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Oroch 956th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(3):The Death of the mod" , posted Tue 19 Jun 15:58:
quote: It just takes too damn long to make a decent mod these days. It's not so much complexity as sheer numbers. If you were good with UT, you could bang out a map in three hours. Try to do the same in HL2 and it'll take you weeks. You can't solo this anymore, so you have to rely on teams, but the problem with teams that aren't being paid is 90% of the time they just fall apart. With the length of the time it takes, by the time you're ready for a beta, the engine you've been using is outdated, and people are looking to the next real game release, so no one cares.
honestly i see that as the main reason as well, maybe mapping you can do by yourself and fairly quick, but for a fucking mod, its just become tooo much work
also mod makers try make too much work for themselves, rather than mods. No one has a small fun little concept to work on, now they're all try to make mini versions of doom or hl or crysis on the same damn engine.
but its just a cycle i think, give it time, people will be making fun stuff again, i'm placing bets that it will be in crysis as well, HL2 was a disappointment for mods(and in general as well)
[this message was edited by Oroch on Tue 19 Jun 15:59] |
Spoon 1400th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(3):The Death of the mod" , posted Thu 21 Jun 03:50
quote: Defense of the Ancients (DOTA) and Warcraft 3
that sorta counts, yeah? It uses the WC3 map editor mostly, and some custom models.
Defense of the Ancients isn't a mod, especially since, if you count that as a mod, you count literally every map on Battle.net (which is roughly equivalent of counting each map in UT as a mod in of itself). Or worse, it gives good 'ol "Big Game Hunters w/mucho money" legitimacy.
But the thing with dota is that it is more than just another map layout that you play with ladder WC3. Or how about those "hot potato" maps that literally play nothing like WC3?
With the FPSs, there are plenty of custom maps for multiplay and single player. But there are some which add in new weapons, new enemies, etc. and get the "mod" title. Some don't, and just get called "custom maps".
UT had "mutators" that were smallish gameplay modifications that you could try to apply to all kinds of things or even stack together (sometimes). Are those mods? Some are more than just "rockets only".
The problem with some mods is that they make a plan that involves the creation of just too much content, and that demands both people and time... probably too much of both.