Tekken 6 Main Story + A Few Character Bios - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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Alba Meira
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"Tekken 6 Main Story + A Few Character Bios" , posted Mon 30 Apr 04:43:post reply

From:Tekken Zaibatsu
Taken From:Sunlight Yellow

The Tekken 6 story has been posted on the popular Japanese Tekken resource site, Sunlight Yellow. The news cited is from the June issue of Arcadia Magazine’s Tekken 6 feature. Here is a brief synopsis of the story and character profiles that were posted on our forum, thanks to Hamstar.


The 5th King of the Iron Fist Tournament has ended with Heihachi Mishima missing and the eventual winner being Jin Kazama.

Jin Kazama then assumes the role as head of the Mishima Zaibatsu and begins using the special Tekken force units for propaganda and manipulative acts all over the world. Eventually many people become upset by this and it starts riots and eventually war amongst nations.

With the world now at war, many nations lose their power and the Mishima Zaibatsu declares itself as an independent nation.

The Mishima Zaibatsu is intent on conquering the world with only G Corporation to stand in its way. People around the world see G Corporation as a savior and G Corporation offers a price on Jin Kazama to anyone that can bring him in alive.

Just as anyone could have expected, the announced for the 6th King of Iron Fist Tournament was under way.

Those that want to make a name for themselves, those that seek money, and those that want revenge. Many different ideals and goals gather while the Tekken 6 tournament is unveiled.

Leo Profile

Leo’s father is a world famous detective. Leo wants to become just like her father. Her father ends up missing before the tournament is announced.
Leo’s mother works in the same G Corporation division that may have betrayed Kazuya. Leo lived happily with her mother until she is murdered.
The murder investigation ends abruptly and after mourning Leo decides to take matters into her own hands.
Upon further investigation into the murder, Leo notices that a name, Kazuya Mishima keeps showing up and then decides to enter the next Iron Fist Tournament to get her revenge.

Zafina Profile

Zafina is a guardian to the tomb of a royal family at a village that has been around for centuries. The sealed grave is believed to protect the well being of the tribe.
Many martial artists have tried to enter the tomb but Zafina has single handedly defeated them all.
Zafina follows the ideals of astrology and finds out that something very bad is going to happen, something that could possibly lead to the end of the world.
One day the village elders prophesize that when two “evil stars” meet, the seal on the graves will be broken and the world end.
Zafina leaves the village to see if the world is really going to end.

Heihachi Profile

After being assaulted by the Jack force, Heihachi wakes up only to find out that the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5 has already ended.
He goes back to Zaibatsu headquarters only to find the Tekken force blocking his way.
After the next Iron Fist Tournament is announced and Heihachi finds out that Jin Kazama is the new head of the Mishima Zaibatsu, he is enraged and declares that he will get everything back.

Yoshimitsu Profile

Trying to avenge his fallen Manji clan comrades, while going after Bryan Fury, Yoshimitsu realizes that his sword is weakening.
His sword is a cursed blade. By killing evil doers and villains the sword would retain its power, otherwise the cursed sword will make the user go insane.
Yoshimitsu realizes that he can no longer use his old sword and decides to use another blade that seals the properties of the cursed sword. He then decides to enter the King of Iron Fist 6 Tournament.

Kazuya Profile

Kazuya Mishima has figured out which division of G Corporation was the one that betrayed him and viciously killed them all.
Kazuya has now risen to the head of G Corporation in the shadows.
The world is now against the Mishima Zaibatsu and Kazuya fuels the fire by leading G Corporation against it.
Kazuya can’t stand anyone else conquering the world other than himself so he decides to go against Jin Kazama and the Mishima Zaibatsu.
Kazuya realizes that G Corporation is very influential amongst the people of the world now and he announces that anyone who captures Jin Kazama alive will receive a handsome cash reward.
Immediately following his announcement, the King of Iron Fist 6 Tournament is announced by the Mishima Zaibatsu. Kazuya predicted this would happen and began to laugh hysterically.

Quite suprising to say the least I never thought that ending Jin Kazama's would come to pass in Tekken 5.

[this message was edited by Alba Meira on Mon 30 Apr 04:44]


2810th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Tekken 6 Main Story + A Few Character B" , posted Mon 30 Apr 05:22post reply

Ah, the T6 plot looks like it's going to be zany fun. It took him long enough but it sounds like Jin is finally living up to his Mishima heritage. Also, has Leo's gender finally been decided upon?

47th Post

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"Re(1):Tekken 6 Main Story + A Few Character B" , posted Mon 30 Apr 12:35post reply

That story is so random. When did Jin turn into an asshole? Let alone one crazy enough to start World War 3?

I wonder what the deal is with Devil Jin. Maybe he can control the transformation now, but became an asshole in the process? lol.

2127th Post

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"Re(2):Tekken 6 Main Story + A Few Character B" , posted Mon 30 Apr 18:44:post reply

Ah, the T6 plot looks like it's going to be zany fun. It took him long enough but it sounds like Jin is finally living up to his Mishima heritage. Also, has Leo's gender finally been decided upon?

No, I don't know where all those shes and hers came from, but the original source has yet to indicate any gender for Leo. Hamstar made a post in the forum that said Leo was female and German, but didn't give a source to back it up. (as if we didn't know Leo was German already)

Here's the original source for those who can read it:
Sunlight Yellow

That said, the profile does seem to be heading in that direction.

[this message was edited by Gojira on Mon 30 Apr 18:57]

527th Post

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"Re(3):Tekken 6 Main Story + A Few Character B" , posted Mon 30 Apr 21:18post reply

No, I don't know where all those shes and hers came from, but the original source has yet to indicate any gender for Leo. Hamstar made a post in the forum that said Leo was female and German, but didn't give a source to back it up. (as if we didn't know Leo was German already)

Here's the original source for those who can read it:
Sunlight Yellow

Now it is easy to add character in tekken, thanks to kazuya's killings.
Zafinas story kinda cool though.

1296th Post

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"Re(4):Tekken 6 Main Story + A Few Character B" , posted Tue 1 May 03:39post reply

So will Heihachi return in this game riding a old folk's scooter?

Burning Ranger
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"Re(5):Tekken 6 Main Story + A Few Character B" , posted Tue 1 May 09:40post reply

*Tear* Our little Jin is all grown up...

