PS3 to be last PS? - Forums

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"PS3 to be last PS?" , posted Fri 1 Dec 13:01post reply


shin ramberk
300th Post

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"Re(1):PS3 to be last PS?" , posted Fri 1 Dec 15:23post reply


This is all crazy speculation but certainly stuff to think about. The only thing we can learn from these recent promotions is that a lot of the old bosses at Sony got their butts kicked because Sony can't build PS3s fast enough. The reason Sony can't build PS3s fast enough is because blu-ray drives are still hard to manufacture.

Sony will eventually be able to produce enough PS3s to satisfy demand. The question is when will this happen? And the other question is, will 'regular' people want to buy a $500-600 game console that has games that sell for $60-70.

I'm tired of speculation. I could write a 10 page essay on the reasons why I think things will turn out the way they will. But here is what I think things will look like in December for 2010.

December of 2010, as we approach the "end" of this console cycle.
-The Nintendo Wi will have at least 40% worldwide marketshare.
-The X-Box 360 will have between 20-40% worldwide marketshare.
-The PS3 will have 20-30% worldwide marketshare.

The high cost of the PS3 is going to turn casual gamers and parents away . The high development costs of next-gen games means that the PS3 and X-Box 360 will have very few exclusive games for each system. The PS1 and PS2 got marketshare because of exclusives-- this is gonna weaken a whole lot. The Wii will become another DS phenomenon (it already is).

Get ready folks, and get a hold of your Wii. Sony may or may not survive this console war (IMO).

1259th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):PS3 to be last PS?" , posted Fri 1 Dec 15:24post reply

Next system will be titled "Playstation Balboa"

Satoshi Miwa
2784th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):PS3 to be last PS?" , posted Fri 1 Dec 15:53post reply

It's an amusing read, even more amusing and zany than the PS3 launch (And that's a stretch and a half). But it's based on so much faulty logic that even I could poke holes in it...

Like Sony going the Software route like Sega did. The big flaw to this logic is that Sony isn't really known for first party software. They have some in house studios, and a bunch of second party studios they have tied up in contracts to push systems. But they don't have anywhere near the software ability to survive on producing games alone.

Also, why would Sony want to follow Sega? We all saw how well Sega working as a third party developer has worked for them (See the new Sonic Game on the 360). To say they would follow that path is insanity in itself.

The other flaw is that even though the launch has been pure and utter BS, it's only been 3-4 weeks into the launch. It's a little bit too early to be burying the console completely, especially before MGS4 and FFXIII. If at this time next year the Ps3 is pushing Virtual Boy or Atari 5200 numbers than we can predict this, but to do it now is a bit foolish. Cause if we judged on launches alone the Dreamcast (God bless it) would of won the last round of system wars.

And the other big flaw is the view on Kutragi. Even though he's almost at Yamauchi levels of Bat Shit crazy he's still led the division that has made the most money for Sony over the last few years. It's too early in the game for him to fall on his sword over the PS3...

Plus, what's in it for Sony to be only a game maker and not a hardware maker? The branch in charge of SCEJ and SCEA is the electronics division and I doubt they have any desire to be in the market unless they are making hardware. And I don't see Sony's movie division jumping in as Hollywood and game studios mix like Sodium and Water...

Still, stuff like this is why I love this console war. Though really, can I not pull for any of the 3 to win and wish for an NEC comeback with a new PC Engine?

3670th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):PS3 to be last PS?" , posted Fri 1 Dec 16:35post reply

NEC comeback with a new PC Engine?


175th Post

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"Re(2):PS3 to be last PS?" , posted Fri 1 Dec 18:42post reply

Get ready folks, and get a hold of your Wii. Sony may or may not survive this console war (IMO).

If Blu-Ray succeeds, Sony succeeds no matter what happens.

The Playstation brand still has serious support, and the PS3 will eventually drop in price.

The Wii cannot compete with what the PS3 can do. And a decent number of people probably will still continue to avoid the XBox brand. People will wait. Those that won't are the kind of people that would go ahead and buy a PS3 in a couple of years anyway once the price is down. There will continue to be a market for the PS3, keeping the developer/buyer feedback loop going as long as Sony doesn't completely kill itself.

