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Pollyanna 2150th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "What are you playing/Looking forward to?" , posted Sun 28 Jan 19:14
Okay, so I was thinking about babbling about what games I'm playing, but I thought it'd be better to have a conversation about what everyone is playing...so...what are you playing? What did you just finish? What are you looking forward to?
Blue Dragon.
I love it. It's outstanding. I got the premium box (or whatever you call it) because I wanted a Japanese 360 and ended up liking the game much more than I thought I would.
It's a meticulous and lovingly crafted RPG. If it wasn't for Mother 3, it would be the only game that fits that description that I've played in years.
So many games these days just don't "come together" right. Like there are 3 different teams working on them, and they're just mashed together in the end...but Blue Dragon is different. It feels like it was made by one person. Like every object, every enemy, every event, every area was placed there for a reason. It's addictive, well-paced, highly considerate to the player and tremendously fun. I'm at what I would assume is the end of the 2nd disc, and I've enjoyed every second of it thus far. Of course, it has its weaknesses, but none of them even begin to ruin the game. I had no interest in it and it appeals to my sensibilities very little, but it's such an exceptionally well-crafted game that I can't help but love it. Old-school RPG fans should be peeing their pants over this. I'm stopping myself before I go into a 4 page essay about it.
I'm also -still- playing...
KOF XI Tung's LDM is seriously getting on my nerves, though. Is there any way to avoid this!? It wouldn't be so bad if the chip damage wasn't monstrous. Other "banes of my existence" include Silber in general, Jazu with a full gauge and Maxima's chop.
Looking forward to...
Lost Planet I bought it, but I haven't tried it out yet because I've been too busy with work and Blue Dragon. Looking forward to trying it out online as well, though I won't let myself get a real Xbox Live membership until there are at least 2 games I can play on it.
Trio The Punch I'm thrilled about them making a port of this, as odd of a decision as it is. I'm going to throw a PARTY when I get it. My last experience with the game was playing it on an emulator online with a friend. I couldn't play for some reason, but I could chat, so I made fun of him as he sucked it up for half an hour on the game (due to his bad connection speed). We quit when he said "This is hell" after half an hour of silence.
I'm also strongly considering picking up Senko no Ronde, but reviews/videos have turned me away from Earth Defense Force, and Oneechanbara.
That doesn't seem like a lot...I wonder if I'm forgetting something?
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Time Mage 2501th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):What are you playing/Looking forward to" , posted Sun 28 Jan 21:00
I like the idea: Talking about videogames in a videogame forum. Here I go:
Valkyrie Profile (PSX).
Everyone I know praised it, so it couldn't be that bad, and, so far, they were right. I like the strange game flow, the battle system, the crystal puzzles, and the gorgeous 2D sprites, really well animated. The music is good, too, and while there doesn't seem to be a story behind "collect warriors for the valhalla", so far I'm not missing anything more. It's too easy, however, at least in normal difficulty.
I'm glad I decided to finally play it.
Final Fantasy Tactics.(PSX)
Again. Now I'm in the middle of a Thief Straight Character Challenge, just past Bervenia Free City. And what does that mean? I have a Chantage! Infinite reraise and regen in one of my girls will make a previously quite hard challenge much easier now. And in the moment I reach the Deep Dungeon... My team will become godly! So far, a very fun, albeit frustrating at times, SCC. Steal Heart can wreak havok on the enemy lines, and stealing and poaching are really useful for getting things like the Chantage or the Zorlin Shape.
Looking forward to...
Okami and God Hand (PS2)
They reach Europe the 14 of March, and I've heard so many good things from both that I just cannot wait.
Cooking Mama (Wii)
I don't know when will it be released, but I'm really looking forward to it. I think it will be one of the best games for the Wii controller. And since I like cooking, I might try some of the recipes there, too!
Oh, and about Silber, Polly: I use him, so I know his weaknesses: He's slow and fragile, so a well planned rush mixing short jumps and low attacks with the occasional combo off of one of those shuts him down pretty well. The only decent way out for Silber is guessing a counter or a DM counter, but then again, you can empty jump, too. Just don't let him get in control of the flow of the match.
I'm the leading man. You know what they say abut the leading man? He NEVER dies.
Maese Spt 349th Post

Bronze Customer
| "Lucky! cha!cha!cha!" , posted Sun 28 Jan 21:39:
quote: Trio The Punch I'm thrilled about them making a port of this, as odd of a decision as it is. I'm going to throw a PARTY when I get it. My last experience with the game was playing it on an emulator online with a friend. I couldn't play for some reason, but I could chat, so I made fun of him as he sucked it up for half an hour on the game (due to his bad connection speed). We quit when he said "This is hell" after half an hour of silence.