I'm not a fan of Tekken, but I am a little wierded by making Jin seem like a villian.

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

Ikari Loona
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"Re(6):Tekken 6 Main Story + A Few Character B" , posted Tue 1 May 10:10post reply

*Tear* Our little Jin is all grown up...

I'm not a fan of Tekken, but I am a little wierded by making Jin seem like a villian.

He can't help it, it's a Mishima thing

- You tried to kill my father, prepare to die!
- But I'm your grandfather!
- And you fathered that bastard too, you son of a b****! Can't even trust family, everybody sucks, screw the world!

...and so on, along with enough money to turn a family feud into a geopolitical incident...

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

Just a Person
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"Re(6):Tekken 6 Main Story + A Few Character B" , posted Wed 2 May 22:58post reply

*Tear* Our little Jin is all grown up...

I'm not a fan of Tekken, but I am a little wierded by making Jin seem like a villian.

Yeah, me too. Even with all the troubles in the Mishima family, Jin always managed to keep his integrity and humanity, maybe due to him being created by his mother, maybe because of friends like Xiaoyu and Hwoarang keeping him away from the Mishima "evilness" (does this word exist, by the way?). He was even a hero in Namco X Capcom...

It's weird that suddenly he became another power-hungry evil guy... I hope Xiaoyu manages to bring the good Jin back, something Jun wasn't able to do with Kazuya...

Well, any other news? Is Leo a guy or a girl, after all? Not that it really matters as long as the character is interesting (like KoF's Shion), but I'm a little curious. And how many characters are already confirmed? Which Law will be in it (I hope Forrest comes back for a while)? Will my gorgeous conterranean Christie be in it?

Overall, I prefer the Soul Calibur series, but Tekken is definitely a very interesting franchise as well!

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2811th Post

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"Re(7):Tekken 6 Main Story + A Few Character B" , posted Thu 3 May 02:34post reply


It's weird that suddenly he became another power-hungry evil guy... I hope Xiaoyu manages to bring the good Jin back, something Jun wasn't able to do with Kazuya...

Every problem in the Tekken universe will be fixed once Xiaoyu fires up her time machine! That, or she will screw up the flow of time and space itself and destroy the entire universe. Considering this is Xiaoyu we're talking about I'm guessing that the latter is a much more likely scenario.

4259th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Tekken 6 Main Story + A Few Character B" , posted Thu 3 May 03:25post reply


It's weird that suddenly he became another power-hungry evil guy...

Perhaps this was an attempt to give some spine to the awfully plain jin.

I wonder if this time, they will portrait properly non typical languages like russian, german, portuguese, spanish and the like; or will christie speak in english again, and the jacks and kings will "grr" you till you die.

And yes, I still read the forums, it's just that I don't post, and I have to fix my av

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1072th Post

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"Re(9):Tekken 6 Main Story + A Few Character B" , posted Thu 3 May 03:31post reply

Having all the international characters speak in their relevant languages always seemed like a cool idea, until I saw Tekken 4...ick. Then again, that whole game was ick for me, so maybe that's unfair.

Soul Calibur has such a wordly and epic quest in the background that you'd think that it would be cool to do the same thing, but until they bother to get GOOD actors from everywhere, I'm sorta glad that my preference of the two Namco fighters has kept good Japanese actors instead of a mediocre mix. Nightmare/Siegfried was too perfect to have anything less than the sweetest German.


4260th Post

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"Re(10):Tekken 6 Main Story + A Few Character " , posted Thu 3 May 03:36post reply

Having all the international characters speak in their relevant languages always seemed like a cool idea, until I saw Tekken 4...ick. Then again, that whole game was ick for me, so maybe that's unfair.

If you think about it, tekken has always been lacking in the "talk" department, most character end up with some "hya" speeches and most intros and victory poses have very simple dialogs.

Soul calibur, by the other hand, has been filled with words, cursing and iggy carazy gay sex moaning; so it's natural that you don't "eekk" the game in that aspect.

1074th Post

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"Re(2):Re(10):Tekken 6 Main Story + A Few Char" , posted Thu 3 May 04:58:post reply

Soul calibur, by the other hand, has been filled with words, cursing and iggy carazy gay sex moaning; so it's natural that you don't "eekk" the game in that aspect.

You're right, though it's even more to its credit that Soul Calibur has such fun voice acting...whereas the little talk that Tekken has is pretty intolerable, especially the English "actors."

At least Tekken 3's deep-voiced announcer was almost as fun as Soul Calibur's. Jin Kazama...WINS.

edit: I guess Soul Calibur 3 and maybe even 2 have English dubs, and those are just as bad as the English in Tekken, but anyway.


[this message was edited by Maou on Thu 3 May 04:59]

48th Post

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"Re(2):Re(10):Tekken 6 Main Story + A Few Char" , posted Thu 3 May 05:50post reply

Having all the international characters speak in their relevant languages always seemed like a cool idea, until I saw Tekken 4...ick. Then again, that whole game was ick for me, so maybe that's unfair.

If you think about it, tekken has always been lacking in the "talk" department, most character end up with some "hya" speeches and most intros and victory poses have very simple dialogs.

Soul calibur, by the other hand, has been filled with words, cursing and iggy carazy gay sex moaning; so it's natural that you don't "eekk" the game in that aspect.

That all changed back in Tekken 4. Not sure if you guys have played Tekken 5 Dark Resurrection at all, but that game is extremely well polished both in gameplay and presentation.

The music, sounds and voices are all top notch. All the characters speak in their respective languages and sound very cool. Dragunov is the exception though. He's mute. haha. Would have been cool to hear him speak in Russian.

2127th Post

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"Re(3):Re(10):Tekken 6 Main Story + A Few Char" , posted Thu 3 May 07:33post reply

Just to clarify, Tekken 4 was their first attempt to add voices to Tekken when they only had the grunts before (which is too bad because I was always fond of Kazuya's cries of "yoink!" and "yawlp!"). They tried to do a lot of new things in Tekken 4, too many, which was why the game turned out to be a bit of a mess.

And BTW don't worry about anyone not being in the game, they've already boasted having the largest roster ever so everyone from DR is probably in.

