Dissidia: Final Fantasy - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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134th Post

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"Dissidia: Final Fantasy" , posted Wed 9 May 07:47post reply


Rumored to be a FF fighting game with charas from 1 through 9. Nomura's handling chara designs. All I know is I want to use the FF4 charas to tear apart the 7+ charas.


Wither Blister Burn + Peel


1299th Post

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"Re(1):Dissidia: Final Fantasy" , posted Wed 9 May 08:46post reply


1087th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):Dissidia: Final Fantasy" , posted Wed 9 May 09:06post reply

All I know is I want to use the FF4 charas to tear apart the 7+ charas.
Seconded, 4 was back when men were men and swords won out over hair gel and leather. Though VIII's guys were pretty tough. Maybe it will just be summoned beasts fighting instead.


853th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(2):Dissidia: Final Fantasy" , posted Wed 9 May 09:11post reply

All I know is I want to use the FF4 charas to tear apart the 7+ charas. Seconded, 4 was back when men were men and swords won out over hair gel and leather. Though VIII's guys were pretty tough. Maybe it will just be summoned beasts fighting instead.

Rydia will school them all.

ワンダフル! ビューティフル! エキサイティング!

Cain Highwind
758th Post

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"Re(3):Dissidia: Final Fantasy" , posted Wed 9 May 10:03post reply

All I know is I want to use the FF4 charas to tear apart the 7+ charas. Seconded, 4 was back when men were men and swords won out over hair gel and leather. Though VIII's guys were pretty tough. Maybe it will just be summoned beasts fighting instead.

Rydia will school them all.


Anyway, that reliable Japanese blog site says that the first characters to be revealed are Warriors (warrior?) of light and Garland from FF1 and Zidane and Kuja from FFIX.

I'm already interested in the fact that the first characters are NOT the typical Nomura shoe-ins. On the other hand though after seeing Setzer in KHII, I'm kind of scared to see him designing the classic characters.

1088th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(4):Dissidia: Final Fantasy" , posted Wed 9 May 10:34post reply

On the other hand though after seeing Setzer in KHII, I'm kind of scared to see him designing the classic characters.

Right on. Some of Nomura's stuff is actually good (I really do like VIII's designs, despite all the hell I give Nomura in comparison to Amano), but it would be pretty charitable to call his "redesign" for Setzer in Kingdom Hearts anything more than a dumbed-down simplication. Hopefully IX's goofy character designs will be a better fit, but if I see a jpop FFVI Tina or emo-Cecil I quit.


1355th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(5):Dissidia: Final Fantasy" , posted Wed 9 May 11:46post reply

I also read on that reliable blog that they are releasing FF12 International on 9th August.


2216th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Dissidia: Final Fantasy" , posted Wed 9 May 12:11post reply

On the other hand though after seeing Setzer in KHII, I'm kind of scared to see him designing the classic characters.
Right on. Some of Nomura's stuff is actually good (I really do like VIII's designs, despite all the hell I give Nomura in comparison to Amano), but it would be pretty charitable to call his "redesign" for Setzer in Kingdom Hearts anything more than a dumbed-down simplication. Hopefully IX's goofy character designs will be a better fit, but if I see a jpop FFVI Tina or emo-Cecil I quit.

I don't necessarily dislike Nomura on the whole. I like his work in Kingdom Hearts (even if I don't really like Kingdom Hearts), his FF8 and 10 stuff is acceptable, and that DS game he's working on looks great. But Setzer...man...that burned. That REALLY burned.

But more than that I feel that he, or rather, Square/Final Fantasy in general is getting totally out of control. FF13 is OUT OF CONTROL. There's too much Nomura out there!

I wonder if he did the designs for The Last Remnant? The battle scenes look really amazing, though I'm reluctant to get too excited. It looks like it might be a more mature war story and less over the top, though the main character's design is already turning me off quite a bit.

I know someone who is recording for some "mystery Square game". I'm thinking that may be it. If so, we should be seeing a simultaneous US/Japan launch next year.

Also, I don't want a SD 3D FF4 remake. That doesn't say "FF4" to me.

135th Post

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"Re(6):Dissidia: Final Fantasy" , posted Wed 9 May 12:21post reply

I've avoided KH like the plague .. anyone have a pic of Setzer?

Wither Blister Burn + Peel

Cain Highwind
759th Post

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"Re(7):Dissidia: Final Fantasy" , posted Wed 9 May 13:33post reply

I've avoided KH like the plague .. anyone have a pic of Setzer?


