All-female, Fighters Special Heroes Dynamite - Forums

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MMCafe Owner

"All-female, Fighters Special Heroes Dynamite" , posted Wed 11 Apr 10:46:post reply

The all-female, Parody Fighters Special Heroes Dynamite from April Fools was actually a game in development, released just today. Using April fools day as a way of promoting your doujin game. Nice idea.

Click where it says 体験版 to download the game, at the bottom right of the fake magazine scan. (It's free, though buying it lets you play with the hidden characters, bosses, and enables practice mode.)

Check its promo on Youtube if you want to see it before you go through the 73 MB or so download.

[edit] Tried it out, pretty good. Word of caution: The zip file contains files with Japanese filenames. Make sure your OS can handle them.

[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 11 Apr 20:28]


Bata kun
3039th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):All-female, Fighters Special Heroes Dyn" , posted Wed 11 Apr 13:32post reply

The all-female, Parody Fighters Special Heroes Dynamite from April Fools was actually a game in development, released just today. Using April fools day as a way of promoting your doujin game. Nice idea.

Click where it says 体験版 to download the game, at the bottom right of the fake magazine scan. (It's free, though buying it lets you play with the hidden characters, bosses, and enables practice mode.)

Check its promo on Youtube if you want to see it before you go through the 73 MB or so download. I haven't had the time to play it yet myself...!

Oooh! The trailer interests me. I'm downloading the test as I type this.


691th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(1):All-female, Fighters Special Heroes Dyn" , posted Wed 11 Apr 15:46post reply

That trailer made me realize I don't know who the heck any of the World Heroes characters are anymore.

I found Kagami's sword in a junk yard.
I will rule the world and find that truly good cup of coffee.

1281th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):All-female, Fighters Special Heroes Dyn" , posted Wed 11 Apr 17:30post reply

Midnight Bliss galore.

1336th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):All-female, Fighters Special Heroes Dyn" , posted Wed 11 Apr 21:11post reply


2788th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):All-female, Fighters Special Heroes Dyn" , posted Wed 11 Apr 22:52post reply

Ooh, nice find! I particularly like that the cast appears to have been picked in order to have as diverse a roster as possible instead of simply based on popularity. At least I think that's the case because I can't imagine anyone was hoping for a return of Lee, no matter what gender that cheap bastard happens to be at the moment.

3832th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):All-female, Fighters Special Heroes Dyn" , posted Thu 12 Apr 01:23post reply

oh, my car! this is awesome!

242th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(1):All-female, Fighters Special Heroes Dyn" , posted Thu 12 Apr 04:10post reply

De-lurking because this has caught my attention.

Can't wait til the full version is released!

But I still want to quench your thirst.
Because I am the one that put you into the desert.

551th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(2):All-female, Fighters Special Heroes Dyn" , posted Thu 12 Apr 06:14post reply

They should have kept the beard for the female ver. of Rasputin. Other then that, this looks neat!

as for peeping ティッシュはここに不要です
in the bathroom エコロジストな僕なら

52th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(1):All-female, Fighters Special Heroes Dyn" , posted Thu 12 Apr 07:03post reply

Bought it and it's fun. Female Vega rocks. Also, the secret boss is a cheapass punk. If you guys can afford the 1050 yen, get it and support these guys. ;D

1326th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):All-female, Fighters Special Heroes Dyn" , posted Thu 12 Apr 11:20post reply

Bought it and it's fun. Female Vega rocks. Also, the secret boss is a cheapass punk. If you guys can afford the 1050 yen, get it and support these guys. ;D

Could someone tell me how I can get this game to recognize the Japanese font on the files for windows XP?

380th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(3):All-female, Fighters Special Heroes Dyn" , posted Thu 12 Apr 13:07post reply

Bought it and it's fun. Female Vega rocks. Also, the secret boss is a cheapass punk. If you guys can afford the 1050 yen, get it and support these guys. ;D

Could someone tell me how I can get this game to recognize the Japanese font on the files for windows XP?

You either need the non-unicode programs set to Japanese or the locale itself set to Japanese. I usually do the latter just because it's easier and doesn't do anything to harm my actual system other than replacing folder markers with yen symbols.

This stuff would be under regions & settings in the control panel.

849th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(4):All-female, Fighters Special Heroes Dyn" , posted Fri 13 Apr 01:56post reply

doesn't do anything to harm my actual system other than replacing folder markers with yen symbols.

Actually, through changing my system settings to Japanese here and there, it's screwed up AOL Instant Messenger. I can't use any fonts other than a few default ones and a lot of really ugly looking Japanese ones. Does anyone know how to fix this? I am sick of looking at the huge default font they give me because it only supports mostly Japanese fonts.

ワンダフル! ビューティフル! エキサイティング!

Ikari Loona
174th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(1):All-female, Fighters Special Heroes Dyn" , posted Fri 13 Apr 04:04post reply

[edit] Tried it out, pretty good. Word of caution: The zip file contains files with Japanese filenames. Make sure your OS can handle them.

There was no problem while unzipping them, and the game opens, but crashes once I try to start Story or versus mode... the error message says somethign about a Player, but the music keeps playing while the error window is on...
I'm using WinME (which IIRC was one of the OSs this was meant to work on), and Super Cosplay Wars Ultra (which was also put together with Fighter Maker) doesn't give me this kind of trouble...

Any suggestions?

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

2121th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):All-female, Fighters Special Heroes Dyn" , posted Fri 13 Apr 04:36post reply

I'm not familiar with WinME, but that's exactly what happens if you try to unzip it without the Japanese unicode turned on in XP. I don't know if ME has the same option somewhere (In XP it's under Control Panel->Regional Settings), but if it does then try turning it on and then re-extracting the files.

472th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(3):All-female, Fighters Special Heroes Dyn" , posted Sun 15 Apr 05:37post reply

For those who are interested, here are the two Bosses.
The left one is not based on Dural, she is a parody of Geegus from WH. Pretty nifty reference for the one on the right.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Syoh from Battle Master on SFC, if I am correct.

End of Spoiler