UNDEAD THREAD - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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406th Post

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Gold Customer

"UNDEAD THREAD" , posted Fri 6 Apr 09:33:post reply

Assuming at the time of reading this, there are reports of strange isolated zombie outbreaks. Wherever you are right now at the time of reading this, is where you would be in the zombie outbreak.

Alright zombies are spreading FAST...so regular zombie rules apply, they can be fast but not faster than a regular human, they do not need oxygen, can live without limbs...destroying the brain destroys the zombie. This thread is not really a game, more an interesting scenario.

A few things can tip the odds of surviving a zombie attack in your favor, if you have any special abilities mention them, such as:

Good physical condition.
Knowledge of firearms/weaponry in general.
Wilderness survival training.
Military service.
First aid/CPR/medical training.
Martial arts training.
Your specific countries military strength.
Anything else you can think of thats beneficial during a zombie attack.

Other facts that might tip the odds in your favor include:

People in your area.
Supplies available.
Vehicles/ATV's/boats/weapons in your possession.
How often you check the news.
Ability to stay calm/mental stability.
Et cetera...

Go into detail, do you have any special plans for more plausible things such a nuclear war or natural disasters? Would it be you alone, or would you have friends or family to protect. How strong would your will to live be, could you kill zombies of people you knew and be cool with it, or would you fall apart like a pussy?

Ok so based on where you are(or could be within 30 minutes, and if you chose to leave where would you be going?), could you survive a zombie outbreak? As implausible a scenario this is, try to keep it realistic and based on what you would actually do believing it to be real. Take all above facts into consideration, like if you managed to get home could you survive long term? Or for example...if you live in an apartment in New York and never check the news...be honest, you are just plain screwed.

I will go first:

I would take viagra and hop into bed with my girlfriend and screw like rabbits until the zombies get closer. Upon her request I will take her life then mine.

EDIT: BTW the subject title is a nod to Undead Fred. There you go you magnificent bastard!

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

[this message was edited by Digitalboy on Fri 6 Apr 09:37]


407th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(1):UNDEAD THREAD" , posted Fri 6 Apr 09:45:post reply

BTW the zombie-ism is spread by Dawn of the Dead/Biohazard (Resident Evil) fashion and not by 28 Days standard.

EDIT: spelling...bad...need...brain...

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

[this message was edited by Digitalboy on Fri 6 Apr 09:47]

73th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(2):UNDEAD THREAD" , posted Fri 6 Apr 12:47post reply

I wake up late in the afternoon as usual. I turn on the tube to see static. Bored as hell, I go out to light up a smoke. A squirrel jumps in from nowhere and bites my toe. I turn into a zombie.


Undead Fred
2823th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"ITCHY. TASTY." , posted Fri 6 Apr 13:22post reply

BTW the zombie-ism is spread by Dawn of the Dead/Biohazard (Resident Evil) fashion and not by 28 Days standard.

EDIT: spelling...bad...need...brain...

I think it all depends on being able to get out of the city and away from people... but that's pretty hard to do unless you get an early warning or already live out in the country to begin with. And I know if the outbreaks got bad enough for emergency broadcasts to show on TV warning people, I wouldn't be able to get out and would have to figure things out from there. And I'm sure the power wouldn't be on for very long once the outbreak turned into an emergency.

I don't watch the news (unless the Daily Show counts), but I'm sure once it got bad enough someone would call me or I'd see emergency broadcasts on TV. So, I'd probably grab my baseball bat and try and wait out some of the traffic... I'd try to call my family and all that, but I'm sure the phone lines would be jammed from everyone else doing the same. Assuming there aren't herds outside trying to get in or panicky people and looters going through, I'd try to wait it out for a while and get food when it's safe. I'm in shape and I've got a car, so I could get around and fight, but I'm also in the city, so if I could survive the chaos and not get bitten I'd be all right. I think I'd have a 50-50 chance.