But it's not just his design, his personality was totally screwed:

Ikari Loona
179th Post

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"Re(1):Dissidia: Final Fantasy" , posted Wed 9 May 17:54post reply


Rumored to be a FF fighting game with charas from 1 through 9. Nomura's handling chara designs. All I know is I want to use the FF4 charas to tear apart the 7+ charas.


But aren't those characters in the logo summons, Shiva and Ifrit, I think?...

I've entertained the idea of an FF fighting game that't put together the monk/black belt characters of the series (actually "FF: Black Belt" cold be a decent name; Mash/Sabin would own there), so that rumour sounds nice, but the logo points elsewhere, unless Square-Enix decides to use a system like Capcom's MSH's infinity gems, only using summons instead...

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

1300th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Dissidia: Final Fantasy" , posted Wed 9 May 20:58post reply

Seconded, 4 was back when men were men and swords won out over hair gel and leather. Though VIII's guys were pretty tough. Maybe it will just be summoned beasts fighting instead.

You think so? I always thought Cecil's sprite looked looked rather dandy to me.

1358th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Scans" , posted Wed 9 May 21:31:post reply

FF12 International

Subarashiki no Sekai
Crystal Chronicles Ring of Fates
Crisis Core FF7

[this message was edited by Zepy on Wed 9 May 22:07]

Cain Highwind
760th Post

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"Re(1):Scans" , posted Thu 10 May 00:54post reply

FF12 International

Subarashiki no Sekai
Crystal Chronicles Ring of Fates
Crisis Core FF7

I'm actually quite impressed, Nomura's Zidane and Light Warrior look a lot better than I thought it would be. Plus with FFIV, that sketch just might be indicating that Yoshida WILL be tweaking the designs. Looks like they agve Rosa pink hair.

899th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(2):Scans" , posted Thu 10 May 01:25post reply

Wow, I'm really looking forward to playing all of these!

I'm really wondering what kind of 'fighting game' Dissidia will be... FFXII international is mine all mine, and I haven't played FF4 in years, and I've only played it in English. I hope that they keep the battles nice and speedy!

Play to win.

767th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):Scans" , posted Thu 10 May 03:44post reply

FF12 International

Subarashiki no Sekai
Crystal Chronicles Ring of Fates
Crisis Core FF7

Cecil has woman breasts and hips.

I hope Dissidia doesn't only have main male protagonists and main male antagonists as its playable characters (which is what it has so far)

136th Post

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"Re(3):Scans" , posted Thu 10 May 04:09post reply

OMFG, that FF4 remake is real. While I agree I would've preferred to see it a little more mature/dark than the FF3 remake, I'll take whatever I can get when it comes to 4! "FFII" (give me a break, I was 10! I didn't know better) was my first SNES game and my first FF game ... literally holy ground. Now we just need to find out if it will have the party switching and added dungeons/weapons from FF4 advance....

Wither Blister Burn + Peel

244th Post

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"Re(1):Dissidia: Final Fantasy" , posted Thu 10 May 04:24post reply

This announcement needs more Ultros.

...and more Faris (or whatever the pirate reverse trap from FFV's name is).

But I still want to quench your thirst.
Because I am the one that put you into the desert.

1301th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Dissidia: Final Fantasy" , posted Thu 10 May 07:54post reply

How about the poor schmucks who never played FF4 who bought it for GBA Advance only to see this remake come right out ahead of it...

2217th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Scans" , posted Thu 10 May 07:55post reply


I hope Dissidia doesn't only have main male protagonists and main male antagonists as its playable characters (which is what it has so far)

Me too...but shit! Go Nomura! This is the best art I've seen him do in ages. Not too gaudy, great color depth, true enough to the original designs.

The renders on the other hand...look too Kingdom Heartsy. But...I'm intrigued!

The FF4 remake looks a little better than I thought it would, too. It's still a bit goofy looking for my taste, but less so than I expected. If Yoshida does the art...I'll swoon. SWOON!

Waaaah! And we'll get a new soundtrack! I mean...well, a remake of the old soundtrack. That in itself is enough to get me pumped, even if the game ends up stinking somehow.

