If you haven't bought Persona 3 yet... - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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8011th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"If you haven't bought Persona 3 yet..." , posted Wed 6 Dec 21:43post reply

You were right :

Persona 3 Fes - PS2 - April 19 2007

Normal Edition + Append Edition
Price Undetermined
(Append Edition requires Persona 3 disc)

- 30+ hours of additional content
- Bulk of the content is the "Aegis Chapter"
- Hard Mode added
- Weapon synthesize system added
- Costume changes added
- 23 new Personas added
- Nagashima Shrine will have some "interesting" elements added
- New activities will be added to the school
- Characters which you have gained MAX in the Community with have additional events in this expansion
- It seems both Aegis and Elizabeth are now datable characters
- Some of the 23 new Personas are revealed: Lucifer, Kubanda, Mothman, Kahaku (I believe the new Personas are being done by a guest designer from SCE... or something like that)
- The weapon synthesis system is based on the Devil Summoner system
- The costume changes are outfits for the female characters
- There are many new anime FMVs for important scenes in the expansion


227th Post

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"Re(1):If you haven't bought Persona 3 yet..." , posted Wed 6 Dec 23:40post reply

You were right :

Persona 3 Fes - PS2 - April 19 2007

Normal Edition + Append Edition
Price Undetermined
(Append Edition requires Persona 3 disc)

- 30+ hours of additional content
- Bulk of the content is the "Aegis Chapter"
- Hard Mode added
- Weapon synthesize system added
- Costume changes added
- 23 new Personas added
- Nagashima Shrine will have some "interesting" elements added
- New activities will be added to the school
- Characters which you have gained MAX in the Community with have additional events in this expansion
- It seems both Aegis and Elizabeth are now datable characters
- Some of the 23 new Personas are revealed: Lucifer, Kubanda, Mothman, Kahaku (I believe the new Personas are being done by a guest designer from SCE... or something like that)
- The weapon synthesis system is based on the Devil Summoner system
- The costume changes are outfits for the female characters
- There are many new anime FMVs for important scenes in the expansion

Oh... come on... T__T

...and surely these changes won't affect the US release of the game on 02-2007, which will be the basic one...


But I still want to quench your thirst.
Because I am the one that put you into the desert.

348th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(2):If you haven't bought Persona 3 yet..." , posted Thu 7 Dec 02:49post reply


Oh... come on... T__T

...and surely these changes won't affect the US release of the game on 02-2007, which will be the basic one...


Is there a release scheduled?! Amazing. I wonder how dumbed down it will be? I bet the characters will use water guns to summon they personas...

177th Post

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"Re(3):If you haven't bought Persona 3 yet..." , posted Thu 7 Dec 05:01post reply

Is there a release scheduled?! Amazing.

There was one repeatedly promised months ago for Feb 2007.

But it wouldn't be the first time Atlus broke a promise to US Megaten fans.

808th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):If you haven't bought Persona 3 yet..." , posted Thu 7 Dec 05:56post reply

You were right :

Persona 3 Fes - PS2 - April 19 2007

Normal Edition + Append Edition
Price Undetermined
(Append Edition requires Persona 3 disc)

- 30+ hours of additional content
- Bulk of the content is the "Aegis Chapter"
- Hard Mode added
- Weapon synthesize system added
- Costume changes added
- 23 new Personas added
- Nagashima Shrine will have some "interesting" elements added
- New activities will be added to the school
- Characters which you have gained MAX in the Community with have additional events in this expansion
- It seems both Aegis and Elizabeth are now datable characters
- Some of the 23 new Personas are revealed: Lucifer, Kubanda, Mothman, Kahaku (I believe the new Personas are being done by a guest designer from SCE... or something like that)
- The weapon synthesis system is based on the Devil Summoner system
- The costume changes are outfits for the female characters
- There are many new anime FMVs for important scenes in the expansion


ワンダフル! ビューティフル! エキサイティング!

2093th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):If you haven't bought Persona 3 yet..." , posted Thu 7 Dec 07:56:post reply



Yeah, but it's not like you date all the girls, either. It's just like you watch lame scenarios with everyone, really. Of course, piling disappointment on top of disappointment doesn't excuse it, it's just that you could pretend you're dating the boys just as well, given that the scenarios are pretty arbitrary and detached from the main character.