298th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(2):UNDEAD THREAD" , posted Fri 6 Apr 13:46post reply

BTW the zombie-ism is spread by Dawn of the Dead/Biohazard (Resident Evil) fashion and not by 28 Days standard.

EDIT: spelling...bad...need...brain...

I wouldn't need to think of anything to do. All I would need to do is read

Are you slave to the blade?

547th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(3):UNDEAD THREAD" , posted Fri 6 Apr 13:55post reply


I wouldn't need to think of anything to do. All I would need to do is read

One of the most depressing books I've ever read.

as for peeping ティッシュはここに不要です
in the bathroom エコロジストな僕なら

Undead Fred
2824th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):UNDEAD THREAD" , posted Fri 6 Apr 14:31post reply


I wouldn't need to think of anything to do. All I would need to do is read

One of the most depressing books I've ever read.

One of the greatest books I've ever read. Heh heh heh.

Most people would take it as a joke; I kept reading and thinking, "Yes, yes... that IS the best solution..." like I was reading some sort of tactics guide or something.

2119th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):UNDEAD THREAD" , posted Fri 6 Apr 14:52post reply

Well they have to get up my stairs to reach me, so I can just destroy the stairs if I want to keep my place zombie-free. Unless they invent a smarter, more athletic zombie that can climb up there without the aid of a ladder. I already have enough water and non-perishable food to last a two month blackout (after going through a nearly 3-week blackout this past Christmas) and through my celphone I can try to contact help as long as they don't destroy the relay towers.

Of course if the government sets us up the zombie buster bomb then I really have no way of getting out without helicopter aid. Oh well.

548th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(5):UNDEAD THREAD" , posted Fri 6 Apr 14:54post reply


One of the greatest books I've ever read. Heh heh heh.

Most people would take it as a joke; I kept reading and thinking, "Yes, yes... that IS the best solution..." like I was reading some sort of tactics guide or something.

Don't get me wrong! I really enjoyed reading the book. Its just while I got into the meat of the novel, I was overcome by perpetual hopelessness . If it really did happen, there is nothing to escape death ;_;

as for peeping ティッシュはここに不要です
in the bathroom エコロジストな僕なら

1044th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(6):UNDEAD THREAD" , posted Fri 6 Apr 15:00post reply


Good idea.

Well first I would put on one the t-shirts a friend of mine makes to show them who's boss

As I'm at a university, I think I could avoid Tokyo/NY level mobs, and these two bokutou wood swords in the closet ought to get me fairly far. My friends used to have a stolen handicapped parking sign they found in the bushes, which had a truly epically thick pole that would do serious damage. Too bad we lost that, it would have totally cleared the field of enemies like throwing benches in that xbox zombie game in the mall. I'd definitely be regretting the abscense of steel bats and katanas from home, but I think I could make it out with style.


848th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(7):UNDEAD THREAD" , posted Fri 6 Apr 20:07:post reply


Well first I would put on one the t-shirts a friend of mine makes to show them who's boss

I have one!! It has my favorite number and my last name. I'm ready. Kind of.

I think my chances would be decent. I live in an area surrounded by a lot of farmland and woods (for now) where my college friends and I have spent much time discussing a potential zombiepocalypse. The plan here would be to fight our way to the Wal-Mart, which has guns, food, and everything else. Granted, getting there and barricading everything properly would be tough, but it's a plan. At home, I live in one of the most densely populated areas of the US so it would be a wee bit more difficult.

Other than that I don't have much weapon training but have been meaning to hit up a shooting range (mostly out of curiosity but sure, why not be ready for some zombie bastards). I think having a crowbar handy wouldn't hurt. That's my choice for brain-smashing, even if a bat wouldn't get lodged in things as easily. A crowbar could also be used for other purposes, anyway. I know some first aid, am in okay shape, used to run track (distance, meaning I probably still don't tire as fast) and don't eat a whole lot. My friends are quick to highlight the fact that I wouldn't eat a ton of food, haha. I would definitely try to find a place that's got some other survivors rather than trying to set up my own barricade.