Just a Person
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"Re(4):Re(10):Tekken 6 Main Story + A Few Char" , posted Thu 3 May 07:50post reply

And BTW don't worry about anyone not being in the game, they've already boasted having the largest roster ever so everyone from DR is probably in.

Is there any chance that Michelle Chang is coming back?? Yeah, she's probably old and out of shape by now, but I still love her and find her more interesting than Julia...

I also wonder which Law will be in it, Marshall or Forrest (or both, maybe). Marshall was in T4 and T5:DR, but Forrest (a.k.a. Law Jr.) has only been in T3/TTT; I think he deserves a better development in the series...

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1074th Post

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"Re(5):Re(10):Tekken 6 Main Story + A Few Char" , posted Thu 3 May 08:49post reply

Like I said, I didn't like 4 and haven't played much of 5, but didn't Michelle, ah...die? I thought that was Julia's impetus for joining the tourney, that Ogre had kidnapped or killed her. Then again, I can almost remember seeing her in Julia's ending in what I suffered through of 4, so maybe not. I guess a little death or disappearance never stopped anyone in a fighting game (see Nash/Charlie), either way.


Just a Person
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"Re(6):Re(10):Tekken 6 Main Story + A Few Char" , posted Thu 3 May 09:40post reply

Like I said, I didn't like 4 and haven't played much of 5, but didn't Michelle, ah...die? I thought that was Julia's impetus for joining the tourney, that Ogre had kidnapped or killed her. Then again, I can almost remember seeing her in Julia's ending in what I suffered through of 4, so maybe not. I guess a little death or disappearance never stopped anyone in a fighting game (see Nash/Charlie), either way.

Michelle appeared in Julia's ending in Tekken 3. It's quite weird that I don't remember Michelle appearing or even being mentioned in Julia's bios and endings starting from Tekken 4, though. But the last time she was shown, she was alive, so I guess she's still alive.

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3539th Post

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"Re(7):Re(10):Tekken 6 Main Story + A Few Char" , posted Thu 3 May 17:46post reply

Julia have like 0 chance comming back, due to a simple rule: no ugly or old women in tekken.
That means that any women in tekken need to look atractive, that why the nina/anna "cryo stuff" was done for in order to keep them as they were.
Julia or oather peoples like Jun wouldn't come back becose they wouldn't look like they're 25...

The only girls I see comming back are Unknow, becose with her spirirt around her and being cursed they can pretend that she didn't age, or Kunimitsu because with the mask on her face you can find many other excuses...


Fortes fortuna juvat...

2128th Post

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"Re(8):Re(10):Tekken 6 Main Story + A Few Char" , posted Thu 3 May 21:12post reply

Yeah, Michelle's not dead. The only ones that are dead are Jun, the original King, the original Armor King, and the original Kuma. Technically Kazuya is dead too, but given the fact that he remembers his childhood they're probably trying to pretend that never happened now.

Anyway, Michelle can come back if they want to bring her back, but she'd need a revamp like they did with Wang. Tekken's probably been meaning to appeal to the milf demographic for a while.

Just a Person
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"Re(8):Re(10):Tekken 6 Main Story + A Few Char" , posted Thu 3 May 21:16post reply

Julia have like 0 chance comming back, due to a simple rule: no ugly or old women in tekken.
That means that any women in tekken need to look atractive, that why the nina/anna "cryo stuff" was done for in order to keep them as they were.
Julia or oather peoples like Jun wouldn't come back becose they wouldn't look like they're 25...

The only girls I see comming back are Unknow, becose with her spirirt around her and being cursed they can pretend that she didn't age, or Kunimitsu because with the mask on her face you can find many other excuses...


Hmm... I guess by "Julia", you mean "Michelle", right? Julia, if I'm not mistaken, is around the same age as Xiaoyu (maybe even younger). Heh, unfortunately I agree about your arguments. Yup, unfortunately: why can men from all ages and appearances be in it, but all the women are supposed to be young and attractive? That's quite sexist.

However, Michelle used to be really attractive back to the Tekken and Tekken 2 days. And she's probably not very old by now, she's around the same age as Marshall Law, Paul Phoenix and (I guess) younger than Lei Wulong. That's not an old woman, that's a middle-aged woman... like Madonna, or even Jennifer Lopez (yes, J-Lo is 37, already)!

BTW, great scans!

I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!

1079th Post

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"Re(8):Re(10):Tekken 6 Main Story + A Few Char" , posted Fri 4 May 02:36:post reply


C'mon, Jin, I've seen those fire pants before. Gimme something even cooler. And that sweatshirt that looked awesome on the Tekken 4 cover and stupid in-game doesn't count.

gojira MILF
Hahah, YES!!! Very yes.

edit: JaPerson, isn't Julia a bit older? Xiaoyu was in high school at best in Tekken 3 and maybe in her last year in 4, but Julia is already seen working or reporting or some adultish thing by 4, and she's definitely older than like high school first-year Xiaoyu in 3. Not that she's old, but I think she's maybe a little older...


[this message was edited by Maou on Fri 4 May 04:50]

2813th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Re(10):Tekken 6 Main Story + A Few Char" , posted Fri 4 May 04:59post reply

Wouldn't Michelle be around 45 or so? If there's one thing I like about Tekken's zany time line it's that a large chunk of the cast is at or well past the half century mark. Most games have a young, energetic cast of characters. Tekken, however, has very old men who come back to punch each other year after year. It's a vibe that you can't find in other fighters.

While I love that Yoshimitsu looks like an Acroyear toy I am a bit disappointed that the other characters on display didn't even get minor changes to their outfits. Hopefully the game producers are concentrating on new animation or the game engine. That, or at the very least I hope the 2P costumes will be new and distinctive.

Is that a stage from Tekken 4? Uh oh.

1079th Post

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"Re(10):Re(10):Tekken 6 Main Story + A Few Cha" , posted Fri 4 May 06:17post reply

Five different toys in one!


Is that a stage from Tekken 4? Uh oh.

Urrrk...it's that damn forest! I remember those insufferable levels with uneven surfaces that didn't work because the controls were too clunky instead of Soul Calibur-esque. There was that level where you can stumble ineffectually down stairs, too, maybe it's right behind? Maybe this time it will be more fun.