This is really ridiculous, though. If there was ever a game that didn't need to be longer, it's Persona 3. However, I'm happy for the "append" version of it, as I'm sure there are some who haven't finished the game yet or would like to keep their new game+ advantages.

[this message was edited by Pollyanna on Thu 7 Dec 07:58]

2093th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):If you haven't bought Persona 3 yet..." , posted Thu 7 Dec 08:20post reply


The costumes are not just for the female characters, as I've seen Akihiko sporting a new costume in battle. This is key, as the characters changed clothes several times before (from uniforms to casual clothes that differed between the seasons), but always reverted to their school uniforms for combat.

Also, the "new" personas revealed thus far are just old Kaneko designs, like just about everything else. Maybe we'll see something new and interesting.

947th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(4):If you haven't bought Persona 3 yet..." , posted Thu 7 Dec 10:11post reply

Yikes, since all I play are RPG's and fighters, it's always been my secret embarrassment that I've never played any MegaTen or Phantasy Star games, but every time I think I will, something like this happens. It's like people who tell you that War and Peace or the Wheel of Time are good things to read, and then you hope they're completely wrong because you don't have the time. ...I remember people talking here about liking Nocturne or III or something? Too manyyyy


2094th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):If you haven't bought Persona 3 yet..." , posted Thu 7 Dec 10:41post reply

Yikes, since all I play are RPG's and fighters, it's always been my secret embarrassment that I've never played any MegaTen or Phantasy Star games, but every time I think I will, something like this happens. It's like people who tell you that War and Peace or the Wheel of Time are good things to read, and then you hope they're completely wrong because you don't have the time. ...I remember people talking here about liking Nocturne or III or something? Too manyyyy

Well, I'd get SMT3 (Nocturne) if you're going to get anything. It's not like...100 hours long or anything (like Persona 3) and it's really very good as long as you're into dungeons. It's not so hot if you're into RPGs that are more plot than gameplay driven, but in terms of gameplay...I'd say it's the best RPG on the system.

I like(d) Persona 3 because it was different and had a lot of interesting things to offer, but it's not a masterpiece and in the end, it needs to be much more engaging for how long it is.

950th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(6):If you haven't bought Persona 3 yet..." , posted Thu 7 Dec 11:23post reply

and it's really very good as long as you're into dungeons. It's not so hot if you're into RPGs that are more plot than gameplay driven, but in terms of gameplay...I'd say it's the best RPG on the system.
Ooh, er, dungeons. That's too bad. I'm more for plot, wasn't one supposed to have some sort of mature or interesting plot without the maddening RPG cliches, maybe not?


2095th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):If you haven't bought Persona 3 yet..." , posted Thu 7 Dec 12:12post reply

Ooh, er, dungeons. That's too bad. I'm more for plot, wasn't one supposed to have some sort of mature or interesting plot without the maddening RPG cliches, maybe not?

Yeah, SMT3 was like that. I'm not saying the game doesn't have a good plot, just that it isn't plot DRIVEN. I mean, you don't get half hour cinemas. It's like an old-school RPG.

I mean, you like Lunar 2, and that had fairly lengthy, challenging dungeons, didn't it?

I inevitably don't finish games with good systems and crappy plots (Valkyrie Profile 2), so I wouldn't recommend a game with a bad plot. However, since you can get good stories in 100 different media, the only RPGS I really like are ones with good gameplay...and that doesn't mean 2 hours of cinemas/towns then 2 rooms and a boss fight.

Maese Spt
344th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(8):If you haven't bought Persona 3 yet..." , posted Thu 7 Dec 12:24post reply

Hmmmm, yummy MegaTen information, gimme!

Ooh, er, dungeons. That's too bad. I'm more for plot, wasn't one supposed to have some sort of mature or interesting plot without the maddening RPG cliches, maybe not?


However, since you can get good stories in 100 different media, the only RPGS I really like are ones with good gameplay...and that doesn't mean 2 hours of cinemas/towns then 2 rooms and a boss fight.

