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Nate 812th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(1):Phantasy Star II" , posted Wed 17 Jan 06:29
quote: I always sort of regretted not playing the Phantasy Star series, especially II, which I've heard described in glowing terms as having a story years ahead of its time. Any fans or detractors for the series who can say whether it's worth my time going through them?
I'm tempted to play the Sega Ages version of II more than anything else (I heard that the Sega Ages PS I ruined the atmosphere, but that II was okay), since my first RPG's were Lunar 2 and Final Fantasy VI and I have a mildly hard time playing more primitive graphics than that. Am I missing out if I don't grind through the old Mega Drive version? Actually, am I missing out on a good story, period?
The story's quite good and I assume you're fluent enough in Japanese that you don't need to play the English version, which had well...typical translation for the time. It's awkward.
It's really interesting to see the contrast between the bright, cheerful future graphics and the storyline as it unfolds.
I'd say go with the Playstation 2 version if only because all the characters are useful or at least can be made useful. I also think Shir/Shilka doesn't make you backtrack as much to put her back in your party if she steals things on another planet (I only mention this because she's my favorite and it was annoying in the original). I'm not sure. I'm not sure if all the changes made to Phantasy Star 1 were done to this one, but probably.
ワンダフル! ビューティフル! エキサイティング!
Pollyanna 2145th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(8):Phantasy Star II" , posted Fri 19 Jan 09:22
quote: I love Phantasy Star. Bought Universe even though I knew the offline would suck. I just wish Sega could meld modern a turnbased phantasy star with the old's classic 80's anime look, and 80's music. To me its the ultimate scifi rpg series. And still today nothing comes close, not Xenogear/saga, Star Ocean, Chrono, etc.
It's not just the art and music. The new PS games are absolutely nothing like the old ones. There's an intangible quality they're missing...an overall style and theme in everything about them. It's a really "strange" sort of feeling. PS3 had tons of it, even though it was lacking many other important elements. Ah, I wish I could put it into words...
But I don't think the art needs to look like the in game stuff. "80's" doesn't mean anything to me. What does "80's" say other than "tacky and outdated?" I think recreating the spirit and theme of the sci-fi novel-looking detailed illustrations is the more important thing. If you use the in-game designs, then you'll have a blindingly bright world with simplistic designs. I mean, it would look like an anime, but I don't think that's the most important aspect. How did you like the art on the PS2 Generations title screen?
I totally agree on the music, though. It's not that it has to sound the same, but it needs to portray the same feel.
As for PS2...I enjoyed it, and it's a great game, but I don't know if I recommend it. I haven't played it in so long that I fear many of its conventions will be dated by today's standards. If you aren't especially warm to playing old games, you might not enjoy it as much as someone who has nostalgia for the title. I imagine you could get the AGES one for fairly cheap, though...so it may be worth looking into all the same. If I had any time, I'd do the same myself, but Blue Dragon is eating away what little game time I have these days.