New movie thread with SF script review - Forums

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"New movie thread with SF script review" , posted Sun 1 Jul 11:43post reply

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I just skimmed over it. I will read the full thing later.


1372th Post

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"Voltron script review" , posted Mon 2 Jul 04:18post reply

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From the same guy who wrote the Street Fighter screen play.

I can't say I am digging ANY of that thing. I admit that Voltron wasn't a masterpiece in storytelling and was really fluffy, but the guy is trying too damn hard to make this thing "hardcore."

Apparently this guy is also writing a Masters of the Universe script.

1333th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):Voltron script review" , posted Mon 2 Jul 04:42post reply

Detective Chu = Captain Sawada

770th Post

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"Re(1):New movie thread with SF script review" , posted Mon 2 Jul 06:18post reply

Link Here

I just skimmed over it. I will read the full thing later.

So at the very least, the mentor really is Gen instead of some new made-up character, then? Well, that's an improvement.

Red Falcon
5830th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Voltron script review" , posted Mon 2 Jul 06:31:post reply


I can't say I am digging ANY of that thing. I admit that Voltron wasn't a masterpiece in storytelling and was really fluffy, but the guy is trying too damn hard to make this thing "hardcore."

I find the statement "He is respectful of the source material" amusing after reading the synopsis, ha ha ha. Who or what are the "Drules", I thought they were the Galra? Aren't the drules from.. some other show? Or were they (the drules) only in "Voltron"? I'm wagering Daibarzal and Sincline aren't in it. It just seems like a standard Hollywood "let's make this HARD CORE and RUIN what made it appealing and entertaining in the first place!" adaption.

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[this message was edited by Red Falcon on Mon 2 Jul 06:34]

710th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(2):Voltron script review" , posted Mon 2 Jul 07:03post reply


I find the statement "He is respectful of the source material" amusing after reading the synopsis, ha ha ha. Who or what are the "Drules", I thought they were the Galra? Aren't the drules from.. some other show? Or were they (the drules) only in "Voltron"?

The Drule Empire is a Voltron thing, yeah. I think it was a 'second season' thing or whatever, because I wasn't all into Voltron after they showed the one with Voltron fighting the giant King Zarkon (I understand he was supposed to die in that battle but of course the cartoon said he escaped, which is why I wasn't surprised he showed up in The Third Dimension).

I found Kagami's sword in a junk yard.
I will rule the world and find that truly good cup of coffee.

Dr Baghead
3671th Post

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"the VanDamme Street Fighter wasn't THAT bad.." , posted Tue 3 Jul 09:00post reply

I really hate everyone knocking the original SF movie when talking about this proposed new one, as if Van Damme's Street Fighter raped and murdered a flock of puppies in front of a group of drowning orphans while "Chun-Li based SF movie" is the second coming of Christ that will save SF from being really shitty lately.

the VanDamme SF is campy fun, if you can get over your geek-rage long enough to accept maybe Ryu and Ken would be street hustlers and Sagat is an arms dealer or whatever (and it does take a lot of effort) it's a pretty silly fun movie, and I'm sure a lot of the silliness is intentional (and seriously doubt someone wrote it thinking it was a hardboiled war epic and not a goofy 'cartoon adaptation' which would explain the 'stealth boat')... it's not worth OWNING or RENTING sure, but if its on basic cable and you're bored it's not a bad use of 2 hours.

... that said, I have lower hopes for "Chun-Li SF" since I don't want to see someone try to make "Kill Bill.... with Street Fighters!" and it sounds like that's what it's going to be. And what tone is this movie going to have? If it's campy, won't it be as "bad" as VanDamme's? If it's serious, won't it be even worse since it takes the idea of a woman fighting a clawed psychopath and giant boxer to kill a grown man in a cape seriously?

And if Chun-Li is played by a non-asian, does that mean we can offically stop saying in previews "This has nothing to do with the Van Damme CRAP from a few years ago..." since it's obviously not aspering to be BETTER then that.

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)
my silly little drawin's

Red Falcon
5836th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re:the VanDamme Street Fighter was THAT bad" , posted Tue 3 Jul 11:13:post reply

Although it's funny. I DO own it, I delight in bad films I can laugh at. I consider it to be in the same vein as films like "Ninja Terminator". I don't see how anyone could act like the new movie is going to be "superior", or that it has "more respect for the source materials", which seems to be a buzzword for all of these gawdawful new Hollywood "re-imaginings" of classic licenses. It sounds like more of the same, except it will probably be much less amusing.. something like "Ultraviolet", which was just an offense to every sense. Or the DOA movie, which verged on being so bad I couldn't watch it (Only a few other movies have ever earned the award of "unwatchable" from me... "The Girl and the Geek" comes to mind.)

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[this message was edited by Red Falcon on Tue 3 Jul 11:58]

1158th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(1):Re:the VanDamme Street Fighter was THAT" , posted Tue 3 Jul 13:38post reply


What I care about for a new Street Fighter movie is that they make a new Street Fighter the Movie Game. I would kill to have voice caps of the mangled attack cries to post at random in threads like this.


Just a Person
928th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1):the VanDamme StreetFighter was THAT bad" , posted Tue 3 Jul 21:30post reply

I really hate everyone knocking the original SF movie when talking about this proposed new one, as if Van Damme's Street Fighter raped and murdered a flock of puppies in front of a group of drowning orphans while "Chun-Li based SF movie" is the second coming of Christ that will save SF from being really shitty lately.

the VanDamme SF is campy fun, if you can get over your geek-rage long enough to accept maybe Ryu and Ken would be street hustlers and Sagat is an arms dealer or whatever (and it does take a lot of effort) it's a pretty silly fun movie, and I'm sure a lot of the silliness is intentional (and seriously doubt someone wrote it thinking it was a hardboiled war epic and not a goofy 'cartoon adaptation' which would explain the 'stealth boat')... it's not worth OWNING or RENTING sure, but if its on basic cable and you're bored it's not a bad use of 2 hours.

Seriously?? Because I think the SF Van Damme movie is really bad. And I don't mean it's just a bad adaptation; if you get someone who has no idea about what's Street Fighter and shows him/her this movie as just a regular martial arts movie, s/he will most likely consider it an awful movie as well. Raul Julia and Ming-Na had some decent acting (decent, not good), and that's all the good points about the movie. Van Damme was just ridiculous, the story was non-existant, and the special effects... really bad.

About Chun-Li's movie, yeah, its script doesn't look very promising, either. Maybe it can be a decent movie (maybe even a good movie, although it is VERY unlikely), but the adaptation of the game story is just as bad. And the idea of Jessica Biel as Chun-Li is just as bad, even though she's really hot and is not a bad actress (but not really good, as well).

But I'm waiting for the first REAL information about the movie and footage of it before making a final judgement.

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Just a Person
929th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(2):Re:the VanDamme Street Fighter was THAT" , posted Tue 3 Jul 21:40post reply


What I care about for a new Street Fighter movie is that they make a new Street Fighter the Movie Game. I would kill to have voice caps of the mangled attack cries to post at random in threads like this.