Just a Person
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"Re(9):Re(10):Tekken 6 Main Story + A Few Char" , posted Fri 4 May 07:51post reply

edit: JaPerson, isn't Julia a bit older? Xiaoyu was in high school at best in Tekken 3 and maybe in her last year in 4, but Julia is already seen working or reporting or some adultish thing by 4, and she's definitely older than like high school first-year Xiaoyu in 3. Not that she's old, but I think she's maybe a little older...

After you said that, I went to Tekken-Zaibatsu to check it. Yes, you're right: Julia is 2 years older than Xiaoyu (in T5:DR, Julia is 20 years-old and Xiaoyu, 18).
She's still a very young woman, though. I tried to find Michelle's age during Tekken 2 to figure out how old would she be by the time of Tekken 6, but found nothing so far...

I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!

2130th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):Re(10):Tekken 6 Main Story + A Few Cha" , posted Fri 4 May 08:30post reply


She's still a very young woman, though. I tried to find Michelle's age during Tekken 2 to figure out how old would she be by the time of Tekken 6, but found nothing so far...

Michelle was 20 in Tekken 2, so in 3 she was 37, and by Tekken 6's time she'd be about 40-41.

Just a Person
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"Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):Tekken 6 Main Story + A F" , posted Fri 4 May 09:20post reply


She's still a very young woman, though. I tried to find Michelle's age during Tekken 2 to figure out how old would she be by the time of Tekken 6, but found nothing so far...

Michelle was 20 in Tekken 2, so in 3 she was 37, and by Tekken 6's time she'd be about 40-41.

So, she COULD be in Tekken 6, after all! Because Paul, M.Law, Lei and most of the fighters who debuted in Tekken or Tekken 2 are definitely older than that! In fact, according to Tekken-Zaibatsu, Paul was already over 40 in Tekken 3, and he didn't look old or anything; he's still in great shape! As are Law (the father), Lei and the others. Unless Michelle stopped completely her trainings, she should be in shape to compete once again.

Damn, Namco, why can't a middle-aged woman compete in Tekken 6, when lots of older men than her are always in these games?? I know, she most likely won't be in it, and that's really unfair...

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3540th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Re(10):Re(10):Tekken 6 Main Story + A F" , posted Fri 4 May 18:30post reply


So, she COULD be in Tekken 6, after all! Because Paul, M.Law, Lei and most of the fighters who debuted in Tekken or Tekken 2 are definitely older than that! In fact, according to Tekken-Zaibatsu, Paul was already over 40 in Tekken 3, and he didn't look old or anything; he's still in great shape! As are Law (the father), Lei and the others. Unless Michelle stopped completely her trainings, she should be in shape to compete once again.

Damn, Namco, why can't a middle-aged woman compete in Tekken 6, when lots of older men than her are always in these games?? I know, she most likely won't be in it, and that's really unfair...

I know it's unfair, but that's namco's rules. Look they didn't bring back Jun moves list un a brand new characters for any reason...And a young one... And if you look at the recent cast: Lili, Zafina and Leo (yes its a girl) you only have you women...Namco's rules aren't that defferent from Tecmo, women should be atractive... BTW mature women are quite rare in any Fighting game Execpted some Granny here and there...

Fortes fortuna juvat...

Just a Person
890th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(4):Re(10):Re(10):Tekken 6 Main Story + A F" , posted Fri 4 May 21:09post reply


I know it's unfair, but that's namco's rules. Look they didn't bring back Jun moves list un a brand new characters for any reason...And a young one... And if you look at the recent cast: Lili, Zafina and Leo (yes its a girl) you only have you women...Namco's rules aren't that defferent from Tecmo, women should be atractive... BTW mature women are quite rare in any Fighting game Execpted some Granny here and there...

True... the only ones I can remember are Mitsuko (Bloody Roar), Genkai (the Yu Yu Hakusho games - though she already existed before the games), Sindel (Mortal Kombat - although Sindel's body doesn't look like one of a middle-aged woman), and there was that old lady from Power Instinct. Maybe Chizuru Kagura and the SFIII version of Chun-Li could be considered middle-aged women as well, but both are still hot and young-looking, so it's hard to tell.

Ah well, I hope that at least Michelle can make a cameo in Julia's ending and/or bio this time... (BTW, according to Wikipedia, it seems that once again the Law in this game is Marshall... I wonder why have they created Forrest at all, if he doesn' appear since TTT...).

I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!

2131th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Re(10):Re(10):Tekken 6 Main Story + A F" , posted Fri 4 May 23:30post reply


Leo (yes its a girl) you only have you women...Namco's rules aren't that defferent from Tecmo, women should be atractive...

Leo is attractive?

4261th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Re(10):Re(10):Tekken 6 Main Story + A F" , posted Sat 5 May 00:28post reply

BTW mature women are quite rare in any Fighting game Execpted some Granny here and there...

You could count "men like" womens, like Angela Belti (power instict) or Misuzu (kunio kun games).

The scans don't show something to hype about xP

529th Post

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"Re(5):Re(10):Re(10):Tekken 6 Main Story + A F" , posted Sat 5 May 19:15post reply


I know it's unfair, but that's namco's rules. Look they didn't bring back Jun moves list un a brand new characters for any reason...And a young one... And if you look at the recent cast: Lili, Zafina and Leo (yes its a girl) you only have you women...Namco's rules aren't that defferent from Tecmo, women should be atractive... BTW mature women are quite rare in any Fighting game Execpted some Granny here and there...

True... the only ones I can remember are Mitsuko (Bloody Roar), Genkai (the Yu Yu Hakusho games - though she already existed before the games), Sindel (Mortal Kombat - although Sindel's body doesn't look like one of a middle-aged woman), and there was that old lady from Power Instinct. Maybe Chizuru Kagura and the SFIII version of Chun-Li could be considered middle-aged women as well, but both are still hot and young-looking, so it's hard to tell.

Ah well, I hope that at least Michelle can make a cameo in Julia's ending and/or bio this time... (BTW, according to Wikipedia, it seems that once again the Law in this game is Marshall... I wonder why have they created Forrest at all, if he doesn' appear since TTT...).

Vanessa, Mature, Vice are 30 something I remember,
Mizuki and Foxy are 40 something correct me if I am wrong.

