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Time Mage 2556th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(6):Super SF2 Turbo Remix HD First Images" , posted Fri 1 Jun 05:53
quote: Well, it looks great, but I think we should wait till we see some actual footage of the game before judging it. In case they would aim to an SFIII-like animation rate, game development will take forever (too many sprites per char, I'm afraid), so my official bet is that the actual game will move like crap (much like an animated gif ala Odin Sphere). But I sincerely hope they don't ruin it completely and achieve a standard SF Alpha animation ratio...
They are not going to touch the animation at all. It's swapping each old sprite for a new one, keeping intact everything: animation, hit boxes, etc. The producer said it: direct orders from Capcom.
And yes, those thumbs are weeeeird.
Dragon Kick your ass into the Milky Waaay~~ (Milky Waaaay)
shin ramberk 306th Post

Bronze Customer
| "Re(7):Super SF2 Turbo Remix HD First Images" , posted Fri 1 Jun 09:11
quote: Well, it looks great, but I think we should wait till we see some actual footage of the game before judging it. In case they would aim to an SFIII-like animation rate, game development will take forever (too many sprites per char, I'm afraid), so my official bet is that the actual game will move like crap (much like an animated gif ala Odin Sphere). But I sincerely hope they don't ruin it completely and achieve a standard SF Alpha animation ratio... They are not going to touch the animation at all. It's swapping each old sprite for a new one, keeping intact everything: animation, hit boxes, etc. The producer said it: direct orders from Capcom.
And yes, those thumbs are weeeeird.
What I would like is if Capcom USA got a hold of the 3S engine and started to make their own updates to the engine. Yes, I know this is super maximum blasphemy (sp?) but face it, Capcom JPN abandoned the SF IP a long time ago...
I'd rather have a bastard sequel then nothing at all.
I'd play a new version of 3S that had a few new characters and balanced the game a little bit. They can hire the top JPN and USA players to help with the balancing. 3S Chun Li needs to be slapped down!
I actually might buy a 360 just for this stupid game. If this game is only a downloadable game, its gonna be a BIG GAME.
Pollyanna 2227th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(9):Super SF2 Turbo Remix HD First Images" , posted Fri 1 Jun 20:50
quote: Yikes, what about Capcom Fighting Jam though?
I know I always stick up for CFJ, but, at least that was made by Capcom, and not Capcom of America. I don't know if that makes your point more or less valid, actually.
Anyway, I don't think CFJ was a bad game at all, just SEVERELY lacking in characters. If you're going to make a game that's 95% recycled, you had better recycle a lot of stuff.
If they doubled the roster, I think they'd have something pretty decent. If they doubled it and added like, 4 totally new characters, they'd be doing great, and if they did all that and let you choose "grooves", then they might have something golden.
I thought CFJ was a great game to build upon, but only now that Capcom has refused to do so has it truly failed.
As for the Ken sprite...I like it better than the old Ryu one, but those arms/hands are screwed up. I think they tried a bit too hard.
Just a Person 903th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(10):Super SF2 Turbo Remix HD First Images" , posted Fri 1 Jun 21:39
quote: Yikes, what about Capcom Fighting Jam though?
I know I always stick up for CFJ, but, at least that was made by Capcom, and not Capcom of America. I don't know if that makes your point more or less valid, actually.
Anyway, I don't think CFJ was a bad game at all, just SEVERELY lacking in characters. If you're going to make a game that's 95% recycled, you had better recycle a lot of stuff.
If they doubled the roster, I think they'd have something pretty decent. If they doubled it and added like, 4 totally new characters, they'd be doing great, and if they did all that and let you choose "grooves", then they might have something golden.
I thought CFJ was a great game to build upon, but only now that Capcom has refused to do so has it truly failed.
Yes, I agree. CFJ looked like a nice idea at first, and when Ingrid was announced as a playable character, I was hoping Capcom would add D.D. and Rook as well, and maybe Death (the one who talked to Haggar in the CFAS intro), maybe even Haggar and some characters from other Capcom games (Saturday-Night Slam Masters, Captain Commando, RockMan, Strider, etc.). With just a little plot it would be awesome in my opinion (well, NGBC had a very small plot, had sprites in different qualities, and yet it did look better than CFJ... except for the endings).