You mean, like that stupid "Way of the Warrior"-like game with that really weird game actor impersonating Akuma, and Kylie Minogue (still can't believe she went that low in her career; fortunately she's redeemed herself after 2001) wearing that embarrassing green swimming suit?? Actually, I never understood why they made her wear a different outfit than the movie one; same with Sagat, Dee Jay and that stupid shirtless Sawada. Oh, and let's not forget Blade (a.k.a. Gunloc from Saturday-Night Slam Masters) and his robot clones...

Nah, we're better without another SF The Movie game...

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1159th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(3):Re:the VanDamme Street Fighter was THAT" , posted Wed 4 Jul 01:14post reply

Nah, we're better without another SF The Movie game...

Of course we are, but think of the potential for using the mispronounced attack names in random stupid stuff on the internet now that we're in an age where people will actually rip them from the game and spread them around!


dr baghead
3674th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):the VanDamme StreetFighter was THAT bad" , posted Wed 4 Jul 08:52post reply

Seriously?? Because I think the SF Van Damme movie is really bad. And I don't mean it's just a bad adaptation; if you get someone who has no idea about what's Street Fighter and shows him/her this movie as just a regular martial arts movie, s/he will most likely consider it an awful movie as well. Raul Julia and Ming-Na had some decent acting (decent, not good), and that's all the good points about the movie. Van Damme was just ridiculous, the story was non-existant, and the special effects... really bad.

I can't convince you it's not terrible, but seriously I think it's funny.

It's a "bad movie" to be sure, but it's not "painfully bad" it's "funny bad"... it's obvious it was supposed to be funny (the Stealth boat, Bison's dialog and room decore, Guile's speach and the lone cook sitting their afterwards, the 'Sumo torture' scene... none of these would exist if it wasn't intentially funny)

Maybe if it had not been SF and a more obvious GI Joe parody (which I kinda see it as, I bet Hasbro had a hand in the direction the movie took to promote their SF Joes at the time) like called "Jean Claude VanDamme in 'G.I. OH-NOS!!!'" or something it'd be accepted as a campy classic, miscalculated on many levels but not a utter unwatchable failure, instead of being ignored by it's target fans because "It's not about Ryu, Blanka is not Charlie, and there's no kung-fu or fireballs!!!"

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)
my silly little drawin's

194th Post

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"Re(3):The Best Kind of Bad" , posted Wed 4 Jul 16:13post reply

Seriously?? Because I think the SF Van Damme movie is really bad. And I don't mean it's just a bad adaptation; if you get someone who has no idea about what's Street Fighter and shows him/her this movie as just a regular martial arts movie, s/he will most likely consider it an awful movie as well. Raul Julia and Ming-Na had some decent acting (decent, not good), and that's all the good points about the movie. Van Damme was just ridiculous, the story was non-existant, and the special effects... really bad.

I can't convince you it's not terrible, but seriously I think it's funny.

It's a "bad movie" to be sure, but it's not "painfully bad" it's "funny bad"... it's obvious it was supposed to be funny (the Stealth boat, Bison's dialog and room decore, Guile's speach and the lone cook sitting their afterwards, the 'Sumo torture' scene... none of these would exist if it wasn't intentially funny)

Maybe if it had not been SF and a more obvious GI Joe parody (which I kinda see it as, I bet Hasbro had a hand in the direction the movie took to promote their SF Joes at the time) like called "Jean Claude VanDamme in 'G.I. OH-NOS!!!'" or something it'd be accepted as a campy classic, miscalculated on many levels but not a utter unwatchable failure, instead of being ignored by it's target fans because "It's not about Ryu, Blanka is not Charlie, and there's no kung-fu or fireballs!!!"

I kind of feel the same way. The movie was clearly 100% camp. VanDamn, Julia, & Ming needed a paycheck, took it for what it was and had fun with it. Hamming all the way like kids playing dress up at a con. They're good actors that can act (even VanDamn), but this movie didn't really call for "acting". In a perfect world we'd have a concept as well realized as the Spiderman films are.

I remember a long time ago in an interview Julia did, he mentioned how much fun he had playing extravogant nut job Bison. Before SF & Addams he did mostly serious stuff or was always bad guy drug dealer.

Just a Person
933th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(4):The Best Kind of Bad" , posted Wed 4 Jul 21:01post reply

I can't convince you it's not terrible, but seriously I think it's funny.

Well, it is funny, actually. Not sure if it was INTENTIONALLY funny, though.

Maybe if it had not been SF and a more obvious GI Joe parody (which I kinda see it as, I bet Hasbro had a hand in the direction the movie took to promote their SF Joes at the time) like called "Jean Claude VanDamme in 'G.I. OH-NOS!!!'" or something it'd be accepted as a campy classic, miscalculated on many levels but not a utter unwatchable failure, instead of being ignored by it's target fans because "It's not about Ryu, Blanka is not Charlie, and there's no kung-fu or fireballs!!!"

Well, SF The Movie wasn't ignored just by the SF fans, but by the general audience as well. IMO, the lack of fireballs is a good thing (it would be too unrealistic), Ryu doesn't have to be the main character just because it's a SF movie, and about the Blanka/Nash confusion, Nash wasn't established as a different character back then, was he?

The main problem, IMO, is that none of the characters has anything to do with their game counterparts. Well, that and the fact that the script is garbage. I mean, even that SF scene in Jackie Chan's "City Hunter" was a better adaptation...

I kind of feel the same way. The movie was clearly 100% camp. VanDamn, Julia, & Ming needed a paycheck, took it for what it was and had fun with it. Hamming all the way like kids playing dress up at a con. They're good actors that can act (even VanDamn), but this movie didn't really call for "acting". In a perfect world we'd have a concept as well realized as the Spiderman films are.

I remember a long time ago in an interview Julia did, he mentioned how much fun he had playing extravogant nut job Bison. Before SF & Addams he did mostly serious stuff or was always bad guy drug dealer.

Well, Raul Julia was a great actor, and Ming-Na has some good actings in her career. But Van Damme?? I don't think so...

And... didn't Raul Julia die even before the movie was released??

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2174th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):The Best Kind of Bad" , posted Wed 4 Jul 22:06post reply


The main problem, IMO, is that none of the characters has anything to do with their game counterparts. Well, that and the fact that the script is garbage. I mean, even that SF scene in Jackie Chan's "City Hunter" was a better adaptation...

A movie that, ironically, was intensely reviled by City Hunter fans all over the world.

They should have had an awesome City Hunter reference in the Street Fighter movie to balance out the universe.

1379th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(6):The Best Kind of Bad" , posted Thu 5 Jul 05:37post reply

Alvin and the Chipmunks

Wow, I didn't see that coming. I wonder if the Chipmunks will be human sized or regular chipmunk size.

Apparently they will have the same voice actors so I guess that is . . . good. I wonder if this will be like the 80's toon and they will just cover a bunch of songs or we will get treated to a bunch of kid friendly rapping, which has been a scourge on this world for nearly two decades.

Red Falcon
5845th Post

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"Re(7):The Best Kind of Bad" , posted Thu 5 Jul 06:22:post reply

Alvin and the Chipmunks

I implore the METAL Gods of War to come and strike down the makers of this film.

