DoA in the US - Forums

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2852th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"DoA in the US" , posted Fri 15 Jun 03:58post reply

It took long enough but the Dead or Alive movie is finally limping into US theaters this weekend. Here I had figured the movie was going to go straight to DVD or, perhaps, straight to the landfill.


4389th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):DoA in the US" , posted Fri 15 Jun 04:09post reply

Relevant to this subject!


Undead Fred
2855th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):DoA in the US" , posted Fri 15 Jun 04:25post reply

Relevant to this subject!

Wow, November of 2005? Sure as hell took their sweet time...

Dr Baghead
3659th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):DoA in the US" , posted Sun 17 Jun 19:48post reply

I'm really impressed I haven't seen one commerical for it yet...

I bet they're going for the "idiots who didn't check what time FF2:RotSS started at and went to the theatre an hour early" market... cuz really who else would even know this was out there?

I'm kinda interested in seeing how horrible this movie really is, I hope it's on USA or SciFi or Spike or some other shithole cable channel in a few years like all the other bad videogame based movies cuz I ain't spending real money OR wasting a spot in my netflix queue to see it.

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)
my silly little drawin's

2856th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):DoA in the US" , posted Tue 19 Jun 01:47post reply

Pulled from CNN:

Opening in narrower release was the Weinstein Co. thriller "DOA: Dead or Alive," an adaptation of the martial-arts video game that pulled in just $232,000. Playing in 505 theaters, "DOA" averaged a paltry $460 a cinema, compared to $14,499 in 3,959 theaters for "Fantastic Four" and $2,732 in 2,612 locations for "Nancy Drew."

So what was the point of releasing this movie theatrically? Was there some obscure distribution clause in some contract somewhere that caused DoA to show up? Did the failure of "Grindhouse" send the company into a panic? I don't know, but I can't imagine anyone is too thrilled with those results.

1133th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(3):DoA in the US" , posted Tue 19 Jun 02:02post reply

pulled in just $232,000
That is the most hilarious sum I have ever seen. Dead in the Water is a bit closer, I guess. This one might hit the cult of infamous ironically funny movies people watch in ten or so years if its content is equally delightfully awful.


411th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(4):DoA in the US" , posted Tue 19 Jun 06:15post reply

Amazingly enough, it wasn't as bad as I was expecting it to be. That is to say, it wasn't as bad as a Boll film.

If you go in expecting cheese and trash you get it, but if you're entertained by cheese and trash it's entertaining.

I wouldn't pay more than matinee or last-minute theater price for a ticket, but it was worth seeing the train wreck happen once you get past the wretched Kasumi part of the intro and then past the initial round of fights.

Dare I say, there were one or two parts where it was almost good in a few ways,

Undead Fred
2869th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):DoA in the US" , posted Tue 19 Jun 06:16post reply

pulled in just $232,000 Hahahahahahahahahahahaha
That is the most hilarious sum I have ever seen. Dead in the Water is a bit closer, I guess. This one might hit the cult of infamous ironically funny movies people watch in ten or so years if its content is equally delightfully awful.

I was gonna say, "Dead on Arrival, more like! HAW HAW HAW" but you sort of beat me to it.

1134th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(5):DoA in the US" , posted Tue 19 Jun 06:28post reply

I was gonna say, "Dead on Arrival, more like! HAW HAW HAW" but you sort of beat me to it.

So sneaky! I worry that they didn't try to make it offensively bad enough in that they seem to have failed to give the non-Asian actresses playing Asian characters the "Asian makeup" that used to happen in the darker earlier days of US cinema.


Undead Fred
2870th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Kasumi will eat your soul." , posted Tue 19 Jun 06:36post reply

So sneaky! I worry that they didn't try to make it offensively bad enough in that they seem to have failed to give the non-Asian actresses playing Asian characters the "Asian makeup" that used to happen in the darker earlier days of US cinema.

Heh heh. "Princess" Kasumi and White Ayane were enough to go "eww," but it looked like an atomic bomb made up of Charlie's Angels retardation mixed with Van Damme Street Fighter to me. GROSS GROSS GROSS

683th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(1):DoA in the US" , posted Thu 21 Jun 05:03post reply

It took long enough but the Dead or Alive movie is finally limping into US theaters this weekend. Here I had figured the movie was going to go straight to DVD or, perhaps, straight to the landfill.

Kevin Nash ftw!!!

4384th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):DoA in the US" , posted Thu 21 Jun 11:26post reply

Kevin Nash ftw!!!

More like Jaime Pressly ftw.

Seriously, they actually made her look like she could do kung-fu...that flip kick she did on Zack was insane.

229th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(3):DoA in the US" , posted Thu 21 Jun 12:22post reply

Kevin Nash ftw!!!

More like Jaime Pressly ftw.

Seriously, they actually made her look like she could do kung-fu...that flip kick she did on Zack was insane.

Surely men we can agree to some liking? I'm not much into celebrities but Holly Valence is pretty. Wait you guys were talking about kung fu and action huh =/...left out there on this one =(. lol

Tracking Treasure Down - Gabriel and Dresden

412th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(4):DoA in the US" , posted Thu 21 Jun 15:04post reply

One other thing I just remembered that I noticed at the theater: they changed the poster apparently for us, giving ugly Kasumi the center with some slightly different working around her and the others instead of giving, Helena I think it was, the center of the poster like in the promo/international/whatever posters I kept seeing for the past 2 years. They also changed the tagline.

And did anyone else think Lei Fang was just butt ugly in this?

dr baghead
3661th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):DoA in the US" , posted Sat 23 Jun 18:59post reply

Kevin Nash ftw!!!

More like Jaime Pressly ftw.

Speaking of... how are Bass and Tina related in the movie?

I assume given how the movie is nothing like the games they're probably not related at all similar to Nightcrawler and Mystique in the X-Men movies (since there's no way Kevin Nash could pass as Jamie Pressly's father) but did they attempt to give them a link, like are they siblings, cousins, etc?

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)
my silly little drawin's

2165th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):DoA in the US" , posted Sat 23 Jun 19:32post reply

Nope, it's the same, right down to the incestual overtones.

959th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(4):DoA in the US" , posted Sat 23 Jun 19:34post reply

Kevin Nash ftw!!!

More like Jaime Pressly ftw.

Speaking of... how are Bass and Tina related in the movie?

I assume given how the movie is nothing like the games they're probably not related at all similar to Nightcrawler and Mystique in the X-Men movies (since there's no way Kevin Nash could pass as Jamie Pressly's father) but did they attempt to give them a link, like are they siblings, cousins, etc?

they made them father daughter

i like the have asian half white ayane, that was about it

the other chicks were fucking ugly

needed more tits also

Dr BaGhEaD
3662th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):DoA in the US" , posted Sun 24 Jun 18:25post reply

Nope, it's the same, right down to the incestual overtones.

(does an IMDb search) ah, I guess a 19 year age difference (which depending on they acted and how Nash was made up could pass for 23 or so) is believible, I thought Kevin Nash was younger and Jamie Presly slightly older so it was like like Bass had to be 8 to be her father...

but still Hulk Hogan is 27 years older then his wannabe pop-star/actress/model daughter so maybe the movie Tina and Bass are still too close in age when compared to the real deal.

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)
my silly little drawin's