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Undead Fred
2859th Post

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"Paprika!" , posted Sat 16 Jun 09:13post reply

Paprika is coming out in the theaters soon... and if you can track it down, I recommend it. I got to see it during a local film festival, and now I'm seeing it again since it's coming back. Check out the trailer here.

It's a beautiful film, so try and catch it on the big screen if you can!


1128th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(1):Paprika!" , posted Sat 16 Jun 09:31post reply

It's a beautiful film, so try and catch it on the big screen if you can!

Tell me more! I hear it's a gorgeous mind-binder...which makes it all the more tragic that the absolutely wonderful and clever 2004 film Mindgame hasn't been released outside of Japan as far as I know. (Anyone who's seen that movie, I want to hear how they liked it, too.)

So how is this Paprika story-wise? Gorgeous visuals and strange hallucinatory narratives can be interesting, though the other side of me feels like I've been seeing almost too much of that coming out of animation directors lately...surrealism is cool I suppose, but I could use a little more.


Undead Fred
2860th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Paprika!" , posted Sat 16 Jun 11:19post reply

So how is this Paprika story-wise? Gorgeous visuals and strange hallucinatory narratives can be interesting, though the other side of me feels like I've been seeing almost too much of that coming out of animation directors lately...surrealism is cool I suppose, but I could use a little more.

Well, that's why I like it... the visuals are beautiful, but unlike a lot of stupid movies coming out these days- it's actually got a story. The surrealism isn't just superficial; it works well with what's happening in the story. I'm sure you read the synopsis, but basically, the main character is a psychologist that uses a brand-new technology that allows her to dive into people's dreams to diagnose and treat them. Let's just say something happens to it and she has to stop the problem before it gets out of hand.

Anyway, I loved the characters, and the animation and visuals were excellent. And yes, the story's great as well (trust me, I'd be complaining already if the movie was all visuals and no story... I'm tired of that too).

2158th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Paprika!" , posted Sat 16 Jun 17:41post reply

It's not out yet? Some friends took me to see it in a theater here last month. I guess it was an early sneak preview or something.

Anyway without giving any details, the story was pretty bizarre but not so much that it's impossible to understand. I saw GitS: Innocence in that same theater 2 years ago and the confusion from that movie was still lingering in there. Thankfully Satoshi Kon knows how to walk the line better than Oshii.

The visuals are of course beautiful, except for one thing: the characters look pretty weird when they run. It's a minor nitpick, but I just couldn't help but notice it every single time they ran. Maybe you'll see what I mean.

3905th Post

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"Re(4):Paprika!" , posted Sun 17 Jun 02:55post reply

it's been out in NY for a while... it's pretty good I think, but everyone who had already seen paranoia agent said it would've been better if they hadn't sen that first. And I hadn't! So!

Undead Fred
2863th Post

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"Re(5):Paprika!" , posted Sun 17 Jun 04:50post reply

it's been out in NY for a while... it's pretty good I think, but everyone who had already seen paranoia agent said it would've been better if they hadn't sen that first. And I hadn't! So!

Yeah, I haven't seen Paranoia Agent yet, so I didn't run into that problem either. Heh heh.

1130th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(6):Paprika!" , posted Sun 17 Jun 05:02post reply

Thanks, Fred, sounds like it might be right up my alley after all. Beautiful visuals and a strange story are great, I was just getting tired of the trend I was seeing in (largely Japanese) works where the surreal was substituting for any real storytelling innovation beyond a unique brand of confusion and leaving me with only pretty pictures. I just may check this one out.


Undead Fred
2865th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Paprika!" , posted Sun 17 Jun 05:22post reply

Thanks, Fred, sounds like it might be right up my alley after all. Beautiful visuals and a strange story are great, I was just getting tired of the trend I was seeing in (largely Japanese) works where the surreal was substituting for any real storytelling innovation beyond a unique brand of confusion and leaving me with only pretty pictures. I just may check this one out.

Heh heh. Well, there are also a lot of movies like that in the US as well (moreso in live action stuff, but animation's done it too). THIS LOOKS SO REAL AND THE TEXTURES ARE AMAZING AND ITS SO COLORFUL jingling car keys for a baby. Heh heh. Anyway, nah, I didn't have a hard time following the story and I enjoyed it. It was surreal, but like I said, it felt purposeful instead of just WHOA THAT WAS TRIPPY LOLLLLL

1131th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(8):Paprika!" , posted Sun 17 Jun 05:31post reply

Perfect! Nah, you're definitely right that US films seem to do the same surreal visual feast thing, I guess it was just the American reviews I read of Japanese movies that sort of assumed that not having a coherent narrative was some cultural thing to be ignored in the face of pretty pics. Paprika sounds like a good solution to all this!

And really do give Mindgame a spin if you like purposeful but strange and beautiful romps. It seems absurdist at the start but has some strong messages amidst the oddness. It seems that there is no official foreign release, but I've seen a perfect translation in English of the DVD and I expect they appear at many an online auction. Really worth the effort to see.


a beholder
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"Re(9):Paprika!" , posted Sun 17 Jun 06:41post reply

I saw it at the Smithsonian, director was there for a Q&A

saw him smoking outside, but didn't know it was him.

