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Time Mage 2517th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(6):New FFT Art/Screens" , posted Wed 14 Mar 19:19
quote: I always found it useful to get him the Short Charge ability, it almost made him more powerful than Orlandu since if he was 3rd for 4th to attack using something like Climhazzard would just destroy anything, particularly bosses.
Basically the key to using Cloud is to get him to be a Time Mage quickly, get Short Charge and then just proceed to ruin anything the game throws at you.
More on that:
His direct damage abilities (Braver, Cross Slash, Meteorain, Omni Slash and Cherry Blossom) are all MA-based, so you want to give Cloud MA boosting equipment to incrase the damage. The last two are too slow even with Short Charge (which you should always have with Cloud), so let' count them out. Meteorain can be difficult sometimes to pull off even with Short Charge, but not too much, and is a bit more damaging than Cross Slash, plus having a wider AoE.
Then you have the two damaging non-MA based abilities: Blade Beam and Climmhazzard. Blade Beam does a damage equivalent to the damage Cloud has sustained, so it's good to use when in critical HP. Climhazzard is the boss killer: It does damage equal to the damage the target has sustained, so you'll kill anything with equal or less than half its HP (but caps at 999 damage, like all attacks).
Finally, there's Finish Touch, his best skill: It adds either Death, Petrify, or Stop in a cross-shaped area, and it is quite fast (and even faster with Short Charge). Against any generic or monster, this is simply devastating, as you'll at the very least will cause Stop on them, with a 100% success rate.
So, while Cloud isn't the Thunder God himself, he's way better than what people think. Way, way better.
Also, the formulas for each attack, if you wish to know:
Braver: Damage = MA * 12 Cross-Slash: Damage = MA * 22 Blade-Beam: Damage = (Caster_MaxHP - Caster_CurrentHP) Climhazzard: Damage = (Target_MaxHP - Target_CurrentHP) Meteorain: Damage = MA * 26 Finish Touch: Add any one (randomly determined) of the following: Dead, Petrify, Stop Success% = 100 Omnislash: Damage = MA * 40 Cherry Blossom: Damage = MA * 60
An example of a good Cloud setup would be:
Class: Solider Primary: Limit Secondary: Throw Reaction: Damage Split Support: Short Charge. Movement: Move + 3
Throw when you want to deal damage at long distance and/or instantly, Damage Split since it increases your survivability and isn't as cheap as other stuff, Short Charge is a must, and Move + 3 for added movement and Throw range (which is equal to the character's Move stat).
[/FFT geek mode]
It's pronounced "nucular". Nu-cu-lar hehehe. -Homer Simpson 1956-
Satoshi Miwa 2799th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):DMC4 to Xbox360" , posted Wed 21 Mar 04:53:
quote: Link Here
Not too surprising I guess, but reminded me that we will be getting the DMC anime soon. I hope we get some news on that soon.
Not too shocking , and I suspect will see more console exclusives from Third Parties jumping to the other platforms soon. Not just Sony ones, though given the way the war is going the Sony stuff jumping really stings the PS3.
Reason? The costs for making HD games are just so high that you just can't limit a game to one platform. The 360 has a high install base, and the PS3 will get there too. So if a company wants to make money they'll hit up both.
What's really intresting is it's starting to hit Japan too. While releasing games for multiple platforms has been a strategy in the US for awhile, Japanese game makers have tended to make a game for one console only. There has been a few exceptions, like Arcade ports and some of the 32 bit age Megaman games, but generally when Konami/Capcom/SquareEnix make a big game for a home system they make it for one platform. But I guess the costs of HD gaming have caught up to them and now we'll see more games on both systems...
Though I doubt MGS4 of FF13 will go to the 360 just yet, since I think Sony will use some cash top keep them system exclusive. FF14 and MGS5, though, will probably be multiplatform.
Not to mention the fact a lot of the industry seems to be switching to universal engines like the Unreal one. Which should make multi-platform games even more common...
Edit: If anything this might be more troublesome for the Wii, which seems to be a bit sparse in the Third Party department. People will make games for it due to it's install base, but I wonder if alot of companies will not commit the resources to make games for it since they can't port the games easily over to the 360 or Ps3....
[this message was edited by Satoshi Miwa on Wed 21 Mar 05:00] |