The Wii is the riskiest shot at gaining a chunk of market share. The remote might not pan out in the long run. Motion/position sensing reflected in games still has some rough spots and a ways to go despite Nintendo's hype and PR messages. A lot of gimmicky games will likely be made for the first couple of years, which could hurt long term user support. Look at the early life of the DS when stylus support was being shoehorned into games whether they benefited or not. Look at GBA/GC linking shoved into games. It could work in the long term, or it could get a bad rep.

And remember that while the Wii cannot copy the PS3, the PS3 can presumably copy the Wii. Sony already has the SixAxis, which can copy the most basic bits of the Wii controller plans. If something more extreme really does take off for Nintendo, Sony can copy that as well.

939th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(3):PS3 to be last PS?" , posted Sat 2 Dec 02:56post reply

NEC comeback with a new PC Engine?

Me too. Especially if they can come up with a modern update of the SWEET EXTREME US name Turbografx for today's gamers. Ultragraphix

Also, while Sony's got all kind of hubris with this expensive PS3 launch, it's easy to forget now how craptacular the PS1 and PS2 launches were because of all the good games that have since built. Toushinden? Beyond the Beyond?? Kessen??? DOA2??? Yeah, I think Dreamcast is the last console that hasn't launched with a bunch of stupid games (well, maybe Toushinden was cool possibly), and that was just because it had Soul Calibur in the US. We'll see...


68th Post

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"Re(3):PS3 to be last PS?" , posted Sat 2 Dec 07:01post reply


The Wii cannot compete with what the PS3 can do. ...
The Wii is the riskiest shot at gaining a chunk of market share. The remote might not pan out in the long run.
And remember that while the Wii cannot copy the PS3, the PS3 can presumably copy the Wii. Sony already has the SixAxis, which can copy the most basic bits of the Wii controller plans.

I gotta disagree with you on this one. You gotta look at this as a regular consumer instead of a gamer.

Why is the iPod the most popular mp3 player?

Because it looks nice, it's functional, and it has a good marketing campaign (and some brandname recognition).

It's not the best mp3 player out there. You can get higher capacity players with tons more memory and more features and better battery life, and they'd be cheaper to boot. But Apple took over the market anyway, because an average consumer isn't going to look too hard at the specs.

Nintendo has all those things going for it and more. It's getting incredibly good press from tons of mainstream sources, it's got an amazing novelty factor and a good brandname (although they are playing down the name somewhat, emphasising "Wii" over "Nintendo"). And it's cheaper than the competition.

I KNOW Nintendo will rule the next generation, because I've seen middle aged men and women playing it and enjoying it (some of them were senior citzens). Nintendo is really expanding the market, and it's not just new speak press jargon. I see it going on around me.

Nintendo is still cool and fun. Gamers may think that they're kiddy (well, the dumb ones anyway), but the average person will think that Mario is cooler than Master Chief. Mario is a cultural icon, Master Chief is some guy from some geeky game. The average person (non gamer) will take novelty and fun over glorious graphics.

Even if Sony copies the Wii's functions, you'll still need to buy a PS3 to enjoy it, and it costs twice as much.

At the same time, I don't think Sony is just going to roll over and die. They've already established themselves as a mainstream gaming source, and anyone with a job and some extra cash can afford to get one.

I think Nintendo's going to come out on top, but I think that Microsoft and Sony will still pull in decent numbers.

Bata kun
2984th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):PS3 to be last PS?" , posted Sat 2 Dec 12:50post reply

NEC comeback with a new PC Engine?
Me too. Especially if they can come up with a modern update of the SWEET EXTREME US name Turbografx for today's gamers. Ultragraphix

Uh, I don't think that name can work, can it seeing that Konami did have Ultra Games? Then again, Yoshizumi Wataru-san did create a series called "Ultra Maniac". So, I'm caught there.

Aside from the name thing, I say that Satoshi has the right to not pull for any of the 3 to win and wish for an NEC comeback with a new PC Engine. He's ready. Brackt's ready also. Maou's ready as well. You know that I'll following suit, even though there was that PC FX. We, the good people of Madman's Cafe, as well as our old comrades, should make a petition and tell NEC to make a new PC engine.

