Yet Another Gyakuten Saiban 4 Thread - Forums

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267th Post

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Copper Customer

"Yet Another Gyakuten Saiban 4 Thread" , posted Sat 14 Apr 02:47post reply

Hello my friends, I missed you so much. SO much. All of you.

Maybe you don't remember me, but I do remember you. And all the good times we spent together.

Anyone got the game? Is it good? Is it bad?
Does Odoroki live up to Naruhodo?

I ordered the Limited Edition of the game from Play-Asia, but it won't arrive maybe until the end of the month.

Please kill my curiosity.



1049th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):Yet Another Gyakuten Saiban 4 Thread" , posted Sat 14 Apr 03:00:post reply

Woah, I remember the Tenguman, and I approve of the Edward D. Morrison quote even while regretting it wasn't in the PS version of Phantasia that I actually played.

...though then again I haven't even played Gyakuten Saiban 4, so that makes me pretty useless. I've been trying to track down the Gunstar Heroes Treasure Box, instead. DOI-YAH!


[this message was edited by Maou on Sat 14 Apr 03:01]

1341th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Yet Another Gyakuten Saiban 4 Thread" , posted Sat 14 Apr 06:26post reply

I'm only half through the 2nd case now so I can't really say much, but I think it's been pretty good so far. But I don't think I can pass judgment till I see the final chapter.

It feels pretty awkward to talk about the game because all the nice points about the game that I can think of will end up as story spoilers.

2198th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Yet Another Gyakuten Saiban 4 Thread" , posted Sat 14 Apr 07:07post reply

Too soon! Too soon! I preordered the game (as well as Grim Grimoire), but it hasn't come in yet. I passed on the LE, because for the price, it didn't seem worth it. Why headphones? The Persona 3 headphones I can understand, but not this.

I'm really fearing for the game, though, because GS3 had such a satisfactory conclusion. I'm also worried that they'll make too many unnecessary references to the earlier games, or create plot twists that are shocking, but not especially clever. The extra case in Gyakuten Yomigaeru didn't really fill me with hope.

4372th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"sokoda" , posted Sat 14 Apr 10:06:post reply

Liking it so far, even if I don't know a lick of Japanese (early walkthroughs are being posted though). Music is subpar, only slightly above GS2 but still below GS1 and 3. Case 1 is easily the best first case of all the games.

Spoiled myself silly with the spoiler I'm wondering what the reaction from Japanese fans is (does Iggy still post?).

Don't read if you REALLY don't want to be spoiled:

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
-No Mayoi/Maya or Mitsurugi/Edgeworth...bummer. I thought Maya would at least make a cameo.

-Some think the game is simply a 'renewal' for Naruhodo/Phoenix and he'll take the lead again in GS5 (after playing through case 1 though, I doubt that).

-Minuki is not older Harumi. Though she does share the trademark bounce.

-I want some of Ema's chips.

End of Spoiler

Meanwhile, Saiban 3 is going DS (english title is PW: Trials and Tribulations). Good thing they kept Godot's name intact.


[this message was edited by Freeter on Sat 14 Apr 12:07]

268th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(2):Yet Another Gyakuten Saiban 4 Thread" , posted Mon 16 Apr 00:23post reply

Wow, the thread actually had answers. Oh the joy.

Woah, I remember the Tenguman, and I approve of the Edward D. Morrison quote even while regretting it wasn't in the PS version of Phantasia that I actually played.

...though then again I haven't even played Gyakuten Saiban 4, so that makes me pretty useless. I've been trying to track down the Gunstar Heroes Treasure Box, instead. DOI-YAH!

Yeah, it was really a shame. But it thinks que quote isn't in the GBA version as well, only in the SNES. Don't know about the PSP though.

I'm only half through the 2nd case now so I can't really say much, but I think it's been pretty good so far. But I don't think I can pass judgment till I see the final chapter.

It feels pretty awkward to talk about the game because all the nice points about the game that I can think of will end up as story spoilers.

My GF got the rom of the game and I played a little on her DS, but I'm still just halfway of the first case.