Lucky! cha!cha!cha!
(No, seriously. If only on an awkward, lovely way).
Since I have all my consoles 12000kms. away from me, that's pretty much all I can contribute to the topic right now... Oh, well, I do miss playing Ôkami, and I'm really curious to get my clutches into Zelda TP. That's about it.
Also, on an unrelated note: weebles are falling*add boundless Data_East love here*
 マツケン サンバ!!!!
[this message was edited by Maese Spt on Sun 28 Jan 21:40] |
NARUTO 3526th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):Lucky! cha!cha!cha!" , posted Sun 28 Jan 22:19
Playing: Zelda TP game cube.
For this Game I got a wierd feelings, I love it as much as I hate it. It's game who's magnificent at some point and horrible in others. The technical part is really great nice graphics, marvelous musics, and nice gameplay. The problem is that Zelda never evolved a bit in 15 years, the puzzles are so similar to the old zelda, and even with a huge world it's always the same way you travel trought it. Like in many zelda, battle are usuless, the ennemis being so weak and rarely agressives. Boss battle being quite useless to , since they're so easy.The fatc are that the game look so old in some ways, still no voices, and link is still mute, Some characters disgn are extremely nice, but you mostly see those characters once or twice no more, linke the zora queen or Midna's really body, when you have her as a stupid and ridiculous design, linke alla the characters that stays for long. It' seems that nintendo still have some trouble to grow up, and still have the "carebear" mind, maybe one day they'll ba able to make a really adult version of a zelda game.But the world itself is nice, the story change a bit, and the new characters bring some fresh air to the serie. the usual "search stuff" is here and the magic of the serie too. MAybe the perfect zelda would be the next.
Waiting for: Okami, and Gdo of war 2.
Well booth of them will be the swan songs of the PS2, and even being the last best Ps2 they're so different in all the ways. That's maybe why I want booth of them they gives a dfferent but complementary experience.
 Fortes fortuna juvat...
HAYATO 747th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(2):About Trio the Punch and VP" , posted Mon 29 Jan 05:21
quote: Trio The Punch I'm thrilled about them making a port of this, as odd of a decision as it is. I'm going to throw a PARTY when I get it. My last experience with the game was playing it on an emulator online with a friend. I couldn't play for some reason, but I could chat, so I made fun of him as he sucked it up for half an hour on the game (due to his bad connection speed). We quit when he said "This is hell" after half an hour of silence.
WTF, a port of TTP?? When is it going to be released and which platform will it run on? Porting this game is one of the weirdest decisions I've ever heard of... Data East will never cease to amuse me...
quote: Playing
Valkyrie Profile (PSX).
Everyone I know praised it, so it couldn't be that bad, and, so far, they were right. I like the strange game flow, the battle system, the crystal puzzles, and the gorgeous 2D sprites, really well animated. The music is good, too, and while there doesn't seem to be a story behind "collect warriors for the valhalla", so far I'm not missing anything more. It's too easy, however, at least in normal difficulty.
I'm glad I decided to finally play it.
Ha ha ha, oh wow!!! You are pretty fucked, man. I'd suggest you to restart your game and to try hard mode, otherwise you won't be able to get the full extent of the game's plot, the best dungeons and weapons and many other things... But doth not worry: I made the very same mistake the first time I played it. The other choice you have is playing the game twice (another great idea, as VP:Lenneth is the best RPG ever created)...
Pollyanna 2152th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):About Trio the Punch and VP" , posted Mon 29 Jan 08:26:
quote: WTF, a port of TTP?? When is it going to be released and which platform will it run on?
PS2 Feb 8.
(most of the rest of this is for Time Mage, though it relates to what Hayato said as well)
Concerning Valkyrie Profile, I wouldn't say you're missing out on the plot if you don't do hard mode. Mazes, yes, but I would say you get the whole scope of the "true" story as long as you get the "real" ending. If you have to spoil yourself a little to figure out how to do this, go for it. Beats being robbed of a real conclusion.
Edit: Looks like you're on top of that.
I will warn you however that VP has the most horrible, insulting ending I've ever seen. The events leading up to the ending are amazing, but the ending itself was drawn by one person, is very short and so typical that it betrays the otherwise brilliantly creative game. I'm just saying:prepare yourself, so you won't hate the game in the end.
My problem with VP is that the animations take too long. It didn't bother me when I played it the first time, but it's prevented me from playing it twice.
