Spider-Man 3 and other superhero stuff - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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1337th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Spider-Man 3 and other superhero stuff" , posted Sun 6 May 00:47post reply

I saw Spider-Man 3 last night and I have to say I am kind of disappointed. The movie felt rushed in a X-3 sort of way, but not as bad.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Without giving too much away here is what I have to say. They tried to fit in too much with Harry, Sandman and Venom(who is never really named in the movie). Sandman comes in early, goes away for what seemed like half an hour and comes back to form a rushed together alliance with Venom. There was enough material there for Harry and Sandman to carry the movie and for Venom to be saved for a future movie. This movie was also pretty sloppy in the editing department. I am not the kind of guy to pick out the small things and send them to to moviemistakes.com, but one obvious example is during a fight Spider-Man is unmasked thrown away and he has the mask back on within seconds. Conflict resolution was also rushed for every villain. Sandman's was probably the lamest of the bunch.

End of Spoiler

Here is some other stuff.

New Fantastic 4 Trailer

Wolverine and his bitches The X-Men promotional image

I think this is a bit old, but hasn't been brought up yet. SEGA has the rights to make games for Hulk, Iron Man and Captain America. SEGA mentioned they would try and follow Ultimate Destruction for Hulk so hopefully it will be good.

Iron Man armor has been revealed

Press Image
Scene report with it moving


Undead Fred
2831th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Spider-Man 3 and other superhero stuff" , posted Sun 6 May 03:43post reply

I saw Spider-Man 3 last night and I have to say I am kind of disappointed. The movie felt rushed in a X-3 sort of way, but not as bad.

I agree. I saw it last night, and I really wish they would have just picked one or two villains and stuck with it. The movie was all over the place. I liked the movie, but I'm not itching to see it again... Venom was great, though.

221th Post

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"Re(2):Spider-Man 3 and other superhero stuff" , posted Sun 6 May 08:46post reply

Was it appropriate to laugh at the parts when you weren't supposed to laugh? Cause thats what I felt. I mean honestly I tried but it was just too funny. The acting kind of felt forced more than natural connection. Without spoiling anything the movie did have some redeeming moments and a moderate presentation though, go venom lol.

But I gotta agree seeing it opening on midnight I felt like it was just like x-men 3 though with multiple plots hitting all over the place. Oh well least they gave a comic book for our troubles I suppose.

Tracking Treasure Down - Gabriel and Dresden

2132th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Spider-Man 3 and other superhero stuff" , posted Sun 6 May 13:53post reply

LOL Spider-Man. I pretty much knew it was going to be less-than-great ever since Sam Raimi caved to fan fuckdom and added Venom to the movie even though he admitted not even liking the Venom storyline. Never cave to fan fuckdom.

Also, it's kind of old news now but Prima Games has wrest the Capcom licenses from Dreamwave's hands to do graphic novels:

In addition to working on iconic Capcom franchises such as Resident Evil®, Mega Man®, and Devil May Cry®, Prima will also be publishing the strategy guide, original graphic novel and video game novelization for Capcom-owned Shade™. Legendary comic writer Marv Wolfman (creator of New Teen Titans and Blade) is set to pen both the original graphic novel and video game novelization.

1297th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):Spider-Man 3 and other superhero stuff" , posted Sun 6 May 15:18post reply

LOL Spider-Man. I pretty much knew it was going to be less-than-great ever since Sam Raimi caved to fan fuckdom and added Venom to the movie even though he admitted not even liking the Venom storyline. Never cave to fan fuckdom.

I tend to agree. I mean I like Venom and all, but he doesn't have a 30-40 year history like alot of Spidey's villains and he is just there to appease the anti-hero crowd in the first place.

3859th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Spider-Man 3 and other superhero stuff" , posted Mon 7 May 02:49post reply

I bet it sucked.

did it suck?

I bet it sucked.

1542th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(6):Spider-Man 3 and other superhero stuff" , posted Mon 7 May 15:26post reply

I bet it sucked.

did it suck?

I bet it sucked.

Yeah. kinda.

897th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(7):Spider-Man 3 and other superhero stuff" , posted Mon 7 May 15:29post reply

I bet it sucked.

did it suck?

I bet it sucked.

Yeah. kinda.

Wow, I was kind of looking forward to this movie being good ... too bad.

Play to win.

Iron D
2710th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Spider-Man 3 and other superhero stuff" , posted Tue 8 May 00:58post reply

I mean I like Venom and all, but he doesn't have a 30-40 year history like alot of Spidey's villains and he is just there to appease the anti-hero crowd in the first place.

Really? Venom is my favorite Spidey villain, and I always thought of him as more of a suitable arch nemesis than The Green Goblin. It's an unpopular opinion of mine, but it's still how I view things.

Zelkin. Pimped.

2814th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Spider-Man 3 and other superhero stuff" , posted Tue 8 May 01:59post reply

I wonder if not having Michael Chabon around hurt the script? The theme of forgiveness in SM3 is as interesting as the earlier points of maturation that held the previous Spidey movies together. Plus, it's a theme that you don't see too often in super hero movies so there was plenty of potential material to be mined. F'r instance, I doubt there's ever going to be a Batman movie where Bats forgives himself or the world at large. Too bad that SM3 fumbles a bit. SM3 could have been a grand send off to the series but in the end SM3 was only sporadically entertaining.


Really? Venom is my favorite Spidey villain, and I always thought of him as more of a suitable arch nemesis than The Green Goblin. It's an unpopular opinion of mine, but it's still how I view things.

