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Pollyanna 2224th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Odin Sphere freakout thread" , posted Mon 21 May 13:14
quote: Pollyanna : Does trusty bell play like Radiata stories?
No, thank God. It's more like Valkyrie Profile 2. Well, I mean, really it's just different. You move one character at a time and have a select amount of AP. When it's their turn, you can run around, attack, special attack and use an items until your AP runs out. Nothing else moves during this time. When enemies attack you, you can reduce damage by "blocking" at the last minute, kinda like the old Mario RPG (which I'm very pleased with).
Oh, and you have different attacks depending on if you're standing in light or shadow.
I thought it was fun enough. Radiata Stories I found unspeakably boring, even if I liked the world and the visuals.
Back onto Odin Sphere...the plot looks really fun. Or like...tragic, which is my idea of fun at least.
Yrrgh...I won't be able to get around to it for quite some time, though. I'm about to go on a trip, and I'm sure I'll get hammered with work right afterward.
Zepy 1363th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(3):Odin Sphere freakout thread" , posted Mon 21 May 16:58
quote: occasional slowdown
Nono certain stages will have you running at half the framerate for most of the stage, then run at what feels like 1/4 of the framerate for the boss fight.
Occasional slowdownってレベルじゃねぞ!!
The story is still pretty chunky like in Princess Crown though. The stories look like they have potential... but they just don't seem to be told very well. I haven't completely finished the game however, they probably have conclusions to the stories after I finish with every character.
The action's alright. It doesn't give the kind of good feeling like Guardian Heroes, but there certainly is something about it. Blocking is so useless however, the character actions are so slow that blocking seldomly makes it in time unless you were really trying to block the attack, and even when you block, the damage you take is so high that it doesn't really make a difference. And most of the normal enemies can't get stunned! They attack you while you're hitting them, and your attack motion is so slow that you can't dodge their attacks most of the time either, it's so annoying when you're trying to beat them without getting hit.
But yeah it's pretty fun. Certainly vastly better than Princess Crown which I dropped after finishing the Gradriel chapter. I'm on my third character now and it continues to feel fun, but I'm not sure how much longer it can continue to stay fun since all the characters are really fighting the same bosses and enemies but in different orders.
P.S. The game is awesome when you upgrade attack power only and leave your hp low. It never feels better to die 32847 times on a boss because he kills you in one hit.
HAYATO 783th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(10):OS on PS3" , posted Tue 5 Jun 01:04
quote: It's a nice game. Too bad the crappy animation ruined the experience for me. Actually I've just tested it today so I guess it's just a matter of getting accustomed to the frame rate and enjoy the game, but it deeply shocked me...
Perhaps it was something made on purpose, but the only thing I know for sure is that OS in motion looks quite similar to THIS
That "crappy" animation is part of the game's look, though. The point, if you will. It's not supposed to animate perfectly smooth, not only would it be more difficult, take longer and possibly not look as good due to having less memory available, but it just wouldn't "fit" within the context of the game's settings and style.
I partially agree with you: it would take longer to make decent animation, and I'm pretty sure it would be a harder task, both for the developers to create the frames and for the machine's hardware to handle them but, you know, we aren't talking about a Sega Saturn... IMO, PS2 hardware should be able to flawlessly show even twice the amount of frames per char OS does. C'mon, we've seen much more impressive things on PS2...
And about the game's "Settings and style"... thats nonsense. I didn't know Asgardians were supposed to be a bunch of crippled giants and lolis...
a beholder 1th Post

New Customer
| "Re(1):Odin Sphere freakout thread" , posted Wed 6 Jun 05:12
I heard good things about it from friends
The trailers were nice
Got the game
put it in, watched intro
cool, flying through the air
whoah, barbarians fighting knights
huge wolf barbarian, really cool
started gameplay, jumped around, tried stuff out jumped in until I was dizzy, found out I can't just leap in and mash. Gameplay is straightforward and captivating. Noticed the dudes I was fighting had beetle shell shields. cool
back to the castle "who's the demon lord?" I thought. talked to some dudes then
just sitting there, breathing. Wow, who knew sitting and breathing could be soo awesome
more gameplay
flyin' fairy's made fights tougher, got the hang of planting, spells are quite useful, doesn't make the game too easy though.
Then first boss...
damn, wow, awesome dragon
then the dragon attacked me by spitting out a giant ball of armor that clanks around, then sucks it back in.
Odin Sphere, I love it.
Pollyanna 2235th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(9):Odin Sphere freakout thread" , posted Thu 7 Jun 20:08
I thought Sakimoto did a good job on the Grim Grimoire soundtrack, but I don't like most of the music in Odin Sphere at all. At the very least, I don't like the songs for as LONG as I have to listen to some of them. It's an added nuisance that I can't play the game properly with the sound off.
The way you move from map to map and the lack of variety in those maps is very limiting, but I like how they provide a unique challenge for each map...how even grunt enemies can be deadly if they're organized correctly. In that respect, it reminds me a bit of God Hand.
But unlike God Hand, it is cheap and severely limits you in what you can do. Not getting new moves/skills/spells/interesting equipment as you move along makes me very unmotivated to keep playing, especially considering how long the game is and how incredibly CHEAP it is.
There are entirely too many "unavoidable hits" and "catch 22" situations in the game. Sure, you can win with low experience and skill, but you're going to suffer constantly thanks to unavoidable, high damaging hits or situations that practically result in instant death.
I love challenging games and I love getting my ass beat in games, but I find Odin Sphere frustrating, not gratifying. If you got more than just "higher numbers" from gaining experience, then I would probably be having a great time. I'd be motivated to do levels over again to unlock new skills that would help me do better on tough fights...but as is, it seems like the most effective way of winning fights is using a 1/2 damage item, the double attack skill, and pounding on the attack button.
But of course, it's beautiful, and I'm enjoying the plot (even if it is a bit "sloppy", I guess?). I can't help but be excited about the game, rather I'm playing it or not...it's just a shame that it's so damn mediocre.
(....and the load time on the restaurants drives me insane.)
Pollyanna 2238th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Re(10):Odin Sphere freakout thread" , posted Fri 8 Jun 06:03
quote: Pollyanna, just keep at the game. A lot of the enemies become very predictable (especially the bosses) and it ends up being really not that hard once you get the hang of it. Honestly, well organized groups of grunts are often a lot more annoying or dangerous than any bosses, especially if you're going for an A or S. Although for no reason at all I had a lot of trouble with the group of two berserkers. Just learning what the enemy does so you can react works well. A lot of them can't turn around worth shit, so just jumping over them and attacking from behind as soon as they indicate they're going to do something works wonders.
Edit: Oh yes, and the slowdown in the netherworld DOES irritate me, especially on Odette (shame, as she is otherwise a really cool boss.) And painkillers are incredibly abusive. They make everything many many times easier.
You're absolutely right about the bosses being easier. I've beaten a few bosses/minibosses without even getting hit. It's only the ones with irritating reinforcements that give me real trouble. Getting behind them is indeed the key to victory.
And you're also right that as you play more, the enemy patterns become more clear...and you even develop "group tactics" for different combinations of enemies.
But still...I'm finding myself in too many situations where I don't have the level of control that I want. Do you ever do levels over/stop to get experience? I think, if I do that just a LITTLE as a safeguard against accidents that I know are going to happen, then I'll probably be less frustrated, even if I'm not crazy about the game.