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tenguman 268th Post

Copper Customer

| "Re(2):Yet Another Gyakuten Saiban 4 Thread" , posted Mon 16 Apr 00:23
Wow, the thread actually had answers. Oh the joy.
quote: Woah, I remember the Tenguman, and I approve of the Edward D. Morrison quote even while regretting it wasn't in the PS version of Phantasia that I actually played.
...though then again I haven't even played Gyakuten Saiban 4, so that makes me pretty useless. I've been trying to track down the Gunstar Heroes Treasure Box, instead. DOI-YAH!
Yeah, it was really a shame. But it thinks que quote isn't in the GBA version as well, only in the SNES. Don't know about the PSP though.
quote: I'm only half through the 2nd case now so I can't really say much, but I think it's been pretty good so far. But I don't think I can pass judgment till I see the final chapter.
It feels pretty awkward to talk about the game because all the nice points about the game that I can think of will end up as story spoilers.
My GF got the rom of the game and I played a little on her DS, but I'm still just halfway of the first case.
Does Odoroki seems less like a noob with premature ejaculation on the second case?
quote: Too soon! Too soon! I preordered the game (as well as Grim Grimoire), but it hasn't come in yet. I passed on the LE, because for the price, it didn't seem worth it. Why headphones? The Persona 3 headphones I can understand, but not this.
I'm really fearing for the game, though, because GS3 had such a satisfactory conclusion. I'm also worried that they'll make too many unnecessary references to the earlier games, or create plot twists that are shocking, but not especially clever. The extra case in Gyakuten Yomigaeru didn't really fill me with hope.
I think you're kinda right, actually. Even if the LE comes with a DVD and as Encyclopedia thingy for the DS, maybe really too expensive. But a bought it as a birthday present for myself, so anyway.
Speaking of Persona 3, is Fes out yet? Are you going to get it? I was thiking of getting it, but I don't like Aigis that much, so I don't know.
As for the GS4 story, let's just hope for the best, I guess.
quote: Liking it so far, even if I don't know a lick of Japanese (early walkthroughs are being posted though). Music is subpar, only slightly above GS2 but still below GS1 and 3. Case 1 is easily the best first case of all the games.
I agree about the first case. It's damn long, but it's getting awesome by the minute (didn't play it till the end).
And yeah, I was really wondering if Iggy still exists. What happened to him?
Freeter 4374th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(8):Yet Another Gyakuten Saiban 4 Thread" , posted Wed 18 Apr 11:35
Currently nearing the end of case 3, and yeah, it's starting to get underwhelming. For a "passionate" hero like Odoroki, he doesn't seem to do much (it's almost as if Minuki is doing all the work). I agree with the 2ch posters about Kyouya, he's not exciting as a prosecutor. I like the air guitar and the one fist slam, but only because of their fluid animation.
One change that I don't like is the fact that they now cut directly to the judge or the gavel bang when starting the trial, instead of the full courtroom shot and the gossiping crowd. That was sort of a 'tradition' in Saiban, and its absence is kind of irritating to me.
I'll try to finish the game, but I can say for sure that the rest won't ever live up to case 1.
quote: Regarding Freeter's spoilers:
Spoiler (Highlight to view) - I haven't seen it yet, so the spoilers were throwing it around as if it were actual time travel. It has since been corrected.
End of Spoiler