With his distorted Spider-Man physique and gooey exterior Venom is a great looking Spidey villain. He's certainly more interesting to look at than Electro or some of the other losers in Spidey's rogues gallery. One of the things that I think hurts Venom is that he was virtually everywhere during the 90's. Being one of the poster children of an era of chrome covers and early Image comics hasn't helped Venom's current reputation. In the years to come I suspect Venom will be less divisive and more openly accepted as a Spidey villian. Then again, there are idiots out there who are still sore about Gwen Stacey so it's hard to guess what fickle fans will think about anything.

243th Post

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"Re(1):Spider-Man 3 and other superhero stuff" , posted Tue 8 May 02:15post reply

On the other hand, Gwen Stacy was hot. The movie needed more of her.

...and less emo Peter Parker.

There were a couple of "WTF" moments, for example:

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
"There's something in the reactor!" "Don't worry! Surely it's just a bird."

End of Spoiler

and, more importantly,

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Peter Parker's performance at M.J.'s slutty club.

End of Spoiler

...amongst much others.

But overall a pretty interesting movie. The action scenes were impressive. Acting overall was bad as hell.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
...and M.J. sure as hell sucked as a singer, she doesn't have to blame his father for receiving bad reviews.

End of Spoiler

But I still want to quench your thirst.
Because I am the one that put you into the desert.

2133th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Spider-Man 3 and other superhero stuff" , posted Tue 8 May 02:24post reply


I tend to agree. I mean I like Venom and all, but he doesn't have a 30-40 year history like alot of Spidey's villains and he is just there to appease the anti-hero crowd in the first place.

I have nothing against Venom, I was merely speaking out in denial of doing things specifically for the fans. Venom has a story that can work just fine in a movie, but if that story is handled by someone who has no desire to handle it then you get a weak product.

402th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(6):Spider-Man 3 and other superhero stuff" , posted Tue 8 May 05:19post reply

I agree with the general vibe we're getting here.
While I was entertained to a certain level, the movie was a let down on so many levels. And I'm not even a comics fan.

I'll put the rest of my opinion in spoiler tags just in case.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Kirsten Dunst was really not that rgeat in the first two movies, but she outdid herself in the suckiness here. It was painful to watch her crappy acting to the point that I almost took her in pity. And the singing was god awful.
Tobey Maguire was consistent with his previous performances as Spidey, but brought nothing more to the mix. His evil side as Parker was more of a jerk side, and as Spidey, he wasn't really that different. I mean, in my eyes, it wasn't really the black suit that got rid of Sandman in the Sewers, it's just Spidey's rage. I'm pretty sure he would have reacted the same way in the regular suit.

Sandman's creation was one of the most WTF moments ever. We apparently don't need to know what the hell that machine was all about.
Kinda the same as the symbiote just falling from the sky, conveniently feet away from Parker.
There were a lot of moments that felt exactly like that, convenient: Harry's amnesia, his butler magically being a witness about his dad not being murdered by Spiderman and having shut his damn mouth about it all along, Brock going in the exact same place and at the exact same time when Parker decides to get rid of the symbiote, etc.

I also wasn't impressed by Bruce Campbell's cameo. Maybe it's because I'm French, but I didn't buy him as a French maitre d.

Same for JJJ. His comical bit with the secretary was lame as hell IMO.

I didn't really mind Harry teaming up with Peter in the end, because I thought the final 2-on-2 fight was amazing, but the rest of the ending felt really awkward.

All in all, the movie delivered on the pop-corn summer flick side, but Raimi made us expect more with Spiderman 2, and we were not given the same degree of polish and quality overall.

End of Spoiler


dr baghead
3649th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Spider-Man 3 and other superhero stuff" , posted Tue 8 May 09:22post reply

All in spoilers:

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -

I liked the movie, didn't LOVE it, but then again I went in excepting a horrible clusterfuck of a movie that was impossible to follow but found it only slightly confusing and a little rushed feeling so it out did my expectations going in... if I expected Spider-man 2 I'd have been pissed I think.

It seems to me the deathes in the movie could be easy reversed in the context of the universe. It'd be interesting to see if they are... I'm sure Venom comes back if the movies go on long enough since people love him to death for some reason.

I hope Spider-man 3.1 has scenes of JJ naming Sandman, I thought that make sense that the sensationalizing media, not the super villians, made up their crazy names.

and Doc Ock isn't dead... nor is Sandman... I wonder if they'll team up with the remaining 4/6th of their Sinester Group in the future?!

End of Spoiler

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)
my silly little drawin's

Undead Fred
2832th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"CRAAAWLING IN MY SKIIIIN" , posted Tue 8 May 09:45post reply

Yeah, I had a lot of similar WTF moments... they just really didn't stop to explain much of anything, and if they did, it was the most convenient solution. Would have been nice if they hadn't tried to cram 10 pounds of potatoes in a 5 pound sack.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
I liked Bruce Campbell's cameo, personally. It wasn't nearly as good as his other cameos, but since none of the characters felt polished at all in the movie, his cameo worked the same way. It still made me laugh, and especially because I was thinking, "Well, that's not the best French accent" and Bruce had a line or two where he kept harping on how he was French to make sure the audience remembered. It was like a crappy doctor character that keeps reminding the audience that he's a doctor just because he's wearing a stethescope.

End of Spoiler

The emo Peter Parker stuff lost me pretty badly during that portion of the movie, too. It's like having a goth character in a very mainstream movie back in the 90's. The audience would go "eww..." and take a step back. Pretty bad choice. It did make me want to go to YTMND to see what they did with that, though.

