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Just a Person 895th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(2):A Wii question" , posted Tue 15 May 02:59
quote: I *think* my remotes don't do that when I rotate them, but I'd had to test it. Once I test it, I'll tell you for sure.
Other than that, glad you liked Wii Sports, it's a short but very entertaining game in my opinion. Now I rarely play it, but I got really hooked to it at the beginning.
Sadly, the Wii right now doesn't have anything interesting, besides games of minigames. I don't regret buying it, but I do regret buying it so soon (launch day). I think it needs a year or so to start getting interesting games at a decent pace.
That's true... but it'll soon get some nice games: NiGHTS, Super Smash Bros. Brawl (if this one is half as fun as was Melee, I'm already happy), RE4 (which seems to get all the extras from the PS2 version - but I hope it gets the GC graphics and sounds), Soul Calibur Legends, RE:Umbrella Chronicles, Mortal Kombat:Armageddon, Super Mario Galaxy, the next Metroid Prime game... the next Harry Potter game for Wii also looks fun, using the Wiimote as a magic wand and all, but since the Spider-Man game was kinda disappointing, there's no way to be sure...
I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!
Mokona 406th Post

Gold Customer
| "Re(2):A Wii question" , posted Tue 15 May 03:27
Thanks Time Mage, I'll wait for your confirmation (and/or other forumites' input).
It's not really something that affects my gameplay in Wii Sports (I didn't get any other games yet, $400 is quite a blow to my wallet as it is, I'll wait next month). In tennis, for example, I can control the ball fine, making slices and lobs (which use the tilt sensors), so I don't think I have to worry too much.
I'm happy with the machine after a few days so far. I was happy to get connected fairly easily on the Web/Shop channel, etc. I had some issues with the DS Wi-fi (It took me a year to find out that if I don't change my setting to a lower quality, it won't pick up the signal, but since that slows the whole wi-fi in the house, I basically never play online with the DS...) With the Wii, I just put the WEP key, and bingo, I could download VC games. That's the way it should be. No UPD port triggering/forwarding nonsense.
Any recommendations for games? I plan on buying at least Zelda:TP. I was kinda interrested in the Godfather game, and since I didn't pick it up for any other platform yet, I thought this may be a good one to get. I liked Trauma Center on the DS a lot, but I'm not too sure about it for the Wii, especially since it's basically the same game with a couple add-ons. Is it worth the purchase? I want my wife to play with me too. We played some tennis together and she likes it a lot, but she won't even try any other Wii Sports game. Is there any good stuff for 2 players out yet (even on the VC... I got Bomberman especially for that purpose)?
hikarutilmitt 391th Post

Silver Customer
| "Re(3):A Wii question" , posted Tue 15 May 04:41
Despite the framerate and slow loading issues, Super Swing Golf (Pangya) is quite fun. It's more realistic than it seems at first (power shots and crap like that aside) and is far, far better than Wii Sports Golf if you play golf games much.
Trauma Center is good if you don't have the DS version, since it's essentially the same, but it feels more natural and easier to control than the DS version, making it a bit easier but also a lot more fun.
Elebits is a helluva lot of fun, though it can get repetitive after a while if you play it too much.
ZTP is, obviously, a good game. I didn't care much for Ocarina of Time when it was out and I barely played Majora's Mask or Wind Waker, but this made me believe a 3D Zelda isn't all that bad, now. My only problems with it are the now common "wiggle" controls so many games use for actions and that the game almost seems TOO big at times, taking forever to get anywhere until about halfway through the game.
Wario Ware is... Wario Ware. It's a new interface for the same type of game. It IS fun to play, but unless you're the type that can constantly play WW games even after finishing the main portions it's not really worth the full price.
Stay away from Super Monkey Ball: BB. My girlfriend and I each preordered one game when we preordered our Wii and she wanted this one (I got TC) and even she doesn't like it much. Only one or two of the games on it are really any good and the depth controls for the games that have them are really, really difficult to the point of not being fun.
Honestly, we never had a GC before and we've pretty much been using the Wii as a GC for the past couple of months with the games we had wanted to get for GC without getting a GC itself. It's not that we don't like the Wii, we love it, we just have a whoooole lot of different things to play and not a lot of Wii games have been out that are really worth $50 (but the same could be said of all religions consoles).
hikarutilmitt 392th Post

