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hikarutilmitt 355th Post
Silver Customer
| "Re(2):Re(10):random news OT" , posted Wed 10 Jan 17:09
quote: Updates on Shijou Saikyou no Deshi: Kenichi from Game Watch. The info has also made it over to the Magic Box. I don't know how the game is going to turn out but I do like little details such as having the characters take off their shoes when they are inside. Also, I don't know who this guy is but he is awesome.
That's actually a "friend" of Kenichi's that goes around gathering data on people and measuring their fighting ability, popularity, looks, etc and usually tormenting Kenichi as well. I'm still trying to figure out if he's even human, though.
I'm actually kind of looking forward to the game, though, because the show so far is at least interesting in a pointless guilty pleasure sort of way. I'm also hoping that the 3 extra slots on the player screen either aren't all that can be opened beyond Kenichi, Miu and the 8 members of Ragnarok that are present, or that those 3 slots will be taken by one of two of the masters.
Pollyanna 2141th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Re:random news OT sanve $100 on PS3" , posted Sat 13 Jan 21:52
quote: That "deal" is a load of shit, IMO. You'd probably get almost as much from a normal trade-in, not to mention the aftermarket value of all of that on ebay is probably more than $100.
I wouldn't say "load of shit". I mean, a NEW PS2 is like...$125 and I imagine a lot of the systems coming in for trade are worth much less than that.
Factoring in the trouble of putting it on eBay and shipping it vs the limited amount of extra money you MAY get for your efforts, I think it's a good deal. Especially considering that the PS3 can theoretically replace your PS2.
Or rather, it WOULD be a good deal if the PS3 was worth having right now. It's funny, but from what I've seen, there's a surplus of them everywhere now. Several of the EBs around me have "taken too many returns and trade-ins on them and can't take any more." They're probably doing this to move more units, not "rip you off".
I think it's impressive that Sony was able to sell so many systems when the price is so high and there are so few games, but it doesn't surprise me that the people willing to fork out the dough are dwindling.
(or maybe they're just saving their money...?)
Pollyanna 2143th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(6):Re:random news OT sanve $100 on PS3" , posted Tue 16 Jan 08:32
quote: Or were a majority of the initial buyers actually speculators who were hoping to make a killing on eBay?
Well, this happened to a friend of a friend of mine. He waited over 2 days in line, got the system, tried to sell it on Ebay, then the buyer flaked out. By that time PS3s weren't going for any more than they were worth, so he just returned it to the store, having thrown away $40 in Ebay fees and 2 days of his life.
I'm sure in many instances something like that happened, or people were just "PS3 YEEEE! I can't believe I found one!" only to later have the reality of the situation sink in.
Of course, I'm making fun of the system a lot, and that may change in the future, when and if they pull things together, but right now, it's a total joke....excluding maybe Tekken 5, which is surprisingly cheap, low in size and easily accessible. Despite all the Sony failures, I think Namco took a big step forward in showing people what could be done with downloadable games.
Satoshi Miwa 2796th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(7):Re:random news OT sanve $100 on PS3" , posted Tue 16 Jan 10:45
Well, this happened to a friend of a friend of mine. He waited over 2 days in line, got the system, tried to sell it on Ebay, then the buyer flaked out. By that time PS3s weren't going for any more than they were worth, so he just returned it to the store, having thrown away $40 in Ebay fees and 2 days of his life.
I'm sure in many instances something like that happened, or people were just "PS3 YEEEE! I can't believe I found one!" only to later have the reality of the situation sink in.
Of course, I'm making fun of the system a lot, and that may change in the future, when and if they pull things together, but right now, it's a total joke....excluding maybe Tekken 5, which is surprisingly cheap, low in size and easily accessible. Despite all the Sony failures, I think Namco took a big step forward in showing people what could be done with downloadable games.
I'm kinda of hoping this kills Ebay speculators off, we don't need them hanging around console launches like parasites.
Anyway, the really funny thing is the PS3 launch seems exactly like the PS2 launch, in terms of games and content. It's just with the other systems being more viable the flaws are alot more visable. No more of this "Hey I got a PS2 it'll rock" and ignoring the Dreamcast. It's more of "So...where are the games exactly?" and "Well, i can get this or I can get a 360 or Wii and some really good games".
I'm sure Sony will solve the game problem, but it does show the great flaws in the release schedule. And it could of been simply solved if they just had one A list title on the launch pad.
On the flip side, Yes, Tekken 5 does seem like a good move on Sony and Namco's part. A very visable, and distinct way to show a difference between the 360 live arcade and the Sony one. And I'm hoping we see it used in other ways...Like say SFA3 High Res with online play and the PSP characters. I'd pay $20 for that...