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Alba Meira 12th Post

New Customer
| "Tekken 6 Main Story + A Few Character Bios" , posted Mon 30 Apr 04:43:
From:Tekken Zaibatsu Taken From:Sunlight Yellow
The Tekken 6 story has been posted on the popular Japanese Tekken resource site, Sunlight Yellow. The news cited is from the June issue of Arcadia Magazine’s Tekken 6 feature. Here is a brief synopsis of the story and character profiles that were posted on our forum, thanks to Hamstar.
The 5th King of the Iron Fist Tournament has ended with Heihachi Mishima missing and the eventual winner being Jin Kazama.
Jin Kazama then assumes the role as head of the Mishima Zaibatsu and begins using the special Tekken force units for propaganda and manipulative acts all over the world. Eventually many people become upset by this and it starts riots and eventually war amongst nations.
With the world now at war, many nations lose their power and the Mishima Zaibatsu declares itself as an independent nation.
The Mishima Zaibatsu is intent on conquering the world with only G Corporation to stand in its way. People around the world see G Corporation as a savior and G Corporation offers a price on Jin Kazama to anyone that can bring him in alive.
Just as anyone could have expected, the announced for the 6th King of Iron Fist Tournament was under way.
Those that want to make a name for themselves, those that seek money, and those that want revenge. Many different ideals and goals gather while the Tekken 6 tournament is unveiled.
Leo Profile
Leo’s father is a world famous detective. Leo wants to become just like her father. Her father ends up missing before the tournament is announced. Leo’s mother works in the same G Corporation division that may have betrayed Kazuya. Leo lived happily with her mother until she is murdered. The murder investigation ends abruptly and after mourning Leo decides to take matters into her own hands. Upon further investigation into the murder, Leo notices that a name, Kazuya Mishima keeps showing up and then decides to enter the next Iron Fist Tournament to get her revenge.
Zafina Profile
Zafina is a guardian to the tomb of a royal family at a village that has been around for centuries. The sealed grave is believed to protect the well being of the tribe. Many martial artists have tried to enter the tomb but Zafina has single handedly defeated them all. Zafina follows the ideals of astrology and finds out that something very bad is going to happen, something that could possibly lead to the end of the world. One day the village elders prophesize that when two “evil stars” meet, the seal on the graves will be broken and the world end. Zafina leaves the village to see if the world is really going to end.
Heihachi Profile
After being assaulted by the Jack force, Heihachi wakes up only to find out that the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5 has already ended. He goes back to Zaibatsu headquarters only to find the Tekken force blocking his way. After the next Iron Fist Tournament is announced and Heihachi finds out that Jin Kazama is the new head of the Mishima Zaibatsu, he is enraged and declares that he will get everything back.
Yoshimitsu Profile
Trying to avenge his fallen Manji clan comrades, while going after Bryan Fury, Yoshimitsu realizes that his sword is weakening. His sword is a cursed blade. By killing evil doers and villains the sword would retain its power, otherwise the cursed sword will make the user go insane. Yoshimitsu realizes that he can no longer use his old sword and decides to use another blade that seals the properties of the cursed sword. He then decides to enter the King of Iron Fist 6 Tournament.
Kazuya Profile
Kazuya Mishima has figured out which division of G Corporation was the one that betrayed him and viciously killed them all. Kazuya has now risen to the head of G Corporation in the shadows. The world is now against the Mishima Zaibatsu and Kazuya fuels the fire by leading G Corporation against it. Kazuya can’t stand anyone else conquering the world other than himself so he decides to go against Jin Kazama and the Mishima Zaibatsu. Kazuya realizes that G Corporation is very influential amongst the people of the world now and he announces that anyone who captures Jin Kazama alive will receive a handsome cash reward. Immediately following his announcement, the King of Iron Fist 6 Tournament is announced by the Mishima Zaibatsu. Kazuya predicted this would happen and began to laugh hysterically.
Quite suprising to say the least I never thought that ending Jin Kazama's would come to pass in Tekken 5.
