No Fist of the North Star Thread? - Forums

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88th Post

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"No Fist of the North Star Thread?" , posted Fri 30 Mar 17:59post reply

Just got my copy of Hokuto No Ken for PS2 and I'm loving every minute of it.

The game looks incredible now that I can see it in person. The graphics fill a hole in my heart. And I'm enjoying the gameplay quite a bit.

The game seems to be very particular about the timing for the combos, but it also gives you a ton of time to input them so it feels more precise, but also a heckofalot easier than other 2-d fighters. Then again I haven't gotten good enough to break it.

What are your impressions?


103th Post

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"Re(1):No Fist of the North Star Thread?" , posted Fri 30 Mar 18:55post reply

Just got my copy of Hokuto No Ken for PS2 and I'm loving every minute of it.

The game looks incredible now that I can see it in person. The graphics fill a hole in my heart. And I'm enjoying the gameplay quite a bit.

The game seems to be very particular about the timing for the combos, but it also gives you a ton of time to input them so it feels more precise, but also a heckofalot easier than other 2-d fighters. Then again I haven't gotten good enough to break it.

What are your impressions?

I'm quite interested in the game.
I'd like to know what buttons setup it it close to GG? KOF? SF?

2186th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):No Fist of the North Star Thread?" , posted Fri 30 Mar 19:07post reply

I don't have the PS2 one (isn't it a little soon? It just came out today), but I've been playing the arcade one for a while. The balance is pretty awful, and I get sick of seeing the same boring combos with Raoh and Toki. However, on lower-level play it's actually more fun (in my opinion) and I'm looking forward to playing around with combos in training mode.

Although I get irritated seeing the same annoying tactics in tournaments, I've recently seen some really amazing Juda player(s) that have renewed my interest in the game somewhat.

Also, although it has some inaccuracies to the series, there are a lot of fun little details, like the different chairs that Jagi gives people to sit in.

154th Post

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"Re(4):here's another stupid poll!" , posted Fri 30 Mar 19:34post reply

(isn't it a little soon?

It came out yesterday but some places in Hong Kong and Taiwan shipped early as usual. UPS Global Priority actually just dropped mine off at the doorstep a few hours ago.

I seems there are some minor adjustments to the arcade version. Raoh feels toned down but still a monster. Wish they had listed the 'Historic Moments' so you don't try to do everything that happens in HnK, the Ken/Shin crosscounter kick is obvious but the number of Historic Moments during Jagi/Ken fight is a bit silly.

Overall I'm enjoying this but haven't really settled down with the boost combos yet. Although, from the views on arcade players, maybe it's best to keep this low-level. The CPU Raoh/Souther do some pretty off-putting combos when they get the chance.


544th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(5):here's another stupid poll!" , posted Fri 30 Mar 23:28post reply

Did they fix those combo-in-one-hit-death attacks?

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in the bathroom エコロジストな僕なら

215th Post

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"Re(3):No Fist of the North Star Thread?" , posted Fri 30 Mar 23:56post reply

I don't have the PS2 one (isn't it a little soon? It just came out today), but I've been playing the arcade one for a while. The balance is pretty awful, and I get sick of seeing the same boring combos with Raoh and Toki.

I'm gonna have to concur on that one, I usually play Rei at the arcades, while I'm not the greatest player nor above average, I just sit there and let myself get pummeled into next Tuesday with a little whistle whenever a Raoh or Toki player catches me.

Though I'd like to have the ps2 version for at home practice.

Tracking Treasure Down - Gabriel and Dresden

Red Falcon
5767th Post

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"Re(4):No Fist of the North Star Thread?" , posted Sat 31 Mar 01:38:post reply


I'm gonna have to concur on that one, I usually play Rei at the arcades, while I'm not the greatest player nor above average, I just sit there and let myself get pummeled into next Tuesday with a little whistle whenever a Raoh or Toki player catches me.

