fine, I'll start the new random thread. - Forums

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3693th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"fine, I'll start the new random thread." , posted Fri 22 Dec 02:55:post reply

Sega announces Virtua Figther 5 for 360 (via press release). Some people are happy.

Polly won't have to kill herself and buy a PS3 now! "Late summer 2007" for 360, PS3 still gets it in February in north america.

60 Tattoo Assassins fatalities

RSF #20 (of michael forever fame) is here - the engrish song and weak vocals don't do it for me, and I'm not a SMB fan, but I'm sure this'll get some people going. Bit old by now though.

Stupid zepy has a fun apology up for being lame and never updating.



[this message was edited by exodus on Fri 22 Dec 02:56]


518th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(1):fine, I'll start the new random thread." , posted Fri 22 Dec 04:21post reply


60 Tattoo Assassins fatalities

Seriously, you made my day.

悪 趣 味 な行為を
羊が百匹 羊が百一匹 眠れない

2699th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):fine, I'll start the new random thread." , posted Fri 22 Dec 05:58post reply


60 Tattoo Assassins fatalities

Seriously, you made my day.

Now I understand why Time magazine name the collective "You" the Person of the Year for the ability of the internet to bring people and information together. Videos like this will lead to world peace.

2127th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):fine, I'll start the new random thread." , posted Fri 22 Dec 07:19post reply

So the idea is that if I have to buy a PS3, then I'll kill myself? Anyway, I'm pretty happy, but not as happy as I'll be if "Gundam Musou" features the characters instead of Gundams kicking ass.

Well, here are games that I've been playing! Iggy, you mentioned Jump Ultimate Stars, so I'm interested to hear your feelings on the game. I didn't even know you LIKED any Jump series, other than Jojo and Hunter.

I thought the game was hopelessly addictive until I finished unlocking everything. The payoff of getting something almost every fight really keeps you going, especially if you care about what you're getting. The system SEEMS pretty good, but I guess it's VS play that's going to put it to the test. I haven't tried playing online yet, because I don't have a wifi adapter (not the big problem) and I'm afraid people have already found ways to break the game (bigger problem).

It seems to me that Dio, Raoh and Sasuke (to name a few) are pretty overpowered. Kenshiro can get pretty easy instant kills as well since your "head exploding" prevents you from jumping back in the ring.

There are also a few irritations like "why is THIS person in, but not this person", but that's unavoidable and I was delighted by as many inclusions as I was disappointed.

moving on...

Blue Dragon

I ordered the LE system set in hopes of getting a "next generation 360" devoid of problems. Incidentally, my system ended up being defective. So I have my game, figures and faceplay on display (on top of the box) and no 360 (having sold my US one). Hopefully I'll be getting a new one soon.

Oh well, I at least have the soundtrack, which I HIGHLY recommend to old school Uematsu fans, or fans of good things in general. Spend your Christmas money on it. Start every day with "Eternity". It'll change your life.

Tales of Destiny Remake

I picked this up, despite ToD being my least favorite game in the series. The remake doesn't fix the inane story and gaudy character designs, but everything else is improved upon very nicely.

The battle system is still growing on me, but it already wins points, because (like ToR) it doesn't have TP. When I played ToR, I thought "this is genius! We don't need TP anymore", and while I had fun with the ToA system for many reasons, the inclusion of TP felt like a step back.

Now, in my trend of bitching about something I don't have, then bitching when I have it, I can't say I really like having to use "CC" to do normal attacks as well. In ToD, you have "CC", which indicates how many attacks you can do before the number resets and you have a "cool down" period. So you start with two, which means you can do 2 attacks or one technique. After doing that, you can't do anything for a second, then you have 3. After using your 3, you have 4, then 5, then back to 2. Naturally, as you progress you can get those numbers higher.

Strategically, this gives you a lot to do, but it ends up frustrating me as often as I'm having fun with it. I think it might make for a fun 2 player experience, though I'm sure your friend will never have the right amount of CC when you need it.

Anyway, it's a good system, just not my favorite.

I'm enjoying the characters a lot more thanks to the superior writing and voice acting (although Chelsea suffers a heavy blow due to the latter) and I'm having enough fun with the battles to ignore the mediocre plot. I imagine fans of the original will find the game orgasmic, though it's possible that they'll be stuck up on the changes and not enjoy it because of idiotic nostalgia.

3694th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):fine, I'll start the new random thread." , posted Fri 22 Dec 07:46post reply

So the idea is that if I have to buy a PS3, then I'll kill myself?

Well that's the idea. Given the time/money complaints, I could only assume.

Bata kun
2995th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):fine, I'll start the new random thread." , posted Fri 22 Dec 09:16post reply

Stupid zepy has a fun apology up for being lame and never updating.

Zepy has had that fun apology for a while. I actually saw a silly flash of that character too. When will he ever update again? I don't know. I think you still owe him a match of "Azu Bobble Daiou". I think that once you face him (and probably beat him also), he will update again.


3695th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):fine, I'll start the new random thread." , posted Fri 22 Dec 09:37post reply


I think that once you face him (and probably beat him also), he will update again.