On Silber... I'll have to try fearing him less. It's just that you've got to be really close and really fast for him not to have time to get off any number of moves he has with excellent speed and priority. If I'm not mistaken, his counter works on everything and comes out super fast. Empty hops work for me sometimes, but he's strooong, so there's a heavy cost if I guess wrong.
The thing is, I play without time, so the Silber I play against has a tendency to do the flying kick whenever he needs to get away/sees an opening, and restarts the process of me trying to get in on him. Depending on who I use, it isn't an issue, as some characters can counter the kick, although most either aren't fast or close enough.
I'm always surprised that he can pull his giant axe kick special on wakeup. Looks cool...and hurts. His top-down command kick is nice, too, especially because it's so safe.
Anyway, next time I play (Wednesday) I'll try hammering him and see how that works.
[this message was edited by Pollyanna on Mon 29 Jan 08:27] |
Maou 993th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(4):About Trio the Punch and VP" , posted Mon 29 Jan 09:43
quote: I'm just saying:prepare yourself, so you won't hate the game in the end.
Always a drag, but I assume people got used to that with Final Fantasy VII ten years ago.
I'm playing Tales of the Abyss (after dropping Shadow Hearts) and love it, it's only about 8 hours in and already it's accomplishing things I always wished Phantasia had with an interesting and layered story, etc., and it's gorgeous. Plus I'm excited to play an RPG only about a year late after it came out, which I haven't done since FFXII. Too bad the first real boss keeps killing me since there are no revive AI patterns to program like in XII.
Soul Calibur II I have a new apprentice after a year's gap! It's so fun, and reminds me why I hated III.
....and lately I'm playing the first Dracula/Castlevania for cultural literacy. Rockman 2, also.
Can't WAIT for Phantasy Star II Sega Ages to show up, too!
HAYATO 748th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(4):About Trio the Punch and VP" , posted Mon 29 Jan 18:04
quote: I will warn you however that VP has the most horrible, insulting ending I've ever seen. The events leading up to the ending are amazing, but the ending itself was drawn by one person, is very short and so typical that it betrays the otherwise brilliantly creative game. I'm just saying:prepare yourself, so you won't hate the game in the end.
My problem with VP is that the animations take too long. It didn't bother me when I played it the first time, but it's prevented me from playing it twice.
I hope they'd fixed that issues on the PSP version... I'm pretty sure the one related to the ending has been fixed , as they have remade all the CG scenes but does anyone know if they added an "skip" option for the Soul Cleanser Moves ala Silmeria style? This would've been really useful...
Oh, about the games I'm currently playing on my PS2:
- Genji : I know it's quite old, but I got it recently and I found it quite entertaining... - FFXII : I haven't retaken it yet, but I think I'll do so in a near future...
And about the games I'm looking forward the most :
- Dawn of Mana - God of War 2 - Rogue Galaxy - Hokuto No Ken - Drakengard series : Albeit being a bit old, I haven't finished downloading them yet, and I've heard so many praising reviews that I thought they deserved to be on the list... - Viewtiful Joe series : Same as Drakengard
chazumaru 464th Post

Gold Customer
| "Re(5):Lucky! cha!cha!cha!" , posted Tue 30 Jan 22:34
Playing: one million DS games. RB2. A bit of Lost Planet. Suzubaku on PSP. A few freewares. Anticipating: one billion DS games. Blue Dragon in a version running on my console. Monster World Collection.
Besides unhealthy DS love, I do not have much time to play anything else. Handhelds (DS, PSP and even GBMicro) are so much more convenient for my everyday life that I am slowly getting out of touch (literally speaking) with home consoles. The only two regular activites reminding me that entertainement through home consoles is possible are watching Mainichi Issho with colleagues on weekdays and playing RB2 with a friend on weekends.
Like Polly, I had made my mind on buying an Xbox 360 because of Blue Dragon. Pre-release hype, first impressions and videos had sold me the 360 bundle. Unfortunately right at the moment I was thinking about the best way to get it back here without going through expensive mailing fees, I was offered a PAL 360 by a colleague. Which is fine and all, and I cannot complain, but it puts me in a very uneasy situation. Most of the games I am interested in on X360 are exclusive to the JP market and do not run on another 360 (Pro Spi 3, BD, Sylpheed...). On the other hand any quality game's US version will run on a Japanese 360. Furthermore I am worried that some games such as Operation: Darkness will never leave the JP market. However it is now quite hard to trade my PAL 360 for a JP 360, for diplomatic and practical reasons. Very annoying situation. I bought Lost Planet but only played it one evening. It was OK, at least exactly what I had bought it for.
