I got Super Street Fighter Working on DS - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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New Red Carpet Member

"I got Super Street Fighter Working on DS" , posted Fri 27 Apr 17:34post reply

Hi everybody. I finally got some great portable 2-d fighting action on my ds via SNEmulds and Super Street Fighter on snes. I also got aero fighters 1 working and F-zero and Cybernator.

Now all they need is a neo geo emulator for ds.

Does anyone else have any examples of getting good fighting games to play on DS?

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also chek out http://myspace.com/atomiswave2


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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(1):I got Super Street Fighter Working on D" , posted Fri 27 Apr 19:31post reply

By the time a Neogeo emulator is designed for the DS, you can still spend a few hours on KOF EX2 for the GBA/DS. It's a brilliant game, trust me.

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New Customer

"Re(1):I got Super Street Fighter Working on D" , posted Sat 28 Apr 06:04post reply

You can pick up Super Street Fighter II Turbo Revival for the GBA pretty cheap. The colors are a bit oversaturated on the DS and the American version has a bug that crashes the game when fighting Akuma, but otherwise it blows away any emulated SNES/etc. or native GBA/DS fighter.

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):I got Super Street Fighter Working on D" , posted Sun 29 Apr 07:48post reply

You Silly DS users, i've been playing CPS-2 roms on my PSP for months now!

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(2):I got Super Street Fighter Working on D" , posted Sun 29 Apr 09:19post reply

You Silly DS users, i've been playing CPS-2 roms on my PSP for months now!

yes, there is quite a few PSP games that look off the chain.(2-d fighters shmups etc.) But hey ds has clamshell dude. Plus Dragonminded just released a webbrowser for dsorganize. Haven't quite gotten it to work yet.....

Plus ds pokemon is fairly rad.

Click this webpage

also chek out http://myspace.com/atomiswave2

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):I got Super Street Fighter Working on D" , posted Sun 29 Apr 15:51post reply

Plus Dragonminded just released a webbrowser for dsorganize. Haven't quite gotten it to work yet.....

I got it to work. Decent text browser, but still a long ways off from being a viable browsing alternative (Cafe doesn't even load on it).

It has potential though, so we'll see.

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):I got Super Street Fighter Working on D" , posted Mon 30 Apr 13:11post reply


yes, there is quite a few PSP games that look off the chain.

Actually referring to emulators, PSP does have a full-speed capcom arcade emu. Portable Marvel Superheroes, it amazes me what technology has come to.