Work-safe Gods.

Non work-safe Gods.

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[this message was edited by Red Falcon on Thu 5 Jul 06:22]

1401th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Simpsons movie thoughts" , posted Sat 28 Jul 10:26post reply

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Just got back from "The Simpsons Movie" and I am disappointed. There really wasn't anything new. Springfield has been in danger before, Homer has been kicked out before, so on and so forth.

I think this is indicative of the "new" Simpsons, yes, I am one of those people who like the older Simpsons over the newer. This movie was too Homer centric and I think that is what hurt it the most. If the movie was focused on Bart and the school kids they might have done something more interesting

End of Spoiler

I got to see the Alvin and the Chipmunks trailer as well and it looked kind of promising until the scat scene.

804th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(5):Jimmyyyy!!!" , posted Sat 28 Jul 17:17post reply

... and about the Blanka/Nash confusion, Nash wasn't established as a different character back then, was he?

- Jimmy!!!!!!

- Mommyyy!!!!

Red Falcon
5946th Post

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"Re(1):Simpsons movie thoughts" , posted Sun 29 Jul 00:54post reply


I got to see the Alvin and the Chipmunks trailer as well and it looked kind of promising until the scat scene.

Aaaaa.. AUGHGHGHGHhhhh..

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"Re(2):Simpsons movie thoughts" , posted Sun 29 Jul 04:25post reply


1351th Post

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"Re(3):Simpsons movie thoughts" , posted Sun 29 Jul 06:04post reply


Her? What about HIM.

1204th Post

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"Re(4):Simpsons movie thoughts" , posted Sun 29 Jul 06:27post reply

Man, I'm so glad that the SF Zero series got new art direction.


1402th Post

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"New Resident Evil Extinction trailer" , posted Sun 29 Jul 09:11post reply

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1352th Post

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"Re(5):Simpsons movie thoughts" , posted Sun 29 Jul 09:31post reply

Man, I'm so glad that the SF Zero series got new art direction.

And people are saying Udon's renditions are bad!

1205th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(6):Simpsons movie thoughts" , posted Sun 29 Jul 14:52post reply

Then again, the old GIJoe-esque art was at least concerned with being anatomically correct, which is something in its favor that Udon sure doesn't have. Oh well!


dr baghead
3703th Post

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"Re(1):Simpsons movie thoughts" , posted Sun 29 Jul 18:13post reply

I got to see the Alvin and the Chipmunks trailer as well and it looked kind of promising until the scat scene.

I'm gonna agree with that... it doesn't look like it'll be *that* horrible a movie. Probably not worth a viewing but doesn't look like it's gonna rape any childhood memories either (well, except for the shit eatting, but that might excuse able if they act like Chipmunks the whole movie and aren't going to human school and what not)

... I will however not agree with your Simpson's review that if it had been about Bart it'd have been more interesting.

Homer's just a more logical main character when you consider the Simpson's target demographic (adults who grew up with the show: ones who should act like mature adults but still have a little too much kid in them like Homer.) It's easier for this demo to relate to Homer then Bart, Homer's stories present a moral the audience can use today (love your family more then yourself, they respect you so need to respect them. The world's no longer all about you, you have to serve the comunial good now) then stories about Bart where the lessons are ones they've out grown (do good in school and behave and you can succeed! Do bad and you'll only have yourself to blame when you're held back)... out of curiosity, what makes you think a Bart centeric story would have been better? Like do you have an idea for an exact story or just the notion 'Camp Krusty' or 'Lord of the Flies type episode I forgot the title of' would have been interesting in film form?

I do agree the movie doesn't offer anything new aside from fancy pants animation (which looks super slick) and really it seem with 3 small cuts

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Bart's unessessary wiener exposure, Homer's double birdflipping, and Marge putting the "God" before the "Damn"

End of Spoiler

It could have been a 3 part TV episode... but it's MUCH funnier then recent episodes have been, it feels like a middle of the road Oakley-Weinstein era episode (family centeric view point of the early seasons that dominated the early episodes, but a little illogical wackiness that has come to ruin the show these days) which is all good in my book.

Although, having seen it I think watching it on DVD would have been just as good... plus that's gonna have a crap ton of deleted extras.

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)
my silly little drawin's

Just a Person
945th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(3):Simpsons movie thoughts" , posted Sun 29 Jul 22:47post reply


Damn... Eliza looks like a blow-up doll. And a badly made one.

That, or a giant puppet.

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2896th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Simpsons movie thoughts" , posted Tue 31 Jul 00:32post reply


Her? What about HIM.

Woman! Woman! Woman!

1404th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Simpsons movie thoughts" , posted Tue 31 Jul 06:17:post reply


Homer's just a more logical main character when you consider the Simpson's target demographic (adults who grew up with the show: ones who should act like mature adults but still have a little too much kid in them like Homer.) It's easier for this demo to relate to Homer then Bart, Homer's stories present a moral the audience can use today (love your family more then yourself, they respect you so need to respect them. The world's no longer all about you, you have to serve the comunial good now) then stories about Bart where the lessons are ones they've out grown (do good in school and behave and you can succeed! Do bad and you'll only have yourself to blame when you're held back)... out of curiosity, what makes you think a Bart centeric story would have been better? Like do you have an idea for an exact story or just the notion 'Camp Krusty' or 'Lord of the Flies type episode I forgot the title of' would have been interesting in film form?

I thought that a plot around the Bart and the kids would been better as they haven't done anything big around them in a while. Like I said before, very little from the movie was really original. Sure there have been kid centric episodes like "Kamp Krusty" in the past, but a lot of the school kids have gone by the wayside so it would have seemed more fresh. Homer has become silly enough that he could fit into any plot they could make up since he is pretty much all slapstick and rudeness now.

Maybe it wouldn't really have to be about Bart and the kids, but a movie that utilized the supporting casts of the show might have been better. Bart didn't play a big part in the main plot of the movie and was mostly relegated to the Flander's sub-plot.

Hell, they could have done a Halloween of Horror movie that way they could have Kang and Kodos.

Many of the best episodes were based around the supporting casts and how they bring new antics to the Simpson's lives. It seemed weird that of all the secondary characters outside of Flanders to get a significant amount of screen time it was Comic Book Guy.

[this message was edited by GekigangerV on Tue 31 Jul 06:19]

2315th Post

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"Re(3):Simpsons movie thoughts" , posted Tue 31 Jul 08:14post reply

You little nerds have spent so much time with your cartoons, your video games and your movies based on video games and cartoons that you don't know what a REAL woman looks like.

3676th Post

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"Re(4):Simpsons movie thoughts" , posted Wed 1 Aug 00:27post reply

you don't know what a REAL woman looks like.

Women are real?

dr baghead
3705th Post

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"Re(3):Simpsons movie thoughts" , posted Wed 1 Aug 05:45post reply

Kang and Kodos.