It's good to plan for zombies.

ワンダフル! ビューティフル! エキサイティング!

[this message was edited by Nate on Fri 6 Apr 20:09]

407th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(8):UNDEAD THREAD" , posted Fri 6 Apr 20:22post reply

Wal-Mart? Brilliant!
The plan here would be to fight our way to the Wal-Mart, which has guns, food, and everything else.

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

2785th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):UNDEAD THREAD" , posted Fri 6 Apr 22:25post reply

Wal-Mart? Brilliant!The plan here would be to fight our way to the Wal-Mart, which has guns, food, and everything else.

Wal-Mart, the current destroyer and future savior of civilization.

408th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(10):UNDEAD THREAD" , posted Fri 6 Apr 22:57post reply

Wal-Mart, the current destroyer and future savior of civilization.

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

219th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(10):UNDEAD THREAD" , posted Sat 7 Apr 00:00post reply


Wal-Mart, the current destroyer and future savior of civilization.

I could of sworn there was an episode on south park cracking on this lol.

Well I guess I'll contribute, this looks like fun

Things that tip my favor:
Good Physical Condition
Knowledge of Firearms/Weapons in general
Martial Arts Training

Other: quick thinker, Able to Stay calm in stressful situations

I'd probably carry my mp3 player first and upload that song from Queen - Don't Stop me Now, just in homage to Shawn of the dead, that and I'd probably be in a giggly mood due to the song.

Since I'm starting off at home and this is the morning news will be always on in some form or fashion. I know my parents and sibling is with me, the hard part would be trying to protect them parents since their old. Coming from Texas I think guns won't be the problem in clearing and paving a way taking currently what I own.

Where to go? Now if it was ultimately my choice? As much to dismay going to walmart [lets say target for instance and be somewhat trendy when I get my head chewed off lol] would be a great idea but considering the loads of zombies a swarm would be the inevitable if I wasn't fast enough with my sibling to get the supplies I need.

I'll probably end up a] going to a convenient store to pick up first aid supplies then B] head to the nearest port or airport. If I can snag a plane and maybe depending on luck I'll find someone who can fly a plane and get us the hell out of here. If not there is the option to head further south if the outbreak has not spread fast enough and find a plane there.

Situation X] If I failed to protect my folks and I see my friends walking around as zombies, [which to be real I wouldn't be able to reach them anyways] Time to "Git'er Done" by going to the local gun store and take it right to the source.

Tracking Treasure Down - Gabriel and Dresden

Time Mage
2528th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):UNDEAD THREAD" , posted Sat 7 Apr 00:15post reply

Hm. I'm not very athletic, nor I have a firearm or any kind of weapon training, and I live in a fairly populated area. That's bad. However, I live in a fifth floor, with only an elevator and a ladder giving access to it, and a decent amount of food stored, specially given the fact that I don't eat much. The katana I have for exhibition could serve me on an emergency, plus my gamecube with its handle and spiky borders would make a decent head smasher. I wish I had an XBox or even better, a PS3, for self defense, those hit hard. I think I could even make a decent bomb with the butane bottles I have in the kitchen and a few matches. Hmmmm...

Anyway, I'd probably die in a silly way.

Dragon Kick your ass into the Milky Waaay~~ (Milky Waaaay)

3135th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):UNDEAD THREAD" , posted Sat 7 Apr 05:32post reply

Well, the first thing I'd do is get to the local knife and sword shop in town and get any weapons there that might serve me well (using a sword or two that I already own to help get me over there). I'd try to aquire a gun as well and then start to leave town and try to find other survivors to help with the escape. Or we could just try to kill all the zombies and then hopefully be free of them. I think I'd have a decent chance of survival.