1298th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):CRAAAWLING IN MY SKIIIIN" , posted Tue 8 May 10:09post reply

So, can heat be taken off Brent Ratner now considering it seems sequel #3 for comic movies doesn't seem to work out for any director?

4377th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):CRAAAWLING IN MY SKIIIIN" , posted Tue 8 May 15:37post reply

So, can heat be taken off Brent Ratner now considering it seems sequel #3 for comic movies doesn't seem to work out for any director?

For making Rush Hour 3...no.

2815th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"It's science!" , posted Wed 9 May 01:09post reply

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Funny, I knew that the Sandman's origin made no sense but I accepted it when I was watching the movie. It seems I've watched too many mad scientist movies where people breed up giant guinea pigs or do other crazy shit that seems to serve no other purpose than to accidentally create a monster. When I saw that scene in SM3 it registered in some part of my brain that they were doing Movie Science and I thought no more of it. I'm not sure what that says about my thought process or viewing habits.

End of Spoiler

This thread needs as much spoiler text as possible.

1084th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):It's science!" , posted Wed 9 May 02:44post reply


This thread needs as much spoiler text as possible.


Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Less Sandman, more Carnage.

End of Spoiler


404th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(2):It's science!" , posted Wed 9 May 05:33:post reply

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
At least I wasn't the only one that thought Campbell's French accent was horrible.
(Maguire's attempt to repeat "bonne chance" was pronounced almost flawlessly just after a lousy rendition by Campbell, which made even less sense...)
It annoyed me when it worked as comical stuff for others. It's just... I mean... "Pecker", what a lame joke, especially since a real French would never pronounce it that way.
Hey, Tony Parker is the big star in France, and I assure you we don't call him Tony Pecker at all. Lol.

End of Spoiler


[this message was edited by Mokona on Wed 9 May 05:36]

1338th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"The movie thread now with more Street Fighter" , posted Wed 9 May 06:11post reply

Link Here

Jessica Biel is rumored to be Chun-Li and Jessica Alba and Keira Knightley were approached to take the role before.

I am not too sure what to say outside the obvious race factor. To think of the reaction when Zhang Ziyi was announced to play a Japanese woman in Memoirs of a Geisha, but now this?

1086th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):The movie thread now with more Street F" , posted Wed 9 May 06:18post reply

Argh it's Ken from Street Fighter the movie game! "dazzimaki zenbyakooo!!!"

Can't wait for the nightmare to begin again~


Just a Person
891th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1):The movie thread now with more Street F" , posted Wed 9 May 06:58post reply

Link Here

Jessica Biel is rumored to be Chun-Li and Jessica Alba and Keira Knightley were approached to take the role before.

I am not too sure what to say outside the obvious race factor. To think of the reaction when Zhang Ziyi was announced to play a Japanese woman in Memoirs of a Geisha, but now this?

Biel is hot, and she can learn some fighting choreographies...

...but no, thanks. Zhang Ziyi or Michelle Yeoh (or even better, an unknown actress) would be much better choices. Maybe Lucy Liu, but Jessica Biel definitely doesn't fit the role for Chun-Li (although she's not so "unfitting" to play Chun-Li as Jessica Alba or Keira Knightely...).

I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!

2135th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):The movie thread now with more Street F" , posted Wed 9 May 08:23post reply

I'm not quite as disturbed by Biel being rumored to play Chun Li as I am by the fact that she was their third choice, and the first two were almost just as ridiculous.

shin ramberk
304th Post

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"Re(3):The movie thread now with more Street F" , posted Wed 9 May 09:43post reply

I'm not quite as disturbed by Biel being rumored to play Chun Li as I am by the fact that she was their third choice, and the first two were almost just as ridiculous.

You know what... I know this is a very controversial thing to say, and I don't want to offend anyone, but if getting a 'decent' SF movie means making all the SF characters white, I don't care.

I won't get into a discussion on race, racism or nationalism/xenophobia. Obviously, there are MANY MANY MANY talented Asian actors out there. But Hollywood is Hollywood and the US is the US.

Sigh... I'm actually optimistic we'll be getting an okay movie but... these things are impossible to predict.


2137th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):The movie thread now with more Street F" , posted Wed 9 May 10:22:post reply

Sure, while we're at it Chun Li can be a man too so let's get Jean Claude Van Damme to do him. After all he has experience yelling "BISOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNN"


[this message was edited by Gojira on Wed 9 May 10:24]

4378th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):The movie thread now with more Street F" , posted Wed 9 May 10:24post reply

Just get Jackie Chan to do it. He's done it before...

1089th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(6):The movie thread now with more Street F" , posted Wed 9 May 10:40post reply

Dazzimaki Zembyakoo, Dazzimaki Zembyakooooooooooooooooooooo

I really don't get why anyone other than a Chinese (or at least Asian) actress would be cast as Chun Li, it's just too stupid and ruins the (minimal) sense of reality. It's pretty grating to watch old Hollywood movies like Inn of the Seven Happinesses or whatever that have obviously white actors playing Chinese ones, but in an age where an ethnic variety of actors are not only available but commercially viable, it seems completely insane to me to ignore the obvious incongruity between an Asian name and a Western actress. Weird, dumb.


dr baghead
3650th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):It's science!" , posted Wed 9 May 13:58post reply


Mokona's Spoiler

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
You are aware he was SUPPOSED to be obviously fake.

The audience was supposed to be laughing at how terrible his accent was despite his constant "I'm French!" proclaiments. His pronoucing of words Peter got right was supposed to play up his fact... you weren't supposed to be all like "WOW! I never knew Ash spoke flawless French!"

