nintendo ds homebrew thread - Forums

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New Red Carpet Member

"nintendo ds homebrew thread" , posted Thu 11 Jan 07:57post reply

What things have you guys gotten to work? I got Uc Linux and moonshell works pretty good on my supercard sd. I also got a fishtank program to work. Anything u guys recommend?

Click this webpage


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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):nintendo ds homebrew thread" , posted Sat 13 Jan 05:02post reply

I reccomend buying a PSP instead and loading up Marvel v.s Capcom on it, hooyah!

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Copper Customer

"Re(1):nintendo ds homebrew thread" , posted Tue 16 Jan 08:18post reply

What things have you guys gotten to work? I got Uc Linux and moonshell works pretty good on my supercard sd. I also got a fishtank program to work. Anything u guys recommend?

I am not much into the homebrew scene for the DS, but I know that a crapload of applications have been created.

Here is a list

Are you slave to the blade?