PS2 Accent Core to get a bugfix version. - Forums

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79th Post

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Occasional Customer

"PS2 Accent Core to get a bugfix version." , posted Tue 5 Jun 03:43post reply

So don't buy it for now:



402th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(1):PS2 Accent Core to get a bugfix version" , posted Tue 5 Jun 04:12post reply

So don't buy it for now:


I wish they had said exactly what the bugs were that made it different from the arcade version to warrant such a recall/fix.

81th Post

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Occasional Customer

"...Maybe not." , posted Tue 5 Jun 04:24:post reply

Well, the bugs are mostly combo and timing-related. Bridget and Johnny are pretty much ruined for arcade enthusiasts.

Edit: They aren't re-releasing the game for now, actually. They just know about the imperfections and hope the next port can be more accurate, blah, blah. Let's see how it ends.

[this message was edited by Recap on Tue 5 Jun 09:46]

784th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):...Maybe not." , posted Tue 5 Jun 21:23post reply

Well, the bugs are mostly combo and timing-related. Bridget and Johnny are pretty much ruined for arcade enthusiasts.

Edit: They aren't re-releasing the game for now, actually. They just know about the imperfections and hope the next port can be more accurate, blah, blah. Let's see how it ends.

Well, since I missed the arcade and I seldom use those two chars, I'll go for the existing port. Oh, my... I just finished downloading it!!!

*Burning ISO and testing*

2152th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):...Maybe not." , posted Wed 6 Jun 01:32post reply

There's another revision? And it's buggy? WTF, if they can't even handle doing the same thing over and over then they should just make a new one already. Seriously, what a miserable sight.

1308th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):...Maybe not." , posted Wed 6 Jun 01:42post reply

Maybe I am the lone nut for being so casual, but if I ran a corporation I would not see the profit motive to recall a game or re-release something just to fix a few minor combo glitches to please the 1% of the consumers who notice the bug.

2233th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):...Maybe not." , posted Wed 6 Jun 02:40post reply

Maybe I am the lone nut for being so casual, but if I ran a corporation I would not see the profit motive to recall a game or re-release something just to fix a few minor combo glitches to please the 1% of the consumers who notice the bug.

You know, normally I would totally agree, but I think with all of these rehashes of Guilty Gear, they're probably in trouble if they don't appeal to the most extreme of fans.

81th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(5):...Maybe not." , posted Wed 6 Jun 02:55post reply

Maybe I am the lone nut for being so casual, but if I ran a corporation I would not see the profit motive to recall a game or re-release something just to fix a few minor combo glitches to please the 1% of the consumers who notice the bug.

You know, normally I would totally agree, but I think with all of these rehashes of Guilty Gear, they're probably in trouble if they don't appeal to the most extreme of fans.

Indeed. So many revisions of the same game can only be aimed at core fans. We're talking about 2D fighting, after all. And the truth is there're also issues which delete you memory card's content or something.

1399th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):...Maybe not." , posted Wed 6 Jun 03:55post reply

Well, the bugs are mostly combo and timing-related. Bridget and Johnny are pretty much ruined for arcade enthusiasts.

Edit: They aren't re-releasing the game for now, actually. They just know about the imperfections and hope the next port can be more accurate, blah, blah. Let's see how it ends.

Some of the bugs are obvious and stupid:
- Bridget is flatout missing a move (air 5HS)
- Johnny can jackhound in Mist Finer stance for free, when it should cost super meter.
- Bridget's Force Break bear punch can absorb an indefinite number of hits.

There are a few others that take a little bit of work to do (like Bridget's interrupting of yoyo return).

There are more but I can't remember them offhand.

82th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(2):...Maybe not." , posted Wed 6 Jun 04:29post reply


Some of the bugs are obvious and stupid:
- Bridget is flatout missing a move (air 5HS)
- Johnny can jackhound in Mist Finer stance for free, when it should cost super meter.
- Bridget's Force Break bear punch can absorb an indefinite number of hits.

There are a few others that take a little bit of work to do (like Bridget's interrupting of yoyo return).

Isn't the overall game speed altered too or I misread that?

And while we're on it, I'm curious about the backgrounds. There're some new ones and the old ones have new stuff, they say, but the question is: Are _all_ the old ones from Sharp Reload present on AC too like they were on Slash?

As a side note, PS2 AC is the first GG ever not published by Sega/Sammy, but by ASW themeselves. Maybe it has to do with quality controls.

141th Post

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"Re(3):...Maybe not." , posted Sat 9 Jun 03:59post reply

They could release a fixed version. But if they are going to then they won't advertise it. They'll wait for the bad versions to sell first.


404th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(6):...Maybe not." , posted Sat 9 Jun 06:28post reply

And the truth is there're also issues which delete you memory card's content or something.

Whoa whoa whoa, wait, WHAT?

50th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(4):...Maybe not." , posted Sat 9 Jun 06:57post reply

Hard fail.