What I am anticipating the most is when I will have some time to enjoy games, actually. I have been waiting for an opportunity to check out these numerous PC-88 games I got last year. I am only 15% through MGS Portable ops. I want to give Dragon ShadowSpell and the two "Ryuu" games from Sega a try some time. I want to organize a personal 25 years of ninja games from MSX to PS1 orgy on my PSP's memostick. I have high hopes for this summer's Comiket. I also want to give Chaos Seed another chance now that I am a bit less at odds with kanji-loaded texts.
To stay on track with the main idea behind the original post, I am surprised and a bit ashamed that the upcoming game I am truely excited about is Monster World Collection. Mostly for WBV:MWIII. I realise I could probably get it on a Sega collection, wait for the VC release or simply play it on emu via my PSP. Yet I am pumped up about this peculiar edition. Have I fallen in that old gamer's depression mood where you mostly care about the games from your youth that you already played? Hopefully BD comes soon enough in á version compatible with my 360. Bioshock looks interesting to me and I now have a console to play it. ProSpi 4 should be my excuse to bring a PS3 home in April. Bumpy Trot 2 will come at some point. And I can't wait to receive that overpriced OutRun 2 SP Anniversary Box.
Pollyanna 2152th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(8):Lucky! cha!cha!cha!" , posted Wed 31 Jan 08:58
Ah! I forgot about VF5! I'm looking forward to that a LOT.
I thought about getting DragonShadowSpell myself, but the unfinished ToD remake and Blue Dragon take priority. There was, indeed too much talking at least in SN3, as well as an annoyingly repetitive soundtrack and not enough variety in just about everything. Ah, but the fights that were good were really good.
I didn't hear good things about SN4, so I passed on it. Is the series aimed at girls? All the "sexy" guys talking about nothing for 45 minutes at a time seemed to indicate so.
Also, what's being "cleaned up" on Bullet Witch in America?
In other news, I'm ready for the last dungeon in Blue Dragon. My primary complaint is that the game is very "limited". The world, the characters and the plot are all very focused. That's made for a very well-constructed gaming experience, but one that doesn't quite challenge enough for my tastes. Still, I hate to complain about a game that I've enjoyed every minute of. I've still got quite a bit of extra stuff to fool around with, too.
Nate To me, most of the "non Persona" things about Persona 3 work out just fine, in theory at least. The one thing that ruins it though, is that it isn't edgy enough. The dating stuff would actually be tremendously enjoyable if the WRITING was like Persona. Instead you get these bland, stereotypical storylines with the supporting characters that failed to catch my interest. (with the exception of a select few) I wouldn't mind exploring my relationships with these characters if they actually did anything interesting.
Also, it's entirely too long. It can't support itself for 100 hours. That's too much. I want to finish it, but I've had enough. It's a shame, because I'm at least mildly interested in the main plot, and the (frequent) animated cutscenes are amazing.
Nate 817th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(9):Lucky! cha!cha!cha!" , posted Wed 31 Jan 10:12
Nate To me, most of the "non Persona" things about Persona 3 work out just fine, in theory at least. The one thing that ruins it though, is that it isn't edgy enough. The dating stuff would actually be tremendously enjoyable if the WRITING was like Persona. Instead you get these bland, stereotypical storylines with the supporting characters that failed to catch my interest. (with the exception of a select few) I wouldn't mind exploring my relationships with these characters if they actually did anything interesting.
Also, it's entirely too long. It can't support itself for 100 hours. That's too much. I want to finish it, but I've had enough. It's a shame, because I'm at least mildly interested in the main plot, and the (frequent) animated cutscenes are amazing.
The characters are a huge part of what bothers me, actually. They LOOK interesting(Yukari excluded, she's extremely generic and does nothing for me but I understand the need for the "heroine"). Their personalities, however, are bland as hell. How could they make a demon-fighting sentient robot girl boring? Somehow they did. I think you're right about it coming down to poorly-written typical RPG dialogue without the flair or edge that was in the other games.
I really think that's what Persona 3 lacks for me. Flair. It's shiny and pretty but there's nothing beyond the surface. It's even more frustrating in this case because Persona is one of my favorite series ever.
ワンダフル! ビューティフル! エキサイティング!
Sensenic 1560th Post

Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

| "Re(3):What are you playing/Looking forward to" , posted Wed 31 Jan 17:40
De-lurking... Lessee:
Now playing (or just having played): - Straightforwardly linear games on an agonizing computer, yesterday I just finished Sam & Max Ep. 1! Even if it was so easy, short & linear it was also so brilliant... the psychotherapy session, the dream sequences, the silly car minigame... The Dialogs! Also, keeping in mind the lack of time plus the ginormous accumulation of must-read, must-play, must-watch things I have, gotta admit its short length became rather an added advantage than a flaw.
