RUMOR: (T/F?) Capcom to make SF2 remake - Forums

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shin ramberk
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"RUMOR: (T/F?) Capcom to make SF2 remake" , posted Sat 13 Jan 11:50post reply

So is reporting a rumor that Capcom is making a remake of SF2 for e-distrubtion on the PS3 network. Has anyone heard of this outside of the magicbox? Is there any truth to this rumor?

My 2 cents... The very sad thing is that i just really don't care anymore if its true. A tiny part does but... Capcom and SNK really squandered the 2D fighter genre. We were a hardcore base. We would have stuck with them. And I even dare say, we were growing because of sites like Blah, enough ranting. :(


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"Re(1):RUMOR: (T/F?) Capcom to make SF2 remake" , posted Sat 13 Jan 18:32post reply

Someone on SRK said it was an EGM rumor or something like that, and guessed MagicBox just got it from there.

Other speculation is that it isn't a remake, but rather just a port with online versus mode added (as with the XBox version of Super Turbo).