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"Re(6):Re(10):Re(10):Tekken 6 Main Story + A F" , posted Sat 5 May 21:56post reply

Not that suprised that Jin turned evil. He has a lot of angst (emo if you will) for the longest time, it was bounded to happen but I guess he has good reason for it.

Tekken 3: Ogre kills his mother, Heihaichi betrays him after defeating Ogre.

Tekken 4: Kazuya is back, Heihachi chains up Jin at the end of Tekken 4, Kazuya triggers Devil Jin's awakening. Jinpachi is technically also present while this happens.

Tekken 5: Jin is losing himself to his Devil genes and believes defeating the other Mishimas will somehow make it better.

Olivier Hague
82th Post

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"Re(4):Re(10):Re(10):Tekken 6 Main Story + A F" , posted Sun 6 May 00:56post reply

Leo (yes its a girl)

We'll see.

184th Post

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"Re(6):Re(10):Re(10):Tekken 6 Main Story + A F" , posted Mon 7 May 07:58post reply

Vanessa, Mature, Vice are 30 something I remember,

Mary Ivonskaya (Tobal) is 33 in Tobal 2, and has a kid. Mind, she wasn't designed along normal terms, as she is neither a skinny girl or a white-haired granny.

3541th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Re(10):Re(10):Tekken 6 Main Story + A F" , posted Wed 9 May 18:04post reply

Leo (yes its a girl)
We'll see.

No, officialy announced by the games creators...

Wellcome back El baron Toxico!!

Fortes fortuna juvat...

Olivier Hague
84th Post

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"Re(6):Re(10):Re(10):Tekken 6 Main Story + A F" , posted Fri 11 May 02:49:post reply

No, officialy announced by the games creators...

Some guy said that a while ago, and that was BS. Are you saying that some other guy then made the exact same claim, and it's actually been verified, this time around? Source?

I simply don't buy it. The character has a male name and doesn't really look like a girl (what's so damn shocking about bishônen? did I wake up in a parallel world where people have forgotten about those?).
Unless Namco planned a shocking revelation about that character's real gender (and if they did, why would they ruin it by coming out and stating that "he"'s really a girl well before the release date?), it's just a guy, and I really don't see what the big deal is.
Heck, that even conforms to the good old "let's reveal two new characters: a guy and a girl!" tradition.

[this message was edited by Olivier Hague on Fri 11 May 02:57]

245th Post

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"Re(7):Re(10):Re(10):Tekken 6 Main Story + A F" , posted Fri 11 May 15:26post reply


Heck, that even conforms to the good old "let's reveal two new characters: a guy and a girl!" tradition.

That brings me memories about when Bridget and Slayer for GGXX were announced...

But I still want to quench your thirst.
Because I am the one that put you into the desert.

Olivier Hague
88th Post

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"Re(8):Re(10):Re(10):Tekken 6 Main Story + A F" , posted Fri 11 May 19:27:post reply

That brings me memories about when Bridget and Slayer for GGXX were announced...

Yes, I guess it could be a "reverse Bridget" thing... That's pretty much the only possibility I'd see for Leo to be a girl. But they released Leo's bio already, and there's nothing hinting at that.

Anyway, I have yet to see an actual source for that supposed confirmation.

[this message was edited by Olivier Hague on Sun 13 May 01:10]

Olivier Hague
88th Post

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"Re(9):Re(10):Re(10):Tekken 6 Main Story + A F" , posted Tue 29 May 16:33post reply

All right, the "big mystery" is over.
In this article, you can see this sentence:

"Zenkai shôkai shita honsaku no shin character, Leo to Zafina no 1P costume to, karera ga taikai ni [...]"

"Karera" refers to Leo and Zafina, and it's a masculine "they". They wouldn't use "karera" unless at least one of these two was a male character. Zafina is a woman, so, logically, Leo is a man.

By the way, Naruto, you can come up with an actual source for that supposed "confirmation" that Leo is a woman anytime now. Really.

3546th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Tekken 6 Main Story + A " , posted Tue 29 May 18:49post reply

By the way, Naruto, you can come up with an actual source for that supposed "confirmation" that Leo is a woman anytime now. Really.

Sorry was out of the place for a while... As for the source I have no link to give you if it's what you want. I just read it somewhere (was it game watch?) that a namco official was repporting it. Then after many site did bring the news(like neo-arcadia for exemple) and so far nobody did correct the news.

Now if you have better info than me, fine with it, as you said we'll see when the game will be out.

Fortes fortuna juvat...

2149th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Tekken 6 Main Story + A" , posted Tue 29 May 20:20:post reply

All right, the "big mystery" is over.
In this article, you can see this sentence:

"Zenkai shôkai shita honsaku no shin character, Leo to Zafina no 1P costume to, karera ga taikai ni [...]"

"Karera" refers to Leo and Zafina, and it's a masculine "they". They wouldn't use "karera" unless at least one of these two was a male character. Zafina is a woman, so, logically, Leo is a man.

Good find. Another tell is that 2P outfit. Much more masculine than the 1P outfit. I think it's much safer to say it's a guy now.

[this message was edited by Gojira on Wed 30 May 05:04]

3547th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Tekken 6 Main Stor" , posted Wed 30 May 18:00post reply

Good find. Another tell is that 2P outfit. Much more masculine than the 1P outfit. I think it's much safer to say it's a guy now.

His 2P costume is nothing more than a white Chinese style tuxedo... King looked more masculine in AOF than this one. I mean whatever happen, if namco really wanted to do a I'm a chick in disguise, this costume would be a probleme.
Now with a costumes who would show him topless that would be a valid proof to confirm or not the rumor. But let's wait until the game is released fist...

Fortes fortuna juvat...

Olivier Hague
89th Post

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"Re(3):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Tekken 6 Main Stor" , posted Thu 31 May 02:40post reply

Now with a costumes who would show him topless that would be a valid proof to confirm or not the rumor. But let's wait until the game is released fist...

Oh, come on! You don't even have an actual source saying that Leo is a girl!

maese spt
365th Post

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"Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Tekken 6 Main Stor" , posted Thu 31 May 12:01post reply


Oh, come on! You don't even have an actual source saying that Leo is a girl!

Wasn't it clear from the beggining? It's only brainless speculation!