If only it were so simple!

41th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(1):fine, I'll start the new random thread." , posted Fri 22 Dec 09:43post reply

Sega announces Virtua Figther 5 for 360 (via press release).

Weird move.

You do know that Ys Origin was released yesterday, right? This is a some-weeks-old video:

The official site has OST stuff to download:

And some reviews in the usual media:

2128th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):fine, I'll start the new random thread." , posted Fri 22 Dec 10:46post reply


You do know that Ys Origin was released yesterday, right?

Ahhh! Too many games all of a sudden! I'll probably drop ToD first and not even consider Seiken Densetsu 4 unless it's just totally awesome or something.

I'm excited about a new Ys game, but I'm mostly pumped about a new Ys soundtrack.

974th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(3):fine, I'll start the new random thread." , posted Fri 22 Dec 11:34post reply

Suddenly I'm excited about Blue Dragon's music. While we're on it, the music on the Heroes of Mana site is hot like fire, it's a newcomer I've never heard of, either.


4360th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):fine, I'll start the new random thread." , posted Fri 22 Dec 12:04post reply

I haven't tried playing online yet, because I don't have a wifi adapter (not the big problem) and I'm afraid people have already found ways to break the game (bigger problem).

It seems to me that Dio, Raoh and Sasuke (to name a few) are pretty overpowered. Kenshiro can get pretty easy instant kills as well since your "head exploding" prevents you from jumping back in the ring.

Dio = broken, someone at GameFAQs already discovered an infinite timestop trick. Guaranteed to cause instant wins and disconnects.

Kenshiro's "head explode" super can be nullified with certain help komas equipped or using a status-recovery support.

3698th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):fine, I'll start the new random thread." , posted Fri 22 Dec 12:30post reply

You do know that Ys Origin was released yesterday, right?

wah! I completely forgot. Can you make a post, or shall I?

1294th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):fine, I'll start the new random thread." , posted Fri 22 Dec 17:52post reply

You do know that Ys Origin was released yesterday, right?

wah! I completely forgot. Can you make a post, or shall I?

The Wii internet browser trial is available now. This is the obligatory “I am typing this from my Wii post.” Took quite a bit of time to get the download, but it was interesting to finally see how the Wii shop downloads worked. Super Castlevania IV comes to the virtual console on X-Mas so I might get that too.

2129th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):fine, I'll start the new random thread." , posted Fri 22 Dec 18:07post reply

I am typing this from my Wii

That's okay, but if you were really cool you'd emulate a Wii on your computer and post from that.

1309th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):fine, I'll start the new random thread." , posted Fri 22 Dec 18:23post reply


455th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(2):fine, I'll start the new random thread." , posted Fri 22 Dec 18:53post reply


You do know that Ys Origin was released yesterday, right?

You do know that it is already legendary for offering the greatest piece of Frenchanese ever, right?
Even funnier than Gundam Musou.

For a nitpicker you sure dress poorly.

8034th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):fine, I'll start the new random thread." , posted Fri 22 Dec 19:51post reply

It seems to me that Dio, Raoh and Sasuke (to name a few) are pretty overpowered. Kenshiro can get pretty easy instant kills as well since your "head exploding" prevents you from jumping back in the ring.

I mainly play with Raô to farm points, but now my boyfriend begins to play the game and farm for me so I don't have to do anything (especially because I play Card Fighters DS now). When I want to play with a less powerful character, I usually take some Yûyû or Jojo characters. The Saint Seya ones are priceless (especially Shiryû and Hyôga), if not useful. Seiya is nice, though (but I hate him so it's not helping).
The HxH characters are a big disappointment. On the other hand, Misa and Mello from Death Note are just adorable.
I don't have Wi-Fi either, but I figured out playing against countless Dio and Raô would get tiresome quickly. Dio requires some timing, but Raô is just mindlessly stupid, I can win without looking at my screen.
Also, my boyfriend (he's a fag, he likes pretty ladies and all) usually plays with linali (not sure about the name). Her air combo are just free ring outs.

As for Card Fighters DS...
First, the game sucks.
It sucks really really hard.
It's the typical game created by designers who don't know anything about game design or balance or basic ergonomy.
There are some interesting rules, some not so interesting but OK, and there is the major flaw of the game : when you summon a card, it can't attack immediately NOR COUNTERATTACK. Which means, you have the hand, you summon 3 or 4 cards, then the opponent summon his cards, then you play, all your cards attack at once, the opponent can't do anything and looses 80% of his life ON THE FIRST ROUND. How anyone could play the game for 5 minutes and not see the problem with it is beyond me.
Anyway, the other problem is that the AI sucks very very very hard. It's not just dumb, it sometimes lets you win. For example, each match begins with a roll of dice to see not who will begin, but who will choose who will begin. And 50% of the time, when the IA wins, he decides to leave you the first hand. And since being first is even more overpowered than in any other card game I know... Some other times, I have been attacking an ennemy with 500 HP with two cards, one with 500 BP and one with 400. He had one card which could counterattack, so he blocked the attack... of my 400BP character. It's so dumb it even makes winning frustrating.
On the other hand, those who played against a human opponent say the game is really deep. Too bad it doesn't use wi-fi.