- Also yesterday, somehow, I finally finished Castlevania PoR... and I really enjoyed it, despite its plain castle design and abusive recycling. Now it's boss-rushing, and secret characters' modes playing for me, so I'm far from done with it. Plus, with all the tedious enemy object grinding done (which felt much more compensating than DOS' though), it's only a matter of hack 'n slash action now.
- And since I'm still halfway through it (or so), I guess Silent Hill 3 goes here too, when I get to borrow it again, that is.
Looking forward to: - The rest of the Sam & Max episodes, given the first one. - Hotel Dusk, still without a fixed date for European release, AFAIK :( - Final Fantasy III, due April :(
And I think there're more, but can remember them right now.
PS: Just read on here (Supanishu) that Telltale Games are asking for a Wii programmer. Hmm...
Ling Yao. The king indeed.
 "In the beginning there was nothing and God said: "Let there be light". And still there was nothing but you could see it!" -Unknown-
Cain Highwind 749th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(5):What are you playing/Looking forward to" , posted Wed 31 Jan 20:20
Well I finally got my Wii, so I've been able to play a lot of Wii games finally.
-Rayman Raving Rabbids: This game is so ridculous with its minigames and fun shooter levels makes it impossible to resist. I'll replay several of the minigames just to either hear the background noises of the tutorial screen (different for each game) or just to see the hilarious "intros" to certain games.
-Excite Truck: I kind of wish I didn't spend 50 bucks on it buuuut I'm still having fun with this title, I want to get an SD Card for Custom MP3s.
-Wii Sports: I wasn't that impressed with boxing, but I love playing golf, bowling, and tennis.
-Zelda: Yep I kinda see what Naruto is talking about. But to me, Zelda is one of those games, where you know what to expect, but still enjoy it immensly for what it is.
And I have to say I'm spending a lot of time in the Mii channel creating Miis, I'm almost up to 40 with my Family, One Piece characters, MASH characters, and I'm even starting with the Airplane! cast.
I'm also playing Phoenix Wright at work. Definetely as fun and great as everyone says.
FFT: Shishi Sensou: Yep like Freeter, this is the ONE game I plan on getting a PSP for, gives me an excuse to try some of those MM Remakes and Powerstone.
KoF 98 UM / KoF XII: Pretty expected reasons.
Metroid Prime 3
Smash Brothers Brawl
KTallguy 890th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Banzai!!!" , posted Thu 1 Feb 03:07:
DMC3 - Damn it, too many games are in the way of me beating this!! Awesome game, I just got Nevan and am dying at that huge horse cart thingie.
Resistance - I got in a clan, and although I never liked console shooters, the fact that I can play 20v20 online with my team all being members of my clan is pretty amazing. I just need to buy a mic.
Ryu Ga Gotoku 2 - It's difficult juggling working at a host bar and managing a hostess bar. And I'm not even doing the main story!
Metal Gear Solid: PO - I really am enjoying this game. And I actually think the comic book style cutscenes are pretty sweet. :) The later missions are interesting. Online play is fun but difficult, I don't really understand it.
Furai no Shiren DS: I play this off and on, with Brain Training and KanKen in stow.
Final Fantasy 6 Advance: Man, I wonder if I'll ever finish this. Too many games.
Company of Heroes: Although I'm not playing this one too much lately, if anyone's thinking of buying it, do it. You won't be disappointed (although you need a nice computer to really enjoy it).
Looking Forward to:
MGS4 - Awesome DMC4 - Awesome FF13 - Awesome FF13v - Awesome Armored Core 4 - AWESOME! VF5 - AWESOME!!
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Been a long time coming, but this PC shooter/rpg is finally going to be released. I'm really intrigued by the unique aspects of the game play, it looks like it'll play a lot like Deus Ex.
BioShock - From the System Shock creators, I hope that it's good.
FFTactics for PSP - Duh.
Kiki kikai 2: Gotta try this one.
God of War 2: I never played the first one, but I'm really hyped about this for some reason. My first US developed PS2 game in years.
Play to win.
[this message was edited by KTallguy on Thu 1 Feb 03:07] |
Pollyanna 2154th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Banzai!!!" , posted Thu 1 Feb 06:36
quote: Ktallguy, seeing your post and the various people looking forward to Rogue Galaxy reminds me: do you still find the game as boring in retrospect as you did about half a year ago? It's absolutely gorgeous but I've had enough dungeon-ing with FFXII and have been avoiding Rogue's temptation with Tales of the Abyss, which looks almost as good, but...