I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!
Recap 78th Post

Occasional Customer
| "Re(10):Super SF2 Turbo Remix HD First Images" , posted Sat 2 Jun 01:02
quote: Yikes, what about Capcom Fighting Jam though?
I know I always stick up for CFJ, but, at least that was made by Capcom, and not Capcom of America. I don't know if that makes your point more or less valid, actually.
Anyway, I don't think CFJ was a bad game at all, just SEVERELY lacking in characters. If you're going to make a game that's 95% recycled, you had better recycle a lot of stuff.
If they doubled the roster, I think they'd have something pretty decent. If they doubled it and added like, 4 totally new characters, they'd be doing great, and if they did all that and let you choose "grooves", then they might have something golden.
I thought CFJ was a great game to build upon, but only now that Capcom has refused to do so has it truly failed.
I prefer to think CFJ did never happen. It takes all the awful decisions which had been decreasing the artistic quality of this company's fighting games with the time (upscaled sprites for a fake hi-res presentation, crossover nonsense where the sprites belong to different styles, ugly artwork...) and makes of them a video-game.
As for the new sprite from SSFIITHDR, I laughed, honestly, but we already have thread for that so I'm not repeating. It's interesting, nevertheless, that Western developers need to hire comic illustrators to draw sprites these days. 'Cause I don't believe it's _only_ due to the new resolution benchmarks, that is.
Baines 186th Post
Regular Customer
| "Re(10):Super SF2 Turbo Remix HD First Images" , posted Mon 4 Jun 05:00
quote: Anyway, I don't think CFJ was a bad game at all, just SEVERELY lacking in characters. If you're going to make a game that's 95% recycled, you had better recycle a lot of stuff.
If they doubled the roster, I think they'd have something pretty decent. If they doubled it and added like, 4 totally new characters, they'd be doing great, and if they did all that and let you choose "grooves", then they might have something golden.
I'm not the biggest fan of groove systems, but CFJ was the best choice I can think of to put a groove system into. And Capcom didn't do it.
quote: I thought CFJ was a great game to build upon, but only now that Capcom has refused to do so has it truly failed.
The old "Capcom doesn't get it right until the second try" theory? Probably true for CFJ as well.
quote: As for the Ken sprite...I like it better than the old Ryu one, but those arms/hands are screwed up. I think they tried a bit too hard.
Might they be limited by the shapes of the original sprites? I can't help but feel Ken's arms should be a little longer, but his hands probably need to be not much further out than his knees.
As for the angularness, it will probably show off the "HD" aspect a bit better with those extra detail lines present onscreen.
JUAn 4385th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(7):cadaver flesh heavily resembles chicken" , posted Tue 5 Jun 06:38:
quote: The gif proves that either american or japanese(for the sake of outsourcing : korea, russia, anywhere), if it's done this way, the guy is drawing some detachable muscles with visually painful positioned thumbs.
I prefer to think CFJ did never happen. It takes all the awful decisions which had been decreasing the artistic quality of this company's fighting games with the time (upscaled sprites for a fake hi-res presentation, crossover nonsense where the sprites belong to different styles, ugly artwork...) and makes of them a video-game.
As for the new sprite from SSFIITHDR, I laughed, honestly, but we already have thread for that so I'm not repeating. It's interesting, nevertheless, that Western developers need to hire comic illustrators to draw sprites these days. 'Cause I don't believe it's _only_ due to the new resolution benchmarks, that is.
[this message was edited by JUAn on Tue 5 Jun 06:46] |
Undead Fred 2849th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Re(10):Super SF2 Turbo Remix HD First I" , posted Tue 5 Jun 07:29
quote: Those are some WEIRD shoulder muscles and veins Ken's got going there. I'm no anatomy artists, but that seems...unusual.
Yeah, those arms are really weird lookin'... and I have studied anatomy. I think they are drawn too angular and with detail that doesn't seem realistic. It's not as bad as Rob Liefeld, though.
I can see what their trying to do by mimicing the SSFII artist. But they should use less lines and change up the weight of the lines they do use and apply a little more gradation(left arm). As is most of the interior lines have the same thickness of the outline of the arm which flattens it.
