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Maou 1148th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member+
| "Re(9):Re(10):Soul Calibur 4" , posted Thu 28 Jun 01:07:
quote: I'm confused. What's wrong with the levels in DoA? I thought they were one of the big draws.
Dunno, Polly, I think maybe I've just been burned by too many poor games with 'interactive levels.' I play fighting games not for the action game elements but for one-on-one stuff, and every time I hear about interactive stages or non-flat levels I think of either Power Stone (agh), Dead or Alive (AAAgh), or Tekken 4 (AAAAAAGGHHH). Seems like these goofy action elements distract (perhaps calculatedly) from the shallow, poor fighting engines.
Meanwhile I have no problem at all if Soul Calibur wants to be both a good fighter (this is dependent on it not being like 3) and a sexy fighter. If I'm going to stare at the same people for hours when I fight friends, at least they should be attractive (both genders)...it really was flashy li'l Sakura who made me first play Street Fighter Zero 2 when I was but a wee lad.
So while Ecchi's bruises and damage seem kinda cool (eep, or maybe just like Fighting Vipers), maybe they don't need to focus there, plus I always assumed that the life bar was kind of a probability gauge of how hard/full on you got hit, which explains why people get whacked with the Soul Edge when I play as Nightmare and can still stand up.
Goofy expression on Taki's Tira's face in those pics, though.
edit: Tira has changed her hair.
[this message was edited by Maou on Thu 28 Jun 01:10] |
Pollyanna 2260th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(10):Re(10):Soul Calibur 4" , posted Thu 28 Jun 07:19
It looks like SC is continuing the tradition from SC3 by being "the most tacky 3D fighter on the market". Obviously, they're the champions of good taste, talking about nipples in their first interview.
quote: I thought they were one of the big draws. Dunno, Polly, I think maybe I've just been burned by too many poor games with 'interactive levels.' I play fighting games not for the action game elements but for one-on-one stuff, and every time I hear about interactive stages or non-flat levels I think of either Power Stone (agh), Dead or Alive (AAAgh), or Tekken 4 (AAAAAAGGHHH). Seems like these goofy action elements distract (perhaps calculatedly) from the shallow, poor fighting engines.
That makes sense, I mean, saying "I don't like this, so I don't want this game I like to be like this", but I don't know if you're making a fair comparison by bringing up PowerStone. I mean, obviously SC4 isn't going to be like PowerStone, and obviously Powerstone isn't supposed to be like a normal 3D fighter.
Personally, I like interactive levels and I don't think they necessarily distract from the game. (there are a few exceptions in DoA4, but I would say most of the levels are just fine). Or rather, I don't think they distract much more than having ring-outs. I mean, ring-outs are a level-hazard that you have to work around that both players share equally. The same could be said about most of the hazards in DOA, only in that, you don't automatically lose the round because of them.
Of course, I'm biased here because I like DOA and I don't like ring-outs.
In my opinion, I'd love to see more interactive levels in SC, and given the series' history with introducing non-fighting elements in their home ports, I don't think it's out of place.
On the other hand, I don't want ridiculous things like iron balls rolling on me or levels tipping over, and I'd still like at least a few "normal" levels for people who want to play something more focused.
Maou 1148th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member+
| "Re(7):Soul Calibur 4" , posted Fri 29 Jun 03:13
quote: You have no dignity.
As for the tacky costume coloring of 3, these ones actually look mostly okay so far from those few screens...Tira was so subdued compared to her old Peter Pan outfit that I thought she was Taki, and the pastels aren't that blinding. Hooray!
I guess Powerstone wasn't a very kind comparison, but that's what I thought of when I heard about interactive rings, sheer goofiness. I still like ring-outs because there's serious strategy and second-guessing you can do on a cliff (i.e. will he hit me mid or low, do I guard impact this ring-out move I know he will do or is it too high-risk), whereas all I could think of when bursting through walls or out of windows in DOA was how it was "fun," maybe a lot more fun than the game, but that it didn't appreciably change the actual combat besides some minor damage given so much as it distracted me with pseudo-action gimicks.
Meanwhile, maybe Namco's learned how to do non-level stages since Tekken 4, but the steps and hills in that game were so violently bad that I'm pretty wary still.
Spoon 1404th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(10):Soul Calibur 4" , posted Fri 29 Jun 06:53:
quote: Come on, her boobs have more or less stayed the same size over the years. I had to do a Google image search to try and figure out what you guys were talking about (I don't have my old Soul Edge and Soul Calibur 1 copies handy)... looks like she got a bit bigger between SC1 and 2, but that's about all. And above that, you realize she's fictional, right? She could have crazy Eiken-Godannar monster boobs and crush her opponents underneath them like an Indiana Jones boulder and she wouldn't be complaining about a bad back.
