just thought it was funny.
Speaking of which, do you know how many of the Blue Dragon LE consoles were sold? I was hoping for a miracle, but I was ready to settle for "pretty good all things considered", especially when "completely awful" was a definite option.
Time Mage 2483th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Re(10):Random news: Knytt" , posted Tue 12 Dec 20:08:
quote: Speaking of which, do you know how many of the Blue Dragon LE consoles were sold? I was hoping for a miracle, but I was ready to settle for "pretty good all things considered", especially when "completely awful" was a definite option.
Around 43000 games, and 30000 packs in two days. That's roughly 70000 games sold, which is really, really good for the 360 in Japan, but, you know, not good enough to pose a threat to the japanese consoles.
Source: www.xbox-news.com (not working right now for me, though).
I'm the leading man. You know what they say abut the leading man? He NEVER dies.
[this message was edited by Time Mage on Tue 12 Dec 20:09] |
Satoshi_Miwa 2789th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):Re(10):Random news: Knytt" , posted Wed 13 Dec 02:55
quote: Speaking of which, do you know how many of the Blue Dragon LE consoles were sold? I was hoping for a miracle, but I was ready to settle for "pretty good all things considered", especially when "completely awful" was a definite option.
Around 43000 games, and 30000 packs in two days. That's roughly 70000 games sold, which is really, really good for the 360 in Japan, but, you know, not good enough to pose a threat to the japanese consoles.
Source: www.xbox-news.com (not working right now for me, though).
Those numbers don't even beat out DOAXBV2 for first week sales, which is what I would consider really awful for a launch. Especially since Microsoft was trying to set this game up as it's leverage game in Japan...
(I mean Toriyama Art, Sawaguchi game...This was clearly aimed at the DQ/old school FF crowd...And so far it's done pretty bad).
NARUTO 3506th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Re(10):Random news: Knytt" , posted Wed 13 Dec 19:56
quote: I know, I know. I couldn't even come up with an explanation for why it would be on 360. I just thought it was funny.
Speaking of which, do you know how many of the Blue Dragon LE consoles were sold? I was hoping for a miracle, but I was ready to settle for "pretty good all things considered", especially when "completely awful" was a definite option.
Well as time mage said the 360 is dead meat right now, at least in japan, but I'm sure this will lead to the death of the console itself like it did for the 1st Xbobx and Halo 3 won't save it...Capcom seems to have Canceled RE5 for 360 at least in japan. When the MS did sell 178 000 , 360 in 1 year, Sony did sell 198 500 PS3 in one month and with all the "problem" of Stock and price we knows about. And I don't even talk about the Wii, it would be Ciminal.....
Some rumors said that msit Walker iare in jeopardy financialy because they did suport the 360, and some says that Sakaguichi would come back to square...(I doubt so but...) A think that in 2007 the 360 will die (even if MS doesn't said so) and the Market will be based on two things The cheap but original WII with mostly party game and FPS or such, and the Expensive but Powerfull PS3 with their huge licence.
 Fortes fortuna juvat...
Time Mage 2484th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(5):FFT Remake and FFT-A sequel announced!" , posted Thu 14 Dec 20:39
quote: Actually if FFXII's any indication (where they VOICE ACT those lines), I'd imagine those would be kept.
I loved that reference. It shows how much the translator knows and cares about the translation he is doing, really.
And about the shakespearean dialogue... I like it, I think it fits pretty well, but on the other hand, it really challenges my English knowledge. I missed several phrases because of it, specially the ones in cutscenes, because even while being able to pause them, I couldn't take my time to decypher some of those, since the pause makes the text disappear.
I'm curious to know how those dialogues will be translated into Spanish. If they use the Spanish of the XVI century, it surely will be great.
I'm the leading man. You know what they say abut the leading man? He NEVER dies.
Maou 967th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(4):FFT Remake and FFT-A sequel announced!" , posted Fri 15 Dec 01:57
quote: Wait, so FFXII is not about stupid emo characters? Seriously serious? I should play that, then! It'd be my very first FF since VI (which may explain why I'm liking Revenant Wings' appearance, by the way).
Whatwhatwhatwha? I need a recap, Recap. XII, being made by the politics-heavy Matsuno and all, is less character-driven and stronger on creating the atmosphere of an epic. Sort of Tolkien-esque I guess. But that wouldn't explain why you liked the look of Revenant Wings, which isn't made by Matsuno and has stupid-looking character design and Nomura-esque idiotic angelboy fetishes everywhere. If you dislike modern Final Fantasy's after VI, Revenant Wings would be exactly the wrong game to play, no? Unless you're kidding, in which case, I don't get it.