You have a point there. As I have not yet tried any game of the MegaTen/Persona/whatever universe, I have no clue, so let me ask you: how would you catalogue the series (generally speaking, of course)? More plot-oriented or gameplay-oriented?

I mean, I will eventually get to play some MegaTen on the near future (maybe the SNES ones for a start, and then the PS2 MegaTen incarnations -NOT Persona yet-), but I wanna know what to expect from it to minimize the hype/dissapointing factor.

マツケン サンバ!!!!

952th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(8):If you haven't bought Persona 3 yet..." , posted Thu 7 Dec 12:25:post reply

I mean, you like Lunar 2, and that had fairly lengthy, challenging dungeons, didn't it?
Aha, you hit my weakpoint, especially since I like the Mega CD version's harder dungeons best. But the millions of miles of map and good strategic battles balanced out with a heavy, lengthy story and 10 minute cinemas, so it was a perfect balance. I was more woried MegaTenIII would be a dungeon crawler with a weak story, which would put me off, so if it can strike that Lunar balance, I would be very up for it.

edit: come to think of it, maybe it was Avatar Tuner/Digital Devil Saga 1&2 that I heard that about, or maybe they're all like that. This is trouble, I don't have time for three games!


[this message was edited by Maou on Thu 7 Dec 12:53]

2096th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):If you haven't bought Persona 3 yet..." , posted Thu 7 Dec 13:37post reply

how would you catalogue the series (generally speaking, of course)? More plot-oriented or gameplay-oriented?

Absolutely more gameplay oriented. But that doesn't mean the plot is weak or is secondary. The SMT/Devil Summoner games have unique scenarios, designs and atmosphere at their core. Even if the characters don't talk to each other as much (like old school RPGs) the plot is still more interesting than 95% of other games out there. It's just that you spend a LOT more time actually playing the game.

I would say Persona 1/2 are a bit more like "normal RPGs" and Avatar Tuner follows the "new RPG" thing where you do a dungeon, watch a fully-animated cinema and repeat. The difference between them and other RPGs is that every time you have to actually play the game, you'll be playing it for a while. It's not like, say, Suikoden 5 or Tales of the Abyss where your gamplay time may be less than 5 minutes before another cinema, or the "dungeon" you're in can be cleared in 5 minutes.

Persona 3 is completely out of that, though. I wouldn't compare it to the other Personas or SMT/Devil Summoner games. I mean, you could, but I'm not going to for the sake of this post at least.

I mean, really...I think the games are some of the strongest on the market all around. Interesting stories, strategic battles, well-designed dungeons and great art direction. But still people complain about "boring dungeons and high encounter rates" because, I assume, they aren't interested in actually -playing- their RPGs.


Avatar Tuner fits that description fairly well, but every Megaten game, in my opinion has a fairly strong plot, excellent, strategic battles and good dungeon design. The problem with AT is that it's spread ungracefully across 2 games. The first game has a fantastic plot setup and ending, but mostly filler in the middle (defeat/get the 5 whatever). The dungeon designs are fantastic and the bosses are challenging and fun. The second game has a really engaging plot, but uninspired dungeon and boss design as well as a party that needs to stay standard, but doesn't due to exciting plot twists.

SMT3 has decidedly less dynamic storytelling, but is the better game overall.

953th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(10):If you haven't bought Persona 3 yet..." , posted Thu 7 Dec 13:43:post reply

Sounds interesting, thanks for the heads up. On balance (and in the interest of time), it sounds like SMTIII is the way to go. I have no issue with intense dungeons if the story is robust. This sounds a bit pacing-wise like XII, come to think of it, which is probably fine. It's only when things are closer to old school in the EstpolisII/LufiaII great-dungeons-but-irrelevant-story sense that I'd have issues with a dungeon-heavy game.

edit: while I'm at it, I see there is one called Devil Summoner, too. If I'm just going to play one SMT, is III the best overall still?


[this message was edited by Maou on Fri 8 Dec 02:09]

2097th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):If you haven't bought Persona 3" , posted Fri 8 Dec 05:06post reply


while I'm at it, I see there is one called Devil Summoner, too. If I'm just going to play one SMT, is III the best overall still?