Maybe he's even supposed to be "Ring Guy"/"Snob Usher" working yet another new job that just happens to let him treat Peter like crap.

you're basically saying "I don't get jokes" if you're mad he wasn't authentically French enough for you.

End of Spoiler

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)
my silly little drawin's

Just a Person
892th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(6):The movie thread now with more Street F" , posted Wed 9 May 20:24post reply

Just get Jackie Chan to do it. He's done it before...

Heh, that's true. I remember seeing a trailer of this movie when I was a child, and my thoughts were: "Damn, this actress looks like a man..." (I didn't know who Jackie Chan was at the time...).

As for the matter of having US actresses in order to get a better movie, well, Lucy Liu is from USA, isn't she? Not sure about Devon Aoki, but she seems to be North-American as well (although her acting skills aren't really impressing). Physically, both are much more logical choices than Jessica Biel, and when we consider acting skills, Lucy Liu seems to be a much better actress than Biel, IMO.

I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!

2817th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):The movie thread now with more Street F" , posted Thu 10 May 00:37post reply

What amazes me is that this movie might actually get made. When this film was first announced I figured that the project would get tossed into a drawer and left there until the rights expired. Instead someone is actually trying to make the not-Chinese Chun-Li movie a reality. The SF game franchise remains in limbo but this project gets the green light?

Undead Fred
2835th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):It's science!" , posted Thu 10 May 03:23post reply


Baghead's Spoiler

Yeah, that's what I was getting at earlier... the whole accent thing was a JOKE, and that was reinforced by the fact that he had to remind the audience that he was French several times while he was onscreen.

As for the future nightmare Street Fighter movie, it sounds horrible... but that's all I expect out of Hollywood these days. "You like this game or comic or whatever? Well, we're just gonna rape it inside-out for you." It's not like people aren't receptive to ethnically-accurate characters these days... we're not living in the days of white guys with heavy eyeliner playing THE CHINESE in movies anymore.

229th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(4):The movie thread now with more Street F" , posted Thu 10 May 11:56post reply

You know what... I know this is a very controversial thing to say, and I don't want to offend anyone, but if getting a 'decent' SF movie means making all the SF characters white, I don't care.

I won't get into a discussion on race, racism or nationalism/xenophobia. Obviously, there are MANY MANY MANY talented Asian actors out there. But Hollywood is Hollywood and the US is the US.

hollywood has already tried using a white personto play an asian.
the DOA movie.
and we all know how great that movie was

1091th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(5):The movie thread now with more Street F" , posted Thu 10 May 12:25post reply

hollywood has already tried using a white personto play an asian.
the DOA movie.
and we all know how great that movie was

Holy crap did that movie actually come out? In America? Anywhere?


2137th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):The movie thread now with more Street F" , posted Thu 10 May 13:28post reply

hollywood has already tried using a white personto play an asian.
the DOA movie.
and we all know how great that movie was
Holy crap did that movie actually come out? In America? Anywhere?

No, I don't think it did. They're still running BRAND NEW PICTURES of the logo for some reason.

dr baghead
3651th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):The movie thread now with more Street F" , posted Thu 10 May 13:42post reply

Holy crap did that movie actually come out? In America? Anywhere?

Yeah, what the hell happened with that...

Like it's finished right? I wouldn't think they'd be doing post and reshoots 7 months after it's intended release, so it must be one of those REALLY crappy movies (well obiously) studios hide in a vault for several years until they decide they'd rather make SOME money off it instead of eat the entire cost.

Are they sitting on it until the next DoA game comes out hoping the cross market synergy will get people to buy a ticket to see a shitty movie based on the mildly-shitty game they're buying? Like what chance in hell does the movie have of generating interest?

... they should release it direct to DVD and have a commentary of Itagaki (with English subtitles) saying how ulterly shitty he thinks everything is, how it rapes his creative vision, and how wrong they got everything, you know like the audiobook version of his next EGM interview... I'd pay $25 to watch that again and again!

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)
my silly little drawin's

1092th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(7):The movie thread now with more Street F" , posted Thu 10 May 14:21post reply

... they should release it direct to DVD and have a commentary of Itagaki (with English subtitles) saying how ulterly shitty he thinks everything is, how it rapes his creative vision, and how wrong they got everything, you know like the audiobook version of his next EGM interview... I'd pay $25 to watch that again and again!

I'd pay 25 bucks to watch Itagaki ramble on about anything, actually. So much the better if it was while he was forced to play Tekken Tag while someone also serves him a sexual harassment lawsuit.


Time Mage
2544th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Spider-Man 3 and other superhero stuff" , posted Thu 10 May 18:58post reply

So, yesterday, I saw Spider-Man 3.

It's the crappiest piece of shit I've ever seen in a cinema. So bad I spent half the time laughing, half the time with a WTF? face. And I don't think I laughed in the scenes you were supposed to.

Dragon Kick your ass into the Milky Waaay~~ (Milky Waaaay)

Just a Person
893th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(7):The movie thread now with more Street F" , posted Thu 10 May 21:08post reply

Yeah, what the hell happened with that...

Like it's finished right? I wouldn't think they'd be doing post and reshoots 7 months after it's intended release, so it must be one of those REALLY crappy movies (well obiously) studios hide in a vault for several years until they decide they'd rather make SOME money off it instead of eat the entire cost.

Are they sitting on it until the next DoA game comes out hoping the cross market synergy will get people to buy a ticket to see a shitty movie based on the mildly-shitty game they're buying? Like what chance in hell does the movie have of generating interest?

... they should release it direct to DVD and have a commentary of Itagaki (with English subtitles) saying how ulterly shitty he thinks everything is, how it rapes his creative vision, and how wrong they got everything, you know like the audiobook version of his next EGM interview... I'd pay $25 to watch that again and again!