The upgraded versions seems to add quite a lot, but after playing a Tales game, the battle system is going to seem hopelessly bland. I'm not saying it's bad or anything...the boss fights are great and the way you exploit weaknesses in the enemies is cool, too, but you don't have an awesome combo system and with the length of the mazes, it gets pretty monotonous pretty fast.
I've probably said this before, but there it is again. If you have to play it, put a game or two between it and ToA at least.
Spoon 1387th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(5):Banzai!!!" , posted Thu 1 Feb 14:43
Sword of Etheria aka OZ. The game has full English and NTSC, though hearing the battle voices in 4 other languages is fun. There is really just one little feature I wish the game had: the ability to switch lock-on target to the enemy your teammate is sending to you by clicking, say, R3. That's it.
Dicing Knight. Recently translated by AGTP, this game makes me wish I had a Wonderswan so that I could play it on the go. But I'm sure that hipster Brandon already played and dismissed it back in 2004.
Dota for Warcraft 3. My friends sucked me into it. It distills the MMORPG experience into like 1 hour more or less, complete with competitive farming technique, spawn blocking, ganking, PvP raiding, build optimization, etc.
3S. The company has a machine set on freeplay, what more can I say.
Cy Battler. The company has an Ultracade machine set on freeplay, what more can I say.
Random GBA/DS games. Yggdra Union, Tetris, and Hotel Dusk mostly.
Eagerly awaiting:
Hokuto no Ken PS2. But you know that already.
Undead Fred 2778th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):What are you playing/Looking forward to" , posted Thu 1 Feb 17:17
quote: no, basically the rifle was almost completely useless. It was hard to aim as it had a small target reticle (that's fine for a rifle), BUT a headshot didn't get you a kill! You're better off upgrading your standard gun in the old version, because of the time it takes the rifle to reload. Essentially, the rifle was a weapon you would never choose, because they'd balanced it wrong. So it should be re-balanced as a useful weapon.
That's all!
Ahhh, I didn't know you had more than one gun in the game... For some reason, I mis-read it like some fat 8 year old had said THIS IS 2 HARD LOL and they dumbed the game down for him by upping the power of the main gun in the US version. I guess I've just seen enough of "oh, the US version needs the studio cleaning staff for voice actors and we'll take out all the blood" in the past to assume the worst. Heh heh.
Good to hear I won't have to worry about stupid trash cans clipping by my ear and killing me in the game, though.
KTallguy 890th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(2):Banzai!!!" , posted Fri 2 Feb 02:49
quote: Ktallguy, seeing your post and the various people looking forward to Rogue Galaxy reminds me: do you still find the game as boring in retrospect as you did about half a year ago? It's absolutely gorgeous but I've had enough dungeon-ing with FFXII and have been avoiding Rogue's temptation with Tales of the Abyss, which looks almost as good, but...
I haven't played the US version, and supposedly they've fixed some things. But I still think that the core gameplay is flawed. If you have nothing to do, then go for it, but I'd at least give it a rent first. The beginning parts are actually quite fun, but about 4-5 hours in you really start to see how monotonous the game can get.
And damn Chrono Cross, I keep wanting to go back and play that game again because the music is so great! Then I remember....
I'm assuming the host bar work is a variation on how the hostess bars worked in the first game but what is involved in running a hostess bar? Is it like the previous game's hostess experience except in a central location? Is it like Pokemon or other games of that ilk except instead of cutsie animals you get to collect and train women? Although I don't know what sort of system the game uses I'm certain it's delightful.
The hostess bar management is more akin to managing a restaurant or something. I've only done a little bit, so I haven't unlocked too much stuff, but basically it works like this:
1. Recruit girls off the street (I've only done this once so far, so I don't know how much of a collection element there is). 2. Interview girls, question them, flatter them, give them presents or bonus $$ => make them happy. 3. Pick how expensive the food menu in your Hostess club is. 4. Use your funds to buy furniture, different color carpets and wallpaper, lighting fixtures, etc. 5. Do some other quests, come back and you'll get an update and hopefully make some money.
It's pretty involved actually! However I've barely scratched the surface, so I'll have to get back to you on how deep it really is. It's fun though :)
Play to win.
Ishmael 2732th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(5):Banzai!!!" , posted Sat 3 Feb 00:51
quote: The hostess bar management is more akin to managing a restaurant or something. I've only done a little bit, so I haven't unlocked too much stuff, but basically it works like this:
1. Recruit girls off the street (I've only done this once so far, so I don't know how much of a collection element there is). 2. Interview girls, question them, flatter them, give them presents or bonus $$ => make them happy. 3. Pick how expensive the food menu in your Hostess club is. 4. Use your funds to buy furniture, different color carpets and wallpaper, lighting fixtures, etc. 5. Do some other quests, come back and you'll get an update and hopefully make some money.
