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Pollyanna 2134th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):2006 in review" , posted Fri 5 Jan 13:34
What came out this year? I can't remember. I get messed up because I usually play the Japanese version of games, then people start talking about the US version, and I forget what came out when.
Well, anyway God Hand is my game of the year as well. I like everything about it. Well, not everything...the backgrounds are still pretty poor, but I don't really care. The total package is fantastic. It's one of my favorite games ever.
If I played it online, I'm sure Monster Hunter 2 would be my favorite, but seeing as I've only played offline, God Hand gets a lucky victory.
PS2's KOFXI is both excellent as a fighting game and a port, so that's a close second.
I don't recall any exceptional RPGs last year, though I haven't gotten to play Blue Dragon yet. I'm immensely enjoying Tales of Destiny, and seeing as ToA was 05, I may have to grudgingly call it "The RPG of the year".
Three cheers for Konami for reviving the PS2 line of GuitarFreaks/DrumMania titles. 3 excellent releases only flawed by their irritating unlocking systems (which thankfully, V2 fixes).
I was disappointed in a number of games. Dead Rising was partially fun, but mostly frustrating. FFXII was good, but it was just short of being outstanding. It could have been my favorite, but now, I barely want to think about it. Raidou was a decent game, but I still expect better from Megaten.
Not happy with the launch of either new system, though I'm delighted to look back at Sony's history of failures (there was a new one, like every week). Like most people, I'm interested in the Wii's potential, but like the DS I think it'll take some time to turn into something really worthwhile.
That leaves Okami which walks the line between excellent and disappointing for me. I bought the artbook, and I think I've enjoyed it more than the game, which was beautiful in many ways, but totally put me to sleep.
Pollyanna 2135th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(5):2006 in review" , posted Fri 5 Jan 14:59
quote: I'm immensely enjoying Tales of Destiny
Explain why you have chosen to switch sides.
You mean, like...in reference to the original (which is my least favorite in the series), right?
The battle system is dramatically improved. Not ToR good, but roughly on par with ToA. The combo system is really open-ended...and while some options aren't nearly as effective as others, you'll probably have fun just messing around. Also, as usual, you can switch to hard mode whenever you like, which I think should be a legal requirement for boss fights. You're missing out on too much fun, otherwise.
Also, the color scheme isn't ugly anymore, and the towns are all well-designed and fun to run around, rather unecessarily large wastes of time with a sverely limited tileset. Also, you can find items looking around, rather than treasure chests you can never open.
The sprites look good, instead of lumpy, and while the plot is still pretty poor, they reworked a lot of the scenes to make it flow better at least.
Also, the skits are enjoyable, even if there are a few too many. I'm saying this in contrast to Tales of Rebirth where the characters don't have anything good to say.
So, yeah...they fixed most of what was wrong with the original, and while I'd rather have an exceptional new game rather than an exceptional remake of a mediocre game, I've still been pleasantly surprised.
Just a Person 836th Post
Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(2):2006 in review" , posted Fri 5 Jan 20:42
quote: I think this year kind of sucked for games. There's certainly nothing I can say was game of the year...
Some games I liked a fair amount were: Dragon Quest - Rocket Slime Adventures. This is a kids game done right, with some respect for young peoples' intelligence.
FFIII - pretty fun, as final fantasy games go.
Senko no Ronde - well, it's good enough. Too bad it probably won't see a stateside release. I said it might before, but, well...it's less likely now.
I dunno, I think my game of 2006 was still RE4. Frankly I think it's the game of the last three years.
Note: I didn't play okami, FFXII, Yakuza or any of those.
Wasn't The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess released in 2006?? I guess it deserves some mentioning in this review, doesn't it?
I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!
Time Mage 2496th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):2006 in review" , posted Fri 5 Jan 21:09
quote: Wasn't The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess released in 2006?? I guess it deserves some mentioning in this review, doesn't it?
Okay, I'll mention it, then: While a good game, I'm finding the very same mistakes Ocarina and Wind waker had (that is, it's VERY, VERY easy), plus some new ones. I'm enjoying it, but it feels like an OoT remake. I'd like to finish it to make a final veredict, but so far it is a bit disappointing at moments (but really fun, nonetheless).