Actually, it WAS released. Well, not sure about the USA, but here in my city I've already seen the DVD box in a location store (plus, some magazines commented about the movie). Never had the interest to borrow it, though.

I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!

404th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(4):It's science!" , posted Thu 10 May 23:02post reply


Dr Baghead's Spoiler

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
I guess you're right. It was just a kind of WTF moment for me and I didn't really find it funny, especially compared to Campbell's previous cameos.
The sad thing is that the movie, IMO, was only really funny when it wasn't supposed to be.

End of Spoiler


Olivier Hague
84th Post

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"Re(4):The movie thread now with more Street F" , posted Fri 11 May 03:02post reply

You know what... I know this is a very controversial thing to say, and I don't want to offend anyone, but if getting a 'decent' SF movie means making all the SF characters white, I don't care.

From what I've heard about the script, the movie is a disaster already, no matter who they'll be casting.

4379th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Spider-Man 3 and other superhero stuff" , posted Fri 11 May 03:27post reply


crappiest piece of shit I've ever seen since the tekken series

I normally walk out from bad movies, but this one was getting hilariously out of control after the first 30 minutes or so

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -

End of Spoiler

Also, when I finally snap and become evil I will make sure to comb my hair over one eye and use eyeliner and AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH



1340th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(5):The movie thread now with more Street F" , posted Fri 11 May 04:49post reply

You know what... I know this is a very controversial thing to say, and I don't want to offend anyone, but if getting a 'decent' SF movie means making all the SF characters white, I don't care.
From what I've heard about the script, the movie is a disaster already, no matter who they'll be casting.

Can you tell us what you read from the script? I am curious what they have planned.

Olivier Hague
87th Post

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"Re(6):The movie thread now with more Street F" , posted Fri 11 May 19:45:post reply

Can you tell us what you read from the script? I am curious what they have planned.

I didn't read it myself, I just heard from somebody who did.
Maybe I shouldn't be too specific, but I believe he/she's far from being the only one who read that script, so I guess it should be OK to talk a bit about it... Besides, maybe they rewrote or simply abandoned that turd already, who knows...

Basically, it's "Lara Croft: Tomb Raider". I think that should already give you a good general idea right there.
There's even some "OMG, the password to my father's computer was in my pendant all along!" BS.

Also, I seem to remember there's a grand total of 3 (three) characters from the "Street Fighter" franchise: Chun-li, M. Bison/Vega (the dictator one, I mean) and... Charlie/Nash. Of all people.
I guess there might be a 4th character I forgot about. I'm not sure. I don't think so.

And the script is just so filled with references to US blockbusters it's depressing. When Chun-li first encounters her "old master type", I was thinking the screenwriter would immediately reference "Kill Bill"'s Pai-Mei, which would probably be the hack's only exposure to that kind of character.
How naive of me.
He's an OBI-WAN-type character, naturally!

(of course, I didn't know/imagine they would cast a caucasian actress for the main role at the time I heard all that, so I guess that last point does make more sense in retrospect... in a really, really weird way...)

[this message was edited by Olivier Hague on Fri 11 May 20:11]

dr baghead
3653th Post

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"Re(7):The movie thread now with more Street F" , posted Fri 11 May 23:39post reply

And the script is just so filled with references to US blockbusters it's depressing. When Chun-li first encounters her "old master type", I was thinking the screenwriter would immediately reference "Kill Bill"'s Pai-Mei, which would probably be the hack's only exposure to that kind of character.
How naive of me.
He's an OBI-WAN-type character, naturally!

...and they DIDN'T make him Gen? Wow, that's crazy

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)
my silly little drawin's

Olivier Hague
87th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(8):The movie thread now with more Street F" , posted Fri 11 May 23:52post reply

...and they DIDN'T make him Gen?

Not as far as I know.

1342th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(7):The movie thread now with more Street F" , posted Sat 12 May 06:21post reply

What Olivier Hague Said

Wow that sounds kind of lame. If they barely rewrote the script then we aren't getting much of a Street Fighter movie.

I am scared to imagine what that guy did for Voltron.

Undead Fred
2837th Post

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"Re(8):The movie thread now with more Street F" , posted Sat 12 May 06:41post reply

Wow that sounds kind of lame. If they barely rewrote the script then we aren't getting much of a Street Fighter movie.

I am scared to imagine what that guy did for Voltron.

Well, just learn not to trust Hollywood with stories that you like. There are very few directors/ writers that even think to try and capture the source material with any degree of respect. If you hear "re-imagined" or "new vision" or any other variation of the phrase come up when they're talking about the movie, then don't see it unless you REALLY didn't like the source material to begin with. The only reason that they keep cranking out these movies is that people keep falling for the same old trick. "They made a Bloodrayne movie?? Sweet!" People don't think to find out who the director is to see if it's someone they like, or listen to any of the pre-release buzz garbage to figure things out. Too late, they've got your money now. Heh heh.

If it's a director that SAYS they're trying extra hard to stick to the spirit of the source material, then approach carefully. Sometimes they actually mean what they say and you'll be pleasantly surprised. I'm sure this is all obvious to a lot of you, but I figured it still needed to be said.

1607th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(7):The movie thread now with more Street F" , posted Mon 14 May 10:38post reply

Can you tell us what you read from the script? I am curious what they have planned.

I didn't read it myself, I just heard from somebody who did.
Maybe I shouldn't be too specific, but I believe he/she's far from being the only one who read that script, so I guess it should be OK to talk a bit about it... Besides, maybe they rewrote or simply abandoned that turd already, who knows...