Iggy 8028th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):FFT Remake and FFT-A sequel announced!" , posted Fri 15 Dec 02:01
quote: Wait, so FFXII is not about stupid emo characters? Seriously serious? I should play that, then! It'd be my very first FF since VI (which may explain why I'm liking Revenant Wings' appearance, by the way).
No, it is not. Most of the characters are amusing, and the poor ones (like that secondary guy that somehow gets in every artwork) are treated as such by the other characters. I just don't understand how that guy got his own spin-off. I think there was 8 characters with better side story potential, and that's a lot in a game with 6 playable characters.
So, yeah, FF12 is the only FF I enjoyed with FF6. (not since FF6, mind you).
In the system update, "I guess" its explains about wi-fi or online gameplay or whatever it is. I hope it is cause I'll buy DS for this game to play against my brother.
Once again, there is no wi-fi. The versus, on the other hand, seems to be very entertaining (far better than the CPU mode). You will need two games for it though.
Pollyanna 2121th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(7):FFT Remake and FFT-A sequel announced!" , posted Fri 15 Dec 07:03
quote: B it may be ruined by a poor character development, boring background story and a total lack of challenge but what RPG isn't? Hmm, FFXII, actually. Too bad about that!
Come on, don't tell me FFXII didn't have poor character development. If there's one game that has great, but poorly developed characters, I'd say it's FFXII. It had a fantastic background story (that you were tragically distant from) and it passes the "total lack of challenge" test just barely, but the lack of character development is one of the game's greatest flaws.
On almost a daily basis I think "man, I liked those characters, shame they didn't get to go anywhere" and "man, there was a good plot going on, shame I was too busy doing fetch quests to be a part of it."
Maou 971th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(8):FFT Remake and FFT-A sequel announced!" , posted Fri 15 Dec 07:28:
Yeah, you're right about the character development, but answering FFXII seemed like a snappy thing to do at the time. I can sort of forgive it as a different kind of story, more of a Tolkien- or Shakespeare-styled epic with the import on scenario and less on the actors themselves. And that's without the added Shakespearean dialogue of the US version, even.
quote: it passes the "total lack of challenge" test just barely
Barely, really?? I haven't had a Final Fantasy so out to kill me since at least V. I imagine many people will give it up just because it's so staggeringly brutal given the game's maniacal delight with NEVER giving you any money at all, then jabbing you with fun bonus costs like having to buy magic. Once you realize that you should always have one guy set to steal at 100% Enemy Health to get junk to sell, you can just squeak by, but man oh man, easy? I think I grounded out against the Demon's Wall, the Giza Plains, and probably another place, too, making me level-gain for the first time in years. I like my RPG's tough, but FFXII is something else.
[this message was edited by Maou on Fri 15 Dec 07:30] |
Pollyanna 2123th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(9):FFT Remake and FFT-A sequel announced!" , posted Fri 15 Dec 07:54
quote: Barely, really?? I haven't had a Final Fantasy so out to kill me since at least V.
You're right. I mean, well...saying "barely passing" is a huge exaggeration. I think "I didn't have any problems with FFXII, therefore it wasn't hard."
Many, if not most of the extra quests were very difficult (just not worth the effort of doing, in my opinion) and if the dungeons were any longer, I don't think I could have made it through. Testing your endurance isn't the same as testing your wit, though, and while setting up gambits are an amusing challenge, once you had the ideal setup, most of the game took care of itself and it was only an issue of how long you could or couldn't go. That doesn't make it easy, though...and there were some excellent boss fights in there as well. The last few in the game were tons of fun and made up for the fact that by the end I was completely losing faith in the experience.
Did you play the English one? How do they say Ashe's name?
Since Square usually does good localization, I was going to wait for the English, but the long wait period combined with Penelo's great Japanese VA made me impatient. I wonder if I'll find her as irresistable when she isn't voice-acted.
Speaking of Penelo love, it still pisses me off to see her with Vaan. I want her and Larsa to hook up. They'd be the cutest couple -ever-.
Maou 971th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(10):FFT Remake and FFT-A sequel announced!" , posted Fri 15 Dec 08:09
Haha, Panelo and Larsa? God knows Vaan isn't on the ball enough to notice, so I wouldn't be surprised.
I don't have the English one, I'm just always at least half a year behind when I play games, but out of curiousity I have looked at youtube videos of the English one. I still think it's bizarre how they Shakespeare-ified the dialogue, but I guess it's still "accurate," even if that means "accurate if you live in the 16th century."
