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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Fan sub question" , posted Sun 8 Apr 07:03post reply

Okay. I've so been out of the fan sub scene for a while. So, whoever can help me (most likely Freeter and Holiday), who are the best groups right now? I ask this because groups I did know like New Life Anime aren't releasing series anymore. That's why. Danke.



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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Fan sub question" , posted Sun 8 Apr 14:21post reply

Probably [gg] and [a.f.k] at the moment, since they take some time but put out quality releases.

Whatever you do though, STAY AWAY FROM [YOUR-MOM] FANSUBS. They're speed subbers who put ugly bumpers in front of their eps and have crappy subs.

Still can't believe no one has picked up RomeoXJuliet yet. I thought the groups would be all over that one.