[this message was edited by Alba Meira on Mon 30 Apr 04:44] | | Replies: |
Just a Person 883th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(6):Tekken 6 Main Story + A Few Character B" , posted Wed 2 May 22:58
quote: *Tear* Our little Jin is all grown up...
I'm not a fan of Tekken, but I am a little wierded by making Jin seem like a villian.
Yeah, me too. Even with all the troubles in the Mishima family, Jin always managed to keep his integrity and humanity, maybe due to him being created by his mother, maybe because of friends like Xiaoyu and Hwoarang keeping him away from the Mishima "evilness" (does this word exist, by the way?). He was even a hero in Namco X Capcom...
It's weird that suddenly he became another power-hungry evil guy... I hope Xiaoyu manages to bring the good Jin back, something Jun wasn't able to do with Kazuya...
Well, any other news? Is Leo a guy or a girl, after all? Not that it really matters as long as the character is interesting (like KoF's Shion), but I'm a little curious. And how many characters are already confirmed? Which Law will be in it (I hope Forrest comes back for a while)? Will my gorgeous conterranean Christie be in it?
Overall, I prefer the Soul Calibur series, but Tekken is definitely a very interesting franchise as well!
I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!
HARO 48th Post

Rare Customer

| "Re(2):Re(10):Tekken 6 Main Story + A Few Char" , posted Thu 3 May 05:50
quote: Having all the international characters speak in their relevant languages always seemed like a cool idea, until I saw Tekken 4...ick. Then again, that whole game was ick for me, so maybe that's unfair.
If you think about it, tekken has always been lacking in the "talk" department, most character end up with some "hya" speeches and most intros and victory poses have very simple dialogs.
Soul calibur, by the other hand, has been filled with words, cursing and iggy carazy gay sex moaning; so it's natural that you don't "eekk" the game in that aspect.
That all changed back in Tekken 4. Not sure if you guys have played Tekken 5 Dark Resurrection at all, but that game is extremely well polished both in gameplay and presentation.
The music, sounds and voices are all top notch. All the characters speak in their respective languages and sound very cool. Dragunov is the exception though. He's mute. haha. Would have been cool to hear him speak in Russian.
Just a Person 886th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(6):Re(10):Tekken 6 Main Story + A Few Char" , posted Thu 3 May 09:40
quote: Like I said, I didn't like 4 and haven't played much of 5, but didn't Michelle, ah...die? I thought that was Julia's impetus for joining the tourney, that Ogre had kidnapped or killed her. Then again, I can almost remember seeing her in Julia's ending in what I suffered through of 4, so maybe not. I guess a little death or disappearance never stopped anyone in a fighting game (see Nash/Charlie), either way.
Michelle appeared in Julia's ending in Tekken 3. It's quite weird that I don't remember Michelle appearing or even being mentioned in Julia's bios and endings starting from Tekken 4, though. But the last time she was shown, she was alive, so I guess she's still alive.
I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!
Just a Person 887th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(8):Re(10):Tekken 6 Main Story + A Few Char" , posted Thu 3 May 21:16
quote: Julia have like 0 chance comming back, due to a simple rule: no ugly or old women in tekken. That means that any women in tekken need to look atractive, that why the nina/anna "cryo stuff" was done for in order to keep them as they were. Julia or oather peoples like Jun wouldn't come back becose they wouldn't look like they're 25...
The only girls I see comming back are Unknow, becose with her spirirt around her and being cursed they can pretend that she didn't age, or Kunimitsu because with the mask on her face you can find many other excuses...
Hmm... I guess by "Julia", you mean "Michelle", right? Julia, if I'm not mistaken, is around the same age as Xiaoyu (maybe even younger). Heh, unfortunately I agree about your arguments. Yup, unfortunately: why can men from all ages and appearances be in it, but all the women are supposed to be young and attractive? That's quite sexist.
However, Michelle used to be really attractive back to the Tekken and Tekken 2 days. And she's probably not very old by now, she's around the same age as Marshall Law, Paul Phoenix and (I guess) younger than Lei Wulong. That's not an old woman, that's a middle-aged woman... like Madonna, or even Jennifer Lopez (yes, J-Lo is 37, already)!