They're gonna be on the DVD. They were supposed to be during the credits complaining about the movie but got cut out

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)
my silly little drawin's

1407th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Rush Hour 3 review" , posted Fri 17 Aug 03:23post reply


My least favorite of the Rush Hour movies. Action seemed toned down compared to previous Rush Hour movies.

Jackie Chan can still do some cool stuff(check out New Police Story if you haven't yet), but the action sequences need to be better choreographed and set in locations that aren't too over the top. Even in his heyday, Chan probably wouldn't have done something as dangerous as fight over the real Eiffel Tower, but the blatantly obvious special effects really takes you out of the scene and you don't get the feeling of danger or authenticity as a regular Jackie Chan action sequence.

Comedy was probably on a similar level as the previous movies. I liked the duet between Chan and Tucker in the gentleman's club the most.

Story seemed to be as garbled as X3. Hopefully this kind of film making doesn't follow every Ratner movie from now on. The resolution seemed just as rushed in Rush Hour 3 as in X3. There was an opportunity there for one more chase or something.

1228th Post

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"Re(1):Rush Hour 3 review" , posted Fri 17 Aug 07:45post reply

Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth?

Even without Zhang Ziyi, 1 is just too much fun.


891th Post

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"Harold & Kumar 2 Trailer" , posted Fri 17 Aug 17:29post reply


2204th Post

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"STOP PLAYING DONKEY KONG AND WIPE MY BUTT" , posted Sat 18 Aug 15:42post reply

So did anyone see the King of Kong yet?

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"Batman: The Dark Knight leaked images" , posted Mon 20 Aug 08:05post reply

Courtesy of the ComicBook Resources forums ... Clixxor

Wither Blister Burn + Peel

Dr Orochi
514th Post

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"Re(1):Batman: The Dark Knight leaked images" , posted Mon 20 Aug 12:01post reply

Courtesy of the ComicBook Resources forums ... Clixxor

If Ledger's portrayal of The Joker matches the make up job then consider me immensely disappointed...

8100th Post

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"Re(2):Batman: The Dark Knight leaked images" , posted Mon 20 Aug 17:14post reply

If Ledger's portrayal of The Joker matches the make up job then consider me immensely disappointed...

Who cares ? Aaron Eckhart will play Harvey Dent.
I'm already half fapping.

154th Post

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"Re(2):Batman: The Dark Knight leaked images" , posted Tue 21 Aug 04:59post reply

Courtesy of the ComicBook Resources forums ... Clixxor

If Ledger's portrayal of The Joker matches the make up job then consider me immensely disappointed...

From what I'm hearing, he'll start out the movie in make-up and get 'bleached' in a final dramatic battle with Batman.

Wither Blister Burn + Peel

142th Post

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"Re(3):Batman: The Dark Knight leaked images" , posted Fri 24 Aug 02:24post reply


From what I'm hearing, he'll start out the movie in make-up and get 'bleached' in a final dramatic battle with Batman.

I just hope he kills Katie Holmes' character at some point in the movie.

Dr Orochi
515th Post

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"Re(4):Batman: The Dark Knight leaked images" , posted Fri 24 Aug 03:50post reply


From what I'm hearing, he'll start out the movie in make-up and get 'bleached' in a final dramatic battle with Batman.

I just hope he kills Katie Holmes' character at some point in the movie.

Now being played by Maggie Gyllenhaal. Although I'm not too keen on her it's better than Holmes, who couldn't act her way out of a wet paper bag.

143th Post

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"Re(5):Batman: The Dark Knight leaked images" , posted Fri 24 Aug 04:25post reply


Now being played by Maggie Gyllenhaal. Although I'm not too keen on her it's better than Holmes, who couldn't act her way out of a wet paper bag.

Ah! She's certainly a step up from Holmes, but still, i just didn't like the character, not the actress. Which makes me hope that they'll have the Joker kill her off in order to give Batman a real vendetta against the Joker.

It'll probably climax into one of the those "he's pushed Batman over the edge! Now Batman's going to KILL him!" moments. You know, where Batman never actually kills anyone.

Then again, he didn't seem to have a problem killing all those ninja and Raj Al Ghul in the first movie.

1421th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Street Fighter director announced" , posted Thu 6 Sep 12:17:post reply

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Andrzej Bartkowiak, the director of Romeo Must Die, Cradle 2 the Grave, Doom and Exit wounds.

I have a hunch that Steven Seagal will be M. Bison.

[this message was edited by GekigangerV on Thu 6 Sep 12:17]

Just a Person
970th Post

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"Re(1):Street Fighter director announced" , posted Thu 6 Sep 21:35post reply

Link Here

Andrzej Bartkowiak, the director of Romeo Must Die, Cradle 2 the Grave, Doom and Exit wounds.

I have a hunch that Steven Seagal will be M. Bison.

Nooooo...! This man should be prohibited to direct any other movie after the awful job he did with Doom. (Romeo Must Die was kinda nice, though - but Doom is just awful)

Steven Seagal as M.Bison? The bad side of it is that a tree can act better than him. The good side is that we'd finally see someone kicking Seagal's butt...

Still, the good side is not good enough to hire Seagal for this movie.

I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!

2928th Post

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"Re(2):Street Fighter director announced" , posted Thu 6 Sep 22:23post reply

I like how this movie continues to lurch forward in spite of there being no interest whatsoever in the project. It's getting to the point where I want to see it released just because there is no reason for it to exist.

813th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):Street Fighter director announced" , posted Fri 7 Sep 01:07post reply

Link Here

Andrzej Bartkowiak, the director of Romeo Must Die, Cradle 2 the Grave, Doom and Exit wounds.

I have a hunch that Steven Seagal will be M. Bison.

Man, that would be awesome to see!!! Now you got me hyped about that flick!!!

108th Post

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"Re(1):New movie thread with SF script review" , posted Fri 7 Sep 21:30:post reply

If the director of Doom is doing this, expect a pointless exhibition of 2D-style fighting for no reason at the end of the movie, complete with charging motions and not being able move beyond the boundaries of the screen

You know, to remain faithful to the source material

join the m.bison hat club today
i'm not just the president i'm also a client

[this message was edited by mbisonhatclub on Fri 7 Sep 21:34]

1421th Post

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"Robotech with Tobey Maguire" , posted Sat 8 Sep 05:36post reply

Link Here

I have to say that if any Sci-Fi anime has the potential for being turned into a decent live action movie that it's Robotech/Macross.

But I don't know, Hollywood will fuck this up for sure.

BTW, how was that new anime Robotech that came out a few months ago?

1373th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):Robotech with Tobey Maguire" , posted Sat 8 Sep 05:58post reply


But I don't know, Hollywood will fuck this up for sure.

I'm hoping Lynn Minmay is played by American Idol winner Kelly Clark.

448th Post

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"HOLLYWOOD LOVES US!" , posted Mon 10 Sep 02:33post reply

I do not know if anyone ever reported this but here it is. Please. I encourage anyone interested to get into a single file line to slap someone.

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

Burning Ranger
1511th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):HOLLYWOOD LOVES US!" , posted Mon 10 Sep 02:53post reply

I do not know if anyone ever reported this but here it is. Please. I encourage anyone interested to get into a single file line to slap someone.

