Please vote for my animated film. - Forums

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94th Post

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"Please vote for my animated film." , posted Tue 24 Apr 10:27post reply

HAY GUYS! I recently helped out on an animated short called "Shadows" that some friends and I created for this online film festival/competition. The idea is that you get three weeks to complete an animated film, then it's posted online and people get to vote for their favorite one.

Each team was assigned a random theme, character and object that had to be incorporated into the film. Ours were love, a monster and a candle.

I honestly beileve that we created the very best film there, so please log on to this link and vote for "Shadows".

view the film here:

vote here:

Take your time and watch all of them if you can. I really really think we did the best job. I'd like to get anyone's feedback on how we did. And, sorry to beg for votes here... but since it's a popularity contest, i have to assume that every other person that entered is also asking everyone on the internet to vote for them, so i thought i'd post here to offset that.


132th Post

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"Re(1):Please vote for my animated film." , posted Tue 24 Apr 23:27post reply

Very nice!

Wither Blister Burn + Peel

95th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(2):Please vote for my animated film." , posted Wed 25 Apr 06:43post reply

Very nice!

Thank you!

I'm quite proud of the film. Not just my part, but as a group project. Everyone I worked with worked their butts off getting it done in spite of being in school or working full time.

Please vote for the film!

2124th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Please vote for my animated film." , posted Wed 25 Apr 08:52post reply

That was wonderful. Seriously. I watched all the other ones (that loaded, anyway) and it was like night and day, comparitively speaking. Even if you hadn't come on here and rallied support I probably would have voted for it anyway.

1541th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(4):Please vote for my animated film." , posted Wed 25 Apr 12:04post reply

Couldn't resist checking it out, preparing myself for the worst, and the result was completely awesome; cute, funnny, and dramatic all at once. It got my vote, for what it's worth.

2805th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Please vote for my animated film." , posted Thu 26 Apr 04:41post reply

What a charming little film. Everyone who worked on it has a right to be proud of the end result.

0th Post

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"Re(1):Please vote for my animated film." , posted Sat 28 Apr 06:17post reply

I really really think we did the best job.

I think so, too. It's a charming piece, for starters, but the presentation/production is far above the competition, to boot.

Have you guys done any other work?

Hagen de Merak
941th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(2):Please vote for my animated film." , posted Sat 28 Apr 07:47post reply

Professionally I thought it was the best production, it really shows you guys worked hard on it. Personally though, wasn't my cup of tea

96th Post

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"Re(6):Please vote for my animated film." , posted Thu 3 May 10:49post reply

Thanks for all the great comments! They mean alot to me (especially coming from someone with the good judgment to have Christina Lindburg in his sig). I showed my comrades your posts and they were all very touched that you'd take the time to watch and respond. Even if the film wasn't up your ally, I appreciate the honesty.

This was the first group film for us. Everyone working on it is a student at the Savannah College of Art and Design, although a few of us have done professional work.

One of the directors of the film has animated for some Adult Swim shows and I've done freelance work on a few mobile games (and soon i'll be working on some DS games, which will be awesome!).

The winner of the competition will be announced tomorrow night. Thanks to everyone for their support.

97th Post

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"Re(7):Please vote for my animated film." , posted Thu 10 May 12:34post reply

The results are in!:

We got second place overall and a slew of other awards.

Thanks for supporting our little film!