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Professor 2386th Post
MMCafe Owner
| "Daigo 'the Beast' Umehara,pretty much retired" , posted Sun 10 Jun 15:07:
All the talk about the new HD SSF2T reminded me. Since somewhere around last year, I've noticed that Japan's top Street Fighter player, Daigo "the beast" Umehara, seemed a bit rusty. As it turns out, Daigo's pretty much retired from fighting games, at least for the time being.
(FYI, he's the guy that made the "miraculous comeback" at Evo 2004.)
In the last of a 3-part video interview available here, Daigo comments that he hasn't really been playing much and he only goes to the arcades about once a week at most, playing about two hours. He still enters tournaments if it's like a 3-on-3 and he's called by friends to join them, but otherwise, he seems uninterested.
"I only play about 1/100th of what I used to. it's not an overexassuration. I used to go [to the arcades] every day..." "...I'm not even sure of what [games] are out now."
"I got a feeling that I've played plenty enough.(laughs) It's not like I'm drawing a line, but for now, I don't really feel like playing much."
"I used to play and enter tournaments, and even if I wasn't playing, I'd start practicing when there was a tournament [coming up]. I don't feel that way any more."
Also, Talking about Evo 2004,
"Well.. all I did was succed in parrying.(laughs) In my opinion, I've had tougher situations at large scale tournaments. But it was pretty cool.
When you're playing/practicing a lot, you tend to be more tenacious [during your matches]. And when your opponent is tenacious, you tend to make more mistakes. That move by Justin was pretty much a mistake. He didn't need to do it, but he probably executed it because I was being tenacious.
But being tenacious takes a lot of practice. And there's also a lot of emotion behind it, that you don't want to lose because you've practiced too much.
On the other hand you'd lose really quickly in tournaments that you haven't practiced for, because you haven't gone through any hardships and you don't really care."
[this message was edited by Professor on Sun 10 Jun 17:32] | | Replies: |