New SSF2T HD Remake Thread - Forums
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864th Post
Red Carpet Regular Member++
"New SSF2T HD Remake Thread" , posted Sat 30 Jun 16:47
Post new stuff here as the last thread was getting too long.
ワンダフル! ビューティフル! エキサイティング!
Undead Fred
2886th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(1):New SSF2T HD Remake Thread" , posted Sat 30 Jun 17:01
quote: Post new stuff here as the last thread was getting too long.
I'll start us off. T. HAWK IS POOPIN
Time Mage
2564th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(2):New SSF2T HD Remake Thread" , posted Sat 30 Jun 18:59
I like the work on T. Hawk. Except from the head, the rest is practically the same as the original sprite. And in fact, I like how they have changed the head.
Also, it looks like they are fixing Chun Li's smelling hand pose.
Dragon Kick your ass into the Milky Waaay~~ (Milky Waaaay)
866th Post
Red Carpet Regular Member++
"Re(3):New SSF2T HD Remake Thread" , posted Sat 30 Jun 19:36
So much for them compromising between Alpha Sagat and his SFII form. He's huge!
ワンダフル! ビューティフル! エキサイティング!
4270th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(4):New SSF2T HD Remake Thread" , posted Sun 1 Jul 01:32
It would be useful posting the link to the images in the first post of this thread; as well as closing the old one.
Old voices are kept :D!
nobinobita 124th Post
Regular Customer
"Re(1):New SSF2T HD Remake Thread" , posted Sun 1 Jul 04:31
I don't understand why they had to make sagat's leg longer. Lifting weights does not make you taller.
2866th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(5):New SSF2T HD Remake Thread" , posted Sun 1 Jul 05:53
quote: It would be useful posting the link to the images in the first post of this thread; as well as closing the old one.
While the re-calibration of Sagat is interesting I wish they had also included the hit boxes in one of the illustrations. Since the hit boxes are the ultimate guidelines that this remodeling has to work under they probably should be included every time animation is discussed.
I also appreciate the decision to reduce that giant melon that T.Hawk calls a head. Hopefully this means that something can be done about that case of lockjaw that poor DeeJay appears to be suffering from.
Count Hihihi 48th Post
Rare Customer
"Re(6):New SSF2T HD Remake Thread" , posted Sun 1 Jul 06:48
I've lolled to most of the sprites shown so far. This is not good.
So T.Hawk's new head is pretty? Yeah, it looks a bit too familiar. But did you look at his arms and hands? EL OH EL. Good job Udon. Oh, and I love it how Guile has no eyes, and Akuma has no mouth.
"Dont bother. Your gonna be hammered by some git hammering buttons as Horwang or Christy anyway." - RR
Baines 200th Post
Frequent Customer
"Re(2):New SSF2T HD Remake Thread" , posted Sun 1 Jul 07:05
quote: I don't understand why they had to make sagat's leg longer. Lifting weights does not make you taller.
Only the right leg is longer. The left leg is the same as the original sprite.
My guess is that when the artist was working from the outline of the original Sagat sprite, he didn't realize how far down Sagat's heel really was, or how his foot was positioned.
Then he drew the new version with the foot in the wrong position which extended the leg, and extended the leg even further to fit it into the tile boundaries.
1156th Post
Red Carpet Premium Member+
"Re(3):New SSF2T HD Remake Thread" , posted Sun 1 Jul 07:12
This is the funniest remake ever. If I ever get a 360 I might buy it, but not for the reasons these 'artists' think.
Baines 201th Post
Frequent Customer
"Re(7):New SSF2T HD Remake Thread" , posted Sun 1 Jul 12:28
quote:Good job Udon. Oh, and I love it how Guile has no eyes, and Akuma has no mouth.
Going by the comments thread, the Akuma with no mouth was traced just like T Hawk's head.
It is easier to notice with T Hawk because of the difference in the angle of the body and the head. Not to mention that the original posting brought the "head fix" to the attention of viewers to head off complaints that it didn't match the original sprite.
867th Post
Red Carpet Regular Member++
"LOL tracing" , posted Sun 1 Jul 17:54
Well, THIS is interesting, now isn't it?
It was noticeable already on Ryu and Ken's art that they were ripping off the art from GBA SSF2T Revival, but I can't complain since I love the art from that game.
868th Post
Red Carpet Regular Member++
"Re(2):LOL tracing" , posted Sun 1 Jul 18:27
quote: It was noticeable already on Ryu and Ken's art that they were ripping off the art from GBA SSF2T Revival, but I can't complain since I love the art from that game.
You're right, but they could at least give Edayan some credit, no?
ワンダフル! ビューティフル! エキサイティング!
629th Post
Red Carpet Regular Member
"Re(3):LOL tracing" , posted Sun 1 Jul 18:45
quote: It was noticeable already on Ryu and Ken's art that they were ripping off the art from GBA SSF2T Revival, but I can't complain since I love the art from that game.
You're right, but they could at least give Edayan some credit, no?
You are absolutely right. By the way, anyone knows where to find art from SSF2T Revival in decent resolution?
1157th Post
Red Carpet Premium Member+
"Re(4):LOL tracing" , posted Sun 1 Jul 19:15
Hmmm, no wonder his face looks so good! Maybe if they pirate more older SF art this will look better! Maybe they should pirate all body parts...or maybe they could just take those sprites and put them in the game and thenheywaitaminute
962th Post
Red Carpet Regular Member++
"Re(2):New SSF2T HD Remake Thread" , posted Sun 1 Jul 20:17
quote: I don't understand why they had to make sagat's leg longer. Lifting weights does not make you taller.
I can't stop giggling at that this one... it makes it look like he's a fish or doing some crazy breathing exercise.
Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny) my silly little drawin's
1373th Post
Red Carpet Executive Member
"Re(3):LOL tracing" , posted Tue 3 Jul 02:12
I noted in the other thread that it appeared that Guile's sprite was not as faithful to Edayan's work as the previously shown sprites. Now with the showing the the tracing for the some of the heads, I see why.
Consistency of the heads is probably going to be wack throughout this game if Guile is an indication of how they will draw the heads that aren't directly traced.
While the re-calibration of Sagat is interesting I wish they had also included the hit boxes in one of the illustrations. Since the hit boxes are the ultimate guidelines that this remodeling has to work under they probably should be included every time animation is discussed.
I also appreciate the decision to reduce that giant melon that T.Hawk calls a head. Hopefully this means that something can be done about that case of lockjaw that poor DeeJay appears to be suffering from.
Look at Hawk's belt buckle! I want that belt buckle!!!