It just seems ridiculous to whine about "unrealistic boobs" in a game where you jam blades into each other and do bone-breaking launches into the air with executioner axes and stuff and people only wind up getting "knocked out" in the process.
I haven't kept up with the SC series, so I admit my ignorance.
Don't take it as a serious criticism, come on :D It's just some silly aspect of the game to pick on, seeing as how it's a point that gets a lot of attention every year...
Why don't they use them as weapons? I mean, given the fact that every weapon in SC seems to be used to bludgeon your opponent into submission, I don't see how it'd be any different...
[this message was edited by Spoon on Fri 29 Jun 06:55] |
Mosquiton 1717th Post
Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member
| "Re(10):Soul Calibur 4" , posted Fri 29 Jun 07:44:
quote: Come on, her boobs have more or less stayed the same size over the years. I had to do a Google image search to try and figure out what you guys were talking about (I don't have my old Soul Edge and Soul Calibur 1 copies handy)... looks like she got a bit bigger between SC1 and 2, but that's about all. And above that, you realize she's fictional, right? She could have crazy Eiken-Godannar monster boobs and crush her opponents underneath them like an Indiana Jones boulder and she wouldn't be complaining about a bad back.
Behold the evolution.
Pretty damn clear to me, and this doesn't even include the new screenshots. Really, come on. Use your eyes, man!
Good sir, I am quite sure that I like large breasts just as much or more than you do. Variety is the spice of life, of course, but I have nothing against an extra helping of tits every once in a while.
The issue is not realism or practicality. It's personal taste. I think that Ivy is starting to look slightly fucking ridiculous, and that her character design is being warped. You're welcome to think different, but something is definitely going on with those melons.
/ / /
[this message was edited by Mosquiton on Fri 29 Jun 07:49] |
Undead Fred 2883th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Re(10):Soul Calibur 4" , posted Fri 29 Jun 08:22
quote: Behold the evolution.
Pretty damn clear to me, and this doesn't even include the new screenshots. Really, come on. Use your eyes, man!
Good sir, I am quite sure that I like large breasts just as much or more than you do. Variety is the spice of life, of course, but I have nothing against an extra helping of tits every once in a while.
The issue is not realism or practicality. It's personal taste. I think that Ivy is starting to look slightly fucking ridiculous, and that her character design is being warped. You're welcome to think different, but something is definitely going on with those melons.
The video didn't really prove anything to me, really. The concept art, YES... there's definitely a difference in size. But the character model (which is what I thought we were talking about), no. She did get a boost in the fourth one, obviously, but the other games before that, she's stayed pretty much stayed the same.
quote: Umm...
HELLO people... you are arguing with Undead Fred on whether or not Ivy's tits are too huge. If you ever visited that drawboard link up there you would know that you can't win this argument.
Hell, just look at my BRAIN CAMS. Heh heh heh. You don't even have to leave the page!
Maese Spt 370th Post

Silver Customer
| "Re(4):Re(10):Re(10):Soul Calibur 4" , posted Fri 29 Jun 13:10:
quote: pics
I'm feeling really underwhelmed by the graphics in Tekken 6 and Sould Calibur 4. I mean, they look nice, but they're nowhere near as impressive as seeing Soul Calibur for the first time. I mean, when Soul Calibur came out, it was unquestionably the best looking 3-d game that anyone had ever seen. I was kinda hoping for something similar with Namco's first next gen fight outings.
My thoughts the same. I kinda miss those days when each new fighting title Namco developed marked a new state-of-the-art standard for the 3D gaming world. Sic transit gloria mundi...
Also, while I do agree that this new Ivy looks a little bit too gullible even for Soul Calibur standards, it's nothing anybody should bitch about. Since the good ol' times of Sophitia's panty shoots and Taki's undercovered nipples on the very first Sould Edge, this saga has been all about fanservice. I mean, from the beginning Taki's body measures were absolutely ridiculous for a XVI century japanese woman, and nobody ever complained.
Besides, even if I liked better her (arguably) more elegant SCIII white costume, Ivy has always been a slut character, that's pretty much a fact. So let's not start with the old "ZOMG, THEY TURNED OUR LOVELY B.JENET INTO A STREET HOOKER O_o!!!!11" drama again, gentlemen.
EDIT: grammarz, lulz
 マツケン サンバ!!!!
[this message was edited by Maese Spt on Fri 29 Jun 13:11] |
Pollyanna 2262th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(6):Re(10):Re(10):Soul Calibur 4" , posted Sat 30 Jun 02:14
I think one of the reasons the games don't look so impressive is because they don't have a "smooth, shiny high res" look like VF5 (or like DOA4 would have if the renders were better). The renders have plenty of polygons and such, but they still look "jaggy" so it's like "really well-constructed last generation" rather than "next generation".
