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Just a Person 840th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Questions about SS Tenka" , posted Sun 14 Jan 22:42
Sorry for bringing up a discussion about this game again (I didnīt find the older one)...
Well, just recently I found out this game exists, and it looks like very interesting! After all, everyone from the 2D series is back (even some old favorites of mine, like Nicotine and Cham Cham), an enhanced system...
Now, if anyone can answer this, Iīd be really grateful:
1) Is Tenka another dream match, or does it have a storyline?
2) If it has a storyline, when exactly does it happen in the SS main storyline? (so far, I know the order: SSV/Zero - SS - SS3 - SS4 - SS2 - SS64 - SS64-2 - SS:WR; where does Tenka fit into this order?)
3) There are six or eight systems (like the CvS2 "Grooves"), right? What are the differences among them?
Thanks for the attention!
I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!
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simonbelmont 120th Post

Regular Customer
| "Re(1):Questions about SS Tenka" , posted Mon 15 Jan 18:33
quote: Sorry for bringing up a discussion about this game again (I didnīt find the older one)...
Well, just recently I found out this game exists, and it looks like very interesting! After all, everyone from the 2D series is back (even some old favorites of mine, like Nicotine and Cham Cham), an enhanced system...
Now, if anyone can answer this, Iīd be really grateful:
1) Is Tenka another dream match, or does it have a storyline?
2) If it has a storyline, when exactly does it happen in the SS main storyline? (so far, I know the order: SSV/Zero - SS - SS3 - SS4 - SS2 - SS64 - SS64-2 - SS:WR; where does Tenka fit into this order?)
3) There are six or eight systems (like the CvS2 "Grooves"), right? What are the differences among them?
Thanks for the attention!
It's a dream match. No blood either. President Andrew Jackson is a playable character.
Pollyanna 2143th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):Questions about SS Tenka" , posted Mon 15 Jan 19:44:
I'm sure Iggy can answer this best, and I haven't played the game in a while, but...
I believe it's a Dream Match -and- has a story. That is to say, it has endings. I gave up on "following" the plot after 4 and I don't know much about the 64 games, so I can't tell you "when" it happens (though I don't think it really happens at all in terms of the timeline).
There's a "groove/spirit" for each game from SS1 to SS5 then a "new spirit" for Tenka. The PS2 version has 3 extra spirits, I think. A "boss" one, one where you can't block but do more damage, and a 3rd I know nothing about.
The individual game spirits do a good enough job of recreating the original. It would take a tremendous amount of effort for me to outline each system, so you can just pretend, for practical purposes that they emulate the originals well enough (for example, you can't do supers in SS1 and you can do the SD "doll" moves in SS2).
The Tenka spirit, if I remember, has the gauge fill by doing damage, has a generic motion super (I don't remember if it takes your gauge or not) and then another special move that you can only do when your life is low. You have few dodging options and some kind of perfect guard that takes part of your gauge.
I think it's a decent game if you're hungry for SS, but it didn't hold my interest for long. If I had lots of people to play against, it might be a different story. Oh, and the loading is irritating, but not unbearable.
Edited for improved clarity.
[this message was edited by Pollyanna on Mon 15 Jan 21:42] |
Just a Person 842th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(2):Questions about SS Tenka" , posted Mon 15 Jan 21:51
quote: I'm sure Iggy can answer this best, and I haven't played the game in a while, but...
I believe it's a Dream Match -and- has a story. That is to say, it has endings. I gave up on "following" the plot after 4 and I don't know much about the 64 games, so I can't tell you "when" it happens (though I don't think it really happens at all in terms of the timeline).
There's a "groove/spirit" for each game from SS1 to SS5 then a "new spirit" for Tenka. The PS2 version has 3 extra spirits, I think. A "boss" one, one where you can't block but do more damage, and a 3rd I know nothing about.
The individual game spirits do a good enough job of recreating the original. It would take a tremendous amount of effort for me to outline each system, so you can just pretend, for practical purposes that they emulate the originals well enough (for example, you can't do supers in SS1 and you can do the SD "doll" moves in SS2).
The Tenka spirit, if I remember, has the gauge fill by doing damage, has a generic motion super (I don't remember if it takes your gauge or not) and then another special move that you can only do when your life is low. You have few dodging options and some kind of perfect guard that takes part of your gauge.
I think it's a decent game if you're hungry for SS, but it didn't hold my interest for long. If I had lots of people to play against, it might be a different story. Oh, and the loading is irritating, but not unbearable.
Edited for improved clarity.
First of all, thank both of you for the answers! How can SST be a dream match and still have a story? That's interesting... Maybe SNK uses this to explain what happened to each character, even if the story of Tenka doesn't exist at all?
And Polly, by your description, Tenka does seem to be a wonderful game with lots of people to play with! The groove system is very interesting, from what you said (doll moves, back?? Wow...).
Oh, and this may sound weird, but I don't care about blood in it. It's the combination "characters + story + music" that keeps me interested about the SS series.
I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!
Abster 310th Post

Bronze Customer
| "Re(8):Questions about SS Tenka" , posted Thu 18 Jan 01:56
quote: I dont wanna summon the evil arguement but how come abster is absent in the thread about SSTenka?
That's because I wrapped up my rants about the game being bloodless ages ago. SNKP marketing the game towards prepubescent audiences wasn't the only thing wrong with Tenka. (Voices the biggest issue and the fairly unbalanced cast) I can answer questions about the game however.
1. The answer is really both. Tenka takes place during a worldwide gozen jiai, which is some kinda tournament. The game is a dreammatch but it also has its own storyline.
2. Being a dreammatch Tenka doesn't fit anywhere in the SS timeline.
3. There are actually 9 grooves, the aforementioned SS1-5 spirits, the new Guilty Gear stylish one, and then PS2 exclusives...
Boss: Used by MaGaoh the boss character aforementioned. Has rolling, a gauge that fills by BOTH taking damage and dealing it. Super can only be attempted once when full, but it destroys character's weapon if it hits. It MIGHT also have the Chibi Doll transformation.
Animal: Used by all the unlockable animal characters. Allows for GG like chain combos, (usually ending with down + hard slash) ken mode's dodging, (except it doesn't contribute to any gauge like the ken spirit does) and lack of blocking. Gauge is filled by being hit, and super knocks weapon from opponent's hand.
Matsuri: Custom groove. Can eventually unlock infinite points so you can create the groove as you'd like. You can put in some exclusive features like being able to move before a round starts (ala SS3)