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dr baghead 3645th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):Madman in Wikipedia" , posted Sat 28 Apr 12:48
quote: A draft of what to publish would have something like this:
*Definition *History *Rise and decline *Nowadays status *BBS stuff
Even better idea! Let's Wiki-ality the bastard!
Definition: Mad= Angry, Man=having both an X and Y chromosome, Cafe=what hautie-tautie people call 'coffee shops'
This refers to the sites origins where one man with a brave vision of the future, Henry Moriarty, would go to his local coffee shop and yell about stuff that made him angry. It was these high energy/high volume rants that earned him the nickname "da Professa!" from people quickly walking bye. After an old lady beat him half to death with a bagel during a long winded rant on how "Mattlock" jumped the shark in the second season he realized he'd need his own coffee shop where he made the rules to avoid future assaults, and thus the site was born.
History: In early 1994 the site took a dramatic turn where the Professor decide insidea of putting coffee cups in his cd drive and yell at the screen about 'the gummy'mint' he decided to write about this new fangled "King of the Fighters Game" and how cool it'd be if they made a new one ever year. The following year he broke new ground being the first to report on what the cool kids referred to at the time as "KoF95" new team of rivals saying "Billy Kane is a nice additional, but you know he won't have the staying power of Eiji who you just know is going to be way over used in this series. The team's captain, new comer Iori Yagami is so awesome, I hope his dynamic costume design NEVER changes!"
Rise and Decline: The MMCafe rose to power back when SNK and Capcom made fighting games people wanted to play, and declined when they stopped...
You bastards happy? Not only is your laziness preventing us from having a new Iori and Morigan sprites and "DC Vs Marvel Vs Capcom Vs SNK" it totally killed the internet.
The board also got boring when every stop taking joy in mocking Stefan "Cammy's #1 Stalker" Stefan's Cammyfan site realizing it wasn't making fun of some loser on the internet, but a man with SERIOUS mental issues who crys himself to sleep masterbaiting to a Capcom Queens dollie... loosing "Stefan's Monday Rant" as a spring board for conversion caused a lot of post like "so... ummm... how was your weekend?" and "uh... which KoF was the... uh, KoFiest?" until everyone just got real quiet and it got ackward.
Also many of it's members grew up, got jobs, girls, etc. and had to leave the idylic wonderland that was the cafe for the real world, returning only to post random news, bitch about random news, and post retarded, unfunny Wiki-alities.
Nowdays: Nowdays no one knows what an SNK is (not: this stub relates to the defunct videogame company, for information on Samuel L Jackson's next movie sequels "Snakes without vowels or pularizations:terrible movie we're pretending is a spoof on 'Akala and the Bee'" please see the "SNK (movie)" stub) and people know of Street Fight Vs X-Men only from the way YouTube video were a guy has edited the "X3:the Last Stand" Trailer to look like Hugh Jackman is fighting the broken upper torso of a "Street Fighter: Previews" Akuma figure. So no one cares about the MMCafe, as all the damn kids play Madden and IGN has an exclusive interview with the Dallas Cowgirls!!! WHOOOO!!!!
BBS Stuff: (not this stub refers to "(BBS)Bulltin Board System" not "(BBS)Burning Butt Syndrom" for information on that subject please refer to a site that's updated by people who know better or even better call a doctor, seriously)
*A 'strike' option exist, so people can make shitty joke lines then 'erase' them slylyno one knows why
*A spoiler option was added when someone said Michelle Roderiguz died in the Resident Evil movie like the day after it came out, or something. Point is
Spoiler (Highlight to view) - Kevin Smith movies are all overrated, especially Chasing Amy
End of Spoiler
*No one knows how to use the URL link function, they alway put the address where the text should go and end up linking to "Http://link_here" they always do
*you can totally make your post look like a "kitchy 80's nostalga shirt" ' TSONICKABOOOOM!!!' thankfully 99.999% of the members are mature enough not to abuse this.
*These remind me of Azumanga
* There were many post like this back in the day (not gonna point fingers, but you know who I'm making fun of)
*Polls do not work anymore, unless you want every one vote to count for 383-&98 people.
Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny) my silly little drawin's
kofoguz 526th Post
New Red Carpet Member
| "Re(2):Madman in Wikipedia" , posted Sun 29 Apr 18:12
quote: Post of Dr. baghead
You forgot to mention about some of the members such as, * a turkish member whos talking about yoghurt all the time, * and a member that we dont know what kind of thing is he/she/it?, * a vodoo chick lover gaming site owner gothicool(?) guy, * A creature formerly in a shape of dog (nowadays it makes love with hot people as in the shape of filthy creatures) who loves to post random japanese sites as news, * and its owner white-masked hero/villain "the assholest wrestler", * and a broken Robot whose function is being a broken record, singing no, no, no, racist company, how could you betray the game's atmosphere, without blood slashing eachother, yet staying in one piece doesnt come realistic at all, you festival lovers song repeatedly, * a mystrious guy obsessed with penguins, * a kinky guy who loves matador's ass, * and there was this guy who started his web comics (whtvr it is).
