W. Va. To Use "DDR"To Slim Kids - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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Gold Customer

"W. Va. To Use "DDR"To Slim Kids" , posted Fri 2 Feb 23:28post reply


Looks like Sabo10 could use this and his other armada of cronies.

Well, after taking paxil from the treadstone project, sushi has a self-depreciating sense of humor now.

But then again, learning Lazlo Soot's torture techniques wouldn't be as bad using them on some of the people I dislike on this server.


Disgust and disrespect goes to Juan Sabo 10 (especially) JJJ Onslaught (the most) Bootation go to hell. I don't take jokes anymore for all eternity.


765th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):W. Va. To Use" , posted Fri 2 Feb 23:50post reply

Well, America IS the fattest nation in the world...

4337th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):W. Va. To Use" , posted Sat 3 Feb 07:59post reply

Disgust and disrespect goes to Juan Sabo 10 (especially) JJJ Onslaught (the most) Bootation go to hell. I don't take jokes anymore for all eternity.



425th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(2):W. Va. To Use" , posted Fri 9 Feb 09:37post reply

Disgust and disrespect goes to Juan Sabo 10 (especially) JJJ Onslaught (the most) Bootation go to hell. I don't take jokes anymore for all eternity.

Love to use Lazlo's techniques on you, or maybe the Jigsaw's....


Disgust and disrespect goes to Juan Sabo 10 (especially) JJJ Onslaught (the most) Bootation go to hell. I don't take jokes anymore for all eternity.

527th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(3):W. Va. To Use" , posted Sat 10 Feb 01:55post reply

In my days of youth, I use to be a DDR master. I did lose a lot of weight. However, I also developed a somewhat outbreak of warts on my feet due to the sweat accumulation.

The days of my feet looking like they were infected with the T-virus are long gone.

悪 趣 味 な行為を
羊が百匹 羊が百一匹 眠れない

3773th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):W. Va. To Use" , posted Sat 10 Feb 02:06post reply



no fat chicks

1324th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):W. Va. To Use" , posted Sat 10 Feb 03:10post reply

small tiny chicks

3775th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):W. Va. To Use" , posted Sat 10 Feb 03:10post reply

small tiny chicks

yeah those

but like

...of age. damn zepy