Does Odoroki seems less like a noob with premature ejaculation on the second case?

Too soon! Too soon! I preordered the game (as well as Grim Grimoire), but it hasn't come in yet. I passed on the LE, because for the price, it didn't seem worth it. Why headphones? The Persona 3 headphones I can understand, but not this.

I'm really fearing for the game, though, because GS3 had such a satisfactory conclusion. I'm also worried that they'll make too many unnecessary references to the earlier games, or create plot twists that are shocking, but not especially clever. The extra case in Gyakuten Yomigaeru didn't really fill me with hope.

I think you're kinda right, actually. Even if the LE comes with a DVD and as Encyclopedia thingy for the DS, maybe really too expensive. But a bought it as a birthday present for myself, so anyway.

Speaking of Persona 3, is Fes out yet? Are you going to get it? I was thiking of getting it, but I don't like Aigis that much, so I don't know.

As for the GS4 story, let's just hope for the best, I guess.

Liking it so far, even if I don't know a lick of Japanese (early walkthroughs are being posted though). Music is subpar, only slightly above GS2 but still below GS1 and 3. Case 1 is easily the best first case of all the games.

I agree about the first case. It's damn long, but it's getting awesome by the minute (didn't play it till the end).

And yeah, I was really wondering if Iggy still exists. What happened to him?


4373th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Yet Another Gyakuten Saiban 4 Thread" , posted Mon 16 Apr 07:01post reply

Found the 2ch board where they're discussing GS4...overall reaction is VERY negative. Somehow, I was already expecting this long before the game even came out, but it's still depressing to hear.

Non-spoilerish complaints:

-touch screen is still poorly utilized

-music isn't exciting enough

-cases are bland and lack the tempo of the original series

-Odoroki's story is thin and doesn't live up to Naruhodo's

Spoilerish complaints:

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
-new jury system at the end is dumb and unnecessary

-complete absence of Maya/Edgeworth (one poster even does mock dialogue, "why are you[Naruhodo] in it and not us?")

-final case is absurd, largely due to Naruhodo's ability to time travel with the button on his hat (no joke, the Court Record spoilers confirm it to be true)

End of Spoiler

I'm still on case 2, so I'll hold off judgment for now....but I get the feeling I'll walk away disappointed like the rest.

1331th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Harvey Birdman Ace Attorney" , posted Tue 17 Apr 09:01post reply

Yes its real and it by Capcom.

Link Here

I hope they try to do the challenging cases of Phoenix Wright while incorporating the humor of the show into the game.

1061th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):Harvey Birdman Ace Attorney" , posted Tue 17 Apr 09:32post reply


I hope they try to do the challenging cases of Phoenix Wright while incorporating the humor of the show into the game.

Phil Ken Sebben sez: Ha ha! Game.


421th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(1):Harvey Birdman Ace Attorney" , posted Tue 17 Apr 10:41post reply

SOOOLD!!! Give me two copies in the good hand, please.

Man, this is great! I never thought of this and I am quite estatic that it is happening. I have not been like this for awhile.
Yes its real and it by Capcom.

Link Here

I hope they try to do the challenging cases of Phoenix Wright while incorporating the humor of the show into the game.

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

269th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(4):Yet Another Gyakuten Saiban 4 Thread" , posted Wed 18 Apr 07:13post reply

Found the 2ch board where they're discussing GS4...overall reaction is VERY negative. Somehow, I was already expecting this long before the game even came out, but it's still depressing to hear.

Non-spoilerish complaints:

-touch screen is still poorly utilized

-music isn't exciting enough

-cases are bland and lack the tempo of the original series

-Odoroki's story is thin and doesn't live up to Naruhodo's

Spoilerish complaints:

I'm still on case 2, so I'll hold off judgment for now....but I get the feeling I'll walk away disappointed like the rest.

Finished the first case, and I sincerely think it was the awesomest first case in all series.

Even given the fact that

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Naruhodo solved the whole thing for himself.

Actually I head some opinions that actually Odoroki was being held back by Garyu, which was trying to make him seem dumber than he is. Don't know what happens from the second case on, but I think it's a valid point

End of Spoiler


And yeah, Harvey Birdman.