1090th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(3):Scans" , posted Thu 10 May 11:36post reply

I agree with Polly! I'm fiercely of the Amano camp given the choice, but those scan pics are some of Nomura's best since VIII's sophisticated and grown-up looking head/bust portraits. The Warrior of Light looks wonderful, almost with the silky smoothness in the armor of the Valkyrie Profile artist. His rendition of Zidane (as represented in IX's strange CG art and 3D renders, not Amano's sketches) is dead-on and reminds me of Nomura's undeniably slick inking/shadowing skills that make (sometimes for better, sometimes for worse) the intensely j-pop look. It really really works there on Zidane.


2138th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Scans" , posted Thu 10 May 13:43post reply

Yeah, he's improved. I don't think Zidane and Kuja were much of a stretch, but the Warrior of Light does look eerily true to the original Amano sketches.

Cain Highwind
761th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(5):Scans" , posted Thu 10 May 16:21post reply

Yeah, he's improved. I don't think Zidane and Kuja were much of a stretch, but the Warrior of Light does look eerily true to the original Amano sketches.

True, the REAL test will be if and when this game delivers characters from the whole series as they say (and i really hope we finally get to see some old school characters finally taking the spotlight). Will he give the likes of Terra her in-game Green hair or Amano art Blonde hair?

Also I was thinking of the whole "1 good 1 evil guy per game" I mean that would pretty much come out to a 24 member roster more or less. But I have a feeling we're going to see a pretty simplistic battle system ala Power Stone (basic attacks plus a Unique Super move) with maybe Equipment Customization. If that's the case it should be eas to have a roster close to 50 with a good few from each game.

Now I wonder if Tactics will be represented.

2218th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Scans" , posted Thu 10 May 19:08post reply

Wow, I'm cool. I didn't notice this game was for PSP. Now my interest has tragically diminished. Or maybe my frustration has increased...

What's with the sudden, massive wave of PSP support from Square?

Time Mage
2545th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Scans" , posted Thu 10 May 19:34post reply

I have to agree too, Nomura's drawings on this are great. I specially like his Zidane drawing, specially because he is depicted with daggers, and not that stupid bladed pole weapon type he also used.

This also reinforces what I've always thought: Nomura has excellent drawing and coloring skills, but is a really poor designer (for the most part, at least).

BTW, I bought GBA FFIV only 5 months ago... ;_;

Dragon Kick your ass into the Milky Waaay~~ (Milky Waaaay)

Hagen de Merak
943th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(8):Dissidia: Final Fantasy" , posted Thu 10 May 21:19post reply



wow that's really gay.

1358th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"three Star Ocean titles" , posted Thu 10 May 22:33post reply

Just because nobody's mentioning it...

Star Ocean 1, Star Ocean 2 remake for PSP, Star Ocean 4 announced

And Chocobo's mysterious dungeon for Wii.

159th Post

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"Re(1):three Star Ocean titles" , posted Thu 10 May 22:57post reply

Just because nobody's mentioning it...

Star Ocean 1, Star Ocean 2 remake for PSP, Star Ocean 4 announced

And Chocobo's mysterious dungeon for Wii.

Good lord is it another round of 999 LEVEL dungeon??

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437th Post

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"Re(5):Scans" , posted Thu 10 May 22:59post reply

What's this nonsense I hear about it being turn-based? Turn-based = FAIL.


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1359th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(6):Scans" , posted Thu 10 May 23:38post reply

Current line up of Final Fantasy titles being developed:

Final Fantasy 13
Final Fantasy Versus13
Final Fantasy Agito13
Final Fantasy Advent Children Complete
Crisis Core Final Fantasy 7
Final Fantasy Tactics A2
Final Fantasy Tactics PSP
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles DS
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Wii
Final Fantasy Dissidia
Final Fantasy 4 DS
Final Fantasy 12 International
Final Fantasy 1 PSP
Final Fantasy 2 PSP

2820th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Scans" , posted Thu 10 May 23:53post reply

Current line up of Final Fantasy titles being developed:

No dessert for me mom, I've had enough to eat already.

Just a Person
894th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1):Dissidia: Final Fantasy" , posted Fri 11 May 00:26post reply

That looks nice! Any chance that Terra (FFVI) appears in it?

I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!

137th Post

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"Re(2):Dissidia: Final Fantasy" , posted Sat 12 May 01:21post reply

That looks nice! Any chance that Terra (FFVI) appears in it?

Here's hoping! I have a feeling we're going to get a lot of 'forgotten' Square favorites in this game. It'll be what Kingdom Hearts should have been: a massive Square crossover sans-Disney.