I agree that the thumbs are really weird and they look broken. But the rest of the critiques about line weight changes and other details that don't really support the body structure or anything like that aren't really keeping in mind something very important- this thing is animated. If the detail work was a lot simpler, then yes, you can toy around with line weight and so forth. Otherwise, trying to track the details (look how much is in his hair alone, for example) AND maintain consistent light and shadow while is already enough without having shifting line weight to deal with. I'm just saying that while some of the comments are valid, others are judging it as a still drawing, as opposed to a frame of animation.
Red Falcon 5792th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(7):Super SF2 Turbo Remix HD First Images" , posted Tue 5 Jun 08:52:
I know this much, it doesn't look like ST Ken to me anymore, ha ha ha. Sigh, why can't people leave well enough alone? All this bloody HD, what about us who LIKE our sprites pixelated and blurry? I don't want to be playing a comic book, I want to be playing ST. Waaaaaah, I'm going to go and have a childish temper tantrum now.
Maybe if it draws in some new players, but... I dunno, I'm too much of an old-timey elitist to appreciate this sort of thing. Despite what many people seem to believe, HD doesn't make a game better if it was fine as it was.
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[this message was edited by Red Falcon on Tue 5 Jun 09:02] |
Undead Fred 2850th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(8):Super SF2 Turbo Remix HD First Images" , posted Tue 5 Jun 09:05
quote: I know this much, it doesn't look like ST Ken to me anymore, ha ha ha. Sigh, why can't people leave well enough alone? All this bloody HD, what about us who LIKE our sprites pixelated and blurry? I don't want to be playing a comic book, I want to be playing ST. Waaaaaah, I'm going to go and have a childish temper tantrum now.
Maybe if it draws in some new players, but... I dunno, I'm too much of an old-timey elitist to appreciate this sort of thing.
Well, that's what I didn't really like about the project... just seemed redundant. Like there weren't enough versions of SF2 out there to begin with.
And I think that's where people get pissy about the nationality of the team making it- I think if it were a Japanese team, I'd be whining about them beating a dead horse, but since it's a US team, it comes off more as the annoying little brother tagging along and yelling MOM SAID I COULD PLAY TOO
Pollyanna 2231th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(8):Super SF2 Turbo Remix HD First Images" , posted Tue 5 Jun 20:51
quote: All this bloody HD, what about us who LIKE our sprites pixelated and blurry? I don't want to be playing a comic book, I want to be playing ST. Waaaaaah, I'm going to go and have a childish temper tantrum now.
Maybe if it draws in some new players, but... I dunno, I'm too much of an old-timey elitist to appreciate this sort of thing. Despite what many people seem to believe, HD doesn't make a game better if it was fine as it was.
Well, on the bright side, unless you were wanting another re-release of the original, this doesn't effect you, so much. I mean, you still have your old-timey sprites, and all these whippersnappers with their crazy HD contraptions get their comic book thing.
From my perspective, I don't lose anything by them releasing this, and if they HAVE to do it again, I'd rather they do something new with it. I agree that it wasn't broke to begin with, but I'm interested to see how this will turn out all the same.
Of course, this may be the difference between an old person sitting on a porch and griping about kids on scooters and an old person who thinks they're young because they're riding a scooter. Or...something.
Red Falcon 5793th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(9):Super SF2 Turbo Remix HD First Images" , posted Wed 6 Jun 10:52:
quote: If it offends you so badly that you would rather have nothing, then go ahead and have nothing.
But I don't have nothing, I have ST. Classics collection version of ST is good (hell, arcade version is almost perfect, vs mode has the odd sound issue and freezes, but nothing big) and anyway, an ST PCB isn't exactly pricey if you know where to look. I'm certainly not going to get it, especially if it ends up being a poor approximation, but if you delight in the HD, go ahead and and revel. I stand by the statement "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."
Best site EVER:Link Here
[this message was edited by Red Falcon on Wed 6 Jun 10:55] |
Time Mage 2560th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(6):Akuma" , posted Sat 9 Jun 05:21
quote: I'm pretty sure the guy who drew these is ASIAN-American so there's no excuse for that mess!!!