Basically, it's "Lara Croft: Tomb Raider". I think that should already give you a good general idea right there.
There's even some "OMG, the password to my father's computer was in my pendant all along!" BS.

Also, I seem to remember there's a grand total of 3 (three) characters from the "Street Fighter" franchise: Chun-li, M. Bison/Vega (the dictator one, I mean) and... Charlie/Nash. Of all people.
I guess there might be a 4th character I forgot about. I'm not sure. I don't think so.

And the script is just so filled with references to US blockbusters it's depressing. When Chun-li first encounters her "old master type", I was thinking the screenwriter would immediately reference "Kill Bill"'s Pai-Mei, which would probably be the hack's only exposure to that kind of character.
How naive of me.
He's an OBI-WAN-type character, naturally!

(of course, I didn't know/imagine they would cast a caucasian actress for the main role at the time I heard all that, so I guess that last point does make more sense in retrospect... in a really, really weird way...)

That sounds...retarded. BTW, DOA is on schedule for being snuck in during the summer for a theatrical release.

And while I can see what could make people mad, I actually enjoyed most of SM3 (including emo Peter's dance sequence).

1345th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"The Joker from the next Batman movie" , posted Mon 21 May 09:59post reply


Well, just learn not to trust Hollywood with stories that you like. There are very few directors/ writers that even think to try and capture the source material with any degree of respect. If you hear "re-imagined" or "new vision" or any other variation of the phrase come up when they're talking about the movie, then don't see it unless you REALLY didn't like the source material to begin with. The only reason that they keep cranking out these movies is that people keep falling for the same old trick. "They made a Bloodrayne movie?? Sweet!" People don't think to find out who the director is to see if it's someone they like, or listen to any of the pre-release buzz garbage to figure things out. Too late, they've got your money now. Heh heh.

If it's a director that SAYS they're trying extra hard to stick to the spirit of the source material, then approach carefully. Sometimes they actually mean what they say and you'll be pleasantly surprised. I'm sure this is all obvious to a lot of you, but I figured it still needed to be said.

Just to add on to that, after the two Resident Evil movies, Capcom probably thinks that they really don't need many of the main characters from the games to make a profitable movie.



to see the first picture of the Joker. You have to give it minute for the pixels on the top image to disappear.

I am not digging the face, but hopefully the costume is good.

2826th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):The Joker from the next Batman movie" , posted Tue 22 May 01:57post reply

Part Ichi the Killer, part Apocalypse Now, it adds up to a rather macabre variation on the Joker. I'll be curious to see where the movie goes with the character since there is the potential there for something creepy.

Time Mage
2550th Post

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"Re(2):The Joker from the next Batman movie" , posted Tue 22 May 02:18post reply

As long as he's creepy enough, and uses a very macabre humour (and I mean being a cruel and sadistic assassin without any remorses), I'll like it. The look he has points in the good direction, but if that Joker is made like the Tim Burton one, it won't work. It worked in Burton's Batman, but this needs a different approach, in my opinion.

Dragon Kick your ass into the Milky Waaay~~ (Milky Waaaay)

Undead Fred
2843th Post

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"THIS PAGE HAS BEEN HIJACKED BY THE POPE" , posted Tue 22 May 09:31post reply



to see the first picture of the Joker. You have to give it minute for the pixels on the top image to disappear.
I clicked on the link again today to see the face again, and the page is gone. But there's something hidden there in its place.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
"See you in December."

End of Spoiler

1347th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):THIS PAGE HAS BEEN HIJACKED BY THE POPE" , posted Tue 22 May 09:59:post reply



to see the first picture of the Joker. You have to give it minute for the pixels on the top image to disappear.I clicked on the link again today to see the face again, and the page is gone. But there's something hidden there in its place.

Here is the pic just in case it doesn't come back

[this message was edited by GekigangerV on Tue 22 May 10:00]

Time Mage
2551th Post

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"Re(1):THIS PAGE HAS BEEN HIJACKED BY THE POPE" , posted Tue 22 May 16:49post reply



to see the first picture of the Joker. You have to give it minute for the pixels on the top image to disappear.I clicked on the link again today to see the face again, and the page is gone. But there's something hidden there in its place.

Now what you say in the spoiler isn't there, but if you try to highlight the text on the page, you'll get a surprise.

Dragon Kick your ass into the Milky Waaay~~ (Milky Waaaay)

535th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(1):Spider-Man 3 and other superhero stuff" , posted Tue 22 May 17:22post reply

I saw Spider-Man 3 last night. And I agree its kinda rushed but still better than X3. Also Its the first Spiderman movie that has the best atmosphere imo, and about acting.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Some people is bitching for the sake of bitching. Kirsten Dunst Sings awfully eventhough in the movie she suppose to sing awfully, and thats a problem? I cant understand you guys sometimes. Do you want her to sing perfect than make us beleieve that M.J. get bad reviews from critics? ,wtfgoh,,*?

End of Spoiler

About final scene of fighting

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
It was awesome, fantastic, no bitching person cant make me forget the taste of it. But there is one thing that disturbs me too. I beg Allah while I was watching the final battle, please Allah'ım dont let them ruin my hopes to see a sequel with harry and peter teaming up. Dont let them do the sacrifice clichee. I was 100% sure that was coming but hoping otherwise, unfortunately it came. Harry jump Peter's front to protect him. Its also anther WTF for me, why in the earth people do that in any other movie. If you can interfere you can absolutely go and push the victim or killer. Harry doesnt need to sacrifice himself he could push Venom.But Noooooo.