Wither Blister Burn + Peel

1302th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(7):Scans" , posted Sat 12 May 07:29post reply

Current line up of Final Fantasy titles being developed:

Final Fantasy 13
Final Fantasy Versus13
Final Fantasy Agito13
Final Fantasy Advent Children Complete
Crisis Core Final Fantasy 7
Final Fantasy Tactics A2
Final Fantasy Tactics PSP
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles DS
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Wii
Final Fantasy Dissidia
Final Fantasy 4 DS
Final Fantasy 12 International
Final Fantasy 1 PSP
Final Fantasy 2 PSP

and yet still no respectable Chrono Trigger sequel, bleh.

2219th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Scans" , posted Sat 12 May 07:45post reply


and yet still no respectable Chrono Trigger sequel, bleh.

I wouldn't wish for something like that after all these years. How much of the staff is still around, anyway?

Although it's not much consolation, I would highly recommend Blue Dragon to Chrono Trigger fans.

1095th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(9):Scans" , posted Sat 12 May 09:08post reply

and yet still no respectable Chrono Trigger sequel, bleh.
I wouldn't wish for something like that after all these years. How much of the staff is still around, anyway?Although it's not much consolation, I would highly recommend Blue Dragon to Chrono Trigger fans.

Right on. They already produced that (audio-visually beautiful) refuse heap Chrono Cross when they didn't have the original staff, imagine what kind of crimes Square-Enix would perpetrate now that basically no one important to their great games besides Nojima is even in the company's employ. I'm just dying for the 360 to take off (i.e., for FF XIII to be multi-platform) so I can finally buy it and play Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, and other titles that have inherited the spirit of nineties Square.


1303th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(9):Scans" , posted Sun 13 May 09:47post reply


I wouldn't wish for something like that after all these years. How much of the staff is still around, anyway?

Yet thousands of FF fans are whining to Square to re-make FF7 or make more sequels without Sakaguchi.

2139th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Scans" , posted Sun 13 May 11:45post reply


Although it's not much consolation, I would highly recommend Blue Dragon to Chrono Trigger fans.

To add to that a bit, in the most recent issue of EGM there's an interview with Sakaguchi where he was asked about the comparison between Blue Dragon and Dragon Quest:

"When creating Blue Dragon, Dragon Quest wasn't on my mind. I was actually thinking about Chrono Trigger, and Blue Dragon is an extension of that game."

So yeah, there you go.

1099th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(10):Scans" , posted Sun 13 May 11:53post reply

Yet thousands of FF fans are whining to Square to re-make FF7 or make more sequels without Sakaguchi.
I think we've been conveniently been saved by potential horrors like that based on the miserable sales of the VII sequel "games." I like to think that this is because most of the "remake FF VII!" whiners are the casual type who only played VII out of all the games and thus aren't that important to the RPG market, or else they're the ones with no taste, and most other serious RPG players seem to have enough sense recognize it's a bad idea. That's what I repeat to myself at night so I can sleep in peace, anyway.


2220th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):Scans" , posted Sun 13 May 12:27post reply

FF isn't about Sakaguchi anymore. There's a "new generation" of FF (and FF fans) now. I think when people look at FF13 and compare it to older games, it's obvious that nobody who used to be involved is relevant anymore.

I think that FF7 was a good game, but a bad Final Fantasy game. I feel the same way about Chrono Cross...but then again, we don't really have any deciding factors on what a "Chrono game" is. We have 2 games in the series and both of them are wildly different. If we got a 3rd, who is to say it wouldn't be like Chrono Cross? Maybe Chrono Trigger is the "wrong" one in Square's eyes.

1101th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(3):Re(10):Scans" , posted Sun 13 May 12:52post reply

If we got a 3rd, who is to say it wouldn't be like Chrono Cross? Maybe Chrono Trigger is the "wrong" one in Square's eyes.
"Wrong" in the S-E corporation's eyes, I suppose, but Chrono Trigger was still created by specific people, whose skill made the original right and the sequel very very wrong. FF XII is different but good, at least, to Matsuno's credit. If the coherent plot and character development and good gameplay of Trigger ever become "wrong," though, I don't wanna be right.


99th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(3):Re(10):Scans" , posted Sun 13 May 13:54post reply

There's a "new generation" of FF (and FF fans) now.

Yeah, you know kids these days call FF7 "old school". First time I heard that, it really weirded me out. It kinda scares and concerns me that there's more gamers out there weaned on ps1 or ps2 than the Super Nintendo.