Isn't most of UDON Asian-Canadian?
Yeah, and since Canada is, as far as I know, part of America (as Mexico, Brazil, Guatemala, Chile, etc. are), they are therefore Asian-American. :)
I still don't like Gouki's arms, despite being oversized like any other art from him as Onsy has showed. It is not because I don't like the "ame-komi" style, though. Ryu and Ken still look great to me.
Dragon Kick your ass into the Milky Waaay~~ (Milky Waaaay)
Undead Fred 2853th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):belch" , posted Sat 9 Jun 08:29
quote: those shrieking faces
People need to really replay the game to see that there was never any correct anatomy going on. Hell, all the side by side sprites that have been shown look just as crazy as the original. Also see the ONSY post. Now excuse me while I equip my rose colored glasses andNEXT TIME ON SMILEY ROLLEYES: THE THREAD WE DISSCUSS THE FAILURE OF UDON TO ACHIEVE ANATOMICAL PERFECTION OF ZANGIEF'S CROTCH
Studio audience: \( ' o ' )/ \( ' o ' )/ \( ' A ' )/ \( ' O ' )/ WOOOOO
quote: I'm pretty sure the guy who drew these is ASIAN-American so there's no excuse for that mess!!!
All kidding aside... I'm not asking for "correct" anatomy in a literal sense, I just want something that doesn't look wrong. What does "wrong" mean? Well, that's obviously too retardedly specific to explain on the internets... but you have to agree that at the very least, when the artist can't even draw two arms on the same character in a consistent manner, then something is "wrong."
Again, the comments about the characters being too bulky just flies right out the window when you look at the original artwork. And I'm sure no one complained about the Street Fighter anime movie... I remember at one point seeing Guile standing beside some other Interpol guys and his shoulders were about 6-7 heads wide. The only problem I had with that Akuma sprite where he's just standing there was that the foreshortening on his wrists looked a little weird... like the fist and the forearm weren't agreeing with each other properly (could just be how they drew the gloves). But other than that, he seemed fine anatomically. There's really not that much to nitpick over in terms of structure and anatomy and all of that other than a few broken thumbs and stuff like that.
That being said, I don't really like the style they're going for (just seems a little "trying too hard" to me). I'm against the game more because it just seems redundant. If people are so shallow that they can't appreciate an old game without updated graphics, then they need to return their gaming console to the store they bought it from and get back to watching MTV reality shows and doing donuts in their Hummer. As for the fans of the original just wanting a little facelift to their favorite game, I can totally appreciate that... but I just think that should come with a minor amount of new content at least (sort of like a remake... like how they handled the Resident Evil remake or something). The only issue would be if they could balance it properly or not, but from what I understood, there was a qualified SF2 balance expert in charge, so I don't see why that couldn't happen.
Red Falcon 5804th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Super SF2 Turbo Remix HD First Images" , posted Sun 10 Jun 11:47:
quote: I know the system is the archetype that started it all, but it really is something that has been refined over the years. I really wish they would have just made a proper sequel to 3rd Strike.
What? ST is really still one of the best made and best balanced fighters out there. Everyone stands a chance, it's all about match-ups... even T. Hawk can get by in some matches. can't say the same for Sean or even really Twelve. Not that I'm ATTACKING 3S; it is hardly a favourite of mine, but people often praise it wildly without acknowledging the fact that it is really pretty flawed. I think the much stricter timing in ST puts a lot of modern players off. I definately still play it, but I'd take ST over it any day of the week. Of course there are some bloody horrible matchups in ST (Hawk vs. Dictator comes to mind, ha ha) so I guess it all comes down to me preferring Claw and O. Sagat dominating (but to a considerably lesser degree) than Yun, Chun, and Ken dominate in 3S. Of course, if you just genuinely prefer the way the SF 3 series plays over ST, then that's the way it is.
I guess this post is kind of OT now, as I'm not really addressing this HD remake, but I already said how I feel about it, don't really feel any need to repeat myself. Although I will also add on that considering Capcom USA's track record, I don't expect it to be a very faithful remake or even particularly competent, period.