Great movie, really is like a dream.

Undead Fred
2866th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Paprika!" , posted Sun 17 Jun 07:25post reply

And really do give Mindgame a spin if you like purposeful but strange and beautiful romps. It seems absurdist at the start but has some strong messages amidst the oddness. It seems that there is no official foreign release, but I've seen a perfect translation in English of the DVD and I expect they appear at many an online auction. Really worth the effort to see.

Sweet! I'll probably wait a little bit to see if they release it on DVD officially or whatever, but I'll keep my eyes open for it.

1132th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(10):Mindgame" , posted Sun 17 Jun 08:06post reply

Well whattaya know, it's such a professional job that Amazon USA even seems to sell it, though it's a Hong Kong job. Just saw it on eBay for 10 cheaper, but hey.


118th Post

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"Re(2):Paprika!" , posted Tue 19 Jun 10:33post reply

Mindgame hasn't been released outside of Japan as far as I know. (Anyone who's seen that movie, I want to hear how they liked it, too.)

I loved Mindgame. In fact, it's my favorite movie, animated or otherwise. That movie makes me happy to be alive.

I got bad news regarding a stateside release of it though:

This was posted a while ago, so i dunno if it's still relevant, but according to that article the people who want to release Mindgame in the US also want to edit it so that the characters appear to be white instead of Japanese.

Hearing that just made my blood boil. I'd rather the film not come out at all then to have it bastardized to that extent.

Anyhow, Paprika looks awesome, and if you liked Mindgame also be on the lookout for Tekkon Kinkreet.

It's playing in the DC area next week:

Makes me wish I were back home.

119th Post

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"Re(3):Paprika!" , posted Tue 19 Jun 10:47post reply

While we're at it, if you liked Mindgame, have you seen Kemonozume?

Imagine if everyone working on Mindgame got the greenlight to produce an artsy fartsy TV show about slaying monsters, cos that's pretty much what happened.

It's the most rewarding TV show I've seen in a very long time (animated or otherwise). It's got very experimental animation, but most importantly, everything in it is done to support a very intersting, unique (and coherent) story.

It was very low budget, so it's very rough looking, but at the same time the direction is fantastic, and the character animation is especially good.

Undead Fred
2871th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Paprika!" , posted Tue 19 Jun 11:20post reply

I got bad news regarding a stateside release of it though:

This was posted a while ago, so i dunno if it's still relevant, but according to that article the people who want to release Mindgame in the US also want to edit it so that the characters appear to be white instead of Japanese.

Well, if they really are doing that to it, then the US producers clearly have no idea what's going on in our culture... Not only do we have this weird idea that animation is only for kids, but there was that huge anime popularity explosion years ago that's got a lot of people in the proper age range interested in JAPANESE STUFF. There is and has been a bit of a backlash, but it's not to the point where anime's taken a dive back to the underground and they'd need to turn the characters into white people in a Japanese movie just to get people to watch.

If they're doing a localized remake sort of thing (like in the case of the Ring, the Grudge, and Pulse), then that's not TOO bad (since they usually release the original on DVD in some for), but if they edit the ethnicity of the characters in the movie and call it the original version, then that's unacceptable. I'll take a bootleg over that, thanks. The only thing that makes me think twice about the movie is that they compared it to Waking Life... personally, I didn't like Waking Life because it was like listening to college student pseudo-philosophy. Like watching the Matrix Reloaded. Waking Life's visuals were nice, but I could still get that from their other films like a Scanner Darkly or something like that.

1136th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(4):Paprika!" , posted Tue 19 Jun 12:05:post reply

Hopefully you'd enjoy Mindgame a bit more than that, though I don't know Walking Life. The film's definitely crazy and weird, but it tends to end up with a strong message and to pretty accurately depict a racing, confused mind--minds, it turns out, can be pretty surreal and pretty. But it's not weird psychobabble like the later Matrix movies layered over pretty pictures, it's this bizarre but compelling psychological-art-life-affirming film. Really a blast.

edit: ...sorta like nobi says above, in fact. It's very life-affirming and uplifting in an original and unusual way. Right on.


[this message was edited by Maou on Tue 19 Jun 12:24]

1618th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(4):Paprika!" , posted Tue 19 Jun 21:11post reply

This was posted a while ago, so i dunno if it's still relevant, but according to that article the people who want to release Mindgame in the US also want to edit it so that the characters appear to be white instead of Japanese.
Well, if they really are doing that to it, then the US producers clearly have no idea what's going on in our culture... Not only do we have this weird idea that animation is only for kids, but there was that huge anime popularity explosion years ago that's got a lot of people in the proper age range interested in JAPANESE STUFF. There is and has been a bit of a backlash, but it's not to the point where anime's taken a dive back to the underground and they'd need to turn the characters into white people in a Japanese movie just to get people to watch.