Also killing venom and Eddie Brock (I dont know if they're dead in the hollywood style) is like felt just for the sake of the final sandman scene. The "I killed your uncle accidentally you killed Eddie Brock accidentally so we're even" scene.

End of Spoiler

I like the movie overall. Especially the atmosphere.

BTW to be educational could you guys be more specific when you dont like the "bad acting like hell" . I mean describing the part that they do wrong.

Undead Fred
2844th Post

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"Re(2):THIS PAGE HAS BEEN HIJACKED BY THE POPE" , posted Wed 23 May 03:00post reply

Now what you say in the spoiler isn't there, but if you try to highlight the text on the page, you'll get a surprise.

If you didn't see it there, you didn't LOOK closely enough... *wink*

Time Mage
2553th Post

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"Re(3):THIS PAGE HAS BEEN HIJACKED BY THE POPE" , posted Wed 23 May 03:32post reply

Now what you say in the spoiler isn't there, but if you try to highlight the text on the page, you'll get a surprise.
If you didn't see it there, you didn't LOOK closely enough... *wink*

OH! It's really, really well hidden. did you discover it by yourself?

Dragon Kick your ass into the Milky Waaay~~ (Milky Waaaay)

Undead Fred
2845th Post

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"Re(4):THIS PAGE HAS BEEN HIJACKED BY THE POPE" , posted Wed 23 May 03:49post reply

OH! It's really, really well hidden. did you discover it by yourself?


Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
I had a feeling there was a hidden message by the way the "page not found" was set up... and that's how I saw the "ha ha ha's." But then I noticed a stray S and a C or whatever as I glanced over the page... I figured they couldn't be a coincidence, and I looked through the page to see what it spelled out.

End of Spoiler

Time Mage
2554th Post

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"Re(5):THIS PAGE HAS BEEN HIJACKED BY THE POPE" , posted Wed 23 May 07:43post reply

OH! It's really, really well hidden. did you discover it by yourself?

I take my hat off to you, really.

As I said, I only went as far as discovering the first secret, and not the secret behind the secret.

And BTW, those publicists think of weirder things every day.

Dragon Kick your ass into the Milky Waaay~~ (Milky Waaaay)

Undead Fred
2846th Post

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"Re(6):THIS PAGE HAS BEEN HIJACKED BY THE POPE" , posted Thu 24 May 17:14post reply

I take my hat off to you, really.

As I said, I only went as far as discovering the first secret, and not the secret behind the secret.

Thanks. The only thing was that I was a little disappointed in the secret secret message... but I sort of saw it coming. I felt like Ralphie on a Christmas Story- "Drink... more... Ovaltine??"

1351th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Thundercats, He-Man, Speed Racer and more" , posted Wed 6 Jun 15:22post reply

Link Here

Thundercats movie written by some guy who I never heard of.

A new He-Man movie is in the works

They say they are doing something visually similar to 300. I know I may be alone on this, but the 80's Masters of the Universe movie had quirky spin that I liked. Especially Skeletor


Here is picture of what the Mach 5 will look like in the movie.

Link Here

Looks very nice. I wonder what kind of racing style they will use in the movie(eg. Nascar, F1, Rally)

Apparently GI Joe is also still in the works

Link Here

But this script review doesn't give a good impression

Undead Fred
2851th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Thundercats, He-Man, Speed Racer and mo" , posted Wed 6 Jun 15:57post reply

Thundercats movie!

He-Man movie!

Speed Racer movie!

G.I. Joe movie!

Another round of horrible overly-safe baby formula movies. THANKS HOLLYWOOD And notice the buzzword I warned you about was used- "re-imagined." The reviewer for the G.I. Joe movie also seems to think too much of the Transformers movie as well. I'd really like them to just back off and let us remember our old childhood things the way they were instead of trying to sneak up and jam their penises into it while we're not looking. Blech.

Just a Person
904th Post

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"Re(1):Thundercats, He-Man, Speed Racer and mo" , posted Wed 6 Jun 20:27post reply

Link Here

Thundercats movie written by some guy who I never heard of.

A new He-Man movie is in the works

They say they are doing something visually similar to 300. I know I may be alone on this, but the 80's Masters of the Universe movie had quirky spin that I liked. Especially Skeletor


Here is picture of what the Mach 5 will look like in the movie.

Link Here

Looks very nice. I wonder what kind of racing style they will use in the movie(eg. Nascar, F1, Rally)

Apparently GI Joe is also still in the works

Link Here

But this script review doesn't give a good impression

Wow, quite a coincidence! Recently there was a conversation in my job about which old cartoons that used to be exhibited in Brazil were worth getting a movie nowadays. Some of these projects above were in the list:

1- Dungeons & Dragons

2- The Adventures of Tintin

3- Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego?

4- Captain Planet and the Planeteers

5- He-Man and the Masters of the Universe

6- She-Ra: Princess of Power

7- Wacky Races

8- ThunderCats

9- The Amazing Chan and the Chan Clan

10- Wildfire

I just hope the new He-Man movie won't be as bad as the one with Dolph Lundgren... man, that even makes the Van-Damme SF movie looks good...

I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!

2839th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Thundercats, He-Man, Speed Racer and mo" , posted Wed 6 Jun 22:34post reply

I have no idea why a Speed Racer movie is being made since half the charm of the show was the incomprehensible dub. In order to make a true Speed Racer experience all the dialogue in the movie would have to be replaced with words that matched the lip timing but made no real sense. Since that's not going to happen I can only hope that a minimum of fifty people die in every race Speed takes part in and that the characters routinely fling themselves through plate glass windows.