As much as I hate Sony, Sony has to do well and make that PS4. Why? You kill off Sony, you kill off not only the ren'ai and visual novel sections, you kill off shooters and fighters as well. Er, let me rephrase that last part. You kill off old "Contra-esque" and "Gradius-esque" shooters and 2D fighters. Plus, the war would be boring now, wouldn't it?


2086th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):PS3 to be last PS?" , posted Sat 2 Dec 14:14post reply

You kill off old "Contra-esque" and "Gradius-esque" shooters and 2D fighters. Plus, the war would be boring now, wouldn't it?

I wouldn't say that, given that you could get GGX/X, Capcom and SNK fighters on Xbox. More recent releases have most likely stopped only because Microsoft has more or less abandoned the system.

Also, how many of these type of games have you seen planned for PS3? On Wii you have the Metal Slug collection and on 360 you have Fatal Fury Special (and the cancelled NGBC, which even being cancelled is more than PS3 has). I would say Sony is lagging behind in the very category you say they're necessary for. The huge push for graphical superiority may also limit "old looking" 2D games from being made on the system.

I think 2D fighters are a niche market, and are ported to PS2, because it has the largest installed user base. When you have a risky genre of game, you don't release it on a risky system. If there was less competition in the market, it might actually do GOOD for niche games.


I actually agree with most of your points about Nintendo, but your somewhat exaggerated praise of them makes me feel like I shouldn't.

Also, does anyone know what effect this announcement had on Sony stock?

Bata kun
2985th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):PS3 to be last PS?" , posted Sat 2 Dec 14:55post reply

You kill off old "Contra-esque" and "Gradius-esque" shooters and 2D fighters. Plus, the war would be boring now, wouldn't it?

I wouldn't say that, given that you could get GGX/X, Capcom and SNK fighters on Xbox. More recent releases have most likely stopped only because Microsoft has more or less abandoned the system.

Also, how many of these type of games have you seen planned for PS3? On Wii you have the Metal Slug collection and on 360 you have Fatal Fury Special (and the cancelled NGBC, which even being cancelled is more than PS3 has). I would say Sony is lagging behind in the very category you say they're necessary for. The huge push for graphical superiority may also limit "old looking" 2D games from being made on the system.

I think 2D fighters are a niche market, and are ported to PS2, because it has the largest installed user base. When you have a risky genre of game, you don't release it on a risky system. If there was less competition in the market, it might actually do GOOD for niche games.


I actually agree with most of your points about Nintendo, but your somewhat exaggerated praise of them makes me feel like I shouldn't.

Also, does anyone know what effect this announcement had on Sony stock?

I guess that's true, but really, do you think the PS2 can last for another 6 years? 3 or 4, maybe, but 6 is pushing it. Then again, the DC has been around for a while now.


Satoshi Miwa
2785th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):PS3 to be last PS?" , posted Sat 2 Dec 16:18post reply


I guess that's true, but really, do you think the PS2 can last for another 6 years? 3 or 4, maybe, but 6 is pushing it. Then again, the DC has been around for a while now.

Virtual Arcade may be a home for a lot of the old 2D games if the systems allow for it. Sony seems to be a bit more liberal with it's file size than Microsoft, and the Wii seems to be going more pure old school emulation.

But yeah, right now the home for those kinda of games is the PS2 so there is no real reason to switch as of yet.

In any event, more competition is what will keep the niche games out there. If we switch to a Microsoft, Sony, or Nintendo monopoly we may never see niche games like that on a console. In one way that is why this console war is also the most promising, as companies can call more shots now (Just like EA did with Sega back in the SNES/Genesis Days...).

Or we can go with the Game Wave (Made in Canada) just like Insert Credit suggests we do! (I know I'll be camping out in the BC Rains for it...)

69th Post

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"Re(6):PS3 to be last PS?" , posted Sat 2 Dec 17:50post reply



I actually agree with most of your points about Nintendo, but your somewhat exaggerated praise of them makes me feel like I shouldn't.

Hah, do i sound that fanboyish?

For the record I like all 3 systems and it's not about the hardware it's all about the GAMEZ and blah blah blah etc.

Although if the Wii has perfect sound emulation for the SNES, that will vault it to the very top of my list.

