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Pollyanna 2216th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(5):Dissidia: Final Fantasy" , posted Wed 9 May 12:11
quote: On the other hand though after seeing Setzer in KHII, I'm kind of scared to see him designing the classic characters. Right on. Some of Nomura's stuff is actually good (I really do like VIII's designs, despite all the hell I give Nomura in comparison to Amano), but it would be pretty charitable to call his "redesign" for Setzer in Kingdom Hearts anything more than a dumbed-down simplication. Hopefully IX's goofy character designs will be a better fit, but if I see a jpop FFVI Tina or emo-Cecil I quit.
I don't necessarily dislike Nomura on the whole. I like his work in Kingdom Hearts (even if I don't really like Kingdom Hearts), his FF8 and 10 stuff is acceptable, and that DS game he's working on looks great. But Setzer...man...that burned. That REALLY burned.
But more than that I feel that he, or rather, Square/Final Fantasy in general is getting totally out of control. FF13 is OUT OF CONTROL. There's too much Nomura out there!
I wonder if he did the designs for The Last Remnant? The battle scenes look really amazing, though I'm reluctant to get too excited. It looks like it might be a more mature war story and less over the top, though the main character's design is already turning me off quite a bit.
I know someone who is recording for some "mystery Square game". I'm thinking that may be it. If so, we should be seeing a simultaneous US/Japan launch next year.
Also, I don't want a SD 3D FF4 remake. That doesn't say "FF4" to me.
Maou 1102th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member+
| "Re(4):Re(10):Scans" , posted Sun 13 May 14:54
VII was definitely big and lots of fun, and "classic" feeling may or may not be overrated, since I think VIII is nearly as wonderful as VI, it's only that VII has aged particularly badly with its wildly inconsistent visual direction and models, hideous sound programming (Shriou really saves the day starting with VIII, making the PS's lame sound chip do wonderful things), and nonexistent difficulty. Monumentally important for 3D RPG's, but the over-emphasis on this good RPG/mediocre FF (and the ensuing rise in Nomura's importance) reminds me of one of those cases like 8-bit FF II, where attention on FF I was misplaced and catapulted Kawazu and his crappy ideas into success rather than his own merits. But hey, that's just me, and this argument is older than the stars I suppose...
Grave 949th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(4):Re(10):Scans" , posted Sun 13 May 17:00
quote: but back in 97 it was the most amazing game in the world. I mean, the first time I saw a summon spell it made my heart race and my hands tremble. It was an awesome game!
I had resisted FF7 pretty heavily even when it came out (I guess the fact that I had a Saturn and not a PS made that easier), but when I finally did play it, I got sucked in like everyone else. Despite how sick everyone may be of it now, it was damn impressive at the time, it was a lot of fun, and it did a lot of things right. I'd prefer if it didn't influence later FFs as it did though, but I can't complain. It seems like most of the older FF fans have settled into the FFT world, and FF12 is all I could have asked for the main series to be again. Now if I could just make time to play more of it, then everything will be okay. I'm content to ignore 13 for now.