The Adventures of Tintin

It seems that Steven Spielberg and Peter Jackson are working on Tintin so that's something. I don't know how the adaptations will turn out but at least with Tintin -unlike, say, the Thundercats- the source material is actually good.

Just a Person
905th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(3):Thundercats, He-Man, Speed Racer and mo" , posted Wed 6 Jun 23:14post reply

It seems that Steven Spielberg and Peter Jackson are working on Tintin so that's something. I don't know how the adaptations will turn out but at least with Tintin -unlike, say, the Thundercats- the source material is actually good.

Spielberg AND Jackson?? In the same movie??
I don't know if this sounds awesome or terrible... Because both are great directors and have made wonderful movies each, but they also tend to be 'megalomaniacal' in their recent movies. And I don't even want to imagine what would happen if they begin to disagree a lot and a clash of egos starts...

Other than that, a Tintin movie is always welcome!

I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!

1353th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):Thundercats, He-Man, Speed Racer and mo" , posted Thu 7 Jun 04:56:post reply

Here is a skit from the MTV movie awards with movie footage of Optimus Prime

Link Here

[this message was edited by GekigangerV on Thu 7 Jun 05:13]

1361th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Batman The Dark Knight suit" , posted Fri 15 Jun 11:13:post reply

Link Here

It's okay, but not great. The first one was fine as it was though.

Speed Racer Website with cast info.

[this message was edited by GekigangerV on Fri 15 Jun 11:29]

2854th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Batman The Dark Knight suit" , posted Fri 15 Jun 23:52post reply

Link Here

It's okay, but not great. The first one was fine as it was though.

It's good to see that Batman can finally move his head.

Speed Racer Website with cast info.

I don't know if there is an audience for this movie but with Christina Ricci, Hiroyuki Sanada and Richard Roundtree it has quite the cast.

1362th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Fantastic 4 Rise of the Silver Surfer" , posted Sun 17 Jun 01:54post reply

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Saw it last night and I was pleased. I liked it better than Spider-Man 3, but not as much as TMNT as far as comic book movies go. The movie is short coming in at around a hour and a half. However, the pacing is pretty good unlike Spider-Man 3 and allows for both the Silver Surfer and Dr. Doom to be showed off.

Surfer looked pretty good, a lot better than I thought he would. The special effects on Mr. Fantastic seemed to be noticeably bad though. Von Doom was pretty much portrayed the same in the fist movie by that guy from Nip/Tuck. He doesn't have a real threatening voice or anything which hurts the portrayal, but the final battle shows a good characterization overall. It was nice to see a villain suit up just for the sake of suiting up.

Galactus is in the movie, but is not the Galactus from the comics. In the movie he is a force of nature like a storm that comes in and rips a planet to pieces. I was a bit disappointed that we didn't see giant purple top hat Galactus. I guess they are saving that for a Silver Surfer spin off, but it would have been cool to see something.

End of Spoiler

a beholder
11th Post

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"Re(1):Fantastic 4 Rise of the Silver Surfer" , posted Sun 17 Jun 06:44post reply



damnit, that's the only reasn I would've watched the movie.

I think it's more likely that

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
the movie execs went "BIG PURPLE HAT IS RETARDED, SPACE CLOUD MORE REALISTIC". It's disapointing, like Superman Returns: the disaster movie"

End of Spoiler

Burning Ranger
1488th Post

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"Go go, Speed! Go go go go Speed!" , posted Sun 17 Jun 15:48post reply


Speed Racer Website with cast info.

Really looking forward to this one. I like how the Mach 5 looks a lot like it did in the cartoon. I expect to hear a lot of "Oh!"

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

787th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):Thundercats, He-Man, Speed Racer and mo" , posted Thu 21 Jun 15:14post reply

A new He-Man movie is in the works

They say they are doing something visually similar to 300. I know I may be alone on this, but the 80's Masters of the Universe movie had quirky spin that I liked. Especially Skeletor


You aren't alone, my friend. I loved the 80's movie as well, it was awesome to see He-Man fighting soldiers on a residential area!!! And remember, Dolph Lundgren is LOVE...

1365th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"New Transformers and Spdier-Man cartoon" , posted Tue 26 Jun 04:52post reply

Link Here

From left to right with the vehicles is Ratchet, Prowl, Optimus, Bumblebee and Bulkhead.

This has the same director as Teen Titans and the new Batman cartoon.

The new shot looks a lot better than the original promo piece

Link Here

Which reminds me of a weird cereal box.

New Spider-Man Cartoon

Looks interesting. Hopefully it will turn out good.

1370th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Megatron clip" , posted Sat 30 Jun 15:25post reply

Link Here

I guess that is supposed to be Hugo Weaving, but you can't tell with all that sound editing.

Sounds more menacing than Frank Welker's recent portrayal in the game. He seems to have lost his touch on the Megatron voice over the last 20 years. But maybe they could have made Frank Welker sound more menacing with the same amount of editing.

Quick review of the game.

It sucks, but has potential. Rent it if you have to play it.

158th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(1):Megatron clip" , posted Sat 30 Jun 15:52post reply

Link Here

I guess that is supposed to be Hugo Weaving, but you can't tell with all that sound editing.

Sounds more menacing than Frank Welker's recent portrayal in the game. He seems to have lost his touch on the Megatron voice over the last 20 years. But maybe they could have made Frank Welker sound more menacing with the same amount of editing.

Quick review of the game.

It sucks, but has potential. Rent it if you have to play it.

i've seen the movie. it had cheesy corny lines. my review

on that shot, it wouldve been nice if the shot was farther so megatron wasnt forced to crouch.