The sheer concept of that annoys me since one of my pet peeves with alot of anime is obviously Japanese character who don't look Japanese at all. That's...retarded for them to make that change, especially since anime and most Japanese stuff is stil popular.

958th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(5):Paprika!" , posted Tue 19 Jun 23:05:post reply

screw this shit, im going back to watching black lagoon

pyschothrillers my ass, i need guns tits more guns and late 80's early 90's style violence

[this message was edited by Oroch on Tue 19 Jun 23:05]

Undead Fred
2872th Post

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"Re(5):Paprika!" , posted Wed 20 Jun 05:19post reply

The sheer concept of that annoys me since one of my pet peeves with alot of anime is obviously Japanese character who don't look Japanese at all. That's...retarded for them to make that change, especially since anime and most Japanese stuff is stil popular.

Well, the "Japanese characters that don't look Japanese" thing doesn't bother me since that's just how they draw. For example, I can easily assume the cast of Azumanga is Japanese, and when the American shows up on the street and "blah blah blah"s at Yukari, you definitely know there's a difference, and it's not just that he's not speaking Japanese. So that has never bothered me. But if they are going to edit the film on that level, then that bothers me. It's unnecessary and stupid on the level of the E.T. edits from a few years back. And again, it's not like people won't watch it. "THEM FOLKS ISNT AMERICAN IF IT AINT AMERICAN I DONT GIVE A DAMN"

I found some clips on YouTube and tried skimming through one of them (tried to get an idea of what could be edited without spoiling the movie)... the only thing I can guess is the photo-edit close-ups? I don't know. I just hope they don't try to call it the real version if that happens.

Red Falcon
5818th Post

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"Re(5):Paprika!" , posted Wed 20 Jun 07:18post reply


The sheer concept of that annoys me since one of my pet peeves with alot of anime is obviously Japanese character who don't look Japanese at all.

This matters in heavily stylized animation because....?

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913th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(6):Paprika!" , posted Wed 20 Jun 08:17post reply

Thanks for this thread. I'm definitely interested in seeing this now.

Play to win.

Undead Fred
2873th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Paprika!" , posted Wed 20 Jun 08:33post reply

Thanks for this thread. I'm definitely interested in seeing this now.

No problem! Hopefully you can catch it! Might be a little tricky, but I'm not sure how the releases are gonna go. I've gotta go to the local "independent movie-friendly" theater in town to see it.

a beholder
18th Post

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"Re(6):Paprika!" , posted Sat 23 Jun 12:27post reply

The sheer concept of that annoys me since one of my pet peeves with alot of anime is obviously Japanese character who don't look Japanese at all.

well, since there's already commentary on it....

First time I saw the sushi chef on Simpsons, I thought "why's his eyes so damn squinty?". Finding out that was suppose to be the characteristic that made them not-white was one of the curious events of childhood.

I'd say one generally associates race with whatever majority we grew up with.
Or the attitudes one has towards different races.
Anime fangirls with naked Gackt poster on their bedroom wall will think the cast of DeathNote looks Japanese.
WWII Nazi's didn't think they had big jew noses, those were reserved for covetous jews. Americans didn't think they had big Frankfurter noses, those were reserved for Nazi Germans. Asian depictions of generic white dudes usually have big fat noses, no matter if they're German or American or whatever.

what ethnicity is that smiley face? Like that.

Humans all basically have the same two eyes, a nose, a mouth. With stylizations, the little differences are usually swept up.

Though with Mindgame... I thought the style showed racial features a little more than usual. To think the main guy n' girl are white seems really odd to me. To think they somehow don't look Asian... well, shit, do they need Simpsons squint eyes then?

a beholder
19th Post

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"you chinese or japanese?" , posted Sat 23 Jun 12:31post reply


with a US release, how should it be marketted anyways?

Paprika being Japanese was empasised in the trailers,
even had a quote from that review which was pretty much "JAPAN IS SUPERIOR LOL KIDDY SANDBOX"

Say with videogames, Nintendo's commercials really emphasise the Japanese origins of the Wii, with those dudes driving around with their accents.

Undead Fred
2876th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):you chinese or japanese?" , posted Sat 23 Jun 17:34post reply

with a US release, how should it be marketted anyways?

Paprika being Japanese was empasised in the trailers,
even had a quote from that review which was pretty much "JAPAN IS SUPERIOR LOL KIDDY SANDBOX"

Say with videogames, Nintendo's commercials really emphasise the Japanese origins of the Wii, with those dudes driving around with their accents.

Well, that's the point I was trying to make. If the rumors for Mindgame ARE true, then there is no reason at all for them to edit out the Asian part of the movie. Like I said, "Japanese stuff" is still very popular in the US... so if there is a producer that feels the need to edit that out in order to release it here, then it really shows how ignorant they are of the market they are catering to.

Anyway, I finally got to get my Paprika fix today... unfortunately I had left a little late and didn't think about traffic holding me back, so I missed a fair amount at the beginning... that really sucked. Anyway, did anyone else get to catch it tonight?