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Ishmael 2738th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Tetris = Evil" , posted Sun 11 Feb 06:30
quote: Ya know, I used to get annoyed by all the so-called "studies" about games leading kids to violence and all that.
But now I am getting annoyed by all these studies about how "good" they are for you. Why can't an entertainment medium be just that, entertainment?
Millions of people play video games, whether they are smart or an idiot, just like millions see movies, some see low-brow ones like Epic Movie, others see more thoughtful ones like Letters from Iwojima.
Think we should just realize people do things to do things, and maybe it isn't going to revolutionize your thought process either way, so what.
Thing is, video games are an interactive form of entertainment. When I look at a painting or hear a song my reaction will be unique to me. But with a game not only do I have to participate but I have to participate in a very specific manner in order to progress. My thoughts and reactions to what I'm playing -such as how playing Unreal Tournament affects spatial resolution- can be studied. Whether this information will lead to advances in treatment for eye problems or will simply be an interesting conversation piece is unknown but I figure having that sort of information around is better than not having it.
EddyT 559th Post

New Red Carpet Member
| "Re(2):Tetris = Evil" , posted Wed 14 Feb 13:21
quote: Ya know, I used to get annoyed by all the so-called "studies" about games leading kids to violence and all that.
But now I am getting annoyed by all these studies about how "good" they are for you. Why can't an entertainment medium be just that, entertainment?
Millions of people play video games, whether they are smart or an idiot, just like millions see movies, some see low-brow ones like Epic Movie, others see more thoughtful ones like Letters from Iwojima.
Think we should just realize people do things to do things, and maybe it isn't going to revolutionize your thought process either way, so what.
I put that in the same boat as "X causes health problems" while others say that "X is very good for your health". I think unless it's rather obvious (i.e. smoking too much is bad for your health), I feel that those studies either jump to conclusions or do not have enough evidence to prove what they are trying to claim.
In regards to the topic, I feel that video games are good under moderation. Yeah, I would believe that it would heighten reflexes just a little, but nothing more than any other sort of activity that required hand-eye coordination. It's not like you will be able to gain superhuman powers by playing video games, and it shouldn't justify having someone play a video game more often than usual.
What I've learned from "studies": We are all going to die someday; it's just a matter of how it will happen. And take all studies with a grain of salt (unless it is blatantly obvious).