My game of the year: Final Fantasy XII. Yes, it has flaws, but I think that all its good points overcome by far the (several, but minor) negative aspcts. The inmense world, the great designs, the well thought and new battle system, the dialogues, the fact that the optional stuff is spread through the entire game, instead of being all at the very end (I'm referring to the Clan Hunts), the music, etc. So many hours of pure enjoyment for me.
Oh, Wii Sports gets an honorable mention for being way, way better than I though, and a really fun multiplayer experience.
I'm the leading man. You know what they say abut the leading man? He NEVER dies.
Gojira 2094th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):FF XII in review" , posted Fri 5 Jan 22:00
2006... My biggest turnaround in 2006 is actually looking forward to 360 games. At first I thought buying the system was a huge mistake, but Dead Rising was great (even if the text is WAY too small for my eyesight), and after watching the Last Oddysey teaser I was suprised to find myself getting goosebumps. And like Polly, I too am in love with Blue Dragon's soundtrack before I can even play the game. I'm even kind of looking forward to Tenchu: Senran although I can tell from the demo it probably won't be as good as Kurenai. So oddly enough I'm enjoying my 360.
God Hand game of the year? I liked it, but I didn't LOVE it. I love that it's incoherent enough to have been written by a brilliant 9-year-old, but unfortunately I have to say the game itself could have been better.
My game of the year, and I can't believe I'm saying this, but it's VP Silmeria. Better than VP Lenneth? Hell no. Best game I've played this year? Hell yes. Second was Suikoden V, despite the slow start and awful graphics.
And since there's FFXII talk going on I suppose I have to say something about it. 2006 marks the first time I've ever failed to get engrossed with a FF game. After renting it I couldn't even bring myself past Vaan's city, like 2-3 hours, then I just let it sit and eventually took it back. I'm sad to say I have so many complaints I can't even organize and summarize them.
HAYATO 737th Post
Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(2):FF XII in review" , posted Fri 5 Jan 22:34
My game of the year, and I can't believe I'm saying this, but it's VP Silmeria. Better than VP Lenneth? Hell no. Best game I've played this year? Hell yes.
I second everything you just said about VP:S. It is, perhaps, my favourite game of this year, but Okami sure follows it very closely, if not surpasses it in some aspects.
VP:S has a great gameplay (ruined a bit due to excessive grinding in chapter 3), but I found the plot extremely dissapointing, all that prequel/sequel stuff just messed it up unnecesarily, and there are massive plotholes I just can't bear with (what a coincidence, everybody hides something!!!).
I once heard some dialogues and situations in VP were going to be rewritten for VP:L in order to improve the continuity between both games. After VP:S, I sincerely hope they leave the original VP untouched when ported to PSP, otherwise they would have to remake the whole thing...
Pollyanna 2138th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(5):2006 in review" , posted Sat 6 Jan 21:16
quote: Elitist Elitist Elitist <3
You're the elitist! You think you're too good to even PLAY games! I deal with some aspect of the localization process every day at work. I'm just trying to get away from that! That, and I'm extremely impatient. And rich! Of course, rich.
Speaking of how rich I am, I sent my butler out to a bunch of places looking for a good deal on a home theater system and I...I mean, he found PS3's everywhere. No Wiis, though.
I forgot about Valkyrie Profile. I loved the battle system, the overall challenge, the dungeons and the soundtrack to bits. Too bad the other systems stunk, the characters were boring (and looked messed up sometimes) and the plot went from unspeakably boring to unbearably ridiculous. The biggest travesty is the lack of multiple battle themes, especially when you spend so much time in fights.
I also second everything nice said about FFXII, though, as I've said before, I'm not a fan of the implementation of those nice things.
Undead Fred 2767th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(8):2006 in review" , posted Sun 7 Jan 10:53
quote: Here comes the Knight in the Shining Armor. Is that Vodoo hobo disturbing you my Lady?
I know I'm probably opening a can of worms, but...
Why can't people behave just normally when a female poster is present? I mean, she's just another poster here, there's no need to behave as if she's a damsel on distress, even if it's only half-joking.
And I wonder why women usually avoid this kind of places...
Anyway... Since I bought a 360 this fall, a majority of the games I bought for the last half of the year were pretty much all 360 games. Dead Rising's definitely my pick for game of the year, but since I'm totally biased towards shopping malls packed with zombies, I'm not sure if my vote counts. DOAXVB2 and Guitar Hero 2 were very good, but they weren't dramatically different than their predecessors. On the other hand, I guess there were enough sequels out there where other people fixed things that weren't broken, so I guess it's not so bad. And of course, there was Gears of War as well.