Rei is actually top tier, Toki is.. third or fourth now, forget. But regardless, somebody else asked did they "fix the combo in to fatal KO's thing"... no, they did not, as that was not a problem/glitch in the game, it's just part of how it works. However, they DID tone Toki down, and several of Rei and Juda's infinates seem to be missing (or if they are still present, they are MUCH more difficult to do.) Rei's uppercut glitch is also gone. As a Heart player, he seems to take much more damage (odd, as he was low tier anyway) but likewise a lot of the itee-yo stuff seems gone as well (although the 80% combo I used to do instead of the 100% loop still exists, thankfully.) I'll post more as we experiment.

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[this message was edited by Red Falcon on Sat 31 Mar 01:39]

90th Post

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"Re(2):No Fist of the North Star Thread?" , posted Sat 31 Mar 04:05post reply


I'm quite interested in the game.
I'd like to know what buttons setup it it close to GG? KOF? SF?

Button setup is similar to KOF (LP,HP,LK,HK) with the addition of a boost button (R1). Boost seems really interesting. Basically when you press the boost button you are propelled forward during whatever animation your character happens to be going through. So you can start a normal or special and boost it into a person. It's also essential for most of the longer combos.

Just getting into the game has been real fun for me. It feels very different from any other fighting game including Guilty Gear. In spite of how spastic the game looks in videos, its much less of a button masher than I thought it would be. You need very precise timing for the combos (but you don't have to be very fast either) and it's not as easy to just dash jab into combos on people. But then I haven't been playing it for very long.

I never played the game in the arcades, but it seems changed. I'm no combo master, but some of my friends are and they can't seem to get alot of the infinites posted in vids to work.

Alba Meira
8th Post

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"Re(3):No Fist of the North Star Thread?" , posted Sat 31 Mar 04:54post reply

I like this game a lot myself Im currently using Jagi the most im still learning the ropes of playing it but mostly im going to be using Him and Kenshiro in the long run.

2187th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):No Fist of the North Star Thread?" , posted Sat 31 Mar 06:54post reply


But regardless, somebody else asked did they "fix the combo in to fatal KO's thing"... no, they did not, as that was not a problem/glitch in the game, it's just part of how it works.

Yeah, and I often see fights set to 3 out of 4 instead of 2 out of 3 to offset this. If anyone has a problem with the instant kills happening too often for their liking, this is a good solution.

Does anyone (I'm looking at you, Red Falcon) have any idiot-proof Jagi combos? I mean, nothing that uses anything too advanced. I don't totally suck or anything, but I can't like, point blank air dash (what do they call that?) or fancy stuff like that. Well, I can...sometimes...but I'd rather use combos that I can pull off reliably.

Speaking of idiot-proof combos, for those of you who haven't gotten into the combo/boost system yet, there's a super easy one you can do with Shin.

Low A, (slight pause) standing C, C+D (follow) Standing C (two hits) QCF+C, standing C (1 hit) QCF+C, QCB+C (ground hit)

Also, you can try low B into standing D, CDE into the same thing with a boost level.

By the way, I use Shin, Juda, Mamiya and Jagi. I'm picking up Rei next, but his combos are a bit obnoxious (to be hit by, not to pull off).

1321th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(6):No Fist of the North Star Thread?" , posted Sat 31 Mar 07:19post reply

I just got this game myself and I am trying to figure it out. It seems really weird, but I enjoy it.

Does anyone here know if someone is working on ripping the sprites from this game?

Speaking of HnK, has anyone else checked out the new movies/oavs? I saw Raoh and Yuria's and I think they are the only ones out right now.

I really don't like any of the new VAs except for Souther(Thouther) and Shuu's. The animation and reworking of "Ai wo Torimodose" and "Yuria Eien Ni" are the only saving grace for those things. The story just doesn't flow well and is a weird supplemental to the series.

1394th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(5):No Fist of the North Star Thread?" , posted Sat 31 Mar 10:01post reply


I'm gonna
Rei is actually top tier, Toki is.. third or fourth now, forget.

I don't know about that.

I haven't had much time to experiment with the game, so I don't know what's been changed and what hasn't. I'm somewhat disappointed that they didn't include an option for Original/Arrange mode, since discovering increasingly preposterous bugs was one of the best parts of the game.