It's out of our hands. It's been out of our hands since 2000. This wouldn't have happened under the old SNK regime.

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

1241th Post

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"Re(2):HOLLYWOOD LOVES US!" , posted Mon 10 Sep 03:23:post reply

Gekiganger, I heard the new Macross was actually really pretty solid. I always meant to watch the original, supposedly magnificent stuff. Or was it Macross Plus I was supposed to see? Maybe that was the one...

I can't figure out who these Hollywood or English-language game movies are for. They obviously don't care about the original games' audience given how condescendingly stupid and poorly directed they inevitably are, but do other people like them? Did they expect anyone besides gamers to bother with the original Street Fighter movie, or the next one for that matter?


[this message was edited by Maou on Mon 10 Sep 03:24]

Undead Fred
2916th Post

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"Re(3):HOLLYWOOD LOVES US!" , posted Mon 10 Sep 14:25post reply

I can't figure out who these Hollywood or English-language game movies are for. They obviously don't care about the original games' audience given how condescendingly stupid and poorly directed they inevitably are, but do other people like them? Did they expect anyone besides gamers to bother with the original Street Fighter movie, or the next one for that matter?

Well, the only thing I can come up with is that their plan is basically to trick enough stupid low-level fans of the games and dumb non-fans into seeing the movie to make a little money and then they can laugh all the way to the bank. And I'm sure they can rake in a little extra off of "there's nothing else I want to see" people as well.

Anyone else will know to avoid the Alone in the Darks and the Doom movies out there.

1375th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):HOLLYWOOD LOVES US!" , posted Wed 12 Sep 22:48post reply

I can't figure out who these Hollywood or English-language game movies are for. They obviously don't care about the original games' audience given how condescendingly stupid and poorly directed they inevitably are, but do other people like them? Did they expect anyone besides gamers to bother with the original Street Fighter movie, or the next one for that matter?

True but the thing that irritates me is when people say "the plot is nothing like the game!" if the game had little plot to begin with (i.e Mario)

People talk trash on the Van Damm SF movie because it is nothing like the game which is true, but the Japanese animated movie from the mid 90s deviated as well. I don't recall anything in the text of the endings for SF2 that Bison wanted to capture Ryu and make him a slave for instance. But the movie was good just because the writing was better, was not overly cheesy and of course stylized animation.

2934th Post

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"Re(4):HOLLYWOOD LOVES US!" , posted Wed 12 Sep 23:52post reply


People talk trash on the Van Damm SF movie because it is nothing like the game which is true, but the Japanese animated movie from the mid 90s deviated as well. I don't recall anything in the text of the endings for SF2 that Bison wanted to capture Ryu and make him a slave for instance. But the movie was good just because the writing was better, was not overly cheesy and of course stylized animation.

I never knew that the story of SF was that Chun-Li had to set aside her job as a tour guide in order to defeat Sadler until I saw the various animated adaptations that have come out of Japan.

1241th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):HOLLYWOOD LOVES US!" , posted Thu 13 Sep 08:11post reply

True but the thing that irritates me is when people say "the plot is nothing like the game!" if the game had little plot to begin with (i.e Mario)
Maybe, but I'm pretty sure I don't remember Koopa being a blond Blade Runner replicant-lookalike gangster instead of a giant turtle dragon. Or guns in Mushroom Land.


Undead Fred
2917th Post

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"Re(5):HOLLYWOOD LOVES US!" , posted Thu 13 Sep 14:35post reply

True but the thing that irritates me is when people say "the plot is nothing like the game!" if the game had little plot to begin with (i.e Mario) Maybe, but I'm pretty sure I don't remember Koopa being a blond Blade Runner replicant-lookalike gangster instead of a giant turtle dragon. Or guns in Mushroom Land.

I remember the Alone in the Dark trailers when the movie was out and thinking, "I wonder if that's somehow about the game? Nah, it's nothing like it. Must just be a coincidence."


1426th Post

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"Superman: Doomsday thoughts" , posted Wed 19 Sep 12:51:post reply

I just bought the DVD and I thought I would try and get a discussion started on it since I think there are some fans here of the DC animated stuff.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Overall I was disappointed. Other than the fight scenes, nothing in the movie appealed to me. I really loved the DC animated series stuff, but I couldn't get into this and I know this is a different 'universe' where all that pre-established stuff doesn't apply, but the story telling style seemed completely different.

The title is misleading as Doomsday is only the first act and kind of thrown in and kicked out of the movie. The rest of the movie involves Superman's comeback which also involves a nefarious Lex Luthor plot.

I was following 'New Frontier' more than 'Doomsday' and from the looks of New Frontier they were trying to follow the comic very closely so I was expecting something like that for Doomsday as well.

I know that there would have been some stuff they would have had to cut to save time and some of it isn't really relevant such as clone Lex Luthor. But certain elements of the story were essential such as the use of the Justice League to show that Superman was the last chance against Doomsday and the way they handled the revelation of Clark's secret identity was more poignant to the story.

This movie was okay compared to some of the other stuff out there and has some great voice acting(especially the person who played Lois), but this film isn't in the same league as 'Mask of the Phantasm' or 'Return of the Joker.' It definitely had some hardcore deaths, but the plot didn't seem complete.

Hopefully 'New Frontier' turns out a lot better.

End of Spoiler

[this message was edited by GekigangerV on Wed 19 Sep 12:53]

164th Post

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"Re(1):Superman: Doomsday thoughts" , posted Wed 19 Sep 16:29post reply

How close is it to the death/return storyline from the comics? Does it include the "Reign of the Supermen"?

Wither Blister Burn + Peel

2226th Post

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"Re(1):Superman: Doomsday thoughts" , posted Wed 19 Sep 20:24post reply

I'm a fan of these animated works so I saw it.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -

It was okay. I'm not familiar with the source material, but for a long while at the beginning the acting and writing felt incredibly forced and uninspired. It wasn't really until after the Doomsday battle that everything started to flow a bit more evenly.

It was weird hearing new voice actors for all the main characters. I know it's a different world from those other versions but even so, it kind of took me out of it for a while trying to adjust to the new voices after 100's of episodes with the old cast. Superman and Luthor were pretty good, and Lois had some great scenes but her voice still sounded like she was tripping over her own tongue. Oh well.

The first act was subpar, the second act was a lot better but still kind of gamey. Put them together and I'd say it was slightly below average as these things go. About the level of that forgettable Batwoman movie they did years ago.

End of Spoiler

200th Post

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"Re(2):Superman: Doomsday thoughts" , posted Thu 20 Sep 11:16post reply

I thought it was kind of subpar. The strongest act was in the middle. They changed a lot from the comics for what seems just for the sake of simplifying things for a movie. And looses what made it interesting other than the death. Something like the death and return of Superman could have been written into a 3rd of a Justice League season.

Also it was kind of lame to put in that Goku moment. "almost there guys! I'm not done training/recovery/escaped yet to save you all!"

dr baghead
3716th Post

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"Re(3):Superman: Doomsday thoughts" , posted Sun 23 Sep 04:45post reply

Something like the death and return of Superman could have been written into a 3rd of a Justice League season.