3838th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Yet Another Gyakuten Saiban 4 Thread" , posted Wed 18 Apr 07:44post reply

I assume you've all seen this?

not necessarily funny, but pretty cool!

270th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(6):Yet Another Gyakuten Saiban 4 Thread" , posted Wed 18 Apr 09:11post reply

I assume you've all seen this?

not necessarily funny, but pretty cool!

It's awesome.
The Phoenix Wrong series of flash videos are nice too.



1347th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(7):Yet Another Gyakuten Saiban 4 Thread" , posted Wed 18 Apr 10:06post reply

I finished the game. It started out so good but it became so horribly crappy in the 2nd half and ended with the most boring final chapter in the series.

Regarding Freeter's spoilers:

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Those are flashbacks, not time travel

End of Spoiler

4374th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Yet Another Gyakuten Saiban 4 Thread" , posted Wed 18 Apr 11:35post reply

Currently nearing the end of case 3, and yeah, it's starting to get underwhelming. For a "passionate" hero like Odoroki, he doesn't seem to do much (it's almost as if Minuki is doing all the work). I agree with the 2ch posters about Kyouya, he's not exciting as a prosecutor. I like the air guitar and the one fist slam, but only because of their fluid animation.

One change that I don't like is the fact that they now cut directly to the judge or the gavel bang when starting the trial, instead of the full courtroom shot and the gossiping crowd. That was sort of a 'tradition' in Saiban, and its absence is kind of irritating to me.

I'll try to finish the game, but I can say for sure that the rest won't ever live up to case 1.

Regarding Freeter's spoilers:

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
I haven't seen it yet, so the spoilers were throwing it around as if it were actual time travel. It has since been corrected.

End of Spoiler

2203th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):sokoda" , posted Wed 18 Apr 12:35post reply

Liking it so far, even if I don't know a lick of Japanese (early walkthroughs are being posted though).

Could you point me to these? I should get the game in tomorrow or the next day. I probably won't need them, but I seem to get caught up on some investigation part of each game. Are there psycho locks in this one? I always found those frustrating because the number of locks did not necessarily reflect the amount of evidence you needed.


I'm still up in the air about Fes. It comes out in a few days. I never actually finished P3, so Fes might give me a good excuse to. I really think P3 is another one of those games that's too long for it's own hours of good content and 30 that doesn't really need to be there.

I would have been more interested in Fes if you could get some of the commu characters on your team after you maxed them out. Actually, not so much "more interested" "I would definitely buy it.

Did you go through the game yourself?

4376th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):sokoda" , posted Wed 18 Apr 12:50:post reply

Could you point me to these? I should get the game in tomorrow or the next day.

Thread at Court-Records forums with walkthroughs

Cases 1 and 2 are complete, 3 and 4 still in progress.

EDIT: Psycho Locks are only in the last case, though I heard it's ridiculously easy to get through so they're probably not a threat.

[this message was edited by Freeter on Wed 18 Apr 13:02]

271th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(2):sokoda" , posted Sat 21 Apr 05:59post reply


I'm still up in the air about Fes. It comes out in a few days. I never actually finished P3, so Fes might give me a good excuse to. I really think P3 is another one of those games that's too long for it's own hours of good content and 30 that doesn't really need to be there.

I would have been more interested in Fes if you could get some of the commu characters on your team after you maxed them out. Actually, not so much "more interested" "I would definitely buy it.

Did you go through the game yourself?

Actually I didn't. I watched my girlfriend doing it.

The game seemed seemed fun and strange at the same time, actually. That whole "Fushigi no Dungeon" thing doesn't quite fit the Persona universe to me... I don't know. But then again, I'm not much of an Persona expert.

Another thing is the time problem. The game kinda pushes you into a pre-determined rhythm, and you have to stick with it. The boss encounters in the Tartarus are set to happen every full moon, and so you only have that much time to do your leveling. And even if you just don't want to do anything, you still have to go trough classes and all that jazz.

But the school sim part of it was fun, actually.