I'm looking forward to Bullet Witch once it comes out here (I think February?)... I had seen a video of it over the summer and it looks like a lot of fun.
exodus 3712th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):Mmmmhh..." , posted Mon 8 Jan 04:03
quote: I'm hoping Gears of War (and maybe Lost Planet?) will help start a trend of making more 3rd-person shooters instead of 1st-person ones.
Actually, yes. This trend is underway! I was just talking about it a little while ago. I directly blame Resident Evil 4, by the way, as I know two of those games were directly influenced by it (three if you count Lost Planet itself). One is Gears of War, the other is Dark Sector, which I think everyone will be pretty surprised by. It seems quite good.
Another (believe it or not!) is Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter - it's 3rd person in the online component as well.
In fact, Gears and Lost Planet are the most popular multiplayer games out there right now, so...yeah. I think the trend is going.
Undead Fred: I appreciated what it tried to do, but I have numerous complaints, which I plan to write up one day. And the story...man. The story was awful and amateurish. That whole bit with the resonator was...wow. I just can't begin to understand how they thought a story should be structured that way.
Pollyanna 2141th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):Re(10):2006 in review" , posted Mon 8 Jan 10:05:
quote: Anyone got something to say about this game?
how can you not know that your idol has been talking about this one for years?
I'm going to be a real import snob for once, because I think this game really calls for it. The English version really honestly is inferior. Not because it has bad voice acting or anything, but because its lame localization attempt is insulting and it's missing stuff. It's also pointless after Sengoku Basara 2 came out. Even if you're not into importing, I still wouldn't recommend Devil Kings unless you've played everything else good out there.
Kofoguz, it's hard for me to recommend things to you, because I don't know that your tastes necessarily agree with mine. Also, do you play imports?
Of the games you mentioned, I really don't think FFX-2 is particularly worth it, I wouldn't touch FFXI with a ten-foot pole and FFXII is...well...pretty good, but I can't recommend it based only on someone liking FFX. I enjoyed all 3 Fatal Frames to different degrees, though 2 had the fewest nuisances. 3 is just fine as long as you don't quit playing for 3 months and try to come back.
That leaves Okami and God Hand, both of which are excellent in different ways and DMC. I only really recommend DMC3. The second game isn't worth playing, and the 1st, while decent, is not worth playing when DMC3 is available.
As for Tales games, if you're not importing, the only decent available one is probably Tales of the Abyss, which unfortunately got a somewhat inferior US release (no voice acting in the skits, no lyrics in the opening, mediocre voice acting on the whole). Not enough to ruin the game, though.
So, just in my opinion, if you're looking for games to prioritize, I would say Okami, God Hand and DMC3 are a good place to start. Also, since you can borrow 2 out of 3, that should save you some money and keep you busy at the same time.
[this message was edited by Pollyanna on Mon 8 Jan 10:07] |
kofoguz 497th Post
Gold Customer
| "Re(4):Re(10):2006 in review" , posted Mon 8 Jan 15:42
quote: import .... The English version really honestly is inferior. Not because it has bad voice acting or anything,...lame localization attempt is insulting and it's missing stuff.... Sengoku Basara 2.... wouldn't recommend. Also, do you play imports?
About imports. No thats because I dont understand Japanese. I took Japanese KH2 and put it away before 5 or 6 day of twilight town. Cause it is driving me crazy not to understand lines, story doesnt matter how crappy they are. Thats why I am waiting for KOFXI and SSTenka for Europe or Us release. I play the competitively everytime I got a opponent, but unfortunately I play 1P most of the time and I wanna see what they quote. The thing that I love in Onimusha is theres an option that makes me hear the original voices and understand how the story goes with subtitles. Wish FFX got that. And also because of the language problem I can't bear to consider NamcoXCapcom. And thats kinda fetish game for me fighters/crossover and co-operate supers.
quote: Kofoguz, it's hard for me to recommend things to you, because I don't know that your tastes necessarily agree with mine.