Edit: Looking for a video of a very uneven matchup in 3S, Chun vs. Alex... Edit edit: It's proving quite difficult to find one, as I guess few people are even willing to attempt it. Come to think of it, that's something else I miss about ST... everyone pretty much had to know at least two charas to survive, in case somebody counter picked you. In 3S, all you have to do is take Chun Li... unless you're really good, then you take Yun instead.
Edit edit edit: Does anyone else remember the vid I'm talking about? It was KSK vs... Ohnuki or Nuki or someone. KSK is the best Alex player in Japan, and he pretty much just sits and blocks because Chun outprioritizes EVERYTHING he can do... and they start laughing about it.
Best site EVER:Link Here
[this message was edited by Red Falcon on Sun 10 Jun 12:14] |
Red Falcon 5805th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):Super SF2 Turbo Remix HD First Images" , posted Sun 10 Jun 12:48:
Is this it? If not, you might find it at KSK's site
That isn't it, but it's a good enough example. I don't feel like sorting through the torrents on his site, so I'm giving up otherwise, ha ha ha.
Edit:And on the ST side, an amazingly good Zangief (bottom tier) hammering other really good players. http://youtube.com/watch?v=aNC8K-ihtXw You'd never see Sean getting away with this. In the case of Twelve, there was this one guy named Yamazaki (If I recall, I never did keep up with 3S much, always preferred other stuff.. ST, Zero series, GG, KOF, etc.) who did well with Twelve in tournaments, and beat some higher tiers. But that was a very rare case. In ST, you see characters from lower tiers in the top 5 of tournaments frequently, and it isn't extremely surprising to see them winning. In 3s, it is.
Best site EVER:Link Here
[this message was edited by Red Falcon on Sun 10 Jun 13:29] |
Stifu 343th Post

Bronze Customer
| "Re(6):Umm...Pretty colors?" , posted Sun 10 Jun 15:55
hikarutilmitt: That was humor, clearly, as the character in question is NOT Awesome Possum but Akuma. (If you've never played Awesome Possum, well, you don't want to)
EddyT: Asking her, I'll let you know...
"Also, tell Professor I said that although quite exaggerated and stylized, the way Itagaki draws muscles IS, as far as I am concerned, anatomically correct. Perhaps it doesn't look like it, but the artist definitely did quite a study and is very familiar with human muscle structure as everything seems to be at its place and you can tell what's what."
Just a Person 908th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(3):Super SF2 Turbo Remix HD First Images" , posted Sun 10 Jun 23:53
quote: Edit: Looking for a video of a very uneven matchup in 3S, Chun vs. Alex... Edit edit: It's proving quite difficult to find one, as I guess few people are even willing to attempt it. Come to think of it, that's something else I miss about ST... everyone pretty much had to know at least two charas to survive, in case somebody counter picked you. In 3S, all you have to do is take Chun Li... unless you're really good, then you take Yun instead.
Edit edit edit: Does anyone else remember the vid I'm talking about? It was KSK vs... Ohnuki or Nuki or someone. KSK is the best Alex player in Japan, and he pretty much just sits and blocks because Chun outprioritizes EVERYTHING he can do... and they start laughing about it.
Well, I don't play against other human players very much... but although I love playing as Chun-Li in 3S, is she really THAT good? Because every video that I find in YouTube shows her losing the fights against every other 3S character...
I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!
EddyT 576th Post

New Red Carpet Member
| "Re(5):Super SF2 Turbo Remix HD First Images" , posted Mon 11 Jun 00:39:
I'll sum up my thought in a quite simple way:
-Some things are stylized/exaggerated, because the designer decided to go for that style -Some other things are not intended, oversights, flaws
Those SF character drawings are both stylized and flawed.
A teacher of mine back in college said it best: You have to know the rules before you can break them. To the trained eye, it becomes extremely apparent when someone doesn't know the rules, and it can really hurt the credibility of an artist if they have no desire to improve.
In terms of an artist like Bengus and his earlier works with Vampire Hunter or SF Zero, the hands and feet are bigger than a normal person's... but the figures are still anatomically correct otherwise. The intent was to exaggerate, to make the figures look more dynamic.
