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hikarutilmitt 360th Post
Silver Customer
| "Re(1):CFC DS Rips" , posted Thu 18 Jan 16:52
quote: I am not sure if this has been posted yet, but here are art rips from Card Fighters Clash DS
Who did the one for Gill?
Yep I was going to post this sooner or later. Great stuff.
As for Gill, I think it's the either Ogura or the KoF HK Manga Artist.
Awesome. Though, I wish that there were fewer KoF characters and had more characters from smaller games or series. Hell, I think I might've spotted a character from Ninja Masters in there. I mean, yeah, KoF is their main franchise and deserves a lot of cards, but JESUS.
Though I'm also impressed that Kizuna/Savage got, what, 4 character cards? WH had 4. Hell, King of the Monsters had like 3 or 4 itself. They shoulda had something from Pulstar just to see how many go "WTF?!" all at once.
NARUTO 3521th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):CFC DS Rips" , posted Fri 19 Jan 19:08
quote: As for the Capcom arcade thing, I want to get excited at the aspect of Capcom returning to the arcade scene in any way possible, but I wonder if it is anything more than a symbolic victory. I have a feeling it would be like a legendary band having a "reunion tour" with most of its members missing. (Well, that...and the members that are there are no longer on drugs, have become grandparents and have abandoned their "live hard die young" philosophies.)
I see what you mean, and I fell the same... And If capcom arcades return wouldn't have been announced by a cooperation on an arcade board, I would have said "prize game only"... Still, Capcom can produce Licenced game like the gundam series, or that animé VS they did, on the other hand War of the Grail is maybe not dead after all. Finally if You want to dream a lot, you can already see this move as a "phoenix rise again" for games like Sammy VS Capcom or CFAS....
Fortes fortuna juvat...
Grahf 442th Post
Gold Customer
| "Spore coming to DS, other news" , posted Sat 3 Feb 03:31
You heard right. This is big news for me since I no longer have a gaming-calibur PC, and I love my DS. Quite a surprise too.
Also, I'm not sure if anyone's already posted this here yet, but there is a really interesting thread on Shoryuken, of all places, about the making of Street Fighter the Movie the Game. I'm not one to check out Shoryuken, but links to this are showing up everywhere, it seems (I saw it on Slashdot). I even saw that Exodus had posted there to offer insert credit's services. Definitely worth a read.
Also, I haven't posted in a long time, so hi anybody that remembers me.