There is no gallery mode. You only see the cards you have, and if you trade a card, it disappears from your database and you will have to win it back. The menus are annoying as hell, I get lost every time even though there are only 10 options, with several being redundant.

The choice of cards is weird. I particularly hate the fact that the characters are classified not with of their strength, but with the popularity Imoya wish they had. Which means, all the falcoonko are there, and several are B or A (I don't have any S card yet). Some of them even have two cards, which I can't even stand to look at. Fortunately, most of the A cards and some of the B are so stupidly expensive there's no use for them, and you're better using your D card Tung Fu Rue or Nicotine.

But on the other hand, the other choices are great. There are several non fighting series, and the game being specifically made with a sequel in mind, they didn't even tried to be exhaustive. For example, several Star Gladiators survived, but there is not a single Power Stone card. It allows quite a lot of surprises, like several Makaimura and Tinckle Star Sprites cards, but very few Rockman ones, and two Battle Circuit cards.
I'm not as bothered as I thought I would be with redundant cards (Sakura, sunburned sakura, sakura in swinsuit, or Morrigan, Lilith Fû Morrigan, Morrigan in her everyday clothes), because some of them are quite nice. The huge problem comes from the guest illustrators. There are two chinese (I think) who make the characters look like they come from KOF Zillion (Ryô), some very uninspired and annoying ones (Janet) and worst of all, there is that Yoshinoya guy. Imagine a Totoro. Then imagine that creepy pedophile magazine with a garage kit of a 3 years old child showing her pants. Then mix them, let it be drawn by mentally disabled freak, and you get the only Akari card in the game. It made me cry.

But on the other hand, some choices are just neat. The Personal Action card shows Q, Mars People has a second "Not Independence" card, the Gyakuten Saiban characters are ugly, but fortunately they also are useless so it's no big deal, the card "hostage" shows Yuri with her design from Ryûkô 1...
Most of all, Shermie has 4 cards, regular Shermie, Orochi Shermie (both look good and are great), unmei no ya (the fantastic and useless MAX2 from Kof 2002) and the best card concept in my opinion, "!", which is the card of what Lucky says when Shermie beats the crap out of him in the 97 team text published in NeoGeo Freak at the time. With a card like that, I can't be impartial.

There are quite a lot of World Heroes characters, but Rasputin and Ryôko are strangely missing. Mudman is overpowered, and that's good. There are quite a lot of amusing crossover cards, like "Carol and Tiffany cheer and press their breasts once against the other", which I love. The "French revolution" card shows Charlotte and Janne taking the Bastille, with the commentary of "wait, what is Janne doing here ?"

Oh, yeah, the commentaries.
Some of the person who wrote them should be shot in the head. Some are just OK, stating what the character is all about, and some stink some weird otaku disconected from any kind of reality I'm sure Batakun would like it. Like, the "secretaries" card, with Mature and Vice, says something like "they help Rugal in his work (but they are actually spying on him). But really, if I had secretaries like this, I'm not sure I would be doing any kind of actual work !"
I don't want to check in the game, but the simple fact of remembering this made me feel dirty.

So.... Yeah. It's worse in every single aspect than Card fighters 2 on NGP.
But on the other hand, I think it's better than the first game (which mostly had the novelty for it), so if they ever do a sequel and listen to everything that is SO DAMN WRONG with this game, I'm fairly confident we can have a great sequel. Like, more cards, make the overpowered cards more expensive, the A and S cards less expensive, equilibrate the decks (blue seems really weaker than the others), have maybe only 5 usable spots (8 is too damn much), and remove that stupid no counter rule, and we could have a game better than Card fighters 2.
Oh, and WI-FI.
But maybe I'm just being optimistic.

PS : the story mode SUCKS ASS.

3509th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):fine, I'll start the new random thread." , posted Fri 22 Dec 21:03:post reply

There are quite a lot of amusing crossover cards, like "Carol and Tiffany cheer and press their breasts once against the other", which I love.

Who is Carol? correct me but is she that "Purplish leather girl" from the Captain commando series?
And If I may ask, who are on the Battle circuit cards?

Edit: nothing on the SNK day yet? damn the show should have been empty....

Fortes fortuna juvat...

[this message was edited by NARUTO on Fri 22 Dec 21:09]

809th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(6):fine, I'll start the new random thread." , posted Fri 22 Dec 22:27post reply

There are quite a lot of amusing crossover cards, like "Carol and Tiffany cheer and press their breasts once against the other", which I love.
Who is Carol? correct me but is she that "Purplish leather girl" from the Captain commando series?
And If I may ask, who are on the Battle circuit cards?

Edit: nothing on the SNK day yet? damn the show should have been empty....

Note how he said "crossover". He's talking about the French girl from Savage Reign who fought with rhythmic gymnastics.

ワンダフル! ビューティフル! エキサイティング!

