Original message (1803 Views )
chazumaru 453th Post

Gold Customer
| "PS2 reached 'I am Keith Hernandez' status" , posted Sat 9 Dec 05:32:
Star★Fish unveiled Kiki Kaikai 2 on PS2, in the spirit of the previous games, with a shitty subpar furby pokémon reject instead of the traditional sidekick. Controls with both analog stick, unsurprisingly. Given Star★Fish's history, I am surprised this is not a handheld title (yet).
! 、 v( , 、 し -┴` ` ̄ ` く , \WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW 、V´ ゙< ≫ ヽソヾヾゞ 〃 / ミY´ ≫ argh beaten by Recap on IC, I should have known・・・ えシシシシ (( /_/ /二 ト- ≫ フ(/lハハハ!ヽ!´  ̄〉三⌒ ≧' /MMl MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM J! ,, 、 u ((ヽミ 三ニ彡 レ′ ,レヘ ヾ=== 、 )) }ミ「ヽニ彡 | ィf) iヤヾ、 !j lミ!f l|ニ彡 | / u  ̄ ~ !j lルヘシ入 _ 〉jヾーヘ u / ヾ/´ 「´ \ ハ /__ lj u /,〃 |、 \ _/ !ゝ―ヽ ノ // | ヽ \_ // `いj _,, '´// |`ヽ / ⌒\ |7 `下r-ャ'´ / | / | ソ |ハ__ノ! ,/ |/ ! /__,ri⌒ヽ. ! いiレソ _レ′ _ノ ´ }ゞゝヾ > | |` | / 〈 ̄ / /
For a nitpicker you sure dress poorly.
[this message was edited by chazumaru on Sat 9 Dec 05:40] | | Replies: |