BTW, great scans!
I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!
Just a Person 888th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(9):Re(10):Tekken 6 Main Story + A Few Char" , posted Fri 4 May 07:51
quote: edit: JaPerson, isn't Julia a bit older? Xiaoyu was in high school at best in Tekken 3 and maybe in her last year in 4, but Julia is already seen working or reporting or some adultish thing by 4, and she's definitely older than like high school first-year Xiaoyu in 3. Not that she's old, but I think she's maybe a little older...
After you said that, I went to Tekken-Zaibatsu to check it. Yes, you're right: Julia is 2 years older than Xiaoyu (in T5:DR, Julia is 20 years-old and Xiaoyu, 18). She's still a very young woman, though. I tried to find Michelle's age during Tekken 2 to figure out how old would she be by the time of Tekken 6, but found nothing so far...
I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!
Just a Person 889th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):Tekken 6 Main Story + A F" , posted Fri 4 May 09:20
quote: She's still a very young woman, though. I tried to find Michelle's age during Tekken 2 to figure out how old would she be by the time of Tekken 6, but found nothing so far...
Michelle was 20 in Tekken 2, so in 3 she was 37, and by Tekken 6's time she'd be about 40-41.
So, she COULD be in Tekken 6, after all! Because Paul, M.Law, Lei and most of the fighters who debuted in Tekken or Tekken 2 are definitely older than that! In fact, according to Tekken-Zaibatsu, Paul was already over 40 in Tekken 3, and he didn't look old or anything; he's still in great shape! As are Law (the father), Lei and the others. Unless Michelle stopped completely her trainings, she should be in shape to compete once again.
Damn, Namco, why can't a middle-aged woman compete in Tekken 6, when lots of older men than her are always in these games?? I know, she most likely won't be in it, and that's really unfair...
I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!
NARUTO 3540th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):Re(10):Re(10):Tekken 6 Main Story + A F" , posted Fri 4 May 18:30
quote: So, she COULD be in Tekken 6, after all! Because Paul, M.Law, Lei and most of the fighters who debuted in Tekken or Tekken 2 are definitely older than that! In fact, according to Tekken-Zaibatsu, Paul was already over 40 in Tekken 3, and he didn't look old or anything; he's still in great shape! As are Law (the father), Lei and the others. Unless Michelle stopped completely her trainings, she should be in shape to compete once again.
Damn, Namco, why can't a middle-aged woman compete in Tekken 6, when lots of older men than her are always in these games?? I know, she most likely won't be in it, and that's really unfair...
I know it's unfair, but that's namco's rules. Look they didn't bring back Jun moves list un a brand new characters for any reason...And a young one... And if you look at the recent cast: Lili, Zafina and Leo (yes its a girl) you only have you women...Namco's rules aren't that defferent from Tecmo, women should be atractive... BTW mature women are quite rare in any Fighting game Execpted some Granny here and there...
 Fortes fortuna juvat...
Just a Person 890th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(4):Re(10):Re(10):Tekken 6 Main Story + A F" , posted Fri 4 May 21:09
quote: I know it's unfair, but that's namco's rules. Look they didn't bring back Jun moves list un a brand new characters for any reason...And a young one... And if you look at the recent cast: Lili, Zafina and Leo (yes its a girl) you only have you women...Namco's rules aren't that defferent from Tecmo, women should be atractive... BTW mature women are quite rare in any Fighting game Execpted some Granny here and there...
True... the only ones I can remember are Mitsuko (Bloody Roar), Genkai (the Yu Yu Hakusho games - though she already existed before the games), Sindel (Mortal Kombat - although Sindel's body doesn't look like one of a middle-aged woman), and there was that old lady from Power Instinct. Maybe Chizuru Kagura and the SFIII version of Chun-Li could be considered middle-aged women as well, but both are still hot and young-looking, so it's hard to tell.
Ah well, I hope that at least Michelle can make a cameo in Julia's ending and/or bio this time... (BTW, according to Wikipedia, it seems that once again the Law in this game is Marshall... I wonder why have they created Forrest at all, if he doesn' appear since TTT...).
