PS2 reached "I am Keith Hernandez!" status - Forums

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Gold Customer

"PS2 reached 'I am Keith Hernandez' status" , posted Sat 9 Dec 05:32:post reply

Star★Fish unveiled Kiki Kaikai 2 on PS2, in the spirit of the previous games, with a shitty subpar furby pokémon reject instead of the traditional sidekick. Controls with both analog stick, unsurprisingly. Given Star★Fish's history, I am surprised this is not a handheld title (yet).


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     ´ }ゞゝヾ > | |` | /      〈 ̄ /        /

For a nitpicker you sure dress poorly.

[this message was edited by chazumaru on Sat 9 Dec 05:40]


2690th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):PS2 reached 'I am Keith Hernandez' stat" , posted Sat 9 Dec 06:02post reply

Wow, I didn't expect that series to come back. But you have to use both analog sticks? Does that mean there is one for movement and one for shooting or does she now control like a tank?

453th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(2):PS2 reached 'I am Keith Hernandez' stat" , posted Sat 9 Dec 06:15post reply

Wow, I didn't expect that series to come back. But you have to use both analog sticks? Does that mean there is one for movement and one for shooting or does she now control like a tank?

For a nitpicker you sure dress poorly.