The Akuma illustration from SFIIHD, the person who critiqued it had valid points about the shoulder being misaligned, the thumb (wow, that really is a bad mistake) and the elbows flaring out too much. The result is a disjointed figure... far from being a solid work of art no matter how much flair you put on that illustration.
I understand that when the game will be in motion, it will be harder to pinpoint errors like this... but at the same time I don't know if Capcom wants to represent a storied franchise with mistakes like this. It's obvious that Capcom Japan's artists are not supervising at all... they would have caught a lot of these mistakes.
On a similar note, I had drawn a schoolgirl Lilith illustration (from Vampire) about 5-6 years ago and had a similar mistake. I drew her from a 3/4 backside view holding a schoolbag, but I drew her elbows going inward instead of flaring outward like it was supposed to. Someone pointed out that mistake to me and it was definitely something I had remembered ever since.
Just a Person: Yes, Chun-Li is easily top tier in 3S... possibly the best character in the game, at least top 3. Her normal attacks have huge priority by taking up so much space, her 1000 burst kick super is easy to link to, her ground game is difficult to get around and she deals damage fairly well. Not to mention she is really quick.
Stifu: Thanks for asking. I appreciate it.
[this message was edited by EddyT on Mon 11 Jun 00:51] |
hikarutilmitt 407th Post

Gold Customer
| "Re(5):Super SF2 Turbo Remix HD First Images" , posted Mon 11 Jun 04:19
quote: When people talk about balance in a fighting game, it's usually at the highest level of play. It has been found after years of competitive play that the best characters in Third Strike are undoubtably Chunli (massive priority, easy super combos), Ken (all around good) and Yun (if you are good at combos). But this is only if you train yourself and play the character with flawless execution.
Competitive play is awesome. It's a great rush, but most fans never get to that point.
For the rest of us normal folk just playing with our friends Third Strike is incredibly balanced, diverse and fun and you can win with anyone.
The exception to this rule being cases like Chun Li, where she has a clear advantage at any level of play. Ken does as well, though to a slightly lesser extent. Yun is VERY good, but he's not necessarily unbalanced good, since you have to really work with him to get the most out of him. Part of a character being unbalanced is also their difficulty to learn and use effectively.
Red Falcon 5809th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(6):Super SF2 Turbo Remix HD First Images" , posted Mon 11 Jun 05:16:
The exception to this rule being cases like Chun Li, where she has a clear advantage at any level of play. Ken does as well, though to a slightly lesser extent. Yun is VERY good, but he's not necessarily unbalanced good, since you have to really work with him to get the most out of him. Part of a character being unbalanced is also their difficulty to learn and use effectively.
Indeed; this is arguably why I don't like 3S very much, because she is so good AND is essentially a lazy player's chara. Edit: Although truth be told, even though I don't like it much, it IS a well made fighting game. I also do admittedly like a number of very broken fighters (SS4 comes to mind)... I guess it just comes down to taste. I also never play SS 4 competitively anymore, as there isn't any comp, but people are always up for some for fun at events. Which again reminds me, anyone in Maryland or Virginia, come to C3, play me in some TRF 2 or KOF or something.. or join in the ST tourney, haw haw.
Best site EVER:Link Here
[this message was edited by Red Falcon on Mon 11 Jun 05:21] |
Just a Person 909th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Zangief's portrait" , posted Wed 13 Jun 03:35
It's in Portuguese, but the source is quite reliable (the people who write in this website are the same ones who make the Brazilian version of EGM).
Translating the news:
Look how Zangief will be in the new Street Fighter
You have already seen Akuma, Ken and Ryu. Now it's Zangief's time.The picture below will be the portrait of the Russian fighter in Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix, the completely redesigned version of the classic fighting game that will be released to Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3in the end of the year.
Producer Rey Jimenez commented on the last updates, and sent a message to the fans of the series: "I'd like to say that Akuma was intentionally designed big/tall and strong, because he should be bigger than Ryu. Besides, your favorite female fighters will NOT look like T.Hawk with a wig". In other words, we'll have beautiful, feminine but deadly female fighters!