They did do a version of 'Death and Return of Superman' in Justice League... it might have been second season though. OH WAIT! I forgot the internet has a Super-Nerd Resource Center!

Season 2, "Hereafter":

That covers the 'world in mourning and Lobo in place of Erradactor/Cyborg Superman showing Superman was made up of more then just suprpowers'

and if you want to see Supes fight Doomsday he does that a couple times in Season 3. At least ones mimicing the 'when they punch each other the impact shatters the windows of surrounding bulidings' I believe.

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)
my silly little drawin's

1429th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"DBZ movie details" , posted Wed 3 Oct 13:12:post reply

Link Here

There are some spoilers in there. Damn, this will be a train wreak. I am surprised they didn't start with the Vegeta/Nappa fight.

[this message was edited by GekigangerV on Wed 3 Oct 13:13]

1584th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):DBZ movie details" , posted Wed 3 Oct 18:43post reply

Link Here

There are some spoilers in there. Damn, this will be a train wreak. I am surprised they didn't start with the Vegeta/Nappa fight.

So it's a DB non-Z movie after all? Guess this way they give themselves room for the sequel(s)...

How reliable would this be?

Like the wind...

"When the finger points to heaven the idiot looks at the finger."
-A kid from Amélie.

Time Mage
2593th Post

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"Re(1):DBZ movie details" , posted Wed 3 Oct 22:53post reply

Link Here

There are some spoilers in there. Damn, this will be a train wreak. I am surprised they didn't start with the Vegeta/Nappa fight.

Wow, it's going to be shit. The shittiest thing I'll watch in my life, to be exact, because I'd be pretty naive if I think I'm not going to see it.

Dragon Kick your ass into the Milky Waaay~~ (Milky Waaaay)

2954th Post

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"Re(2):DBZ movie details" , posted Thu 4 Oct 00:12post reply


Wow, it's going to be shit. The shittiest thing I'll watch in my life, to be exact, because I'd be pretty naive if I think I'm not going to see it.

The question I'm asking myself now is whether I will see it in the theater or wait for the inevitable extended version on DVD which will feature an extra half an hour of the characters clenching and going "RaaaaaAAAAAAH!"

4295th Post

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"Re(1):DBZ movie details" , posted Thu 4 Oct 00:52post reply

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I think that "Mai" was one of pilaf's second in command, I'll get comfirmation of that later.
Clearly, this will be inferior to the taiwanese / chinese production; just like the hokuto no ken live action.

431th Post

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"Re(2):DBZ movie details" , posted Thu 4 Oct 02:39:post reply

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I think that "Mai" was one of pilaf's second in command.



[this message was edited by Mokona on Thu 4 Oct 02:39]

168th Post

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"Re(2):DBZ movie details" , posted Thu 4 Oct 02:44post reply

Clearly, this will be inferior to the taiwanese / chinese production

Do tell us more, please.

Wither Blister Burn + Peel

8182th Post

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"Re(2):DBZ movie details" , posted Thu 4 Oct 03:30post reply

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Shindekudasai indeed.

169th Post

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"Re(3):DBZ movie details" , posted Thu 4 Oct 06:42post reply

Link Here
Shindekudasai indeed.

I meant the Taiwanese one.
But thanks for trying, Iggy.

Wither Blister Burn + Peel

4297th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):DBZ movie details" , posted Thu 4 Oct 09:59post reply

I meant the Taiwanese one.

It's funny how it's incredibly hard to find material off this :P this atrocity is broadcasted once every so often down here.


french review with some pics

untested direct rapid share download

bonus -> korean version (haven't seen it)

170th Post

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"Re(5):DBZ movie details" , posted Thu 4 Oct 15:53post reply

korean version (haven't seen it)

Oolong looks ridiculous, and plushie Puar is cute. But I suppose that's as close as one could get to Goku's hair in live action. The one shot where he's holding the Nyoibo, looking kinda short and stubby, is actually almost dead on. Whereas in the American version, we'll probably get Shia LeBouf or the Harry Potter kid. >_<

I wonder if they could get MaCauley Culkin. I'm sure he'd be down for some minute-long DB style "AAAAHHHH!!"s.

Wither Blister Burn + Peel

8183th Post

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"Re(4):DBZ movie details" , posted Thu 4 Oct 15:56post reply

But thanks for trying, Iggy.

Actually, I wasn't answering to your question, I just thought your nickname was the best answer anyone could say to anyone working on this movie.

160th Post

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"Re(6):DBZ movie details" , posted Fri 5 Oct 05:56post reply


I wonder if they could get MaCauley Culkin. I'm sure he'd be down for some minute-long DB style "AAAAHHHH!!"s.

Haha, interesting choice.

As much as I am living in fear of what the end product of this movie will be... I was wondering, who do you think could actually play a good Goku?

My vote goes to Jason Scott Lee:

He's the only actor I can think of that has the right look. Athletic, martial arts experience, can get pretty damn buff if needed and has a handsome but friendly face.

1429th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Astro Boy first look" , posted Tue 9 Oct 14:47post reply

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Looks pretty good. Its from Imagi, who made the 3D Ninja Turtles movie so I think they will do better than most other people who could have gotten their hands on this.

1430th Post

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"Former Epic games guy will direct Thundercats" , posted Wed 10 Oct 13:37post reply

Jerry O'Flaherty

He was the art director for Gears of War and UT3.

Never played Gears, so I don't know about him.

161th Post

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"Re(1):Former Epic games guy will direct Thund" , posted Thu 11 Oct 05:57post reply

Jerry O'Flaherty
He was the art director for Gears of War and UT3.

Never played Gears, so I don't know about him.

Game had some nice art direction. The environments were really good and the situations were set up well and felt real and immsersive, so hopefully he'll do a good job.

Although I think they should just pay Studio Ghibli alot of money to revert back to Topcraft and animate Thunder Cats again.

319th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(7):DBZ movie details" , posted Thu 11 Oct 10:15post reply


As much as I am living in fear of what the end product of this movie will be... I was wondering, who do you think could actually play a good Goku?

How about Donnie yen as Goku? Then again, I'm not sure now that I think about it, he's got that mean look to him and Goku has that light hearted attitude about things. It was a thought indeed.

Clips of Donnie Yen in action.

163th Post

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"Re(8):DBZ movie details" , posted Thu 11 Oct 16:55post reply

Then again, I'm not sure now that I think about it, he's got that mean look to him and Goku has that light hearted attitude about things.

How about Donnie Yen as Vegeta?

322th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(9):DBZ movie details" , posted Fri 12 Oct 03:45post reply


How about Donnie Yen as Vegeta?

Doh, had a bit of a hee haw moment right there lol. Thanks for the reminder that actually sounds much better.

166th Post

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"Re(10):DBZ movie details" , posted Sat 13 Oct 13:56post reply


Doh, had a bit of a hee haw moment right there lol. Thanks for the reminder that actually sounds much better.

Haha, glad you agree. While we're at it, how about Fujita as Nappa?