It's pretty involved actually! However I've barely scratched the surface, so I'll have to get back to you on how deep it really is. It's fun though :)
Thanks for the info, it sounds like the system is surprisingly deep. For me nothing says "bad-ass yakuza" like setting up a meeting with an interior decorator. Here's to hoping that Sega continues to be insane and brings the sequel to the US.
quote: AH DUDE Add a remake of Dracula X to the list. If I had a PSP, that is.
Two versions of Dracula X and SotN in one package? Damn, this is easily the best title I've seen announced for the PSP.
Maese Spt 349th Post

Bronze Customer
| "This just rocked my world." , posted Sat 3 Feb 01:34
quote: AH DUDE Add a remake of Dracula X to the list. If I had a PSP, that is. Two versions of Dracula X and SotN in one package? Damn, this is easily the best title I've seen announced for the PSP.
omg! OMG! O_O OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111111111onetwothree
These are the best news since we entered the new millenium!!!! I can't even type properly; the hype is taking possession of every part of my soul. The last thing I would expect is Konami remembering about Rondo of Blood.
Now that I regain a bit of self awareness, I can see the revamped graphics look terrible, and I'm not very fond of those new Kojima's artworks neither... but hey, who needs a half-assed remake or yet another Cha-Cha-Cha under the Mournful Crépuscule lame sequel when you can enjoy the original&gorgeous Rondo of Blood, arguably the best Castlevania ever? That's the real attraction here! And Gekka no Nocturne is a delightful addition too (hopefuly it would be the complete version, with Maria and such stuff). Man, I don't really wanna a portable, but, but...
 マツケン サンバ!!!!
HAYATO 751th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(6):Banzai!!!" , posted Sat 3 Feb 01:42
quote: The hostess bar management is more akin to managing a restaurant or something. I've only done a little bit, so I haven't unlocked too much stuff, but basically it works like this:
1. Recruit girls off the street (I've only done this once so far, so I don't know how much of a collection element there is). 2. Interview girls, question them, flatter them, give them presents or bonus $$ => make them happy. 3. Pick how expensive the food menu in your Hostess club is. 4. Use your funds to buy furniture, different color carpets and wallpaper, lighting fixtures, etc. 5. Do some other quests, come back and you'll get an update and hopefully make some money.
It's pretty involved actually! However I've barely scratched the surface, so I'll have to get back to you on how deep it really is. It's fun though :)
Thanks for the info, it sounds like the system is surprisingly deep. For me nothing says "bad-ass yakuza" like setting up a meeting with an interior decorator. Here's to hoping that Sega continues to be insane and brings the sequel to the US.
AH DUDE Add a remake of Dracula X to the list. If I had a PSP, that is. Two versions of Dracula X and SotN in one package? Damn, this is easily the best title I've seen announced for the PSP.
Pollyanna 2160th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Re(10):Banzai!!!" , posted Sat 3 Feb 19:26
Just finished Blue Dragon. It had 3 last boss battles and 3 last boss battle themes. Awesome. Awesome. Awesome.
Speaking of awesome, a lot of things in the game had this sort of cheesy rock&roll vibe, like the man-eating tree with glowing red eyes that flicks its tongue at you (my favorite character) and a dinosaur with piercings (including 3 on the tongue), a mecha arm and a laser eye. THAT'S heavy metal.
I was completely and totally satisfied with the game from beginning to end. Although the plot and characters don't "do" much, the experience is entirely enjoyable as a whole.
There is also a large amount of (extremely fun) extra stuff to do, including 4 dungeons, 2 towns and more optional bosses than I could count. I did...about 75% before I got to the "too much trouble, not enough time" stuff. Regardless it was two very fun days full of extras.
So yeah, great game...very "thoughtful", as in "considerate to the player". There's even a "nothing collector" that rewards you for NOT finding something in a pot/chest/rock/etc. Everything is there for a reason, even nothing.
I'm ranting about this because I praised the game before and often find myself disliking games by the end...however, that's not the case this time.
Pollyanna 2164th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):Re(10):Banzai!!!" , posted Sat 10 Feb 11:24
quote: Just to say, that's hair metal. Heavy metal has nothing to do with it...let's not perpetuate the misnomer!
I'm reasonably sure I would be bored to tears by this game. Well not tears...bored to the extend of stopping and deciding to play something else.