Which Toki infinite are you talking about? Because a few infinites/100%'s in the game are based on one of two things: either making the hit counter go high enough that the gravity/bounce on the juggled character goes ballistic, or having a combo sufficiently long that the period of time in which you do not gain Boost after having used it passes, and you are able to regain boost during the combo. "Fixing" 100%'s by changes to either system would be pretty significant.

Polly: Juda is by far one of the most fun characters to use in the game, and even at high level play he's got tricks that are hilarious and dirty (like alpha countering opponent into the mine, and then comboing into Fatal KO).

Red Falcon
5768th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):No Fist of the North Star Thread?" , posted Sat 31 Mar 11:12:post reply


I'm gonna
Rei is actually top tier, Toki is.. third or fourth now, forget.

I don't know about that.

I haven't had much time to experiment with the game, so I don't know what's been changed and what hasn't. I'm somewhat disappointed that they didn't include an option for Original/Arrange mode, since discovering increasingly preposterous bugs was one of the best parts of the game.

Which Toki infinite are you talking about? Because a few infinites/100%'s in the game are based on one of two things: either making the hit counter go high enough that the gravity/bounce on the juggled character goes ballistic, or having a combo sufficiently long that the period of time in which you do not gain Boost after having used it passes, and you are able to regain boost during the combo. "Fixing" 100%'s by changes to either system would be pretty significant.

Polly: Juda is by far one of the most fun characters to use in the game, and even at high level play he's got tricks that are hilarious and dirty (like alpha countering opponent into the mine, and then comboing into Fatal KO).

Toki is just slower in general and thusly can't do a lot of the stuff he used to do; the gravity is definately altered, so it seems like it will be much harder to do any of the silly gravity based loops now, and I have a feeling that a lot of them just won't be possible anymore, although you can still probably get decent comboes out of "parts" of the old loops. And Toki hadn't been top in Japan arcades for a while, Rei beat him out ages ago, if only for the silly uppercut glitch. And Juda is hard gay (he was higher than Toki too last time I bothered with tier listings.. third? He was sort of the anti-Toki even back when Toki was top, though.) Amusing about the zero counter in to a mine, but he easily has the best fatal KO regardless, can combo it off of pretty much anything. A friend of mine developed the habit of just dicking around with it, pulling it off and then pulling hard up to just fly in to the air to be stupid. Actually, this discussion just reminded me, we need to check and see if Juda can still combo four fingers of death together via a Dagarl kill. I always found the most "dirty" thing of Juda's was that he could pretend to be dizzy, even if it was useless and obvious.

To Polly, let me talk to PotDan about Jagi, a lot of videos and did some okay Jagi stuff last time I took it to C3 (which was a while ago admittedly, I totally lost interest in Fist for a while and wasn't taking TRF 2 out of the Atomiswave.) He probably remembers some stuff, so I'll post some here when I get in touch with him. Honestly though, as much as I like to use lower-tier people and whatnot, you're probably just better off not bothering with Jagi, he was the only "unusable" character in the original iteration. Then again, he might be a lot better now, just don't know as nobody is bothering with him yet.
BTW, since I hadn't been bothering with it for a while, anyone know if they ever actually managed to pull off a Souther 100%? Last I remember.. that.. Souther player had gotten really close with all of those speed boosted standing weaks, but never quite got a proper 100%.

Edit: Polly, he doesn't remember much, as we've mostly been playing TRF2 since we got bored with Fist, but:
"[23:55] ***** Blood: then you can do stuff like 2B c.D CD 6, D D > IAD j.D |> D ... then I think like the stone block or something"
One of the real key things is to remember you can cancel his D into a CD.

And scratch some of the earlier stuff about the gravity juggles, they're still here, ha ha ha.. Just harder to do. Juda's Komak upper messes up some of his comboes now, it's much worse. Heart takes more damage, but most of my other stuff doesn't seem changed much at all. Going to keep at itee yo mode and see what's still here.