Variable Savior
392th Post

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Silver Customer

"If you liked the Zombie Survival Guide..." , posted Sat 7 Apr 07:56post reply

::rises from dead for zombie discussion::

For those of you who enjoyed the Zombie Survival Guide I highly recommend reading World War Z. It's by the same author as the guide but offers a fictional account of what might happen if a worldwide zombie outbreak actually occurred. And like Fred says, it's got alot of practical logic to it (well, as much as a zombie outbreak scenario can support at least).

Seriously though, you don't have any idea how screwed we'd all be until you read the thing.

::starts planning move to the Artic Circle::

Blood marks heaven's path

220th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(1):If you liked the Zombie Survival Guide." , posted Sat 7 Apr 08:31post reply

::rises from dead for zombie discussion::

For those of you who enjoyed the Zombie Survival Guide I highly recommend reading World War Z. It's by the same author as the guide but offers a fictional account of what might happen if a worldwide zombie outbreak actually occurred. And like Fred says, it's got alot of practical logic to it (well, as much as a zombie outbreak scenario can support at least).

Seriously though, you don't have any idea how screwed we'd all be until you read the thing.

::starts planning move to the Artic Circle::

Lol I took the calculate your rate of survival and I got a 37 percent chance of survival.

Just for clarification were not considering any situations with like SUPER zombies correct Digital Boy? Nothing to that nature from house of the dead 4? Just the living impaired correct?

Tracking Treasure Down - Gabriel and Dresden

409th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(2):If you liked the Zombie Survival Guide." , posted Sat 7 Apr 09:04post reply

Oh man, I hope not. As far as zombies go it should be Dawn of the Dead zombies not the re-re-animated zombies of the Biohazard/Resident Evil remake. I have not played House of the Dead 4. If I did, I was not paying attention. No athletic/super/web-slinging-Galactus eating zombies.
Lol I took the calculate your rate of survival and I got a 37 percent chance of survival.

Just for clarification were not considering any situations with like SUPER zombies correct Digital Boy? Nothing to that nature from house of the dead 4? Just the living impaired correct?

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

Undead Fred
2826th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):UNDEAD THREAD" , posted Sat 7 Apr 14:22:post reply

I think my chances would be decent. I live in an area surrounded by a lot of farmland and woods (for now) where my college friends and I have spent much time discussing a potential zombiepocalypse. The plan here would be to fight our way to the Wal-Mart, which has guns, food, and everything else. Granted, getting there and barricading everything properly would be tough, but it's a plan. At home, I live in one of the most densely populated areas of the US so it would be a wee bit more difficult.

Other than that I don't have much weapon training but have been meaning to hit up a shooting range (mostly out of curiosity but sure, why not be ready for some zombie bastards). I think having a crowbar handy wouldn't hurt. That's my choice for brain-smashing, even if a bat wouldn't get lodged in things as easily. A crowbar could also be used for other purposes, anyway. I know some first aid, am in okay shape, used to run track (distance, meaning I probably still don't tire as fast) and don't eat a whole lot. My friends are quick to highlight the fact that I wouldn't eat a ton of food, haha. I would definitely try to find a place that's got some other survivors rather than trying to set up my own barricade.

It's good to plan for zombies.

Yeah, there's a mall close by and a grocery store by a drug store right around the corner, but I'd be wary of running straight to one of those places since I'm sure most of the city would have thought of that as well. Of course, I'd love to try to lock myself in the mall like IN THE MOVIES, but I'm sure realistically it'd be too dangerous. My weapon choices are also pretty much the same: basic tools and an odd sturdy item or two like a baseball bat. Now, provided the zombies coming after me aren't too closely-packed and I could avoid fights, I'm sure the bat and a hammer would be good for some emergency kills. As fun as it might be, you've gotta avoid wearing yourself out and try not to break your weapons before you really have to. Heh heh. If the zombies are too fresh (which they sound like they are in this scenario), then their skulls probably aren't soft enough to be pushovers just yet.

