2006/2007 Winter Anime - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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Bata kun
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"2006/2007 Winter Anime" , posted Wed 10 Jan 00:51:post reply

Currently, I'm watching "Saint October" and I am about to watch "Nodame Cantabile" on Friday. I don't know why I'm watching the former outside of Koyasu Takehito-san. Oh yeah, it's that thing called a "guilt pleasure". I know "NC" will be a series I'm more likely to enjoy seeing that Seki Tomokazu-san, Kawasumi Ayako-san and Noto Mamiko-san are in it as well as Nabatame Hitomi-san. That and it's a J.C. series. It doesn't hurt to have some reputation also.

The last thing I need right now is another Friday series. I had to drop the new "Kanon" in advance because it's a Friday series and yes, I know the move is going to bite me sooner or later. (I know it's a Thursday series, but the time indicates that it airs on the following day, which is Friday. Besides, I can always get someone to get all of "Kanon" for me.) I should watch "Code Geass", but that's another Friday series. Yeah, this bothers me because I have the tendency to work on Fridays and I don't want to wear myself out. (I should watch some series another day, but then I'd be playing catchup and I don't want to do that right now.)



[this message was edited by Bata kun on Wed 10 Jan 01:00]


237th Post

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"Re(1):2006/2007 Winter Anime" , posted Wed 10 Jan 09:01:post reply

I've been so busy these days.... I'll promise I'll give my highlights once I get back on the run.

I'm interested in Venus Versus Virus, Lucky Star (By KyoAni!) and as you mentioned, Saint October and Nodame Cantabile!

...I must keep an eye on those xD

But I still want to quench your thirst.
Because I am the one that put you into the desert.

[this message was edited by Arngrim on Wed 10 Jan 09:03]

742th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(2):2006/2007 Winter Anime" , posted Wed 10 Jan 17:42post reply

I've been so busy these days.... I'll promise I'll give my highlights once I get back on the run.

I'm interested in Venus Versus Virus, Lucky Star (By KyoAni!) and as you mentioned, Saint October and Nodame Cantabile!

...I must keep an eye on those xD

After watching "Raoh Gaiden" last month, I'm currently waiting for more "Karas" and the movie "Phantom Blood".

71th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(1):2006/2007 Winter Anime" , posted Fri 12 Jan 08:10:post reply

I'd highly recommend Kemonozume to anyone in the mood for something different. It's a TV series by Masaaki Yuasa, who directed MindGame (which is my personal favorite movie ever).

Some people may be turned off by how odd it looks, but it's got a great story and is as much fun as it is artsy.

I personally love it, especially because the animators were allowed to work in their own personal styles when working on the show.

You can get the series here:


Also, check out the rad website with the coolest navigation bar ever

[this message was edited by nobinobita on Fri 12 Jan 08:11]

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):2006/2007 Winter Anime" , posted Fri 12 Jan 17:20post reply

There is only Yuria!... Yuria Gaiden, that is.