Balflear's voice in English appears to be very very English, in a classy and amusing way. No one could be more retarded than Takeda Kouhei as Vaan, so the US crowd wins with their Vaan. I did crack up when I heard Ashe's husband's voice...it's like an 80's English dub. His voice must be 8 octaves too low for his young face, hilarious!
Cain Highwind 742th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(2):Re(10):FFT Remake and FFT-A sequel anno" , posted Fri 15 Dec 16:13
quote: Haha, Panelo and Larsa? God knows Vaan isn't on the ball enough to notice, so I wouldn't be surprised.
I found it funny there were two scenes that almost seemed to me that Panelo was flirting with Basch. The game seems kind of ambiguous with its couples. I mean there are the "obvious" ones but there are small hints that almost suggest other couples not entirely out of the question. But yeah LarsaXPenelo 4 LIFE!
quote: How do they say Ashe's name?
Like the English word "ash" no fancy accent on the end or anything, just straightforward.
quote: Since Square usually does good localization, I was going to wait for the English, but the long wait period combined with Penelo's great Japanese VA made me impatient. I wonder if I'll find her as irresistable when she isn't voice-acted.
I haven't heard much of her Japanese VA, but there isn't anything that makes me go "Ohh Penelo's so cuute".
I love Fran's voice, she and all the Viera have soft Irish accents. It really suits her taciturn personality.
And speaking of accents, Square made a hilarious linquistic pun, they're not voice acted, but the Cockatrices from Giza, that you find all over the world all speak with Cockney English accents (like Yangus in DQVIII). I don't know why but I just think that's hilariously clever, just like sneaking those old FFT lines in.
quote: Balflear's voice in English appears to be very very English, in a classy and amusing way.
I love Hiroki Hirata, he is incredibly slick, and I think Balthier's English voice does him justice, as a One Piece fan I really cheered, "Now THERE'S a voice that does a Hirata character, justice!"
It would be awesome if they could work out something and be able to put a Balthier (and Fran) cameo for KHIII and even better have interact with the PotC cast. It'd be hilarious in Japanese because Hirata voices both Baltheir and Jack Sparrow, and in English it'd just be interesting to see two of the slickest pirates trying to one-up each other.
Time Mage 2485th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):Re(10):FFT Remake and FFT-A sequel anno" , posted Fri 15 Dec 20:18
quote: Haha, Panelo and Larsa? God knows Vaan isn't on the ball enough to notice, so I wouldn't be surprised.
I found it funny there were two scenes that almost seemed to me that Panelo was flirting with Basch. The game seems kind of ambiguous with its couples. I mean there are the "obvious" ones but there are small hints that almost suggest other couples not entirely out of the question. But yeah LarsaXPenelo 4 LIFE!
Considering that Penelo joined the adventure solely because of Vaan, I didin't even considered PeneloXLarsa. Sure, she cares about him, but more like an older sister. Anyway, I agree, there are many "unclear" couples, and at least one non reciprocal love.
I think that FFXII does develop the characters, but not in the obvious way of most rpg's: "once reaching certain place, suddenly you know character A tragic past" or "after event X unfolds, character B discovers that C is really his father/sister/evil twin/whatever". In FFXII, you get to know the characters from their behavior, their way of speaking, etc. Little is discovered about their pasts usually, and there isn't many radical changes about any of them during the story, but I liked it that way. Many times, "forcing" character development through the story seem really bad, suddenly stopping the main story just to add personality to character X. If there isn't necessary or relevant to tell someone's story, don't do it.
Finally, about the optional stuff Polly mentioned: I think that the reward of doing those was just the very own sense of accomplishment of beating them. After more than 45 minutes of fighting Gilgamesh 2nd battle at level 46 with no legendary weapons at all, and being in the verge of death countless times, beating him was one of the most satisfactory experiences I've had in a videogame in a lot of time. And that is enough for me (In that particular fight, you also get great rewards, but even if it gave zero rewards, I wouldn't care).
I'm the leading man. You know what they say abut the leading man? He NEVER dies.
Pollyanna 2124th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):Re(10):FFT Remake and FFT-A sequel anno" , posted Sat 16 Dec 06:02
quote: I think that FFXII does develop the characters, but not in the obvious way of most rpg's...
I'm just quoting a piece there, but I'm replying to the whole paragraph.
