Street Fighter on XBOX - Forums

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"Street Fighter on XBOX" , posted Sun 13 May 07:48post reply

When I moved to the USA, i got an xbox360. Last week I got Street Fighter annyversary collection. Ive been playing Third Strike and I noticed some weird artifacts and slowdown, the game feels weird. I used to play the DC version everyday for years, and it looked much better and didnt have these problems. So my questions are:
Has anybody else experienced this?
Had anybody played it on the XBOX and experienced the same problems?
Could it be caused by the backward compatibility software emulator?

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1096th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):Street Fighter on EVERYTHING" , posted Sun 13 May 08:25post reply

While we're at it, how are the Dreamcast versions of SFZero 3 and SF III? The communal high school Dreamcast is in far away lands and I'm thinking to snag one on the cheap, so...


Red Falcon
5782th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Street Fighter on EVERYTHING" , posted Sun 13 May 09:15post reply

While we're at it, how are the Dreamcast versions of SFZero 3 and SF III? The communal high school Dreamcast is in far away lands and I'm thinking to snag one on the cheap, so...

Go with the anniversary collection of 3S, and the Zero/Alpha collection for Zero 3.

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(3):Street Fighter on EVERYTHING" , posted Sun 13 May 10:23post reply

Go with the anniversary collection of 3S, and the Zero/Alpha collection for Zero 3.

Hmm? Those are both Xbox gigs, right? I was under the impression that no DC SF collections came out, but I was just wondering how they stack up against other versions in general. I have 3S on PS2 and Zero 3 on PS, the former wonderful and the latter surprisingly good for PS, but I was wondering if Dreamcast can top them. You'd think that could tell you this, but they seem to have been content to obliterate their content and collapse into a useless blog with a middling wiki.


Red Falcon
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Street Fighter on EVERYTHING" , posted Sun 13 May 11:14:post reply

Go with the anniversary collection of 3S, and the Zero/Alpha collection for Zero 3.
Hmm? Those are both Xbox gigs, right? I was under the impression that no DC SF collections came out, but I was just wondering how they stack up against other versions in general. I have 3S on PS2 and Zero 3 on PS, the former wonderful and the latter surprisingly good for PS, but I was wondering if Dreamcast can top them. You'd think that could tell you this, but they seem to have been content to obliterate their content and collapse into a useless blog with a middling wiki.

Oh no, I wasn't talking about DC versions (there isn't a DC SF collection) I was assuming you didn't have either of these games at all. If you have the 3S version for PS2, it's better than the DC version, and you Zero collection version of Zero 3 is arguably the best (and it has upper on it, I'm one of those oddballs who prefers my Zero 3 WITHOUT the v-ism infinates, ha ha.)

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[this message was edited by Red Falcon on Sun 13 May 11:15]

1098th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(5):Street Fighter on EVERYTHING" , posted Sun 13 May 11:27post reply

Interestin'. I had the idea that my PS2 Third Strike was best (it IS lovely), but I wonder if the Dreamcast version of Zero 3 is load-free. PSone's Zero 3 has served me well and the artwork you see during loads is nice, but I could do without loads period. And since used DC games cost hardly anything, I was thinking I'd do that unless the PS2 Anthology veresion is better.


2140th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Street Fighter on EVERYTHING" , posted Sun 13 May 12:13post reply

Interestin'. I had the idea that my PS2 Third Strike was best (it IS lovely), but I wonder if the Dreamcast version of Zero 3 is load-free. PSone's Zero 3 has served me well and the artwork you see during loads is nice, but I could do without loads period. And since used DC games cost hardly anything, I was thinking I'd do that unless the PS2 Anthology veresion is better.

Oh good lord, I traded in my PS1 SFA3 long ago for the DC version. I'd recommend the same to anyone with a DC.

I'd like to hear where this talk of 3s being superior on PS2 comes from though. From my experience matches take longer to load than the DC version. Not significantly longer, but enough to make me wonder what's so superior about it.

1100th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(7):Street Fighter on EVERYTHING" , posted Sun 13 May 12:15post reply

Groovy, I just may go after DC Zero 3 since it sounds to be the best for my money.

As for DC vs. PS2 Third Strike, I remember wondering about this before I plunked down money for an older game, but unlike now, I think I turned up good info then (like maybe two years ago). Might've been on Shoryuken. Anyway, the scaling of the sprites, or their proportions or some such display issue was supposed to have been dramatically better on PS2 from what I can remember. Proportions and shrinking sprites, or something...I'm no expert, but that's sort of what I remember.


Red Falcon
5785th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Street Fighter on EVERYTHING" , posted Sun 13 May 12:25:post reply

Groovy, I just may go after DC Zero 3 since it sounds to be the best for my money.

As for DC vs. PS2 Third Strike, I remember wondering about this before I plunked down money for an older game, but unlike now, I think I turned up good info then (like maybe two years ago). Might've been on Shoryuken. Anyway, the scaling of the sprites, or their proportions or some such display issue was supposed to have been dramatically better on PS2 from what I can remember. Proportions and shrinking sprites, or something...I'm no expert, but that's sort of what I remember.

There are also some gameplay differences. Just as an example, some of Urien's Aegis Reflector loops don't work properly in the DC version.
Edit: And the anthology version of Zero 3 is better than the DC "Saikyo Dojo" version as well. The colours have always seemed extremely washed out on the DC version, and besides that, you can play every revision of Zero 3 on the collection, and even have the option to turn on some of the really bizarre bugs and glitches (like Dhalsim's close HP being unblockable for certain charas or Mika's air throw doing no damage) if you so choose (I just stick with upper, myself.) Plus, it has Zero, Zero 2(my personal favourite), and, if you're interested in it, Pocket Fighter as well.

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[this message was edited by Red Falcon on Sun 13 May 12:31]