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[this message was edited by Red Falcon on Sat 31 Mar 13:25]

1395th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(7):No Fist of the North Star Thread?" , posted Sat 31 Mar 12:30post reply


BTW, since I hadn't been bothering with it for a while, anyone know if they ever actually managed to pull off a Souther 100%?
He's got the infinite boost combo like most everyone else, and some more uniquely his own.

Jagi 100%', too:

216th Post

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"Re(8):No Fist of the North Star Thread?" , posted Sat 31 Mar 23:56post reply

Just to stray off a tiny bit off topic but still remain in Hokuto no Ken

For anyone who is interested Raoh Gaiden episode 2 trailer is out, enjoy!

Tracking Treasure Down - Gabriel and Dresden

2189th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):No Fist of the North Star Thread?" , posted Sun 1 Apr 07:48post reply

Raoh Den

I really enjoyed this altogether, but it might be be because I have no loyalty to the original TV series (outside of liking the theme songs). So, new voice actors didn't bother me, especially because we've seen several for each character already (anything beats Koyasu for Kenshiro).

I didn't like the new version of "Ai wo Torimodose" at all, though. I mean, I'm glad they included it, and it was implemented well in the movie itself, but it sounds awful. Doesn't do the original justice.

Also, the complete lack of backstory for Souther was disappointing. Surely they could have spared 5 minutes in there for him. I mean, I'm sure most viewers (myself included) already know his backstory, but the movie just felt incomplete without it.

Other than that, I thought it was "different", but highly enjoyable. The latter part of the movie (with Ai wo Torimodose, Shuu and the pyramid and the final battle) were especially well done. Shuu's death (or rather, pre-death) actually had me in tears.

I liked the character designs as well, but the ones in the newer (Yuria) one don't look as good. Shin doesn't look right to me. I haven't had the chance to see it yet, though.


then you can do stuff like 2B c.D CD 6, D D > IAD j.D |> D ... then I think like the stone block or something"
One of the real key things is to remember you can cancel his D into a CD.

Thanks for the help. IAD is "instant air dash"? You can't get the same effect from just jump-canceling though, right? Because when I was trying out the combo you mentioned I found you could:
low B, D CD dash DD jumping {B, D QCF+A}

After that you can do either super, a low D, or maybe a standing C into whatever.

So, no instant air dash, just a jump cancel off of the second D.

(Jagi players might want to try it, because it's a tremendously easy combo with a decent effect).
It took me a while to realize that you have to do the CD late to get the launch.

217th Post

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"Re(8):No Fist of the North Star Thread?" , posted Sun 1 Apr 11:47post reply

Raoh Den

Also, the complete lack of backstory for Souther was disappointing. Surely they could have spared 5 minutes in there for him. I mean, I'm sure most viewers (myself included) already know his backstory, but the movie just felt incomplete without it.

I liked the character designs as well, but the ones in the newer (Yuria) one don't look as good. Shin doesn't look right to me. I haven't had the chance to see it yet, though.

I felt the exact same way when I watched the movie with Souther in it. Usually most of Hokuto enemies despite coming off as huge antagonists in the end they show a human like side to them thats painted to redeem their actions [some not all of course]. They just seem to have him painted directly as strictly as a super tyrant. That 5 minutes of back story for Souther is important. Felt incomplete for sure but oh well I do appreciate they made the movie though.

The new character designs are great, I like the detail they place on them, I can't picture yuria with her new look it doesnt strike a chord on the rememberence chart but it will probably settle in over time. As for shin....maybe it is his nose? His nose... it is so disturbing.. it bothers me. Flare of the nostril go!

Tracking Treasure Down - Gabriel and Dresden

104th Post

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"Re(9):No Fist of the North Star Thread?" , posted Mon 2 Apr 18:18post reply

I've played the game a few hours, with Rei, my favourite character from the series (I remember almost crying when he died alone in the shack).