Actually I still kinda explore what I like, too. For ex. I never liked any kind of serious type sports/racing games but I discovered I enjoyed to play F1 06/ Pes6 and Virtua Tennis 02. Especially the VT02. Anyway theres a huge void between NES to PSOne. And cant find that much different Nes games localy at the time. So there're lots of nintendo titles I've missed. I never played Zelda, I love Mario but Nes was my last Nintendo so I played snes ones on pc and Ps2 no further... I loved wario game that I played on Gameboy advance. Also I really really want to play Mario Party. I gotta save and buy a Wii. It will take a long time to keep up from NES but I wont be complaining.
I like Fighters/Platformers/Puzzles/Actions/Adventures, new in the Rpg if you dont count PE2, KH as Rpg. TombRaider series except 1 and 2 -thanks Eidos for anniversary-, I watch the RE series, then got in action in 4 (it sounds kinda weird but I like -and liked- to watch and translate the some games and RE series rather than play it) I loved PE2, KH 1-2-com RE4, Onimusha dotd, Ctr, Chu chu Rockets, late to the sonics but loved the dreamcast episodes. Also I enjoyed the Jet Set Radio.
quote: FFX-2 FFXI FFXII 3 Fatal Frames to different degrees, though 2 had the fewest nuisances. 3 is just fine as long as you don't quit playing for 3 months and try to come back.
Glad that I dont have FFXI. But I can go and check it just cause of curiousity.
quote: That leaves Okami and God Hand, both of which are excellent in different ways and DMC. I only really recommend DMC3. The second game isn't worth playing, and the 1st, while decent, is not worth playing when DMC3 is available.
Notes taken.
quote: So, just in my opinion, if you're looking for games to prioritize, I would say Okami, God Hand and DMC3 are a good place to start. Also, since you can borrow 2 out of 3, that should save you some money and keep you busy at the same time.
Actually I dont spend money to the games thanks to my friends. BTW will I see a Wii Okami?
exodus 3715th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(5):Mmmmhh..." , posted Tue 9 Jan 03:34
quote: Eventhough I like polly and fond to her I dont have a crash on her.
Don't worry, I never said anything like that myself, I'm just joining in on the fun. Much like sexual innuendo with iggy or zepy (who might not even be gay!?), it's all fair game.
Plus, 'idol' doesn't signify a crush, but rather admiration...which I think is more accurate anyway, if we're being truthful about what we say, which I must say I have NEVER been a proponent of.
quote: Someone needs to convince me to play Lost Planet.
Alright mystery guest, I'll try it out. (oh and by the way, there is minor clipping in Roboblitz)
So, Lost Planet - it takes the 'action game' bits of Resident Evil 4, and amplifies them. The aiming has been refined, so it feels like you have very quick movement ala an FPS, but it's easier to have that kind of precision without being a genius, because the camera is further back. Basically the target reticle moves faster than it would in many games, but because you're further away from it, it's easier to see and control.
Next, the weapons are fun. You can ride mechs around, which is neat, and they have their own weapons they can equip. The nice thing is that you can actually use those weapons on foot as well, though you're a bit slower. So there's this nifty homing laser that shoots around corners, and you can camp out somewhere and blast away (it charges). And if you're on the receiving end, all you have to do is keep an eye out. All you really have to do to avoid it is jump around a bit.
It feels very balanced, and a novice can get some kills in by being in the right place at the right time, but a veteran has a lot of tricks he/she can employ.
The grappling hook, for instance, is quite fun. 'Traditionally' you use it to get up to high points, but you can also do things like fall off the side of the building, latch on, and dangle. This is useful if you're getting shot, but are on top of a building. You step off the edge, the guy can't shoot you anymore, you heal up, then you spring back up right in time for him to come see if he's finished you off at the ground level.
You can also use it to get behind cover faster. If you're getting shot at from the front, you can latch onto a pillar or rock in front of you, and speed across the ground to safety.
Basically there's a lot to do in there, much of which is based on you wanting to explore and use the controls to exploit the game, which is a very oldschool sensibility...which does call to mind RE4 once again.
I'm mostly talking about the multiplayer here, but the single player is fun too. One thing I like is that since this takes place in snow, your 'shield' is pretty much heat. When you blow things up, you can gather more heat. If your heat runs out, you're quite vulnerable.
The other thing I like about the third person view is how much of the playing field you can see. This makes it so when you die, you really know it's your fault. Well, except that one part of the single player demo where you have to face like a million mechs and you have nothing...that was impossible.
Anyway...the game has an oldschool aesthetic with new ideas, and I applaud any step in that direction. Who knows when we'll see another game like this, so I'm planning to get it.
quote: I still would stick it to B Jenet, though.
