PS2 and imports - Forums

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2790th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"PS2 and imports" , posted Fri 13 Apr 04:42post reply

Recently I've been toying with the idea of getting into the import PS2 scene. Trouble is, I don't know where to begin. Should I simply buy a Japanese PS2? If so, should I order through something like Amazon Japan or should I be looking at some other, smaller, retailer? Should I look into getting a modded PS2 instead? When I have looked into the world of system modification before it always struck me as a dubious enterprise where you needed to know someone who knew someone in order to get the best possible work done. Has PS2 modding become a more simple, inexpensive process as the years have progressed?

Thanks in advance for any help or answers.


1047th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):PS2 and imports" , posted Fri 13 Apr 05:56post reply

Hey Ish, I wonder if you couldn't get a Japanese PS2 cheap enough to make it worth it nowadays...I haven't soldered anything (or actually, made a friend solder anything) since PS1 days. I bet ebay sells them cheap enough when they do appear. Don't count on Amazon Japan, unfortunately. If you aren't currently residing in Japan they won't ship game stuff to you. Most other things yes, but video games no, so you'll be stuck with NCSX or Play Asia or Pink Godzilla (they seem fun for US gamers) or someone, which is too bad. I think Mail Order Japan was good for personally finding you exactly what you order, but of course that comes with a price.


415th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(2):PS2 and imports" , posted Fri 13 Apr 06:26post reply


I have this on this and a Japanese PS2. If you have the money get it. If you are on a budget and willing to break the warranty on your PS2, mod it.

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

553th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(1):PS2 and imports" , posted Fri 13 Apr 06:44:post reply

Recently I've been toying with the idea of getting into the import PS2 scene. Trouble is, I don't know where to begin. Should I simply buy a Japanese PS2? If so, should I order through something like Amazon Japan or should I be looking at some other, smaller, retailer? Should I look into getting a modded PS2 instead? When I have looked into the world of system modification before it always struck me as a dubious enterprise where you needed to know someone who knew someone in order to get the best possible work done. Has PS2 modding become a more simple, inexpensive process as the years have progressed?

Thanks in advance for any help or answers.


I share your same concerns! It will be most helpful if more people could share their import experiences.

as for peeping ティッシュはここに不要です
in the bathroom エコロジストな僕なら

[this message was edited by Evenor on Fri 13 Apr 06:48]

2195th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):PS2 and imports" , posted Fri 13 Apr 07:27post reply

Just get a fliptop lid and Swapmagic. It's easy to find, cheap requires no soldering, is pretty much impossible to mess up, and takes very little time to boot.

416th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(3):PS2 and imports" , posted Fri 13 Apr 07:52post reply

SWAP MAAAAAGIC!!! That was what I meant. Hey Pollyanna do you have The Rumblefish?
Just get a fliptop lid and Swapmagic. It's easy to find, cheap requires no soldering, is pretty much impossible to mess up, and takes very little time to boot.

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

381th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(4):PS2 and imports" , posted Fri 13 Apr 09:27post reply

SWAP MAAAAAGIC!!! That was what I meant. Hey Pollyanna do you have The Rumblefish? Just get a fliptop lid and Swapmagic. It's easy to find, cheap requires no soldering, is pretty much impossible to mess up, and takes very little time to boot.

I third Swap Magic. There's a lot of fun stuff you can do with it, which includes running imports and installing the memory card exploit to run HDLoader if you have a fat PS2. This makes importing just that much easier.


2197th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):PS2 and imports" , posted Fri 13 Apr 09:35post reply

SWAP MAAAAAGIC!!! That was what I meant. Hey Pollyanna do you have The Rumblefish?

No, but a friend of mine does...or rather, did. Oddly enough it didn't work on his system, but it worked on mine with the same setup. It's the game that doesn't work with SwapMagic, isn't it?

382th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(5):PS2 and imports" , posted Fri 13 Apr 10:43post reply

SWAP MAAAAAGIC!!! That was what I meant. Hey Pollyanna do you have The Rumblefish?