As a beginner with no real understanding of the fighting system, I've been severely beaten, first by Mamiya, then by Yuda.
The game is so fast paced I couldn't understand a thing :)

Now I know Rei's moves, a few combos, the system basics, and I'm starting to have fun.
The newest thing in this game is Boost, but it's not become a reflex yet...can you give me some tips on basic use of Boost ?

History mode is fun. It's nice to try new things during the fights, hoping it will unlock a new "event".

About the anime :
I'm a little bit lost...what are the new movies ? How many are there ?
Are they "alternate realities" ?
Is Rei in them ?

Thank you for your help !

2190th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):No Fist of the North Star Thread?" , posted Mon 2 Apr 19:55post reply


The newest thing in this game is Boost, but it's not become a reflex yet...can you give me some tips on basic use of Boost ?

I guess the most basic use of the boost is using it to start a "knock back" combo when you normally wouldn't be able to. If you press the boost button in conjunction with a move it will "speed it up". So, with Rei you could do a low B into a standing C into CDE (knockback+boost) and it would combo, when it normally wouldn't.

I'm having a tough time with Rei because his more useful combos are a bit difficult for me.

As for the movies...some are theatrical and some are video only. If my memory serves me, they should be
Raoh, Raoh II, Yuria, Toki and Kenshiro.

Rei is in the Yuria one quite a bit, but in my opinion, he looks quite ugly (like many of the designs). I liked the way the designs looked in the Roah movie, so I'm hoping he'll get a better showing later.

I wouldn't call the movies "alternate realities" so much as "alternate retellings", but I'm also not the expert.

105th Post

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"Re(2):Re(10):No Fist of the North Star Thread" , posted Mon 2 Apr 21:16post reply

I didn't know you could press the boost button and a blow at the same time !
I thought it was only used to get close to the ennemy real fast after a hit...
I'll try that.

About the anime :
I've found info on the Raoh Gaiden movie, and it's really cool to see this nice art/animation!
The classic anime series is so dated it's quite hard for me to enjoy it. I've not reached Rei's death yet, I hope it won't ruin the memories I have of it.

Are the other movies already out ?

765th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(2):Re(10):No Fist of the North Star Thread" , posted Tue 3 Apr 14:27post reply


As for the movies...some are theatrical and some are video only. If my memory serves me, they should be
Raoh, Raoh II, Yuria, Toki and Kenshiro.

Well, I don't know about Raoh II, but Yuria Densetsu is already out...

106th Post

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"Re(3):Re(10):No Fist of the North Star Thread" , posted Tue 3 Apr 17:40post reply

About boost : I can't seem to use it with another attack, only between attacks. Am I doing something wrong ?

I've played a few match with a friend (about 80). And it was really fun.
We've played like beginners of course, but no button mashing.
He's good at fighting games. Good with ranges, priority, never whifs, punishes mistakes...
So we didn't pull out massive combos nor anything too spectacular. But we've managed to do some basics combos, and I really had fun with launchers and air combos (5-6 hits max).
We tried every character untill we could find how to beat the other.
We couldn't do anything with Toki or Heart, I guess they need more practice than others...

I don't know (and don't care) about tournament level gameplay, but for me and my friends it's perfect. My best 2D experience since 3rd Strike.

The star system is brilliant.
Boost system has to be investigated more ;)

Now here's what I want:
- a PSP version with online play (and a way to make the Dpad work)
- a 360 version with online play
- new characters (but who?)
- new stages
- history mode should be a beat'em all (think Tekken Force)

2191th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Re(10):No Fist of the North Star Thread" , posted Tue 3 Apr 20:29post reply

About boost : I can't seem to use it with another attack, only between attacks. Am I doing something wrong ?

I'm sorry, yeah, you do it just a split second before/after a move. I believe you do CDE at once, least that's what I do, and it works consistently.

If you screw around with it enough, there are plenty of "low-level" combos that don't involve repeated IADs and jump-cancels into jump-cancels and such. I just wish I could use Rei better. I mean, I do okay with him, but I know I'm not doing what I'm supposed to.