Also, with the cost of game production and the level of technology we're dealing with today, it's hard to make something tremendously better without breaking the bank. You can't just throw higher polygon numbers at the problem, you need good DESIGN.
Which brings me to my next point...
For me, this isn't an issue of giant boobs or skimpy costumes, it's an issue of overall tacky design... which seems to be carrying over from SC3. As Mosquiton said, Ivy just isn't right anymore. She's lost her "badass" quality. It isn't that her costume is too revealing, it's that it's too silly. If she had massive breasts AND looked totally awesome, you'd probably see fewer complaints.
Although I think if you want a character with gigantic breasts, you should make a new one, rather than adding size to an existing character. In Ivy's case, I don't think this is the problem, and as was said before, it's not like she was a wholesome character to begin with. Actually, in the art render, she just looks like she put on some weight, which I kind of liked, if only because it was interesting. In the game, though...she kept the boobs, but lost the size elsewhere.
But yeah, bottom line, what I'm trying to say is that the boobs and costume are part of a bigger problem, not a problem in themselves.
On a positive note, I think the game already looks better than SC3, and I'm digging both Tira's new (although still tacky) design and her terrible sneer.
Baines 196th Post
Regular Customer
| "Re(5):Re(10):Re(10):Soul Calibur 4" , posted Sat 30 Jun 08:27
quote: Also, while I do agree that this new Ivy looks a little bit too gullible even for Soul Calibur standards, it's nothing anybody should bitch about. Since the good ol' times of Sophitia's panty shoots and Taki's undercovered nipples on the very first Sould Edge, this saga has been all about fanservice.
When do you complain, then? Ivy already looks like she should be on the cover of something like "Giant Knockers." She just needs bad stretch marks, visible veins, and a face that looks like she lives on drugs and sleeping pills.
And there is the general progression of Soul Calibur as well. It started decently serious for a fighter. Most fighters have fan-service. Some are built around it and still end up decent. Soul Calibur however has gradually been drifting into the territory of being driven by fan-service and instant gratification, versus being a solid game.
DOA (which I mentioned earlier) has arguably been trying to go the other direction, and even spun its heaviest fan-service push into a separate series. DOA is still associated with fan-service, and knows it is a part of its appeal, but it has tried to improve over the visuals of DOA1 in more than just higher poly count.
Maese Spt 370th Post

Silver Customer
| "this is an outrage!!!!!!!!!!!11111111" , posted Sat 30 Jun 12:50
No, I meant when.
As I quoted, you said "it's nothing anybody should bitch about".
Hey, it was me who said that! And I think one can start complaining only when they turn Amy into a gigantic three headed, four breasted, 1,200 lbs. hermaphrodite tentacle demoness. Which probably is bond to happen by Soul Calibur 5, I guess...
No, srsly, this Ivy sure looks hideous, but she actually was this type of character from the very beginning. When the first Sould Calibur came up, she already made me chuckle at her shamelessly undisimuled porn queen look. So I canīt see how her IV's incarnation could be a huge shapeshift on her "character nature" paradigm. Since SC, back in 1998, she was the "SM bitch" of the game, and on later installements she has evolved (or maybe involuted, durrrh) along those lines. Of course, I am always speaking of her 1p costumes, her 2p ones tend to be quite classy
Now, if the turned Sophitia, say, into a blood-crying Gothic Lolita, then I would call it an outrage because it would make no friggin sense. But, like her or not, we can not say this new "back alley harlot version" of Ivy was totally unexpected, the same way we can not be surprised about the newly renderized nipples they are giving to Taki, because THAT has been part of the "spirit" of the characters since the very first drafts on the designerīs sketchbook back in 1995 or 1998.
What we really should be discussing about how Dodos went extint after their brief contact with Soul Edge.
 マツケン サンバ!!!!
Baines 198th Post
Regular Customer
| "Re(1):this is an outrage!!!!!!!!!!!11111111" , posted Sat 30 Jun 13:48
quote: Hey, it was me who said that!
Indeed it was, and I'm sorry for getting that wrong. So Mosquiton not only jumped on me for questioning SC4 Ivy's design just as he has done, but did so out of nowhere as well?
quote: And I think one can start complaining only when they turn Amy into a gigantic three headed, four breasted, 1,200 lbs. hermaphrodite tentacle demoness. Which probably is bond to happen by Soul Calibur 5, I guess...
No, srsly, this Ivy sure looks hideous, but she actually was this type of character from the very beginning.
Dropping the sexual aspects, that sounds more like a Tekken boss than SC, so that might not happen until they do a full Soul Calibur/Tekken crossover.
As for Ivy, as you say, "this Ivy sure looks hideous." S&M dominatrix in a skimpy outfit has been part of her design from the start, but not "hideous."