That and the ability to play pornographic flash games with my Wiimote:

2088th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):PS3 to be last PS?" , posted Sat 2 Dec 19:47post reply


But yeah, right now the home for those kinda of games is the PS2 so there is no real reason to switch as of yet.

Right. "As of yet" is key, since I don't believe the continued life of the PS2 is necessary to maintain the market for 2D fighters. I didn't even think of that, actually...

That does bring up an issue, though. The niche market may suffer if neither the PS3 nor the 360 have a large enough user base and Nintendo is as picky as usual about who they allow to make what games for their system. However, as the 360 has a small user base and a few niche titles already, I hope it can be the champion in that race.

It was silly of me to bring up the "better graphics" push for the PS3, as I'm sure that'll only be an issue in America.

176th Post

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"Sony, savior of console 2D?" , posted Sun 3 Dec 06:14post reply

When Sony of America was restricting and rejecting 2D games, SNK and Capcom had little complaint supporting the Xbox. Capcom even had a botched attempt at Cube support.

SNK of America promised many titles for the Wii. Since everything new was already promised to the Xbox and PS, it was assumed that likely meant emulated NeoGeo games. Except Sony headed that off by relaxing PS2 requirements and promising PS3 downloads as an outlet, so I honestly wonder if SNK will have anything at all on the Wii now.

When Sony refuses things, there are other outlets. Companies only go to Sony because Sony is the market leader. If Sony were to leave the market, then those companies would just go elsewhere.

Burning Ranger
1464th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"There will be a PS4..." , posted Sun 3 Dec 12:47post reply

If Sony has learned anything, it's this:

Sony sells a $600 console. Person buys on first day, sells on E-bay for $1500+. Sony sees this and takes notice. Announces the PS4:will cost $1500 and will be released in even smaller quantities than PS3. Cycle continues...

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

942th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1):There will be a PS4..." , posted Mon 4 Dec 03:37post reply

If Sony has learned anything, it's this:

Sony sells a $600 console. Person buys on first day, sells on E-bay for $1500+. Sony sees this and takes notice. Announces the PS4:will cost $1500 and will be released in even smaller quantities than PS3. Cycle continues...

Sounds like intrigue. It's almost as if Sony is buying all their own PS3's from stores and then selling them online. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


723th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(2):There will be a PS4..." , posted Wed 6 Dec 05:56post reply

If Sony has learned anything, it's this:

Sony sells a $600 console. Person buys on first day, sells on E-bay for $1500+. Sony sees this and takes notice. Announces the PS4:will cost $1500 and will be released in even smaller quantities than PS3. Cycle continues...
Sounds like intrigue. It's almost as if Sony is buying all their own PS3's from stores and then selling them online. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Sshhhhhhhhh...!! There may be someone listening...

2788th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):There will be a PS4..." , posted Wed 6 Dec 06:37post reply

If Sony has learned anything, it's this:

Sony sells a $600 console. Person buys on first day, sells on E-bay for $1500+. Sony sees this and takes notice. Announces the PS4:will cost $1500 and will be released in even smaller quantities than PS3. Cycle continues...
Sounds like intrigue. It's almost as if Sony is buying all their own PS3's from stores and then selling them online. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Sshhhhhhhhh...!! There may be someone listening...

True story - I walked into EB this past Friday and saw a Demo PS3 up and running. I half joked to them that they should of cracked open the unit and taken the PS3 to sell on Ebay. The clerk said that the unit on display was just a dummy, and the guts were built into the stand to prevent that. So no Ebay profit for Demo unit resales!

Also, is anyone else finding the PS3 giveaways amusing? I mean are there even Ps3's to give away or are is Kuturagi hiding them in the Underground Sony Headquarters...

2091th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):There will be a PS4..." , posted Wed 6 Dec 08:19post reply

The clerk said that the unit on display was just a dummy, and the guts were built into the stand to prevent that. So no Ebay profit for Demo unit resales!

Yeah, but if you're going to steal a PS3, you might as well go the extra mile and sell one that doesn't work on Ebay.

943th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(5):There will be a PS4..." , posted Wed 6 Dec 09:48post reply

Yeah, but if you're going to steal a PS3, you might as well go the extra mile and sell one that doesn't work on Ebay.

Hey guys wanna buy my PS3

It is the latest in a rash of crimes