I wonder if the game is popular enough to warrant a sequel. As far as new characters go, Shuu is in great demand (from me as well) and I've heard the Colonel's name come up a few times too. They could add plenty of characters if they did a Hokuto no Ken II type thing, but really, I'm not interested in any of them.

107th Post

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"Re(5):Re(10):No Fist of the North Star Thread" , posted Tue 3 Apr 21:33post reply

I've just read you can alter some moves by adding boost, like QCF+A+E instead of QCF+A...gonna try that later.

Did you notice taunting your oponent gives him one aura gauge and one boost section ! Now that's self confidence ! :)

Regarding new characters,I can't think of anybody but Shu either.

766th Post

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"Re(6):Re(10):No Fist of the North Star Thread" , posted Wed 4 Apr 14:20post reply


Regarding new characters,I can't think of anybody but Shu either.

And what about Ameba, Fudoh, Jiui, Shuren, Juuza or Rihaku as well? Also, there are plenty of great characters in HnK II, such as Falco, Hyoh, Kaioh, Han, Juukey and Baran...

Red Falcon
5769th Post

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"Re(7):Re(10):No Fist of the North Star Thread" , posted Thu 5 Apr 12:37post reply

Actually, I want to see Jackal. They could give him a lot of weird stuff, including some kind of bizarre "I'M A HUMAN BOMB!" counter... maybe he could summon Devil to do some crap for him.

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82th Post

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"Re(7):Re(10):No Fist of the North Star Thread" , posted Thu 5 Apr 21:55post reply


Regarding new characters,I can't think of anybody but Shu either.

And what about Ameba, Fudoh, Jiui, Shuren, Juuza or Rihaku as well? Also, there are plenty of great characters in HnK II, such as Falco, Hyoh, Kaioh, Han, Juukey and Baran...

Shuu seemed to me to be the biggest omission, especially out of the characters they did choose.. seeing him go up the pyramid in Souther's stage really got to me, knowing he should be part of the roster.

As for others.. well the Goshasei really need to be there, it'd be nice to have all 5, but of course if not, Juuza and Fudo would suffice definately.

Hokuto no Ken 2 characters.. ehh.. I dunno, I mean they are ok and all, but my lack of imagination keeps thinking them of swaps of other characters, but I'm sure interesting things can be done with Falco. I can see Ain and older Bat being kinda cool, but nothing outstanding. It would be fun for shits and giggles to throw in strange things like Kuroyasha, or prototype Ken from the 2 one-shot Jump shorts. Honestly in the end I was hoping for at least one extra character for the PS2 version.

I do like how you can sort of get the Amiba coloring with Toki, along with other weird colors.. zombie Jagi was cool *lol*

Anyone find it strange they didn't include screenshots of the PS or Saturn versions of Hokuto no Ken made by Banpresto? Not that it's outstanding or anything.. I own the Saturn one, could only beat it with a turbo controller, weak..

"Waga shougai ni ippen no kuinashi!"

219th Post

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"Re(8):Re(10):No Fist of the North Star Thread" , posted Thu 5 Apr 22:09:post reply

Personally, since all the characters listed are already up there in each and every post.

I'd like something along the lines or similar to a holy order type sol to come into the game in a similar fashion, being that it should be fitted to a young version of Ryuken/Ramon Kasumi or have Yan Wang/Kenshiro Kasumi.

Since Kenshiro Kasumi has more of a toki style of fighting would be nice to see a blend of his and the post apocalyptic Kenshiro. Not sure how Ryuken would do but hey it is a throw up for sure.

Tracking Treasure Down - Gabriel and Dresden

[this message was edited by Catalyst on Thu 5 Apr 22:10]

155th Post

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"Re(4):Re(10):No Fist of the North Star Thread" , posted Fri 6 Apr 05:41post reply

- history mode should be a beat'em all (think Tekken Force)

I agree on this. The current history mode that expects you to remember every event that you can fight in intricate detail wasn't fun. Arc Systems should have listed the conditions or created something like the side scroller mini-game for Guilty Gear instead.

Also, anyone else disappointed with the reward gallery pics and the prize for all 77 missions?