Anyway, I agree with you halfway. The characters do reveal themselves in subtle ways, but that doesn't excuse the relative lack of development. While the characters were more believable and better developed than many other RPG characters that you get more extensive backgrounds for, I was still left hungry for development and thinking that in many cases, the events unfolding were not relevant enough to the characters.
If the story doesn't cause changes in their person, and it isn't relevant to their pasts, then the characters aren't relevant enough to the story. Balthier/Balflear was relevant to the story...you got insight into his past and while he may not have gone through any dramatic changes in character, your perception of him as a character changed as the plot progressed. I thought he was handled very well, but he's definitely the exception.
Saying things like "I prefer minimalistic storytelling" and "I like it when things are left open" is really seeing it through rose-tinted glasses. There is a lot of time wasted on irrelevant plot points that are easily forgotten that could have been spent on memorable character development. If the story, or rather, execution of the story in FFXII had been better, then I would be willing to attribute the development (or lack thereof) to storytelling style and not sloppiness. As it is, I have to say "it didn't come together as well as it should have."
As for Penelo and Larsa...I felt like the game was pushing their relationship, though I can't say it was necessarily romantic. Still, their friendship and Larsa's sort of chivalrous behavior towards her made them feel like a potential couple to me. Vaan and Penelo felt more like brother and sister to me, as Vaan seemed too immature for Penelo. I actually liked their relationship, it's just I don't think it works romantically.
Maou 972th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(5):Re(10):FFT Remake and FFT-A sequel anno" , posted Sat 16 Dec 06:21
It is an interesting phenomenon...I'm near the end (I think, past the phantom wood 幻妖の森林), and the characters are visually so appealing and have such a neat setup that it's hard to believe that I don't know them more than I do. I think that politics out-and-out steal the show in Matsuno works. I always meant to play Tactics, but a friend had similar criticism saying that the story setup is cool but that the characters are utterly flat or archtypes. Everyone seems a bit like a pawn, especially when there's such significant time speant on Archadian infighting and various political psychobabble with the senate while I meanwhile have no idea why idiot children like Vaan and Panelo are allowed on my deadly serious quest.
Agreed, Balflear is done very well, and Ashe I can sympathize with even if I don't know that much about her personality per se. Basch similarly seems like he should be full of pathos, I just don't hear about it...I don't think anyone besides Balfear has spoken anything over the last ten hours that couldn't just be in generic quotes like in V and VI when "anyone" could be talking. The game could probably use a lot less searching for Raithwall stuff while the Empire talks and talks, and a lot more on Ashe and Basch. I think the Shakespearean analogy thing is pretty apt, if I do say so myself. Fun scenarios and dilemmas, but I can't claim to know that much about the characters themselves per se, though what I do is appealing.
Time Mage 2486th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(5):Re(10):FFT Remake and FFT-A sequel anno" , posted Sat 16 Dec 08:40
quote: Anyway, I agree with you halfway.
In fact, I also agree with you halfway. Some more standard character development could have been added, that's for sure, specially for certain characters. Balthier, as you say, is handled really well (and thus, he steals the show most of the time), but Ashe and Basch both get developed, even if Basch's case is a bit special (all his character development is done at the very beginning and at the very end). Vaan, Penelo and Fran? Sure, you could have added a bit more about Vaan's brother, but nothing more. Vaan's after all just a youngster who lost his family, and Penelo, pretty much the same. And, in fact, I do like how Vaan is developed: He does mature during the game. For starters, he's not the usual cheerful-stupid main character (and I'm looking at Tidus right now). Yes, he is energetic. Yes, he is quite naive. But he is more calmed than many other characters of his type, and more thoughtful at times. And he grows more mature as the story unfolds.
Well, I won't add reasons for all the characters (even if I intended to do it initially), because I think you're intelligent enough to get my point by now, if not even in my previous post. Probably, we both have more or less the same thoughts about the characters, but each one values some aspects more than others, so writing more should be unnecessary.
I'm the leading man. You know what they say abut the leading man? He NEVER dies.
Recap 40th Post

Rare Customer

| "Re(2):CCCII is awful." , posted Fri 22 Dec 01:05:
quote: Well, I usually tend to trust more those who reason what they say. That is, if you care enough to reason it, and you may not, of course.
I hardly believe you have found someone giving actual reasons supporting the "CCC games are good ports" argument, to be honest, but here I go:
The games are upscaled from their original resolution for a start. That alone put them far away from their original versions. It indeed totally ruins the conversions, given that one of the best things from the classic Capcom games, we all will agree, is their special graphic design.