I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!
kofoguz 529th Post

New Red Carpet Member

| "Re(5):Re(10):Re(10):Tekken 6 Main Story + A F" , posted Sat 5 May 19:15
quote: I know it's unfair, but that's namco's rules. Look they didn't bring back Jun moves list un a brand new characters for any reason...And a young one... And if you look at the recent cast: Lili, Zafina and Leo (yes its a girl) you only have you women...Namco's rules aren't that defferent from Tecmo, women should be atractive... BTW mature women are quite rare in any Fighting game Execpted some Granny here and there...
True... the only ones I can remember are Mitsuko (Bloody Roar), Genkai (the Yu Yu Hakusho games - though she already existed before the games), Sindel (Mortal Kombat - although Sindel's body doesn't look like one of a middle-aged woman), and there was that old lady from Power Instinct. Maybe Chizuru Kagura and the SFIII version of Chun-Li could be considered middle-aged women as well, but both are still hot and young-looking, so it's hard to tell.
Ah well, I hope that at least Michelle can make a cameo in Julia's ending and/or bio this time... (BTW, according to Wikipedia, it seems that once again the Law in this game is Marshall... I wonder why have they created Forrest at all, if he doesn' appear since TTT...).
Vanessa, Mature, Vice are 30 something I remember, Mizuki and Foxy are 40 something correct me if I am wrong.
Olivier Hague 88th Post

Occasional Customer
| "Re(9):Re(10):Re(10):Tekken 6 Main Story + A F" , posted Tue 29 May 16:33
All right, the "big mystery" is over. In this article, you can see this sentence:
"Zenkai shôkai shita honsaku no shin character, Leo to Zafina no 1P costume to, karera ga taikai ni [...]"
"Karera" refers to Leo and Zafina, and it's a masculine "they". They wouldn't use "karera" unless at least one of these two was a male character. Zafina is a woman, so, logically, Leo is a man.
By the way, Naruto, you can come up with an actual source for that supposed "confirmation" that Leo is a woman anytime now. Really.
Just a Person 914th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(10):Tekken 6 and the photoshoot" , posted Wed 20 Jun 00:59
quote: Some news from the TZ forums:
Japanese arcade amusement site, am-net.jp has updated their Tekken 6 page with some new information and pictures! Special thanks to kurichan and mukumuku from TZ forums for help with the update!
A new game system feature is the “Rage System.” The lower your lifebar the more attack damage your character will do. There are still FOUR new characters to be unveiled! There are also collapsing stages, like in the Dead or Alive series. From the latest character montage the following characters are confirmed to be in the game:
Devil Jin Paul Phoenix Zafina Miguel Bruce Irvin Marshall Law Lili Lei Leo Dragunov Asuka King Armor King Eddy Christie Steve Bryan Julia Feng Wei Jack-6 Jin Hwoarang Nina Kazuya Wang Anna Yoshimitsu Heihachi Also on the Tekken 6 arcade flier(special thanks to Aggelos from NeoGAF):
“Even more beautiful, even more dramatic” “Thanks to the latest CG technology, the characters have enormous radiance and close to reality beauty” “By utilizing the capabilities of the new hardware at the outmost, tha game offers 12 new stagies full of variety” “Moving in the stages” (As far as I can read there are multiple areas.) “With the present characters and the newcomers, it has the biggest charcater collection in the entire history of Tekken” “New moves, old moves redone, game balance renovation” “Medal system” “Customization that surpasses the simple frame of the color-change and items-accessories” “With concept items the customization undergoes a rapid evolution” “Not just item-accessory but move-items” (Items that provide new movements) Arcade Machine Information:
...I wonder what was the point of creating Forrest Law if Namco still prefers to use Marshall as the fighting guy of the Law family. And shouldn't Wang be dead (or at least retired from fighting) by now? He was already a very old man in the first Tekken, and with all the time between each episode (mainly between T2 and T3, then T3 and T4), he probably would have aged even more.
Other than that, it's an interesting selection. I wonder how will the other four new characters be, and if Raven will be in this game (I liked playing as him).