2192th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Re(10):No Fist of the North Star Thread" , posted Fri 6 Apr 07:29post reply

I guess I'm thinking in terms of "which characters are popular enough to generate excitement if they were included." That pretty much disqualifies anyone from HnK2. If it was up to me, I'd like to see Amiba, though. If they did one of the less-important warlord types, they could have them do "summon" moves like Juda to make them more "complete."

Does Rei have any respectable combos that don't require IADs? I know I'm totally gimped without them, but it's hard enough for me on the arcade, and not happening on the PS2 pad. The best I've got is
low B, low C, CDE-> A, C, D jumping {B, D}, C, QCB+C, QCB+C, something....

The last something usually being jump, QCF+B or just a sweep. The second QCB+C can be replaced with a super, but the combo as a whole frequently whiffs on the jumping portion for reasons unknown to me.

Don't laugh *sobs*. I made it up myself...

Also, these SHOULD NOT be missed.
(universally awesome)

(Much better with Japanese knowledge (especially the last one)

1397th Post

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"Re(5):Re(10):No Fist of the North Star Thread" , posted Fri 6 Apr 07:29post reply


Also, anyone else disappointed with the reward gallery pics and the prize for all 77 missions?

The only reason why I'm disappointed is because Ken'oh doesn't have resurrection super.

I wanted Kokuongoh as a playable character.

Red Falcon
5770th Post

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"Re(6):Re(10):No Fist of the North Star Thread" , posted Fri 6 Apr 13:37post reply


Does Rei have any respectable combos that don't require IADs?

Not really. He gets some good stuff off his launcher, I guess (which also deflects projectiles, on the off chance that anyone here didn't know that...)

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"Re(7):Re(10):No Fist of the North Star Thread" , posted Fri 6 Apr 17:07post reply


Does Rei have any respectable combos that don't require IADs?

Not really. He gets some good stuff off his launcher, I guess (which also deflects projectiles, on the off chance that anyone here didn't know that...)

By "launcher", do you mean "Grave shoot" ?

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Funeral for Raoh" , posted Tue 10 Apr 00:30post reply

Link Here

For the upcoming movie. This doesn't seem as cool as the funerals held for Rikiishi or Joe from Ashita no Joe.

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"Re(1):Funeral for Raoh" , posted Tue 10 Apr 17:07post reply

Link Here

For the upcoming movie. This doesn't seem as cool as the funerals held for Rikiishi or Joe from Ashita no Joe.

ZOMG!!!! Maese, we demand pics!!!!

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Heeeellp!" , posted Thu 12 Apr 20:11post reply

Okay, so I've got a problem now, maybe someone who's wiser than me can help me out. In some cases, are charged CD moves a guaranteed hit? I mean, when the other player is on the ground. For example...

Juda vs Souther...Souther knocks down Juda and looms over him with a charged CD. Juda has no super gauges. When Juda gets up, the (fully powered) CD is released. Jabs are overpowered by the CD and if Juda blocks, he gets knocked back. Although he can jam on the buttons to recover, he can't recover fast enough to avoid Souther's instant kill if he follows up with it.

This sounds like a highly conditional situation, but I lost numerous fights (many of them consecutive) to this problem. If I have a super gauge, I'm OK, but otherwise, I'm screwed. With Rei/Kenshiro I believe you can wake up with the dragon punch, but with Jagi, Mamiya, Shin, Juda and Toki, I don't know.

Of course, this isn't just a Souther problem, but I would be interested to know the mechanics of the situation a bit better.

I think part of my problem is just that Souther is giving me difficulty as a whole. His projectiles are very difficult for me to counter.

Time Mage
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"Re(1):Heeeellp!" , posted Thu 12 Apr 21:23:post reply

I think you could use the delayed get up and quick get up features to screw your opponent's charged CD timing. Just tap up (for the quick wakeup) or down (for the delayed one) before touching the ground, and you'll get up before his CD is fully charged, or after it has been released.

That should work well enough.