Then you have some speed/timing issues. CP-S' clock speed and waitstates are indeed not perfectly known by those who emulate these.
And also, if you ask me, there's the 'cheap', careless presentation of the whole compilation. It's not a true Capcom product, after all, it's not even a Japanese development. And well, it shows.
[this message was edited by Recap on Fri 22 Dec 01:06] |
Time Mage 2491th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):CCCII is awful." , posted Fri 22 Dec 04:05
quote: I hardly believe you have found someone giving actual reasons supporting the "CCC games are good ports" argument, to be honest, but here I go:
The games are upscaled from their original resolution for a start. That alone put them far away from their original versions. It indeed totally ruins the conversions, given that one of the best things from the classic Capcom games, we all will agree, is their special graphic design.
Then you have some speed/timing issues. CP-S' clock speed and waitstates are indeed not perfectly known by those who emulate these.
And also, if you ask me, there's the 'cheap', careless presentation of the whole compilation. It's not a true Capcom product, after all, it's not even a Japanese development. And well, it shows.
Those are some good reasons, thanks. I don't know how big the impact will be on the actual experience, but changing the original resolution doesn't seem like a good idea in principle. Maybe after watching it I'll think it's actually good and it doesn't matter, but I don't know.
Also, I didn't wanted to sound harsh or ironic or anything when I asked for reasons, there wasn't any second intentions there. But if I read that most games in the compilation are perfect ports from a reliable source (Spidey, I guess you know who he is), I tend to believe it. And you can't reason that something is a perfect port, unless you detail everything. Proving something is not perfect only needs one example, proving that it is perfect needs the reasoning and explanation of every aspect.
I'm the leading man. You know what they say abut the leading man? He NEVER dies.
Recap 40th Post

Rare Customer

| "Re(4):CCCII is awful." , posted Fri 22 Dec 09:33
But if I read that most games in the compilation are perfect ports from a reliable source (Spidey, I guess you know who he is),
Nope, sorry. But now I know he is not reliable!
quote: And you can't reason that something is a perfect port, unless you detail everything. Proving something is not perfect only needs one example, proving that it is perfect needs the reasoning and explanation of every aspect.
I don't expect the full perfectness on home ports, anyhow, but some things are hardly tolerable. Upscaled graphics with all the true low-res modes the PS2 is able to display is one of them.
quote: CCC2 is probably the best, if not only, home port of many of the games that are on the comp. I'm not sure how much it would cost to hunt down all the CPS boards that contain those games but I suspect it's going to be a lot more than the $19.99 that CCC2 goes for. If some scaling issues bother you that much then feel free to look for the original cabinets but I'm going to take what I can get.
I can't see the point here. We're discussing whether if CCC2 is a "good port job" or not, not if Ishmael should pay $19.99 for it. If we had to, though, I'd recommend to use its ROMs on a Windows emulator at their native resolution through a 15-kHz video card and an RGB monitor.
Recap 43th Post

Rare Customer

| "Re(8):CCCII is awful." , posted Sat 23 Dec 00:18
quote: well...the recent stuff anyway.
Yeah, I pretend to believe that the 3D Ages games don't even exist, you know.
quote: you know, sometimes I think about buying an Xbox just for this purpose.
It's a very bad solution, if you ask me, but what I mentioned requires an RGB TV/arcade monitor. Even if you don't have it, an old PC and a standard VGA CRT monitor are much better than anything you can do with an XB for this purpose.
If you play games to have fun, you will like it just fine. If you are jaded and nit-picky, you will hate it.
Then again, we were discussing its quality as a port job. You don't need to pick nits to see the awful display of CCC2, anyhow. You just need to have played and enjoyed the original versions. 'Cause you know, supposedly CCC2 is for those who did.
black_hayato 176th Post

Regular Customer
| "Re(3):Re(10):Arcade perfect is awful." , posted Thu 28 Dec 11:56
I think it should just be common knowledge that there will be rarely if ever an arcade perfect port. We all know that most things in life are almost always better in its original format. There are exceptions, but this goes for mediums like music, art, video games and movies.
I'd like to think ppl just judge a port/translation/adaption/etc. on the criteria of "is it good enough?", or "does it do the original justice?", given that it will almost never be better than the original in most eyes.
CC1+2, SF3 ports, VS ports, Vampire ports, KOF ports, SFA ports, a side from the PS1 vers. are "good enough" imo, being that they can never truly be "perfect". Its all about a person's different preferences and tolerences for the changes no matter how big or small they are.