I'm also in the same "my location kind of screws my odds" boat since I'm in the middle of the city and I know the highway would be miles of bumper-to-bumper traffic with burning cars and twisted wrecks, so I'd be really really limited in terms of driving. I think my only chance would be to barricade for a day or two while the panicked people thin out or get TURNED while I eat food I have here and then grab my backpack and try to get supplies. That's assuming I can't get through to friends and family... in which case, I'm not sure how that would affect things.

EDIT: Oh yeah! I took the test and I'm at 34%. :C

[this message was edited by Undead Fred on Sat 7 Apr 14:23]

Time Mage
2529th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):UNDEAD THREAD" , posted Sat 7 Apr 19:42post reply

EDIT: Oh yeah! I took the test and I'm at 34%. :C

Where's that test?

Dragon Kick your ass into the Milky Waaay~~ (Milky Waaaay)

411th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(10):UNDEAD THREAD" , posted Sun 8 Apr 00:00post reply

There are several test available. Just type in "zombie survival test" in any search engine and you will get many tests.

I have had many nightmares about zombies ever since I read "Marvel Zombies."
EDIT: Oh yeah! I took the test and I'm at 34%. :C

Where's that test?

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

Undead Fred
2826th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):UNDEAD THREAD" , posted Sun 8 Apr 03:29post reply

EDIT: Oh yeah! I took the test and I'm at 34%. :C

Where's that test?

Check Variable Savior's link to World War Z... there's a tab there for the test to see what your survival rate is. The only catch is that a couple of questions have to do with whether or not you live in the US, so just make things up for those if you don't.

2786th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):UNDEAD THREAD" , posted Tue 10 Apr 00:45post reply

While that quiz presents some important questions that every person should ponder before the zombie holocaust come it seems to focus too much attention on dealing with zombies. If Night of the Living Dead, The Walking Dead and other tales from our shared zombie heritage show us anything it is that it's not the dead that are the true danger but the living. Having good people skills and a survival group that isn't composed of idiots seems to be the key to weathering the undead storm.

3136th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Re(10):UNDEAD THREAD" , posted Wed 11 Apr 03:21post reply

44% survival rating

Time Mage
2530th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):UNDEAD THREAD" , posted Wed 11 Apr 05:45post reply

Where's that test?
Check Variable Savior's link to World War Z...

Thanks. My survival rate is 38%, which is pretty accurate, I think... :(

Dragon Kick your ass into the Milky Waaay~~ (Milky Waaaay)

414th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(3):Re(10):UNDEAD THREAD" , posted Wed 11 Apr 07:21post reply

25 percent...ARRR-MA-GEDDON!
Where's that test?
Check Variable Savior's link to World War Z...

Thanks. My survival rate is 38%, which is pretty accurate, I think... :(

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

Undead Fred
2830th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"RESURRECTION!" , posted Sun 15 Apr 14:10post reply

Where's Juan? Did he survive the Zombiepocalypse?

1053th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):RESURRECTION!" , posted Sun 15 Apr 14:36post reply



419th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(2):RESURRECTION!" , posted Sun 15 Apr 16:16post reply

Say "word" son. Say "word."

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

Juke Joint Jezebel
3556th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):RESURRECTION!" , posted Mon 16 Apr 00:05post reply

Where's Juan? Did he survive the Zombiepocalypse?

me and my 33% probably wouldn't have ;(

301th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(4):RESURRECTION!" , posted Mon 16 Apr 00:59post reply

Where's Juan? Did he survive the Zombiepocalypse?
me and my 33% probably wouldn't have ;(

38% this thread will live on forever and attack it's own posters

Are you slave to the blade?

1056th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(3):RESURRECTION!" , posted Mon 16 Apr 06:51post reply

Say "word" son. Say "word."

ps shoooo-rook is right.


422th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(4):RESURRECTION!" , posted Sat 21 Apr 14:33post reply

I am drunk so I will say this: "BRAINS...BRAAAAAINS."
Say "word" son. Say "word." OK

ps shoooo-rook is right.

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...