Honestly, I can't see where all this girl-Leo ruckus has come from. Like if this guy were the first shota character in videogames History...

Actually, that filthy gipsy Miguel looks much less manly than Leo to me.

マツケン サンバ!!!!

3548th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Tekken 6 Main Stor" , posted Thu 31 May 19:41post reply

Oh, come on! You don't even have an actual source saying that Leo is a girl!

Who cares? Can you explain me all this "agresivity" about all this, and you "I'm obviously right" Behavior? What I did was nothing more than taking infos from a site and reporting them to an other...

here BTW

If you want to be right at all cost, fina with it...If that makes you happy. No offense at all, but I don't think that Leo gender is that important in the game...And all of this is IMO just a waste of time. Things are I don't care if I'm wrong on something I don't pretend to be Mr perfect, but I deffinitely don't like we someone make me pass for a liar...

Fortes fortuna juvat...

Olivier Hague
90th Post

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"Re(5):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Tekken 6 Main Stor" , posted Fri 1 Jun 17:24post reply

Can you explain me all this "agresivity" about all this, and you "I'm obviously right" Behavior?

You've been claiming that Leo was a girl, that it had been confirmed, etc. And I'm saying that's not true.
That's about it.

here BTW

The original bios don't say anything about Leo being a girl.

Things are I don't care if I'm wrong on something I don't pretend to be Mr perfect, but I deffinitely don't like we someone make me pass for a liar...

I'm not saying you're a liar, I'm just saying you're wrong.
You don't care about being wrong? Fine, but please keep your "info" for yourself, then.

112th Post

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"Re(6):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Tekken 6" , posted Mon 4 Jun 16:09post reply

New ? pics

2838th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Tekken 6" , posted Tue 5 Jun 00:27post reply

New ? pics

Thanks for the link. The new outfit on Jin amuses me but, good grief, what's going on with the stage that Kazuya and Asuka are fighting on?

3549th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Tekken 6" , posted Tue 5 Jun 17:52post reply

Thanks for the link. The new outfit on Jin amuses me but, good grief, what's going on with the stage that Kazuya and Asuka are fighting on?

Seems some kind of amusement park, or if you take the storyline, some space colony... Looks like a greek arena, with the rest of the background rotating around it...hopes it doesn't make the player sick.^^

Fortes fortuna juvat...

3553th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Tekken 6" , posted Tue 19 Jun 16:27post reply

Some news from the TZ forums:

Japanese arcade amusement site, am-net.jp has updated their Tekken 6 page with some new information and pictures! Special thanks to kurichan and mukumuku from TZ forums for help with the update!

A new game system feature is the “Rage System.” The lower your lifebar the more attack damage your character will do. There are still FOUR new characters to be unveiled! There are also collapsing stages, like in the Dead or Alive series. From the latest character montage the following characters are confirmed to be in the game:

Devil Jin
Paul Phoenix
Bruce Irvin
Marshall Law
Armor King
Feng Wei
Also on the Tekken 6 arcade flier(special thanks to Aggelos from NeoGAF):

“Even more beautiful, even more dramatic”
“Thanks to the latest CG technology, the characters have enormous radiance and close to reality beauty”
“By utilizing the capabilities of the new hardware at the outmost, tha game offers 12 new stagies full of variety”
“Moving in the stages” (As far as I can read there are multiple areas.)
“With the present characters and the newcomers, it has the biggest charcater collection in the entire history of Tekken”
“New moves, old moves redone, game balance renovation”
“Medal system”
“Customization that surpasses the simple frame of the color-change and items-accessories”
“With concept items the customization undergoes a rapid evolution”
“Not just item-accessory but move-items” (Items that provide new movements)
Arcade Machine Information:

Fortes fortuna juvat...

Just a Person
914th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(10):Tekken 6 and the photoshoot" , posted Wed 20 Jun 00:59post reply

Some news from the TZ forums:

Japanese arcade amusement site, am-net.jp has updated their Tekken 6 page with some new information and pictures! Special thanks to kurichan and mukumuku from TZ forums for help with the update!

A new game system feature is the “Rage System.” The lower your lifebar the more attack damage your character will do. There are still FOUR new characters to be unveiled! There are also collapsing stages, like in the Dead or Alive series. From the latest character montage the following characters are confirmed to be in the game:

Devil Jin
Paul Phoenix
Bruce Irvin
Marshall Law
Armor King
Feng Wei
Also on the Tekken 6 arcade flier(special thanks to Aggelos from NeoGAF):

“Even more beautiful, even more dramatic”
“Thanks to the latest CG technology, the characters have enormous radiance and close to reality beauty”
“By utilizing the capabilities of the new hardware at the outmost, tha game offers 12 new stagies full of variety”
“Moving in the stages” (As far as I can read there are multiple areas.)
“With the present characters and the newcomers, it has the biggest charcater collection in the entire history of Tekken”
“New moves, old moves redone, game balance renovation”
“Medal system”
“Customization that surpasses the simple frame of the color-change and items-accessories”
“With concept items the customization undergoes a rapid evolution”
“Not just item-accessory but move-items” (Items that provide new movements)
Arcade Machine Information:

...I wonder what was the point of creating Forrest Law if Namco still prefers to use Marshall as the fighting guy of the Law family. And shouldn't Wang be dead (or at least retired from fighting) by now? He was already a very old man in the first Tekken, and with all the time between each episode (mainly between T2 and T3, then T3 and T4), he probably would have aged even more.

Other than that, it's an interesting selection. I wonder how will the other four new characters be, and if Raven will be in this game (I liked playing as him).

BTW, have you seen this photoshoot by Maxim?? That's probably old news, but I haven't seen anyone commenting about these versions of Xiaoyu, Christie and Lili... (and the person that wrote the article probably doesn't know Tekken very well, saying that Lili's last name is Dragunov...)

I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!

2857th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):Tekken 6 and the photoshoot" , posted Wed 20 Jun 01:25post reply

It isn't that surprising to see the addition of the "rage system" since most other fighters feature some sort of method of making a near-death comeback. But with the speed at which Tekken rounds can be won I wonder if a system like this is even necessary. I also wonder about the balance. Nearly winning the match only to have Paul kill you with one punch would make for an unpleasant game.