No, but a friend of mine does...or rather, did. Oddly enough it didn't work on his system, but it worked on mine with the same setup. It's the game that doesn't work with SwapMagic, isn't it?

Not to answer for him, but yes, it is. It simply, for whatever reason, will not run with stock Swap MAgic and requires some goofy crap to run it OR an edited ISO to run it at all. It's the biggest pain in the ass game to get running normally I've ever witnessed.

772th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(6):PS2 and game copiez" , posted Fri 13 Apr 14:48post reply

I bought my PS2 slimline about 6 months ago, and sent it to a PC store nearby for them to install a "Matrix Infinity v1.82" modchip the very same day I got the console. It was about 100 € worth, but it saved me a lot of time , and allowed me to rentabilize my purchase in about 2 weeks. I don't know about the legal status and geografical coverage of modding there in USA, but here in Spain it's the most common of all the available solutions to your "problem".

1282th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(7):PS2 and game copiez" , posted Fri 13 Apr 23:35post reply

I have a v1 Playstation 2 which blows because there are few modding solutions for it.

417th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(6):PS2 and imports" , posted Sun 15 Apr 00:27post reply

Pollyanna, not to gloat or anything like that, but did I not try to tell you that a long time ago. And everyone thought I was mad, I showed you all!
SWAP MAAAAAGIC!!! That was what I meant. Hey Pollyanna do you have The Rumblefish?

No, but a friend of mine does...or rather, did. Oddly enough it didn't work on his system, but it worked on mine with the same setup. It's the game that doesn't work with SwapMagic, isn't it?

Not to answer for him, but yes, it is. It simply, for whatever reason, will not run with stock Swap MAgic and requires some goofy crap to run it OR an edited ISO to run it at all. It's the biggest pain in the ass game to get running normally I've ever witnessed.

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

1050th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(7):PS2 and imports" , posted Sun 15 Apr 02:39:post reply

ye have sown in the field of Rumblefish, and now you reap only ruin!!

PS: fish


[this message was edited by Maou on Sun 15 Apr 02:40]

140th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(8):PS2 and game copiez" , posted Sun 15 Apr 05:52post reply

I have a v1 Playstation 2 which blows because there are few modding solutions for it.

Can you not use HDAdvance, Network Adaptor and Hard Drive?


2792th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):PS2 and legit games" , posted Sun 15 Apr 06:37post reply

Hmm, it sounds like Magic Swap, Swap Magic, Magical Swap or whatever it's called might be a non-intrusive way to play imports. While the compatibility issues concern me it would save me from getting a JPN PS2 and having yet another console taking up space in my place. Thanks for the help everyone.

418th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(10):PS2 and legit games" , posted Sun 15 Apr 12:35post reply

Do you need a website to shop for it or do you have it already?
Hmm, it sounds like Magic Swap, Swap Magic, Magical Swap or whatever it's called might be a non-intrusive way to play imports. While the compatibility issues concern me it would save me from getting a JPN PS2 and having yet another console taking up space in my place. Thanks for the help everyone.

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

1052th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(2):Re(10):PS2 and legit games" , posted Sun 15 Apr 14:35post reply

List 'em anyway! Aside from Play Asia, NCSX, Pink Godzilla, and then Mail Order Japan for special orders, there's not much I know of that's legit.


420th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(3):Re(10):PS2 and legit games" , posted Sun 15 Apr 16:26post reply

This is the place where I received mine.
List 'em anyway! Aside from Play Asia, NCSX, Pink Godzilla, and then Mail Order Japan for special orders, there's not much I know of that's legit.

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

2795th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Re(10):PS2 and legit games" , posted Tue 17 Apr 00:23post reply

This is the place where I received mine.
List 'em anyway! Aside from Play Asia, NCSX, Pink Godzilla, and then Mail Order Japan for special orders, there's not much I know of that's legit.

Thanks for the listings. There are plenty of shops out there but finding the reliable ones isn't always the easiest thing to do.