But it was clearly made for persons who are not me, so!
Well, I doubt there are any hair metal guys with multiple tongue piercings, and "that's hair metal!" doesn't quite work as a phrase...but still...I guess it is more "hair metal", now that you mention it (even if there is no hair involved).
It's hard for me to say what your tastes are in anything, but I will say that I thought Blue Dragon was very much not for me, either. Excluding the soundtrack, everything about the game seemed to be exactly the opposite of what I look for in an RPG, or anything for that matter.
But I think...regardless of everything else about it's such a good game that it almost challenges you not to enjoy it. It brought back feelings I haven't had in years and reminded me why I got into RPGs in the first place.
On an unrelated note...
Now Playing: Lost Planet
I'm not crazy about it. I love how wildly incoherent the plot is, and I like the visuals and control scheme, but there's so much shaking and exploding that I feel like I'm playing a shooting game while someone is shaking my shoulders and covering my eyes with their hands. I'm dying to play online, but I want to finish the game first.
On Valkyrie Profile's Ending...
Well, the events leading UP TO the ending were good, at least. I think that's what made the very end so insulting. It was five seconds too long, if you ask me. I can't think of a worse ending, honestly. I'll have to put some thought into that...
exodus 3781th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(5):Re(10):Banzai!!!" , posted Wed 14 Feb 02:37
quote: It's hard for me to say what your tastes are in anything, but I will say that I thought Blue Dragon was very much not for me, either.
well, I've never finished a traditional RPG...the only RPGs I've finished are Panzer Dragoon Saga, Dragon Force, (twice each) Onimusha Tactics, Summon Night, Riviera, and almost all the way through Black Matrix A/D, Shining Force II Sword of Hadja, Shining Force III Scenario I - those were all ruined by save corruptions. But none of those are traditional dungeon RPGs...PDS is the closest.
I've never played an FF for more than a few hours, couldn't bring myself to finish grandia, though I liked it sort of, and, well...you get the idea. I hate toriyama's art, too, so playing an ugly game which appears to have a very classic appeal is just probably not going to work out.
KTallguy 891th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(3):Re(10):Re(10):Banzai!!!" , posted Sat 17 Feb 05:01
VF5 looks similar on the surface, but a number of new systems that players are just starting to take advantage of, like 0 frame throw, offensive move, and side hits/crumples, are very new and change the gameplay a lot.
The game is a lot less difficult to get into for new players, as you can play more on feeling, and there's less of a need to "know the rules" so to speak. Also, it looks hot, and character customization is nice.
I highly recommend at least renting or trying the game out.
Play to win.
Kikkoken 1122th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member+
| "Re(4):Re(10):Re(10):Banzai!!!" , posted Sat 17 Feb 06:20
Starfox Command (DS): Playing daily. I'm crazy about this game, I simply love it and can't believe I hesitated to buy it just because of a few so-so reviews. It took me a good hour to get used to the stylus control & the many factors to consider in solo missions, but now it's pure bliss.
Castlevania 3 (NES). The game I missed at the time. I'm just starting to play, but I must say the old school controls (slow-mo, platformer, small & stiff jumps) agrees with me much better than the controls in Metroidvanias.
Wario Smooth Moves (Wii: once a week with friends, hours of fun.
Squish (Game&Watch): on the pooh.
Looking forward to: Mario vs DK, Metroid 3, Virtua Fighter 5, KOF12, Prof. Layton, Castlevania PSP, etc.
hikarutilmitt 367th Post

Silver Customer
| "Re(4):Re(10):Re(10):Banzai!!!" , posted Sun 18 Feb 15:47
quote: VF5 looks similar on the surface, but a number of new systems that players are just starting to take advantage of, like 0 frame throw, offensive move, and side hits/crumples, are very new and change the gameplay a lot.
The game is a lot less difficult to get into for new players, as you can play more on feeling, and there's less of a need to "know the rules" so to speak. Also, it looks hot, and character customization is nice.
I highly recommend at least renting or trying the game out.
That's pretty much it in a nutshell. It also, apparently, from what I've read, rewards players for having dexterity more than the previous games did, which is a good thing IMO because even though I love VF you shouldn't have to read and memorize an encyclopedia to play a character well. :P
That's not to say that a person with great dexterity and general instinct can go into the game cold and beat a player with even moderate experience and lower dexterity, it just means that a person going in cold will have a slightly easier time getting into the game BECAUSE they can manage the controls and movement well from the start. I see this as nothing but good simply because it means anyone wanting to try VF when they regularly play Tekken, SC or even DoA (and plays those games fairly well or decent) might be more apt to stick with VF5.