3509th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):fine, I'll start the new random thread." , posted Sat 23 Dec 00:09post reply

Note how he said "crossover". He's talking about the French girl from Savage Reign who fought with rhythmic gymnastics.

Oh, yes, my bad... I see now...

Fortes fortuna juvat...

45th Post

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Rare Customer

"Monster World Complete Collection teaser page" , posted Sat 23 Dec 00:29:post reply

Everybody should be preordering this.


You do know that it is already legendary for offering the greatest piece of Frenchanese ever, right?

Indeed I didn't!

Can you make a post, or shall I?

The latter!

[this message was edited by Recap on Sat 23 Dec 00:30]

1383th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):fine, I'll start the new random thread." , posted Sat 23 Dec 03:57post reply


You do know that it is already legendary for offering the greatest piece of Frenchanese ever, right?

If you hadn't told me that it was French, I wouldn't even have known what language it was at first glance.

8035th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"The dreamcast is really really dead !" , posted Sat 23 Dec 07:25post reply

Trigger Heart should be the last game on DC.
But didn't they announce the same thing after Under Defeat ?

3701th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):The dreamcast is really really dead !" , posted Sat 23 Dec 08:43:post reply


Trigger Heart should be the last game on DC.
But didn't they announce the same thing after Under Defeat ?

yeah...and every game after. hoorayz!

iggy, you want to do a proper review of Card Fighters DS? Or should I just link to this?

[this message was edited by exodus on Sat 23 Dec 08:47]

Bata kun
2996th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):fine, I'll start the new random thread." , posted Sat 23 Dec 09:17post reply


I think he wants to make you feel guilty of not updating. Thus, he placed it up on the front page of his site.


8036th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):The dreamcast is really really dead !" , posted Sat 23 Dec 09:27post reply

Wow ! Now that's hardcore psychology ! Are you also reading people's minds or something ?
iggy, you want to do a proper review of Card Fighters DS? Or should I just link to this?

No, no time and a global orgasm to achieve.

8038th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"KOF Bônenkai" , posted Sat 23 Dec 19:01:post reply

Nothing of interest.

Mary and Ash have been added to KOF MIA.
They are making a PS2 version, and the game was played on PS2.
interface makeup : reversal, gauges, select screen , loading screen have been redone.
The loading are as long as the PS2 MI2.
The game is 40% complete, scheduled for early 2007.
Each normal and alternate outfit has 4 colors.
There is a "?" box near Jivatma, and it will be "a character nobody expects".
The old characters haven't been changed yet, but they plan to change around 1000 small details to them.
The BC sabaki is easy.

Kof 98 UM will have the boss team, based on the 96 version with new moves.
Geese's reppuken doesn't fly, and his deadly rave is just a normal rambu (you don't have anything to do once the first hit connects).
Krauzer has a new throw miss animation, gigantic cyclon, and other moves.
BIG has been changed quite a lot, looks like his NBC version.
Their winning screen has been drawn in the 98 art style.
The typos (ultimate MA"TC"H) have been corrected.
Two boxes near Shingo, two other near Rugal. (Kasumi Eiji Goenitz Orochi ?)
The character and stage select screen have changed.
A new ultimate mode has been added to the advanced and extra modes, probably a customize mode. The extra mode has been changed : when you charge you gauge to the max, the gauge is stocked and you have to activate it. There is a roll cancel ?
select screen and Krauzer.
Game should be released around spring.

KOF Nests hen seems complete. Some new stages have been added (FF1 Geese tower).

Nothing on Kof XII or Samurai Sen (Ukyô has been slightly talked about, but I wouldn't call his presence in a SS game a "surprise").

KOF 98 will be one of the SNK games for the Tôkgeki, which is at the same time hilarious and tragic. (98, not UM)

Where is SNK going, I don't know...

[this message was edited by Iggy on Sat 23 Dec 19:57]

483th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(1):KOF Bônenkai" , posted Sat 23 Dec 20:22post reply

Thanks for the news.
But, thats all?

Hope to see at least a site opening announcement next week.

2131th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):KOF Bônenkai" , posted Sat 23 Dec 20:52post reply

deadly rave is just a normal rambu (you don't have anything to do once the first hit connects).

I don't know why, but for some reason that just seems horribly wrong to me.

I hope the new MI actually plays a bit better/has better balance. I don't think I'd like it either way, but it'd be nice to have it be a "viable vs game". Also it's better to have them say "how do you like the game now that we fixed it!?" vs "how do you like the game now that there's a couple new things in a game that's already overflowing with superfluous crap?!".

3510th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):KOF Bônenkai" , posted Sat 23 Dec 22:09post reply

Nothing on Kof XII or Samurai Sen (Ukyô has been slightly talked about, but I wouldn't call his presence in a SS game a "surprise").
Where is SNK going, I don't know...

Iddiots!...deffinitely idiots...I'm curious to know where did this new "I absolutely don't talk/show anything about by next game" fashion comes from....

Fortes fortuna juvat...

3511th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):KOF Bônenkai" , posted Sat 23 Dec 22:53post reply

On the other hand CAPCOM annouce a CApcom private arcade show for the 10th january...Since cpaocm never touched the arcade anymore I'm curious to know what they'll show there...