1455th Post

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"Biohazard: Degeneration CG movie" , posted Mon 29 Oct 13:40:post reply

Link Here

They say it will be a brand new storyline.

Hopefully its closer to the games.

[this message was edited by GekigangerV on Mon 29 Oct 13:52]

1387th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):Biohazard: Degeneration CG movie" , posted Thu 1 Nov 04:19post reply

Link Here

They say it will be a brand new storyline.

Hopefully its closer to the games.

Well to be honest the RE movies were closer to the original RE games than Resident Evil 4 was.

4407th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Biohazard: Degeneration CG movie" , posted Thu 1 Nov 11:46post reply

Well to be honest the RE movies were closer to the original RE games than Resident Evil 4 was.

Not even. None of the playable chars had psychic powers.

2250th Post

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"Tekken poop" , posted Tue 6 Nov 04:39post reply

Possible details on upcoming Tekken movie production

All I can say is

2982th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Tekken poop" , posted Tue 6 Nov 23:16post reply

Possible details on upcoming Tekken movie production

All I can say is

So the movie is about some guy named Bonner who sells the drug Zen and listens to songs by the Black Eyed Peas? Oh, this movie sounds so wonderfully, wonderfully awful. It takes real skill to make a story that is even more ridiculous than the plot of the Tekken games but it sounds like they are well on their way to hitting that lofty goal.

8237th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Tekken poop" , posted Wed 7 Nov 01:30post reply

It takes real skill to make a story that is even more ridiculous than the plot of the Tekken games but it sounds like they are well on their way to hitting that lofty goal.

And without even the single Kangaroo so far !

486th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(3):Tekken poop" , posted Fri 9 Nov 22:00post reply

Will this top Street Fighter in a crappy game-to-live-action movie category?
It takes real skill to make a story that is even more ridiculous than the plot of the Tekken games but it sounds like they are well on their way to hitting that lofty goal.

And without even the single Kangaroo so far !

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

1457th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):Tekken poop" , posted Sat 10 Nov 09:59post reply

Will this top Street Fighter in a crappy game-to-live-action movie category?

Maybe, At least Street Fighter was so bad it was funny and SF fans had the alternative of an OK anime movie. Now Tekken fans are stuck with a shitty movie and a shitty anime.

487th Post

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"Re(5):Tekken poop" , posted Sat 10 Nov 22:07post reply

I guess we will all have to wait and see.

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

488th Post

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"SNNNAAAKE!" , posted Mon 12 Nov 02:16post reply

IMDB and several other sites has reported that there is a Metal <dramatic pause> Gear Solid movie in the works. Hollywood is somehow involved and so are some American actors.

I just found out about this today. Another video game movie that I will not be watching.

Happy Veterans Day everyone.

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

681th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(1):SNNNAAAKE!" , posted Mon 12 Nov 04:36post reply

IMDB and several other sites has reported that there is a Metal <dramatic pause> Gear Solid movie in the works. Hollywood is somehow involved and so are some American actors.

I just found out about this today. Another video game movie that I will not be watching.

Happy Veterans Day everyone.

How can you say that even before a director, cast, etc. hasn't been announced? Of all the game movies that are going to happen, this one is the only one that I think it can turn out to be great, and easyly be faithful to the source material.


200th Post

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"Re(2):SNNNAAAKE!" , posted Mon 12 Nov 05:34post reply


How can you say that even before a director, cast, etc. hasn't been announced? Of all the game movies that are going to happen, this one is the only one that I think it can turn out to be great, and easily be faithful to the source material.

Silent Hill also had everything great going for it, they even managed to get a halfway decent director and a supposedly great scriptwriter and according to interviews they "respected" the source and said videogames could be art etc... but the movie was crap.

Most movies aren't very good to begin with. Then there are videogame movies, which have all been bad. So it's easy to assume that the Metal Gear movie will be bad.

I just don't see a point in making a Metal Gear movie. The games tell the story exactly as it should be told, a movie would just water things down. It'd be like making a videogame out of Citzen Cane or Rashamon or some other classic. It COULD be interesting, but why bother unless you honestly have something interesting to add to the mix.

489th Post

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"Re(2):SNNNAAAKE!" , posted Mon 12 Nov 05:49post reply

I believe we just found out the problem on why it would not be as good as it sounds.
...easyly be faithful to the source material.

Of course Hollywood will place its' own twist on it.

Speaking of which Wanted based on the same mini-series by Mark Millar & J. G. Jones, released by Top Cow/Image, as told to me by one of my co-workers, saw the preview of this movie trailer when he went to watch American Gangsters. He states the preview looks pretty good even though he has not seen nor read the source material.

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

2986th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):SNNNAAAKE!" , posted Mon 12 Nov 06:38post reply

Adapting anything into a movie -be it a novel, play, real life event or what have you- is fraught with all sorts of difficulties. With video games I think the problem is that it's the interactive element of the experience, rather than the plot, that is the main draw. For example, with Resident Evil it's not that the search for the rusty key is such a gripping narrative that it draws people to the series. Rather, it's the immersion the player experiences while trying to guide their avatar through the survival horror experience that makes people want to play the games. It's no wonder that film makers don't really seem to know what to do with game adaptations; the primary draw of games isn't available in the passive medium of movies.

Also, thanks to this tread I now want to play a Citizen Kane FPS. You're going down Joseph Cotten!

181th Post

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"Re(4):SNNNAAAKE!" , posted Tue 13 Nov 02:53post reply

why add solid? why not metal gear? solid was for the ps game meaning 3d.. ryt?

490th Post

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"Re(5):SNNNAAAKE!" , posted Tue 13 Nov 04:15post reply

Hollywood does not acknowledge that there was ever a "Metal...Gear."
why add solid? why not metal gear? solid was for the ps game meaning 3d.. ryt?

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

1459th Post

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"new DBZ movie stuff" , posted Tue 13 Nov 07:27post reply

James Kyson Lee auditioned for Yamcha

He's the dude that plays Ando on "Heroes."

201th Post

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"Re(4):SNNNAAAKE!" , posted Tue 13 Nov 22:19post reply


Also, thanks to this tread I now want to play a Citizen Kane FPS. You're going down Joseph Cotten!


2990th Post

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"Re(5):SNNNAAAKE!" , posted Wed 14 Nov 01:28post reply




202th Post

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"Re(6):SNNNAAAKE!" , posted Wed 14 Nov 02:03post reply



Haha thanks. This is kinda fun. Name another movie!

8244th Post

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"Re(7):SNNNAAAKE!" , posted Wed 14 Nov 04:25post reply

Haha thanks. This is kinda fun. Name another movie!

The Piano ?
It could make an interesting prosthetic rythm game.

2991th Post

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"Re(8):SNNNAAAKE!" , posted Wed 14 Nov 05:43post reply

Haha thanks. This is kinda fun. Name another movie!
The Piano ?
It could make an interesting prosthetic rythm game.

True, making action games out of action movies is far too obvious and dull. While in the music genre I think that Le Cercle Rouge and Donzoko/The Lower Depths would both make swell dance games. You could even combine them to make the mash-up The Red Ring Dance Machine: The Mifune Mix.