I fixed it.
kofoguz 501th Post
New Red Carpet Member
| "Re(6):Mmmmhh..." , posted Tue 9 Jan 05:34:
quote: Eventhough I like polly and fond to her I dont have a crash on her.
Don't worry, I never said anything like that myself, I'm just joining in on the fun. Much like sexual innuendo with iggy or zepy (who might not even be gay!?), it's all fair game.
Plus, 'idol' doesn't signify a crush, but rather admiration...which I think is more accurate anyway, if we're being truthful about what we say, which I must say I have NEVER been a proponent of.
Sorry, actually I was Idolizing her and still I am. Cause I love elitist side of her/him/it. My flattery of her is just a part of game I play and shes ok with it as far as I know. I also love that Onslaught and Iggy assholes (their definition), that kinky kikkoken, that wise guy KTall he is Turkish-american. And the cool ones like you Voodoo Hobo. Even I missed time to time that broken robot. I cant say much about Professor cause I dont know him much. Also I only saw a few posts of Shingotheone1111ollyy guy so I cant comment about him either. Does he sucks that bad? Anyway to me its all is a game. And doesnt matter it is true/false or really who you are. I dont care. I might be wrong and you would be a punch of small brats who're smartasses. Or I could be the worthless guy who try to get in the major league. Or we all could be the characters of the cafe's Rpg who are talk about the gaming. So its up to you to see me as Sean or Dan. Or like Johnny. I dont care I like to hang around this cafe. So Can I have cake, please?
EDIT: Well this one is my 500th post and Im on the red carpet. Kinda cool. The red letter for my name looks good.
[this message was edited by kofoguz on Tue 9 Jan 05:36] |
dai jou bu 3th Post
New Customer
| "Re(9):Mmmmhh..." , posted Fri 19 Jan 11:03:
quote: Alright mystery guest, I'll try it out.
This is the same handle I use for the shmups forums.
quote: (oh and by the way, there is minor clipping in Roboblitz)
You can ride mechs around, which is neat, and they have their own weapons they can equip.
From my play experience, getting into a mech means I become the first target to die since a lot of the players I was shooting at had EMP grenades. Plus I easily get knocked over from rifle shots. Then again, I was playing team deathmatch and never received proper infantry support, which is pretty standard in any random multiplayer match.
The grappling hook, for instance, is quite fun.
You can also use it to latch onto a mech's blind side and shoot at point blank range.
You step off the edge, the guy can't shoot you anymore, you heal up, then you spring back up right in time for him to come see if he's finished you off at the ground level.
I clearly remember the game telling you if you killed something since the text window updates itself when you do (like you destroyed a VS) as well as your individual/team score jumping up. And I thought the healing worked like it did in single player, but the rate was reduced to the point where the only way to replenish your shield at a reasonable rate was to die and respawn, unless there was a button I had to press to speed up its rate. That was annoying.
quote: Basically there's a lot to do in there, much of which is based on you wanting to explore and use the controls to exploit the game, which is a very oldschool sensibility...which does call to mind RE4 once again.
I believe me not playing Resident Evil 4 yet is the main reason I cannot completely enjoy this game. The game's pacing is also slower than Gears of War.
However, I'm willing to give the game another chance though. I'll ask my friend someday to rent it for me in a few weeks he works at Blockbuster and employees are supposed to be able to get free rentals for games a month after that title was released.
quote: The other thing I like about the third person view is how much of the playing field you can see. This makes it so when you die, you really know it's your fault.
Except for the rifle shot that didn't tell you where the bullet came from. I'm really paranoid about walking in open fields because of this fact.
quote: The other thing I like about the third person view is how much of the playing field you can see. This makes it so when you die, you really know it's your fault. Well, except that one part of the single player demo where you have to face like a million mechs and you have nothing...that was impossible.
It's possible to complete that. My friend who tried the game out for the first time was able to do it on his initial attempt (although if I didn't tell him where to go, he probably would've been toasted in the first 15 seconds). The moment the camera fades in, get into the mech that's a few feet away to the right of you. There's also another mech not too far in front of that one to get into in case you took too much damage (which you probably will). From there, you just mop the floor with them since they don't have EMP grenades.
Funny thing is I didn't finish this scenario myself.
[this message was edited by dai jou bu on Fri 19 Jan 11:09] |