Silver Customer
| "Re(5):A Wii question" , posted Tue 15 May 05:34
quote: Despite the framerate and slow loading issues, Super Swing Golf (Pangya) is quite fun. It's more realistic than it seems at first (power shots and crap like that aside) and is far, far better than Wii Sports Golf if you play golf games much. In your opinion, which is better? Tiger Woods or Pangya? I intend on buying a golf game before the end of the year (I really like Wii Sports golf, it's probably my favorite of all the Wii Sports games, with tennis).
I've never played a Tiger Woods golf game, to be quite honest. I think in the end it depends on how realistic the gameplay can be, even with embellishments. I was reading about Tiger Woods on Wii, though, and there seem to be a lot of complaints about how it controls (things like when you take the backswing, ANY motion after stopping is considered the forward swing, even moving it back more). I've also read some stuff about how the calculations the game makes for the default club in a situation is based solely on how far from the holy you are and determines the best club based on that distance, assuming you're on the green (meaning it'll tell you to use a wood in a bunker, etc).
Honestly, since I've not played Tiger, I can't tell you from experience, but Super Swing is very solid if you can deal with occasional slowdown (only when it's not game-breaking) and some decently long loading (maybe 5-6 seconds at a time, but not during the actual hole itself). I'm hoping they'll make a version of season 3 for the Wii (like the PC version) and maybe it'll fix the framerate and loading issues and maybe also have online play.
You can probably also get SSG cheaper, since it's been out a while. Best Buy occasionally has it for $30.
Time Mage 2547th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):A Wii question" , posted Tue 15 May 16:58
Okay, I tested it, and it might be a problem of the sensibility of your sensor bar.
I usually play at a distance of 1 m or a bit closer, and for sure not farther than 1.5 m unless I'm playing Wii Sports with friends and we need room. At those distances, the cursor rotates smoothly when I twist the wiimote.
However, I tried at longer distances, 2 m or more, and happens the situation you describe: when twisting the wiimote, the onscreen cursor flickers (quite wildly) while the rotation is happening. However, as you say, I've played lots of Wii Tennis at that distance and I don't recall having any problem.
The cause? I'm pretty sure it's a matter of the sensor bar sensibility. If you usually play at longer distances than the ones I play, consider increasing the sensor bar sensibility. That way, I think you won't have those problems.
Dragon Kick your ass into the Milky Waaay~~ (Milky Waaaay)
Mokona 408th Post

Gold Customer
| "Re(4):A Wii question" , posted Wed 16 May 00:01
quote: Okay, I tested it, and it might be a problem of the sensibility of your sensor bar.
I usually play at a distance of 1 m or a bit closer, and for sure not farther than 1.5 m unless I'm playing Wii Sports with friends and we need room. At those distances, the cursor rotates smoothly when I twist the wiimote.
However, I tried at longer distances, 2 m or more, and happens the situation you describe: when twisting the wiimote, the onscreen cursor flickers (quite wildly) while the rotation is happening. However, as you say, I've played lots of Wii Tennis at that distance and I don't recall having any problem.
The cause? I'm pretty sure it's a matter of the sensor bar sensibility. If you usually play at longer distances than the ones I play, consider increasing the sensor bar sensibility. That way, I think you won't have those problems.
Thanks for the answers. I noticed that in Wii Sports' menu or the votes Channel, the cursor is ok, and I think I found the reall issue here. Maybe my TV's contrast is a bit too high, and the White background of the Wii Menu is a bit bright and therefore is a light source that screws a bit with the sensor. I'll try and set the sensitivity and/or reduce the contrast a bit on my TV. But I know for a fact that this doesn't impact gameplay, so I'm fine.
I really don't think it's a problem with the remote, since both my remotes react the same way.
I think I'll rent both golf games before making a choice.