GS4: Rock Star and Prosecutor - Forums
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266th Post
Copper Customer
"GS4: Rock Star and Prosecutor" , posted Sun 17 Dec 00:37
Sorry, I know I haven't posted in ages and most probably the thread will start dead, but anyway
I may be biting my tongue when the game comes out but that's just too awful. A prosecutor that's a part-time rockstar? I want my Mitsurugi/Godô back, thank you.
8031th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(1):GS4: Rock Star and Prosecutor" , posted Sun 17 Dec 01:55
quote:A prosecutor that's a part-time rockstar?
That's how you write "BLOODY AWESOME" in my native language.
379th Post
Silver Customer
"Re(2):GS4: Rock Star and Prosecutor" , posted Sun 17 Dec 03:00
rock star/prosecutor: "Your Honor, I OBJECT!" judge: "Sustain." rs/p: "ROCK ON!" <plays air guitar>
"Re(3):GS4: Rock Star and Prosecutor" , posted Mon 18 Dec 16:34
I didn't know he was a rockstar! Now I love it.
2792th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(1):GS4: Rock Star and Prosecutor" , posted Tue 19 Dec 03:29
quote: A prosecutor that's a part-time rockstar? I want my Mitsurugi/Godô back, thank you.
Well, a prosecutor rock store is a little bit less believable than a 13 year old Prosecutor in GS2....Waitaminute.
Besides, his Bishoneness will probably work against him unless the Judge has really, really gone senile.
No, the big problem the game will probably face is the fact they have you defending Wright (I'm to lazy to look up his Japanese name right now...) in the first case. Kinda of hard to set up a new main character when the old one is in the first episode...