Yeah and there is the owner of the cafe who visit his cafe once in a year, unless you summon him and sacrifice donate dozen of fresh testicles.
Spoiler (Highlight to view) - Michelle Rodriguez died in Lost season 2
End of Spoiler
JUAn 4378th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Madman in Wikipedia" , posted Sun 29 Apr 22:55
quote: A draft of what to publish would have something like this:
*Definition *History *Rise and decline *Nowadays status *BBS stuff
Even better idea! Let's Wiki-ality the bastard!
Definition: Mad= Angry, Man=having both an X and Y chromosome, Cafe=what hautie-tautie people call 'coffee shops'
This refers to the sites origins where one man with a brave vision of the future, Henry Moriarty, would go to his local coffee shop and yell about stuff that made him angry. It was these high energy/high volume rants that earned him the nickname "da Professa!" from people quickly walking bye. After an old lady beat him half to death with a bagel during a long winded rant on how "Mattlock" jumped the shark in the second season he realized he'd need his own coffee shop where he made the rules to avoid future assaults, and thus the site was born.
History: In early 1994 the site took a dramatic turn where the Professor decide insidea of putting coffee cups in his cd drive and yell at the screen about 'the gummy'mint' he decided to write about this new fangled "King of the Fighters Game" and how cool it'd be if they made a new one ever year. The following year he broke new ground being the first to report on what the cool kids referred to at the time as "KoF95" new team of rivals saying "Billy Kane is a nice additional, but you know he won't have the staying power of Eiji who you just know is going to be way over used in this series. The team's captain, new comer Iori Yagami is so awesome, I hope his dynamic costume design NEVER changes!"
Rise and Decline: The MMCafe rose to power back when SNK and Capcom made fighting games people wanted to play, and declined when they stopped...
You bastards happy? Not only is your laziness preventing us from having a new Iori and Morigan sprites and "DC Vs Marvel Vs Capcom Vs SNK" it totally killed the internet.
The board also got boring when every stop taking joy in mocking Stefan "Cammy's #1 Stalker" Stefan's Cammyfan site realizing it wasn't making fun of some loser on the internet, but a man with SERIOUS mental issues who crys himself to sleep masterbaiting to a Capcom Queens dollie... loosing "Stefan's Monday Rant" as a spring board for conversion caused a lot of post like "so... ummm... how was your weekend?" and "uh... which KoF was the... uh, KoFiest?" until everyone just got real quiet and it got ackward.
Also many of it's members grew up, got jobs, girls, etc. and had to leave the idylic wonderland that was the cafe for the real world, returning only to post random news, bitch about random news, and post retarded, unfunny Wiki-alities.
Nowdays: Nowdays no one knows what an SNK is (not: this stub relates to the defunct videogame company, for information on Samuel L Jackson's next movie sequels "Snakes without vowels or pularizations:terrible movie we're pretending is a spoof on 'Akala and the Bee'" please see the "SNK (movie)" stub) and people know of Street Fight Vs X-Men only from the way YouTube video were a guy has edited the "X3:the Last Stand" Trailer to look like Hugh Jackman is fighting the broken upper torso of a "Street Fighter: Previews" Akuma figure. So no one cares about the MMCafe, as all the damn kids play Madden and IGN has an exclusive interview with the Dallas Cowgirls!!! WHOOOO!!!!
BBS Stuff: (not this stub refers to "(BBS)Bulltin Board System" not "(BBS)Burning Butt Syndrom" for information on that subject please refer to a site that's updated by people who know better or even better call a doctor, seriously)
*A 'strike' option exist, so people can make shitty joke lines then 'erase' them slylyno one knows why
*A spoiler option was added when someone said Michelle Roderiguz died in the Resident Evil movie like the day after it came out, or something. Point is
*No one knows how to use the URL link function, they alway put the address where the text should go and end up linking to "Http://link_here" they always do
*you can totally make your post look like a "kitchy 80's nostalga shirt" ' TSONICKABOOOOM!!!' thankfully 99.999% of the members are mature enough not to abuse this.
*These remind me of Azumanga
* There were many post like this back in the day (not gonna point fingers, but you know who I'm making fun of)
*Polls do not work anymore, unless you want every one vote to count for 383-&98 people.