Unlocking optional moves is yet another fad in fighting games that annoys me to no end. It's not as bad as when every fool game had to have a tag battle feature but it's still frustrating that you have to sink time and money into a game just to get the full move list. Was the card feature on T5 that popular?

BTW, have you seen this photoshoot by Maxim??

What the-?

Just a Person
916th Post

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"Re(3):Re(10):Tekken 6 and the photoshoot" , posted Wed 20 Jun 01:30post reply

BTW, have you seen this photoshoot by Maxim??

What the-?

Heh, exactly what I thought after seeing this news...

I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!

2858th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Re(10):Tekken 6 and the photoshoot" , posted Wed 20 Jun 01:47post reply

New pics from Game Watch. Be the first on your block to make your character look as idiotic as possible!

2250th Post

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"Re(5):Re(10):Tekken 6 and the photoshoot" , posted Wed 20 Jun 09:24post reply

All of this sounds great to me...or at the very least "interesting". I've never been a big Tekken fan, but after 5, I thought it might be possible. 6 might be the game that turns me around.

I can't stop laughing at Anna losing her shoe...

154th Post

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"Re(6):Re(10):Tekken 6 and the photoshoot" , posted Wed 20 Jun 15:14post reply

I'm glad that not only will they be updating movelists, but also giving the animation an overhaul. And Yoshimitsu with a twin sword style? Interesting...oh, and if it's not already known to everybody, Leo is indeed female.

GAME OVER?? But I beat the game!

2161th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Re(10):Tekken 6 and the photoshoot" , posted Wed 20 Jun 17:07:post reply

Purple orange ninja pirate bling-bling Kazuya has stolen my soul.

For the four new characters, judging from the layout of the character select screen, the new characters are arranged in the center and the rest of the characters are all spread out over the remainder. There's one question mark in the center, so only one character will probably be a new character, and the other three will be returning from previous Tekkens. Otherwise it looks like everyone from T5DR is present.

[this message was edited by Gojira on Wed 20 Jun 17:57]

Olivier Hague
92th Post

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"Re(7):Re(10):Tekken 6 and the photoshoot" , posted Wed 20 Jun 18:17post reply

and if it's not already known to everybody, Leo is indeed female.


155th Post

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"Re(8):Re(10):Tekken 6 and the photoshoot" , posted Thu 21 Jun 02:25post reply

and if it's not already known to everybody, Leo is indeed female.


"Harada officially stated that Leo IS a girl."
This was news back in April, but some people still debate Leo's gender. Why the fuss?

GAME OVER?? But I beat the game!

Just a Person
917th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(9):Re(10):Tekken 6 and the photoshoot" , posted Thu 21 Jun 04:13post reply

and if it's not already known to everybody, Leo is indeed female.


"Harada officially stated that Leo IS a girl."
This was news back in April, but some people still debate Leo's gender. Why the fuss?

Wow... really? Because except for the face, Leo looks quite manly.

Then again, Shion from KoF looks like a woman, but some people say it's a man, so...

Maybe Leo's story will explain why she dresses and looks like a man. That's quite interesting, actually; Tekken already has too many sexy and girly women; Leo brings some diversity into the roster.

I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!

2161th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):Re(10):Tekken 6 and the photoshoot" , posted Thu 21 Jun 04:27post reply

and if it's not already known to everybody, Leo is indeed female.


"Harada officially stated that Leo IS a girl."
This was news back in April, but some people still debate Leo's gender. Why the fuss?

Again with the Harada video. Look, we've been through this before. He did not say Leo was female in that video. End of story. If you want to prove he did, give the exact statement and/or time of the statement. Even the supposed source article at QJ.net said Leo's gender was still up for debate.

1138th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):Tekken 6 and the photosho" , posted Thu 21 Jun 04:46:post reply

I haven't really been into Tekken as opposed to Soul Calibur since Tekken 3, but personally I'm really stoked about the firey rage that talks about Leo's gender evoke. I think s/he's bi, or hopefully the next Poison, or an android. And I've never even seen pics. Hooray!


[this message was edited by Maou on Thu 21 Jun 04:47]

Just a Person
918th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(3):Re(10):Re(10):Tekken 6 and the photosho" , posted Thu 21 Jun 05:35post reply

I haven't really been into Tekken as opposed to Soul Calibur since Tekken 3, but personally I'm really stoked about the firey rage that talks about Leo's gender evoke. I think s/he's bi, or hopefully the next Poison, or an android. And I've never even seen pics. Hooray!

In most cases, I guess it's more a curiosity than a rage. Personally, I am curious about Leo's gender (or origins, since your ideas of Leo being an android...).

But whether this character turns out to be a man or a woman, I don't think I'll like it more or less according to its gender; the background is the most important thing. Problem is, Leo's background story isn't very deep either...

I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!

156th Post

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"Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):Tekken 6 and the photosho" , posted Thu 21 Jun 06:27post reply


Again with the Harada video. Look, we've been through this before. He did not say Leo was female in that video. End of story. If you want to prove he did, give the exact statement and/or time of the statement. Even the supposed source article at QJ.net said Leo's gender was still up for debate.

Did you even look at the links? Their source is the Tekken 5 Dark Resurrection Special of Arcadia Magazine in which director Harada was interviewed. That video you're refering to is irrelevant, and the QJ.net article you posted is two months older than the articles I speak of.

GAME OVER?? But I beat the game!

237th Post

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"Re(3):Re(10):Re(10):Tekken 6 and the photosho" , posted Thu 21 Jun 09:08post reply


Again with the Harada video. Look, we've been through this before. He did not say Leo was female in that video. End of story. If you want to prove he did, give the exact statement and/or time of the statement. Even the supposed source article at QJ.net said Leo's gender was still up for debate.

Did you even look at the links? Their source is the Tekken 5 Dark Resurrection Special of Arcadia Magazine in which director Harada was interviewed. That video you're refering to is irrelevant, and the QJ.net article you posted is two months older than the articles I speak of.

I wont believe Leo is a female until i read the article myself. Every article from Japan so far points to Leo being a boy.

2162th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Re(10):Re(10):Tekken 6 and the photosho" , posted Thu 21 Jun 10:11post reply


Again with the Harada video. Look, we've been through this before. He did not say Leo was female in that video. End of story. If you want to prove he did, give the exact statement and/or time of the statement. Even the supposed source article at QJ.net said Leo's gender was still up for debate.