There's War of the grail whow as "dead" for months, and some UFO catcher but what else?? they won't make a show for this??

Fortes fortuna juvat...

8039th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):KOF Bônenkai" , posted Sat 23 Dec 22:55post reply

I'm curious to know where did this new "I absolutely don't talk/show anything about by next game" fashion comes from....

Probably at the same time people refused to allow visitors in their houses before the construction had actually begun.

3512th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):KOF Bônenkai" , posted Sat 23 Dec 23:10post reply


Probably at the same time people refused to allow visitors in their houses before the construction had actually begun.

Come on Iggy don't telml me taht KOF 12 developement just started... More than one years that they're working on it, and dozens of rumors who said it to be shown in january.
Anyway I'm sure that they have more than enough stuff on the game to speak about and to show us. But no stupidly they'll wait for the locktest, where they'll stupidly forbiden the screenshots. Unlike company like Namco who shows some news characters every week BEFORE the lock test.

It's not a question of game finished or not, just a question of how did I communicate with the audience.... and at this point SNKP really sucks....

Fortes fortuna juvat...

8040th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):KOF Bônenkai" , posted Sun 24 Dec 00:29post reply

More than one years that they're working on it, and dozens of rumors who said it to be shown in january.

You're talking out of your ass as always.
We're not even sure the game will be released in 2007. It's a big game done by a small crew, and I'm pretty sure there isn't a single system concept ready to be shown right now.
As far as we know, the game could be released in early 2008, and it would be first shown at the 2007 bônenkai.

Even if I was very optimistic, I could imagine a vague autumn release, but anything earlier seems really improbable. Plus, it's Imoya we're talking about.

So far, we only know 3 things :
1) it's one of the biggest project Imoya has been working on
2) only a small team is working on it, because Imoya is a small company
3) nothing is ready to be shown yet.

380th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(5):KOF Bônenkai" , posted Sun 24 Dec 01:27post reply

Whew! I am glad that it's not coming out in January otherwise the sprites would still be low resolution and not re-drawn.

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

144th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(6):KOF Bônenkai" , posted Sun 24 Dec 02:49:post reply

Whew! I am glad that it's not coming out in January otherwise the sprites would still be low resolution and not re-drawn.january.
it's genjyuro all over again

Where Life is more terrible than death it is then the truest valor to dare to live.
the empty room

[this message was edited by D`Cloud on Sun 24 Dec 02:50]

310th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(5):KOF Bônenkai" , posted Sun 24 Dec 13:37:post reply

Who cares. Samurai Sen and KOF 12 are still a ways off yet. Don't get your hopes up until next year when actual coverage shows up for them.

As for Regulation A I wonder what Mary's "normal" costume is like?

EDIT: Sheesh! Her lips look enlarged.

[this message was edited by Abster on Sun 24 Dec 13:39]

3513th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):KOF Bônenkai" , posted Mon 25 Dec 00:01post reply


You're talking out of your ass as always.
We're not even sure the game will be released in 2007. It's a big game done by a small crew, and I'm pretty sure there isn't a single system concept ready to be shown right now.
As far as we know, the game could be released in early 2008, and it would be first shown at the 2007 bônenkai.

Where did you get that? All we knows is what SNKP officialy said, and they said that the developement have started in January 2006. Which gives us 12 MONTHS!!! Don't tell me that nothing have been made in 12 month, don't tell me that they didn't have any idea about the cast, and absolutely no arts drawn yet....

It's crazy to see company like Konami and squenix, where Nomura can show a trailer for FF13 which is still at 5% started (1% for versus) or Kojima who did the same with MGS4... even when the game developement wasn't even started... And it's not a question of big/small team, just a question that if you want to communicate about the game you're doing so. As I said, when you want, you can.

SNKP already have a very small fan crown, and if they didn't take care of it, she'll reduce like Ice in desert...

Even if I was very optimistic, I could imagine a vague autumn release, but anything earlier seems really improbable. Plus, it's Imoya we're talking about.

I wish for them a sooner release... GG^core and Others won't wait for them, and some part of the audience as well... Especially with CAPCOM annoncing a wierd but possible return to the arcade market....

So far, we only know 3 things :
1) it's one of the biggest project Imoya has been working on

so 1 good reason to communicate about it, and not trying to keep it secret, 2D VS need to be shown, unlike 3D title like VF or TK.
2) only a small team is working on it, because Imoya is a small company

Once again, doesn't mean anything, Browny brown, is a small RPG company too, they just take care of their communication stuffs.
3) nothing is ready to be shown yet.

Don't know where you did take that from but well... Even it's true, it would be SNKP fault, If they would plane their Works differently we could easily already have some KOF 12 stuff under the teeth....

The fact that you're trying to protect (or explain) SNKP's methods isn't a wrong thing. But searching excuses from them... won't bring anything. You said it yourself Card clash sucks, because they didn't did a correct job. If they weren't in their stupid secrets mode they would have speak about the game system sooner and thus far would have a lots of mail from fans says that they were wrong. Giving them the oportunity to make some changes. And this is why I want to see/heard something about KOF12, bacause this way we can changes thing before it's too late, and make really a good game this way.