Take a look at the bearded guy: (shows Zangief's portrait sketch)
OK, so Chun-Li and Cammy will not look manly. That's a good thing. Zangief's portrait looks nice, too (kinda remembers me of the Battle Royale manga, but I don't know why), but they could release a version with colors instead of this black-and-white one.
And if Akuma was redesigned bigger than Ryu, that means he's not just a palette swap (although they will still share a lot of common moves...). Could it mean that Ryu and Ken will not be palette swaps of each other, either??
I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!
ONSLAUGHT 3661th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Como chingan..." , posted Fri 15 Jun 13:07
quote: Anyway, I don't want to cause any more trouble. Sorry about that.
Nah, don't worry, I was just acting like a fag, as usual. But I see your point and understand it, I just think there must be another approach to this "problem". I am too, a big Street Fighter fan and I'm very excited with this project. I didn't notice the problems with the anatomy until pointed by you guys, but now that I know about them, well, I don't give a shit, I'm still excited about it. To me, rehashed Street Fighter is better than no Street Fighter; if the game turns to be shit, then no problem, I can still go to the arcades and play it, I can boot one of the many compilations Capcom has released and play it... it's not like a new (bad) game is going to lessen my love for SF. For example, I think the 3D Zeldas are utter Shit, but I never rant about them because I choose not to play them, I still hold precious memories of A Link to the Past and Link's Awakening and I am sad because we'll probably never see another Zelda like those, but hey, now most people think the newer Zeldas are the best thing ever, to each their own more power to them. Perhaps this doesn't make any sense, but I just wanted to say it.
EddyT 582th Post

New Red Carpet Member
| "Re(3):Como chingan..." , posted Fri 15 Jun 14:04
quote: Nah, don't worry, I was just acting like a fag, as usual. But I see your point and understand it, I just think there must be another approach to this "problem". I am too, a big Street Fighter fan and I'm very excited with this project. I didn't notice the problems with the anatomy until pointed by you guys, but now that I know about them, well, I don't give a shit, I'm still excited about it. To me, rehashed Street Fighter is better than no Street Fighter; if the game turns to be shit, then no problem, I can still go to the arcades and play it, I can boot one of the many compilations Capcom has released and play it... it's not like a new (bad) game is going to lessen my love for SF. For example, I think the 3D Zeldas are utter Shit, but I never rant about them because I choose not to play them, I still hold precious memories of A Link to the Past and Link's Awakening and I am sad because we'll probably never see another Zelda like those, but hey, now most people think the newer Zeldas are the best thing ever, to each their own more power to them. Perhaps this doesn't make any sense, but I just wanted to say it.
I'll always hold old memories of playing Street Fighter with friends and total strangers back when arcades were cool. I remember playing "Rainbow Edition" (the pirated board of Turbo SF where you could jump and keep throwning air hadoukens and Guile threw several sonic booms at once) at some total stranger's house with some friends, thinking back then "oh my god this setup must have cost a lot but this is the coolest thing ever". I made many friends all over the United States playing Street Fighter, and I still play occasionally online on XBox Live via 3rd Strike. I even watch Street Fighter the live action movie once in a while, bad puns and all. When I get to Japan, I plan to frequent arcades and try to get better at SF, even though the games are at least 7-12 years old.
You made a great point, Onslaught... thanks. =)
PS: Original Legend of Zelda for NES is still my favorite out of all the Zeldas. I came close to beating both quests without using a sword of any kind.
Just a Person 913th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(2):KAAANEEEEEDAAAAAAAAAAAA HELP MEEEE" , posted Fri 15 Jun 21:30
quote: – The game will not have any new characters or secrets that the original did not have. We will, however, be re-working the endings. We will not change the main content/message of the endings, but the writers at Udon will be re-imagining them to offer another angle or take on the original endings. I’m not going to spoil anything about them, but it’ll be pretty damn cool for those that know the old endings.
That looks interesting, and may provide some more background to the SF plot (considering, of course, Capcom accepts these "new" endings as canon.
Then again, considering all their love with Cammy, I wouldn't doubt if the endings say she was the winner of the tournament... and as much as I love Cammy (yes, Eric, I DO like her), that would be very lame to me...
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