I think that FF7 was a good game, but a bad Final Fantasy game.

I remember being fantastically in love with FF7 when it came out. I loved it almost as much as part 6. I guess it started alot of trends that lead to eventual extinguishment of that "classic" feeling that Square games had... but back in 97 it was the most amazing game in the world. I mean, the first time I saw a summon spell it made my heart race and my hands tremble. It was an awesome game!

1102th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(4):Re(10):Scans" , posted Sun 13 May 14:54post reply

VII was definitely big and lots of fun, and "classic" feeling may or may not be overrated, since I think VIII is nearly as wonderful as VI, it's only that VII has aged particularly badly with its wildly inconsistent visual direction and models, hideous sound programming (Shriou really saves the day starting with VIII, making the PS's lame sound chip do wonderful things), and nonexistent difficulty. Monumentally important for 3D RPG's, but the over-emphasis on this good RPG/mediocre FF (and the ensuing rise in Nomura's importance) reminds me of one of those cases like 8-bit FF II, where attention on FF I was misplaced and catapulted Kawazu and his crappy ideas into success rather than his own merits. But hey, that's just me, and this argument is older than the stars I suppose...


949th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(4):Re(10):Scans" , posted Sun 13 May 17:00post reply

but back in 97 it was the most amazing game in the world. I mean, the first time I saw a summon spell it made my heart race and my hands tremble. It was an awesome game!

I had resisted FF7 pretty heavily even when it came out (I guess the fact that I had a Saturn and not a PS made that easier), but when I finally did play it, I got sucked in like everyone else. Despite how sick everyone may be of it now, it was damn impressive at the time, it was a lot of fun, and it did a lot of things right. I'd prefer if it didn't influence later FFs as it did though, but I can't complain. It seems like most of the older FF fans have settled into the FFT world, and FF12 is all I could have asked for the main series to be again. Now if I could just make time to play more of it, then everything will be okay. I'm content to ignore 13 for now.

3542th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Re(10):Scans" , posted Sun 13 May 18:58post reply

Well just a word out of "FF", square have announced PE3 to be un Work in progress...

Fortes fortuna juvat...

2221th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Re(10):Scans" , posted Sun 13 May 19:18post reply

Well just a word out of "FF", square have announced PE3 to be un Work in progress...

For cell phones.

3870th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Re(10):Scans" , posted Mon 14 May 05:52post reply


For cell phones.


1305th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(8):Re(10):Scans" , posted Mon 14 May 06:38post reply

Well what I did like about FF7 was that a unique world and environment was crafted. Everything from the mako reactors to the steam-punk buildings, thought was put into the game.

However lately it just seems FF is on a path of throwing together a bunch of random caribbean colors on someone's uniform, sticking an out-of-place blade-runner spaceship flying into a castle and calling it Final Fantasy.

1104th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(9):Re(10):Scans" , posted Mon 14 May 09:59post reply

a bunch of random caribbean colors on someone's uniform, sticking an out-of-place blade-runner spaceship flying into a castle
Sounds so delightful (or like last weekend) when you put it that way, though!


531th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(6):Re(10):Scans" , posted Mon 14 May 17:19post reply

Well just a word out of "FF", square have announced PE3 to be un Work in progress...

PE3 for Parasite Eve 3 or something else?

3543th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Re(10):Scans" , posted Mon 14 May 18:38post reply

Well just a word out of "FF", square have announced PE3 to be un Work in progress...

PE3 for Parasite Eve 3 or something else?

Oups! Sorry... Yes PE3 stands for Parasite Eve.

Fortes fortuna juvat...

Cain Highwind
762th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"New Scans" , posted Thu 17 May 05:26post reply


More artwork and clearer screens. Also apparently it says that there's only going to be 10 Main Heroes (not including Villians), kind of bummer we're not getting some of the loved side characters. Or maybe the 10 heroes is just the default roster.

8069th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):New Scans" , posted Sat 26 May 19:58post reply


There will be characters from 1 to 12.
The characters will start level 1, and learn new moves as they go on.

Cain Highwind
765th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Trailer finally up" , posted Tue 19 Jun 18:21post reply


It'll be very interesting to hear the VI characters speaking, I'm anticipating what seiyuu/voice actors they'll get for the likes of Terra and whoever else from VI will be in the game (also Rydia, if she makes it)

2159th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Trailer finally up" , posted Tue 19 Jun 18:35post reply

Squeen sure loves making scenes involving Sephiroth and fire.