Did you even look at the links? Their source is the Tekken 5 Dark Resurrection Special of Arcadia Magazine in which director Harada was interviewed. That video you're refering to is irrelevant, and the QJ.net article you posted is two months older than the articles I speak of.

Fine, it was a different interview.

Unfortunately, I don't trust it. If there's a scan of the interview somewhere I'd rather confirm it myself instead of having to trust Zaibatsu's word like the articles you linked to do. I've been going there for a long time, and they like to play pranks every time a new Tekken comes out.

Olivier Hague
93th Post

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"Re(3):Re(10):Re(10):Tekken 6 and the photosho" , posted Thu 21 Jun 19:11post reply

Did you even look at the links? Their source is the Tekken 5 Dark Resurrection Special of Arcadia Magazine in which director Harada was interviewed.

I don't buy it for several reasons:

1) The character "him"self. Named "Leo", looks like your typical bishônen, Rock look-alike, etc.

2) None of the Japanese articles I've seen said anything one way or the other, except for a tiny detail in a recent one: it calls Leo and Zafina "karera", which implies that at least one of them is male. Of course, that article may be wrong, but still.

3) I've seen some people discuss the issue of Leo's gender on the biggest Japanese Tekken-related board I know of quite recently. If Leo's gender had really been confirmed in an Arcadia interview a while ago, why would it still be up for debate?

Now, Leo might be revealed to be a girl dressed like a guy in the end. But right now, I'm pretty sure "he"'s supposed to be a guy, and I doubt the developers spoiled a possible "shocking revelation" anywhere.

Maese Spt
368th Post

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"Re(4):Re(10):Re(10):Tekken 6 and the photosho" , posted Fri 22 Jun 14:02:post reply

oh, and if it's not already known to everybody, Leo is indeed female.

Bullshit, I say.

Did you even look at the links? Their source is the Tekken 5 Dark Resurrection Special of Arcadia Magazine in which director Harada was interviewed.
I don't buy it for several reasons:

1) The character "him"self. Named "Leo", looks like your typical bishônen, Rock look-alike, etc.

2) None of the Japanese articles I've seen said anything one way or the other, except for a tiny detail in a recent one: it calls Leo and Zafina "karera", which implies that at least one of them is male. Of course, that article may be wrong, but still.

3) I've seen some people discuss the issue of Leo's gender on the biggest Japanese Tekken-related board I know of quite recently. If Leo's gender had really been confirmed in an Arcadia interview a while ago, why would it still be up for debate?

Now, Leo might be revealed to be a girl dressed like a guy in the end. But right now, I'm pretty sure "he"'s supposed to be a guy, and I doubt the developers spoiled a possible "shocking revelation" anywhere.


No, seriously, all this beef about Leo's gender is getting way too far. I wonder why, back in the day, these people didn't bitch teorize as well about Geese Howard's spawn being actually a loli in disguise, or that other Son Gohan lookalike guy from Last Blade (Kaede, was his name?) being a "reverse onnagata". Christ.

Anyway, I must admit the "guess what? it's a trap! Surprise OLOLOLOL!" stuff as a not completely unlikely possibilty.

マツケン サンバ!!!!

[this message was edited by Maese Spt on Fri 22 Jun 14:04]

788th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Tekken 6 and its traps" , posted Fri 22 Jun 15:14post reply

Mmmm... delicious traps are always welcome!!!
Damn Tekkens, now that I finally got the twist of Dark Rez. a new one comes along...

2177th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Loketest info crush" , posted Tue 10 Jul 12:55post reply

SD Tekken has an overload of information from the various loketests that happened from July 6-8.

People are saying it looks better than VF5. Apparently all the low-quality vids and low-quality screenshots have not gotten this point across very well. Of particular note was Lili's hair, which supposedly looks amazing in real-time. The effect that everyone agrees must go is the fiery hands of rage-ness. It just doesn't look right.

There are lots of really low-quality vids to look at, but if you can't be arsed to look at the whole lot, at least try this one. The end is a tad fun.

2273th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Loketest info crush" , posted Tue 10 Jul 13:50post reply


People are saying it looks better than VF5. Apparently all the low-quality vids and low-quality screenshots have not gotten this point across very well. Of particular note was Lili's hair, which supposedly looks amazing in real-time. The effect that everyone agrees must go is the fiery hands of rage-ness. It just doesn't look right.

I think you might be overgeneralizing here based on one person's report. Besides, he said that it looks better than VF5 based on design. Or am I missing something? At any rate, I'll take a comment like that more seriously when I hear it from a VF fan.

Also, I think the problem isn't that the screenshots we've seen are low quality, it's that they're high quality enough to see how jaggy the graphics really are.

Personally, I think the game looks great, especially for Tekken, which has sometimes looked blocky, awkward and gaudy in the past. However, I can't see how someone would think it looks dramatically better than VF5 or ignore some of its graphical shortcomings.

Again, I'm not trying to rag on the game. I'm actually pretty excited.

2178th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Loketest info crush" , posted Tue 10 Jul 15:56post reply


I think you might be overgeneralizing here based on one person's report. Besides, he said that it looks better than VF5 based on design. Or am I missing something? At any rate, I'll take a comment like that more seriously when I hear it from a VF fan.

Geez Polly, I tried as hard as I could to make sure it came off as hearsay. Anyway I'm pretty sure that guy wasn't the only one saying it, but my head's full of too much T6 news and french dip so I don't remember too well.

2274th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Loketest info crush" , posted Tue 10 Jul 17:41post reply


Geez Polly, I tried as hard as I could to make sure it came off as hearsay. Anyway I'm pretty sure that guy wasn't the only one saying it, but my head's full of too much T6 news and french dip so I don't remember too well.

I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to come across as like...argumentative or anything, and you're right...looking at it again, you do have a lot of "disclaimer" words in there.

But anyway, my statements still stand, though I apologize if it seemed like I was attacking you. My comments are still relevant based on what other people have said, though.

Alba Meira
19th Post

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New Customer

"New Character: Bob" , posted Wed 29 Aug 03:44post reply

Tekken 6 New Character Bob