Fortes fortuna juvat...

8041th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):KOF Bônenkai" , posted Mon 25 Dec 00:30post reply

Where did you get that?

Nona was in the bus.

Also, they were still looking for dotters to work on the game a few weeks ago.

Once again, doesn't mean anything, Browny brown, is a small RPG company too, they just take care of their communication stuffs.

Brownie Brown is a development studio, not an editor.

The fact that you're trying to protect (or explain) SNKP's methods isn't a wrong thing.

That's very kind of you, sir.

Time Mage
2493th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):KOF Bônenkai" , posted Mon 25 Dec 01:28post reply

NARUTO, you whine too much, too frequently.

Believe it or not, some of us are awaiting KOFXII as eagerly or more than you, and we still don't mind if something is shown or not. I don't care if the have art or whatever is ready to show, as far as I'm concerned, until I can see the game being played, the rest will only be food for the impatient.

I'm the leading man. You know what they say abut the leading man? He NEVER dies.

2090th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):KOF Bônenkai" , posted Mon 25 Dec 02:54post reply

I fully agree that if they really are doing the hi-res sprite thing, there's no chance at all that the game is publicly presentable right now. Anyone getting impatient at this point needs to find something else to wait for.

2132th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):KOF Bônenkai" , posted Mon 25 Dec 03:49post reply

I fully agree that if they really are doing the hi-res sprite thing, there's no chance at all that the game is publicly presentable right now. Anyone getting impatient at this point needs to find something else to wait for.

This is true, of course, but I was hoping for a mention at least. I would have been happy with "KOF 12 is still too early in development to present, but you'll be seeing something in the next 6 months" or something like that.

It wouldn't be an issue at all if they hadn't mentioned the game SO prematurely in the first place. If they don't have news, they don't have news, and they can take as long as they like, but it's still disappointing to announce a game, then several months later pretend like they didn't.

2091th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):KOF Bônenkai" , posted Mon 25 Dec 04:54post reply


This is true, of course, but I was hoping for a mention at least. I would have been happy with "KOF 12 is still too early in development to present, but you'll be seeing something in the next 6 months" or something like that.

Companies don't do that unless they're heavily pressured by deadlines. That's pretty much exactly the same as saying nothing at all.


It wouldn't be an issue at all if they hadn't mentioned the game SO prematurely in the first place. If they don't have news, they don't have news, and they can take as long as they like, but it's still disappointing to announce a game, then several months later pretend like they didn't.

Maybe, but it's better than giving the impression that you're not working on anything at all for a whole year. They have investors to please too.

484th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(9):KOF Bônenkai" , posted Mon 25 Dec 05:06post reply

I fully agree that if they really are doing the hi-res sprite thing, there's no chance at all that the game is publicly presentable right now. Anyone getting impatient at this point needs to find something else to wait for.

This is true, of course, but I was hoping for a mention at least. I would have been happy with "KOF 12 is still too early in development to present, but you'll be seeing something in the next 6 months" or something like that.

It wouldn't be an issue at all if they hadn't mentioned the game SO prematurely in the first place. If they don't have news, they don't have news, and they can take as long as they like, but it's still disappointing to announce a game, then several months later pretend like they didn't.

Both true and to add what pollyanna says I sometime think(worry) they cancel it somehow (not entirely possible but) its like waiting for someone who went missing and while you're waiting you wouldnt believe how creative you are about worrying. I know I exeggarated and Im the impatient one who waits for the food but at least mentioning about the food is something.

8043th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Togeki 2007" , posted Tue 26 Dec 06:01post reply

The game pf the Tôgeki will be :
Arcana Heart (1on1)
GGXX AC(3on3)
KOF 98(1on1)
3rd STRIKE(3on3)
Soulcalibur 3(1on1)
Melty Blood AC Ver.B(2on2)

Only one SNK game, and KOF 98 of them all.

I'm surprised Savior didn't replaced HSF2 this year.

487th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(1):Togeki 2007" , posted Tue 26 Dec 06:51post reply

Excuse me, but what is Togeki?
I assume that some kind of tournament but I never heard of it, well I guess.

8045th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Togeki 2007" , posted Tue 26 Dec 08:39post reply

I assume that some kind of tournament but I never heard of it, well I guess.

It's the biggest fighting game tournament in Japan.

186th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(3):Togeki 2007" , posted Tue 26 Dec 14:04post reply

SNK should release an arcade version of KOF98UM....

Tougeki sounds fun this year and some form of SF2 is returning which I'm sure will please old schoolers in Japan.

8046th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Togeki 2007" , posted Tue 26 Dec 18:46post reply

SNK should release an arcade version of KOF98UM....

Neogeo Hakase said they will think about it when the game will be complete.

Hakase... Hakase... And the café not being updated in ages...
(slaps his forehead)
I knew it, Professor !