BTW, have you seen this photoshoot by Maxim?? That's probably old news, but I haven't seen anyone commenting about these versions of Xiaoyu, Christie and Lili... (and the person that wrote the article probably doesn't know Tekken very well, saying that Lili's last name is Dragunov...)
I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!
Olivier Hague 93th Post

Occasional Customer
| "Re(3):Re(10):Re(10):Tekken 6 and the photosho" , posted Thu 21 Jun 19:11
quote: Did you even look at the links? Their source is the Tekken 5 Dark Resurrection Special of Arcadia Magazine in which director Harada was interviewed.
I don't buy it for several reasons:
1) The character "him"self. Named "Leo", looks like your typical bishônen, Rock look-alike, etc.
2) None of the Japanese articles I've seen said anything one way or the other, except for a tiny detail in a recent one: it calls Leo and Zafina "karera", which implies that at least one of them is male. Of course, that article may be wrong, but still.
3) I've seen some people discuss the issue of Leo's gender on the biggest Japanese Tekken-related board I know of quite recently. If Leo's gender had really been confirmed in an Arcadia interview a while ago, why would it still be up for debate?
Now, Leo might be revealed to be a girl dressed like a guy in the end. But right now, I'm pretty sure "he"'s supposed to be a guy, and I doubt the developers spoiled a possible "shocking revelation" anywhere.
Maese Spt 368th Post

Silver Customer
| "Re(4):Re(10):Re(10):Tekken 6 and the photosho" , posted Fri 22 Jun 14:02:
quote: oh, and if it's not already known to everybody, Leo is indeed female.
Bullshit, I say.
quote: Did you even look at the links? Their source is the Tekken 5 Dark Resurrection Special of Arcadia Magazine in which director Harada was interviewed. I don't buy it for several reasons:
1) The character "him"self. Named "Leo", looks like your typical bishônen, Rock look-alike, etc.
2) None of the Japanese articles I've seen said anything one way or the other, except for a tiny detail in a recent one: it calls Leo and Zafina "karera", which implies that at least one of them is male. Of course, that article may be wrong, but still.
3) I've seen some people discuss the issue of Leo's gender on the biggest Japanese Tekken-related board I know of quite recently. If Leo's gender had really been confirmed in an Arcadia interview a while ago, why would it still be up for debate?
Now, Leo might be revealed to be a girl dressed like a guy in the end. But right now, I'm pretty sure "he"'s supposed to be a guy, and I doubt the developers spoiled a possible "shocking revelation" anywhere.
No, seriously, all this beef about Leo's gender is getting way too far. I wonder why, back in the day, these people didn't bitch teorize as well about Geese Howard's spawn being actually a loli in disguise, or that other Son Gohan lookalike guy from Last Blade (Kaede, was his name?) being a "reverse onnagata". Christ.
Anyway, I must admit the "guess what? it's a trap! Surprise OLOLOLOL!" stuff as a not completely unlikely possibilty.
 マツケン サンバ!!!!
[this message was edited by Maese Spt on Fri 22 Jun 14:04] |
Pollyanna 2273th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):Loketest info crush" , posted Tue 10 Jul 13:50
quote: People are saying it looks better than VF5. Apparently all the low-quality vids and low-quality screenshots have not gotten this point across very well. Of particular note was Lili's hair, which supposedly looks amazing in real-time. The effect that everyone agrees must go is the fiery hands of rage-ness. It just doesn't look right.
I think you might be overgeneralizing here based on one person's report. Besides, he said that it looks better than VF5 based on design. Or am I missing something? At any rate, I'll take a comment like that more seriously when I hear it from a VF fan.
Also, I think the problem isn't that the screenshots we've seen are low quality, it's that they're high quality enough to see how jaggy the graphics really are.
Personally, I think the game looks great, especially for Tekken, which has sometimes looked blocky, awkward and gaudy in the past. However, I can't see how someone would think it looks dramatically better than VF5 or ignore some of its graphical shortcomings.
Again, I'm not trying to rag on the game. I'm actually pretty excited.