I suspect Roger Ebert has a shallow grave in his backyard that he can go roll over in when topics like this get discussed.

1460th Post

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"Re(1):new DBZ movie stuff" , posted Wed 14 Nov 23:50post reply

Actors announced for Goku and Piccolo

I haven't heard of Justin Chatwin, but apparently he was on the pilot to "Smallville" so I have saw him years ago.

Stephen Chow is producing and I hope he has a good amount of input.

2994th Post

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"Re(2):new DBZ movie stuff" , posted Thu 15 Nov 02:41post reply

Actors announced for Goku and Piccolo

I haven't heard of Justin Chatwin, but apparently he was on the pilot to "Smallville" so I have saw him years ago.

Stephen Chow is producing and I hope he has a good amount of input.

The idea that a US live action DBZ movie is actually being made still boggles my mind. That I might be able to go see it in less than a year... man, I'm going to need some time to get used to that one.

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"Movie adaption of Shamo manga" , posted Thu 15 Nov 03:58:post reply

The DBZ movie, it kinda boggles my mind too, but on the other hand, I can't wait to go to the theathers to watch it with my friends, I want to laugh off of it as much as I can! Then again, I will walk out really sad if it's somehow decent and credible, but what are the chances that'll happen?

Edit: Shamo movie adaption trailer! It's looking great! Fans of the original manga now have something to look forward to. I was fucked because they ceased to publish the manga in my country at volume 13, just when it was on the most interesting part!


[this message was edited by IkariDC on Thu 15 Nov 04:16]

205th Post

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"Re(1):Movie adaption of Shamo manga" , posted Thu 15 Nov 20:21post reply

Then again, I will walk out really sad if it's somehow decent and credible, but what are the chances that'll happen?

Don't worry, the movie is pretty much guaranteed to suck:

Dragon Ball Live in Yellow Face !

Also, thanks for the Chamo link. I just started getting into that Manga. If the movie is half as good as the manga it will kick ass.

1467th Post

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"Bender's Big Score" , posted Tue 4 Dec 13:47post reply

Got the return of Futurama on DVD over the weekend at watched over it once.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Overall pretty good, but kind of more on the serious side that comedy. Like 'Superman: Doomsday', the title is kind of misleading as Bender's theft, is kind of minor compared to the overall storyline. However, I am glad this movie didn't end up being centered around bender. I liked it better than The Simpsons movie even if the comedy was kind of toned down(it could of used a bit more Zoidberg just for the sake of it). This film flows kind of slow here and there, but it is complete and tries to do something different with the Leela/Fry relationship. I didn't really like the scammer villains too much, I hope this is the last time they show up.

End of Spoiler

218th Post

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"Re(1):Bender's Big Score" , posted Wed 5 Dec 03:32post reply

Hmmmm just got the movie and I agree with your sentiments.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
The Scammers were terrible bad guys. They just weren't very funny or interesting, just annoying. The movie really picks up towards the middle though, and now that they got all the requisite cameos and references out of the way, i hope they can concentrate on a good story in future movies.

Also, did you think it was weird that they kept joking about being cancelled 2 years ago? Hasn't it been like ... 5 years at least? How long were these movies secretly in production?

End of Spoiler

Dr Baghead
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"CHICKEN GREASE, SALT" , posted Wed 5 Dec 03:35post reply

I liked the Futurama DVD, not so much I plan to rewatch it for a 3rd time anytime soon, but enough that I thought it was good and worth the money.

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)
my silly little drawin's

1471th Post

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"Speed Racer pics" , posted Fri 7 Dec 06:36:post reply

Link Here

I don't know about this. Looks like Spy Kids + Hot Wheels + Speed Racer.

Trailer is supposed to come out later today.

[this message was edited by GekigangerV on Fri 7 Dec 06:36]

Dr Orochi
529th Post

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"Re(1):Speed Racer pics" , posted Fri 7 Dec 09:36:post reply

Link Here

I'm not sure how I feel about this, but I do think Christina Ricci as Trixie is fairly clever.

[this message was edited by Dr Orochi on Fri 7 Dec 09:37]

2267th Post

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"Re(2):Speed Racer pics" , posted Fri 7 Dec 17:14post reply

They're really using a chimpanzee? Damn, I might have to see it just for that.

963th Post

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"go speed racer go etc" , posted Fri 7 Dec 18:20post reply

Just watched the HD trailer, and I really want to see this movie now. Visually ridiculous. I was a big Speed Racer fan when I was younger so I can't imagine me not wanting to see it at all, but the art direction has me intrigued and I otherwise might not have cared quite so much.

dr baghead
3731th Post

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"Re(1):Speed Racer pics" , posted Sun 9 Dec 22:28post reply

I don't know about this. Looks like Spy Kids + Hot Wheels + Speed Racer.

I want to know how you think Spy Kids + Hot Wheels + Speed Racer is a bad thing or at least bad enough you'd describe it as why you're unsure of the movie. (And hey! Didn't Mattel get rights to Speed Racer toys?! I bet that means they're gonna go a Cars style "every goddamn car with every goddamn paint opt" line for the movie! So the toy line will actuall be Hot Wheels + Speed Racer!!!)

Anyway I just watched the trailer and this movie looks pretty f'ing badass. I wanted to see it based on the early reports of "John Goodman is Pops Racer and ChimChim is a real monkey" but the trailer was all like "oh and the rest of the movie is pretty much just as awesome as that concept..."

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)
my silly little drawin's

1472th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Speed Racer pics" , posted Wed 12 Dec 00:43post reply

I don't know about this. Looks like Spy Kids + Hot Wheels + Speed Racer.

I want to know how you think Spy Kids + Hot Wheels + Speed Racer is a bad thing or at least bad enough you'd describe it as why you're unsure of the movie. (And hey! Didn't Mattel get rights to Speed Racer toys?! I bet that means they're gonna go a Cars style "every goddamn car with every goddamn paint opt" line for the movie! So the toy line will actuall be Hot Wheels + Speed Racer!!!)

Anyway I just watched the trailer and this movie looks pretty f'ing badass. I wanted to see it based on the early reports of "John Goodman is Pops Racer and ChimChim is a real monkey" but the trailer was all like "oh and the rest of the movie is pretty much just as awesome as that concept..."

After watching the trailer, I am starting to warm up to it. At first glance I was not too attracted to similarity to the overly colorful worlds of Spy Kids 3D and Shark boy and Lava Girl. They seem to pull it off here though.

1476th Post

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"Hobbit movie" , posted Wed 19 Dec 09:15post reply

Link Here

Interesting they are splitting this up into two movies. I guess I can look forward to a lot of walking.

1319th Post

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"Re(1):Hobbit movie" , posted Wed 19 Dec 10:19post reply

Link Here

Interesting they are splitting this up into two movies. I guess I can look forward to a lot of walking.

Hahahah, or I read something about the first one being the book, and the second being a movie to bridge the two books, presumably based on Lord of the Rings' appendixes. Then again, they run the risk of having the second work be a really boring-ass movie. APPENDIX: THE MOVIE.