The PS2 one, you mean? I'm not a big fan of it. It has a lot of nice things about it, but the battle system is really sluggish.It's an offshoot/action RPG. The older Devil Summoner games (on Saturn/PS/PSP) are more like "normal" SMT games.

118th Post

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"Re(10):If you haven't bought Persona 3 yet..." , posted Wed 13 Dec 12:28:post reply

SMT3 has decidedly less dynamic storytelling, but is the better game overall.

Something that's been bothering me for a while now: just what is it about Nocturne's gameplay that makes it better than DDS? I only have the DDS games, so I wouldn't know.

EDIT: Probably asked this before, but don't remember...

[this message was edited by Korigama on Wed 13 Dec 12:29]

959th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(2):Re(10):If you haven't bought Persona 3" , posted Wed 13 Dec 12:35post reply

Hooray, more SMT talk! I'd like to know the diff too, seeing as how SMTIII better have the better gameplay given that DDS/Avatar Tuner should have new, prettier graphics (though it has the disadvantage of being two games I don't have for). But I swear I will play the winner of this epic duel of Megami Tensei's.


2117th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):If you haven't bought Persona 3" , posted Wed 13 Dec 14:02post reply


Something that's been bothering me for a while now: just what is it about Nocturne's gameplay that makes it better than DDS? I only have the DDS games, so I wouldn't know.

Well, first and foremost, SMT3 has better dungeon and boss design. I'm not talking about visuals, I'm talking about experience. The dungeons are more compelling/interesting and the boss battles are more challenging/balanced.

The mazes and bosses are pretty good in AT1, but they suffer considerably in the second game. There were numerous uninspired dungeon/enemy experiences. Nothing really bad, just "normal RPG quality" rather than "Megaten quality".

But the core system itself...in SMT3, you have a constantly evolving team of demons, with a skills that transfer from one demon combination to the next.

In DDS, you have an "AP buys skills" sort of system with plenty of character customization, but the variety still isn't as great as having a constantly changing team.

I don't think there's anything wrong with the AT character system. It's actually better than most games, and there's very little I would change about it. However, if you play SMT3, then play AT, it seems a little less involved. Also, getting a new move is decidedly less exciting than getting a new demon.

1532th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(3):Re(10):If you haven't bought Persona 3" , posted Wed 13 Dec 16:00post reply

Yeah, SMT3 was all about the demons, getting new ones and fusing old ones into more powerful forms. The loss of this in DDS was almost like a deathblow to me, leaving me really disliking that game. SMT3 remains one of the best RPGs I've ever played just on the pure experience of it. Shame I doubt I'll ever have the time to replay it.

Ammadeau.net - My own personal waste of time.

99th Post

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"Re(4):Re(10):If you haven't bought Persona 3" , posted Wed 13 Dec 18:35post reply

I really like Nocturne, but I've never been able to finish it...I've tried twice, and twice another game unhooked me.

This happened with AT too.

I guess dungeons crawlers have this effect on me : really intensive play during 15/20 hours, then something new/more original comes and that's it.

I'm now waiting for Persona 3, hoping it will be more a story driven game than dungeon crawling.

2118th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Re(10):If you haven't bought Persona 3" , posted Wed 13 Dec 18:57post reply


I'm now waiting for Persona 3, hoping it will be more a story driven game than dungeon crawling.

You might not want to waste your money. There IS story, but it's diluted by lots and lots of screwing around. You spend the vast majority of your time either pushing forward in the (randomly generated) dungeon, or interacting with people in non-plot-related scenarios to increase tarot affiliations to make your persona stronger.

I don't know that Persona 3 is really gameplay driven so much as it just keeps you busy with tons and tons of little time-eating, obsessive-compulsive things.

232th Post

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"Persona 3 US release pushed back" , posted Sun 17 Dec 04:44post reply


Atlus USA has announced that their upcoming PS2 RPG Persona 3 will be launching in June of 2007. As of press time, we are unsure if the American version of Persona 3 will be based on the standard edition of the game or the director's cut that was recently announced for Japanese release.

As expected.

But I still want to quench your thirst.
Because I am the one that put you into the desert.