As you can note from the above, I started playing recently. At fist I didn't dig the combo system too much, but now I really like it. With Kenshiro I've managed to do some really good (In my newbie opinion) combos, like this:

2B,C(1 hit),D,623B,jC as you land,Dxx236D,jB,jD, land, 236236A. No boost, really good damage, and removes 1 star. I guess a 236C can be added in that combo with some boost usage, making it a 2 star combo and also more damaging.

Okay, this is the 2 stars variant:
2B,C(1 hit),D,623B,jC as you land,236C,E,C,Dxx236D,jB,jD, land, 236236A. Same damage (against Kenshiro, 83 in both cases), but one star more and the guard damage effect of 236C at the expense of a boost gauge.

Dragon Kick your ass into the Milky Waaay~~ (Milky Waaaay)

[this message was edited by Time Mage on Thu 12 Apr 21:34]

2194th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Heeeellp!" , posted Thu 12 Apr 21:37post reply

I think you could use the delayed get up and quick get up features to screw your opponent's charged CD timing. Just tap up (for the quick wakeup) or down (for the delayed one) before touching the ground, and you'll get up before his CD is fully charged, or after it has been released.

Wahahaah! I didn't know you could do that! NEAT! This game clearly has more systems than I know what to do with.

I'm really enjoying the game much more than I did when I played it in arcades, although some of the more lengthy combos can still be rather irritating to sit through, especially if you get nailed by them twice (or more times) in a row.

However, I'm having a lot of fun "making my own combos" and get along well enough with medium-length ones.

On an unrelated note, Jagi's (breaking) statue and Mamiya's (limited) guard gauge are a goddamned plague against Raoh.

Red Falcon
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"Re(3):Heeeellp!" , posted Thu 12 Apr 23:30post reply

Do a "just defend" on a charged CD. If you just defend it, it's blockable even if it's charged.

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"Re(4):Heeeellp!" , posted Fri 13 Apr 03:56post reply

Do a "just defend" on a charged CD. If you just defend it, it's blockable even if it's charged.

That's pretty much the answer. But if your reactions are weak and the other player knows it, he can release early and screw you up.

Yuda can use his Dagar counter (214+B) to get around banishing strikes. And if your opponent doesn't have boost, then you get a free combo.

If you think sitting through combos in HnK is annoying, you should see what's become of Arcana Heart. There are combos that go on for 30s+ of real time.

Red Falcon
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Heeeellp!" , posted Fri 13 Apr 14:03post reply

Do a "just defend" on a charged CD. If you just defend it, it's blockable even if it's charged.

That's pretty much the answer. But if your reactions are weak and the other player knows it, he can release early and screw you up.

Yuda can use his Dagar counter (214+B) to get around banishing strikes. And if your opponent doesn't have boost, then you get a free combo.

If you think sitting through combos in HnK is annoying, you should see what's become of Arcana Heart. There are combos that go on for 30s+ of real time.

A minute and 30 seconds in one case, ha ha ha. The game sells entirely on the loli presence.

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Red Falcon
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Heeeellp!" , posted Wed 18 Apr 12:53:post reply

Thread revival! Easy Jagi combo: c.D CD 6, D D 632146D E, D D > IAD j.D |> C 236236A

Also, if there are any other Heart fans here... 2B CD 6, D > IAD j.D |> D > IAD j.D |> 63214A 236236A Big damage.

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[this message was edited by Red Falcon on Wed 18 Apr 12:55]

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Legend of Heroes" , posted Sat 28 Apr 08:13post reply

I was wondering if anyone here has or has seen the full Legend of Heroes

The comments say that this is the only 3D part of the DVD. I was wondering if that was true.

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(1):Legend of Heroes" , posted Thu 3 May 03:05post reply

I was wondering if anyone here has or has seen the full Legend of Heroes

The comments say that this is the only 3D part of the DVD. I was wondering if that was true.

I just got it. how do i make peoples heads explode? also how do i do hundred crack fist of the north star for kenshiro?

also how come kenshiro has a hadouken? i never saw him with one before. i dunno it works tho.

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