8047th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"More 98UM" , posted Wed 27 Dec 02:08post reply

So, yeah, several people played the game at the bônenkai, and talk about it on the 98UM thread.
Note that some of this might be wrong, but at least it gives an idea of some of the things in the game (and the team seems to follow the expectations of the players closely, so).

Ura Kyô has the 182shiki
Ura Terry has the Buster Wolf (like in SvC)
Ura Andy has the Gen.ei Shiranui and the Yamiabisegeri
Ura Joe has the Pressure knee and the Thunder Fire (I would have rather have had the ôgon no kakato personally, but it's still a huge bonus over the old ura Joe)
Ura Ryô has the air ryûkôranbu and the Hienshippukyaku of 95
Ura Robert has an uppercut with a down-back+P command and a air ryûkôranbu
Yuri has the air down+B she had in 02.
Ura Yuri has a 1frame hyakuretsupinta (with C) and the normal dash one (with A).
Leona has the Heart Attack.
Clark can cancel Vulcan Punch with a napalm stretch
Chin cancels his ebriety with AC instead of all buttons.
Both Mai get a cancel point on their air down+C
King can cancel her slide
Kim's Haki-cancel is slowed down.
Orochi Chris's MAX Daichiwoharaugôka is easier to combo
Heidern's Killing Bringer is a counter (weak is high, strong is middle)
Takuma's Haôshôkôken is a super now.
D!'s shadow can be stocked up to 3 times, and don't disappear if he gets hit.
Lucky has a new move where he throws a ball while in the air. Deathshoot hit the opponent even if he's down.
Iori's yaotome invincibility has been shortened (or totally disabled?)
Chizuru's downC is weaker.


The general damage has been lowered (especially the command throws)
You can escape a normal throw even in EXT (but not during your evasion move, and neither can the ADV mode)
Generally, it's easier to escape normal throws.

The EXT mode gauge is stocked when full. you can't use lever+button moves during a step (but specials are OK)
You need to activate the stock to do MAX supers, but emergency escape or guard cancel attacks don't require activation.
The activation can be done during normal moves, special moves, and even during guard (but it doesn't cancel anything). It can't be activated during air moves or while shooting projectiles. Once activated, it acts like a regular 98 EXT gauge.

45th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(9):KOF Bônenkai" , posted Wed 27 Dec 06:07post reply


It wouldn't be an issue at all if they hadn't mentioned the game SO prematurely in the first place. If they don't have news, they don't have news, and they can take as long as they like, but it's still disappointing to announce a game, then several months later pretend like they didn't.

It's because of the agreement with Taito. This company needs to expand its new hardware as much as possible now and a KOFXII announcement for it helps even the current Type-X 2 games.

2701th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):More 98UM" , posted Wed 27 Dec 06:08post reply

Yeesh, I'm off-line for a few days and all sorts of interesting news pops up. Thanks to Iggy for his thoughts on Card Fighters and news on SNK's newest revisions.

193th Post

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Regular Customer

"card fighters" , posted Wed 27 Dec 15:18post reply

ugh, man this new card fighters really is terrible. im not sure why i keep punishing myself by playing it. i kind of want to see all the cards (just to see the art) but i also kind of want to smash this thing to (even tinier) pieces.

the thing that annoys me the most (even more than the shitty, broken system) is how the abilities seem to have nothing at all to do with the characters. even the explanations are meaningless. bleh.

i wish they would just remake the second one and add new cards. now that game was almost perfect.

8050th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"KOF 98 color choice" , posted Thu 28 Dec 21:56:post reply

As always, now a new GG has been released, a cheap edition the one just before is scheduled

I haven't played a GG since GGX on DC, and each time I think I should there's always a new one with a new character or a new background and balance tweaks and I think "I can as well wait until they release the latest, more complete version".
I wonder, what do GG freaks think of GG/ ? And of GG AC ?

Also, Front Mission First (Fronto Misshon Za Faasuto) has a release date.

Finaly, For those of you who feel KOF became a fashion contest when Shermie was added to the cast

[this message was edited by Iggy on Thu 28 Dec 22:45]

Bata kun
2997th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):KOF 98 color choice" , posted Thu 28 Dec 23:43post reply

Finaly, For those of you who feel KOF became a fashion contest when Shermie was added to the cast

Ha ha ha! "Colse". Brilliant!


489th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(1):KOF 98 color choice" , posted Fri 29 Dec 01:48post reply

Finaly, For those of you who feel KOF became a fashion contest when Shermie was added to the cast

Well I make my choices I dont know if they count the fans outside Japan. And I dont know whether I was able to send or not but I like it. I voted the colors I over-choose shortly I can say I love yellow orochi team and green new faces team. They look awseome. Also I love Green Mai and Silver Kyo And Bloody Leona. Can we reflect the poll here? I mean technically.

1295th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"More Capcom movies on the way?" , posted Fri 29 Dec 15:45post reply

Link Here


Capcom Eyeing the Big Screen for Games
Source: The Hollywood Reporter
December 29, 2006

Japanese video game publisher Capcom, which has licensed its original franchise "Resident Evil" to Impact Pictures and Sony Pictures, recently stepped into the movie production game with an original "Street Fighter" movie due in 2008. It is partnering with Hyde Park Entertainment on a new film that focuses on Chung Li, one of the most popular fighters from the game franchise.