Just a Person
915th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(8):Re(10):Scans" , posted Wed 20 Jun 01:09post reply

Well just a word out of "FF", square have announced PE3 to be un Work in progress...

PE3 for Parasite Eve 3 or something else?
Oups! Sorry... Yes PE3 stands for Parasite Eve.

It's going to be a cell-phone game, isn't it? That's a real shame; PE definitely has more potential than that...

About Dissidia, I'm hoping for Terra (FFVI), Aerith (FFVII), Quistis and Laguna (FFVIII). Probably only Terra has some chance to be in it, though...

I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!

a beholder
13th Post

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"Re(6):Dissidia: Final Fantasy" , posted Wed 20 Jun 02:06post reply


But more than that I feel that he, or rather, Square/Final Fantasy in general is getting totally out of control. FF13 is OUT OF CONTROL. There's too much Nomura out there!

I've heard Takayuki Takeya, the dude who did the monsters in FF7:AC and Aliens vs Predator sculptor, is doing some designs for FF13



I wonder if he did the designs for The Last Remnant?

That game seems to be stylized 'for American audiences' though.

1136th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(2):Trailer finally up" , posted Wed 20 Jun 02:27post reply

Squeen sure loves making scenes involving Sephiroth and fire.

ARgh, that guy. Do people still find this VII stuff cool after more than ten years? Hard to believe that Sephiroth has any impact anymore...whatever merit VII had has sort of been sapped the same way that 57476 Star Wars novels disenchant three perfectly good movies. At least the Warrior of Light looks cool, and at least Zidane is miscast as a 15 year-old boheywaitaminute


912th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1):Trailer finally up" , posted Wed 20 Jun 08:07post reply


It'll be very interesting to hear the VI characters speaking, I'm anticipating what seiyuu/voice actors they'll get for the likes of Terra and whoever else from VI will be in the game (also Rydia, if she makes it)

Yea, I wonder what Seiyuu they'll pick too.
I'm more concerned with how the game will play. Is it going to be a 3d action battle or something, with DBZ style QTE ? I hope that the engine is deep and robust enough.

Play to win.

4269th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Trailer finally up" , posted Wed 20 Jun 08:38post reply

I hope that the engine is deep and robust enough.

They could hardly achieve this with the main series, so I wouldn't hold my breath for this.

The true potential in this game, is diversity; and not only for the characters, what I do hope is that this game to be ported to a more widely spread system, that that it will include several and stupid and let's hope fun mini games; after, within the series you can find several mini game bonus and sidequests games.

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"Re(1):Trailer finally up" , posted Sun 24 Jun 08:53post reply


It'll be very interesting to hear the VI characters speaking, I'm anticipating what seiyuu/voice actors they'll get for the likes of Terra and whoever else from VI will be in the game (also Rydia, if she makes it)

Rydia better have the right hairstyle, too

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(2):Trailer finally up" , posted Tue 26 Jun 13:40post reply


Rydia better have the right hairstyle, too

You mean the side-swish her sprite has in FFIV or the weird wavy mess Amano originally drew it as? I hope you mean the first one.

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"Re(3):Trailer finally up" , posted Tue 26 Jun 22:55post reply


Rydia better have the right hairstyle, too

You mean the side-swish her sprite has in FFIV or the weird wavy mess Amano originally drew it as? I hope you mean the first one.

I mean the first one

But when did she ever look like this

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"More Characters Revealed" , posted Tue 25 Dec 12:38post reply

Thread ressurection!

2 characters each have been added from Final Fantasy II and VIII, respectively. The current roster is...

FF1 - Warrior of Light VS Garland
FF2 - Firion VS Emperor Palamecia(I'd always heard it was "Frionel", but whatever)
FF8 - Squall VS Ultimecia
FF9 - Zidane VS Kuja

Tidus and Sephiroth have also been spotted in promotional material and 'behind closed doors' trailer screenings. More sauce here: http://www.snk-capcom.com/forums/showthread.php?t=24369&page=16

Wither Blister Burn + Peel

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"RBFFD: The Newcomers" , posted Fri 13 Jun 15:53post reply

According to the Magic Box...

FFX charas revealed. Tidus (previously 'confirmed' in trailers) is no surprise, but Jecht is. I was sure they would pit him off against Seymour. Click the linky above for more awesome Nomura art.

I can't believe I just said that -_-'