The Hollywood Reporter says the company, after decades of creating such original game franchises as "Devil May Cry," "Lost Planet," "Dead Rising" and "Onimusha" (which has a film in development at Davis Films), has hired Germaine Gioia to serve in the newly created post of senior vp licensing in its Los Angeles office. She will liaison with Hollywood to find properties that can work as Capcom games.

The "Resident Evil" movie franchise, with a third film in production, is the second-most-successful franchise for Sony Pictures behind "Spider-Man." With the film rights to "Onimusha" and "Devil May Cry" already purchased, Gioia believes Capcom could work more closely with Hollywood to release new games in these franchises around the launch of theatrical or DVD releases of the films.

Interesting to see that RE is "the second-most-successful franchise for Sony Pictures." I was also surprised to see that Onimusha and DMC already have deals. Even though I didn't like the RE movies, Anderson's over the top style would kind of fit DMC, just needs to have a good choreographer to make it more stylish.

396th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(2):KOF 98 color choice" , posted Sat 30 Dec 01:08post reply

Finaly, For those of you who feel KOF became a fashion contest when Shermie was added to the cast

Also I love Green Mai and Silver Kyo And Bloody Leona. Can we reflect the poll here? I mean technically.

Yellow Chang looks like Uncle Phil form the Fresh Prince of Bel-air! (it just had to be said...)


2702th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):More Capcom movies on the way?" , posted Sat 30 Dec 05:03post reply


Interesting to see that RE is "the second-most-successful franchise for Sony Pictures." I was also surprised to see that Onimusha and DMC already have deals. Even though I didn't like the RE movies, Anderson's over the top style would kind of fit DMC, just needs to have a good choreographer to make it more stylish.

The news that the RE series has been that successful is a surprise to me as well. There must be a silent, strong fan base out there for those movies that I wasn't aware of.

Hollywood Reporter article

I haven't heard of Germaine Gioia before but if she has been responsible for creating the destinies of such games as Tak and the Power of JuJu it would appear that Capcom has an interesting future ahead of itself in the world of licensing.

2133th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):More Capcom movies on the way?" , posted Sat 30 Dec 08:06post reply


The news that the RE series has been that successful is a surprise to me as well. There must be a silent, strong fan base out there for those movies that I wasn't aware of.

I think it might be just the opposite, actually. Not a really a fanbase, but a large number of everyday moviegoers that want to see an action/horror film.

1296th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):More Capcom movies on the way?" , posted Sat 30 Dec 09:48post reply


The news that the RE series has been that successful is a surprise to me as well. There must be a silent, strong fan base out there for those movies that I wasn't aware of.

I think it might be just the opposite, actually. Not a really a fanbase, but a large number of everyday moviegoers that want to see an action/horror film.

Or maybe people just wanting to see Milla Jovovich's snatch?

8051th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Nejibako on DS uses wi-fi" , posted Wed 3 Jan 07:52post reply


Time Mage
2495th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Nejibako on DS uses wi-fi" , posted Wed 3 Jan 08:04post reply


28 of December, "el Día de los Inocentes" (Innocents Day), the equivalent of April Fools in Spain.


I'm the leading man. You know what they say abut the leading man? He NEVER dies.

519th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(1):Nejibako on DS uses wi-fi" , posted Wed 3 Jan 08:35post reply



悪 趣 味 な行為を
羊が百匹 羊が百一匹 眠れない

384th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(2):Nejibako on DS uses wi-fi" , posted Wed 3 Jan 09:09post reply

WHAA? In a way this is a great reason for me to buy a DS now. I still have to ask: will there be load time on the DS?


I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

1298th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):Nejibako on DS uses wi-fi" , posted Wed 3 Jan 09:52:post reply

WHAA? In a way this is a great reason for me to buy a DS now. I still have to ask: will there be load time on the DS?

Yeah, and if it is like Jump Ultimate Stars there will be lag since the servers are in Japan unless you have friend codes.

[this message was edited by GekigangerV on Wed 3 Jan 11:43]

Cain Highwind
744th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Nejibako on DS is fake" , posted Wed 3 Jan 17:09post reply

As if you couldn't tell a Japanese scan that has Boxart with a US ESRB rating.

1559th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):Nejibako on DS uses wi-fi" , posted Wed 3 Jan 18:09post reply


28 of December, "el Día de los Inocentes" (Innocents Day), the equivalent of April Fools in Spain.


Apparently it has been an
international success (scroll down for the news).
Poor "Mr Prince" got fooled by some Spanish guy's Potochof skills and some other Spanish guy's Japanese skills.

Kudos to them ( u_u)/

Extra bonus: Making of.

Ling Yao. The king indeed.

"In the beginning there was nothing and God said: "Let there be light".
And still there was nothing but you could see it!
" -Unknown-

8052th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Nejibako on DS uses wi-fi" , posted Wed 3 Jan 20:38post reply

Ooooooooooh !

Good news.

(Damn you, spanish barbarians !)