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Pollyanna 2265th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(5):New 2D fighter from Capcom Japan?" , posted Tue 3 Jul 10:56
quote: Judging by your current and past Avatars which have included obscure art by Akiman and Kazuma Kaneko, I believe you are crying out of the glimmer of hope that Capcom just might return to their glory days and make a new game of ultimate good taste. If that is correct then I fully sympathize. Until then I have Odin Sphere to keep me warm at night.
Well, I love the characters in Sengoku Basara (as well as the art), but I don't think "good taste" describes it especially well.
Although they don't make any of my favorite fighters, I don't have anything against Arc Sys, either, so I don't have any reason to believe this won't be satisfactory at the very least.
"Capcom fighter" doesn't mean anything anymore, since I'm sure all the relevant people are gone anyway (some to Arc Sys), but even if they're outsourcing, I'm hoping this will lead to some sort of revival. Still, I think the idea of "returning to the glory days" is a pipe dream at best.
(Also...I think Odin Sphere is pretty, but sloppy and overrated.)
Pollyanna 2267th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(7):New 2D fighter from Capcom Japan?" , posted Tue 3 Jul 11:15:
quote: I'm surprised people here are still ignoring Battle Fantasia, which continues to seem solid and comparatively balanced. I'd plunk down for it too, if I wasn't moving so soon (and if I could actually find a place that sells a fucking X2.)
I think people are less excited about Battle Fantasia because it doesn't have sprites. I mean, it could be great, but when I saw it in motion, it LOOKED awful. So it's like...uhm...reverse graphics whoring?
I'll be excited just to see the Basara characters in 2D, and if the game ends up only being as good as Hokuto no Ken...well, that's good enough to last me a few months, which is as much as most games. I can't expect every fighting game to be a classic.
I'm not saying that to contradict anything you're saying, that's just how I feel.
Edit: Also, and this is just a general statement, it usually takes several games in a series to get it right. Not every game can be Super Turbo or 3rd Strike, and even fewer (if any) can achieve that right off. One of the most exciting ideas behind this is potential. Not only potential to launch another great fighting game series, but potential to see Capcom involved in future fighting game series, or new episodes from older ones.
[this message was edited by Pollyanna on Tue 3 Jul 11:24] |
Red Falcon 5836th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(8):New 2D fighter from Capcom Japan?" , posted Tue 3 Jul 11:16:
I'm not saying that to contradict anything you're saying, that's just how I feel.
I got ya, but have you actually seriously seen Battle Fantasia, as in clearly? It's quite nice looking. A game doesn't have to be sprite-based to be lovely (did I just say that? I'm a traitor to my own kind!)
Edit: I'll up some BF vids in a bit, uh... to... that place where people upload stuff. I'll post a link here.
Edit edit: Perhaps "lovely" was too strong a word, but "good looking" works. Then again, I like the way TRF 2 looks and people complain about it all the time; I guess I'm not particularly picky in reality. Despite all my whining about balance I also love a number of thoroughly broken fighters, like Fighter's History Dynamite. God, it's so silly you just have to love it, ha ha ha. Just had to get that off my chest. ANYWAY, vid one: both of these vids are from a recent Japanese tourney, I just happened to still have them handy as I think Donvalve and Face are both awesome. Freed is pretty cool for being essentially a Bison clone, too. Did this work? Face vs Ashley
One last one of much lower quality, from an earlier tournament. Looks like Coyori has the same cross-up glitch on Donvalve Jam has on Potemkin... oh, the pain of being big. Cat girls, arrrrgh!
Best site EVER:Link Here
[this message was edited by Red Falcon on Tue 3 Jul 11:42] |
nobinobita 128th Post

Regular Customer
| "Re(6):New 2D fighter from Capcom Japan?" , posted Tue 3 Jul 17:34
quote: Well, I love the characters in Sengoku Basara (as well as the art), but I don't think "good taste" describes it especially well.
(Also...I think Odin Sphere is pretty, but sloppy and overrated.)
Haha, I guess I was just projecting then.
What I meant by "good taste" is that Capcom has a very specific feeling and attitude in their classic games. For instance, I know alot of people consider Third Strike's cast boring, but I love all those characters as much as the original SF2 cast. They weren't all just "cool" looking, they had completely different personalities that came through their art, their sprites, their animation, their movesets and gameplay style.
For instance, look at Makoto. A lesser company would have made her the obvious little girl who hits hard. But look at her body type, she's short and squat and athletic, with big hands and feet and muscular forearms. She's built like a tough asian woman... you know, like someone's mom. But somehow that makes her awesome. Also her move set is based off of the legendary Mas Oyama. But they don't throw that in your face, you just sorta figure it out if you pay attention to her move set. I mean, Capcom's new games rock (RE4 4evrz!!! and all that), but they don't have the same amount of character as their "glory days" (SF2-3, Demons Crest etc).
Also, I don't think Odin Sphere was overrated because everyone was curiously critical of it and the internet has become more jaded and less fanboyish over the years. That's not an attack on you or anyone else on this board. I just thought it was weird that there wasn't more ... i dunno, joy? over the game.
Pollyanna 2267th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(7):New 2D fighter from Capcom Japan?" , posted Tue 3 Jul 20:00
Red Falcon
Well, it still looks awkward and ugly to me, but after seeing it played by people who know what they're doing, I'm at least a bit more interested in the game, even if I'm not sold on the presentation.
But see, if I say it's ugly, then that puts you in a good position, because 2D fans say "it's not about the graphics", but complain when they aren't how they like them. You, on the other hand, are perfectly happy with a game that could look a lot better.
Somehow that didn't come out funny. It was supposed to be funny.
I have concluded from your post that we live in two completely different worlds. Excluding the posts on this board, which have been either positive or realistic, I've heard nothing but raves about Odin Sphere. I've seen magazines give it scores that it does not deserve based on nostalgia factor and its excellent presentation. It's not a bad game, but it's not really exceptional either.
Similarly, the worst thing I've ever heard about 3rd Strike is that the balance isn't as great as it could be. Of course, a lot of the characters failed to catch on, but I would find it hard to call any of them "boring", excluding perhaps Ryu. At any rate, I totally agree with what you're saying about the characters.
This reminds me of an occasional conversation that comes up, where someone will ask what the most underrated game ever is, and someone else will answer "Final Fantasy 7" based on the notion that all they hear are people bashing it. In that respect, they're right, but I guess it just depends on where you go.
Maou 1161th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member+
| "Re(9):New 2D fighter from Capcom Japan?" , posted Wed 4 Jul 02:49:
quote: If they just made the game 30 hours instead of 60, it would be 1000x more fun. But then the bullet points on the back of the box wouldn't ring true enough :(
KTallguy's on the money with this one. This is actually the story of my life for RPG's lately. Keeping things good and concise can actually improve the characterization and sense of adventure, it turns out! Whether it's Final Fantasy XII or Tales of the Abyss, both of which I've enjoyed, RPG's could be vastly improved by nixing the fetch quests and confining them to 'extras' at most.
Ironic that from the height of the 16-bit era onward, much-hated elements like fetching and level grinding were eliminated in favor of concise stories and gameplay that were 30-40 hours at most(FF VI-VIII, Lunar 2, Chrono Trigger, and Grandia II come to mind), only to have these vile things resurface in the current era in the name of longer play time.
[this message was edited by Maou on Wed 4 Jul 02:52] |
Time Mage 2571th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):Re(10):New 2D fighter from Capcom Japan" , posted Thu 5 Jul 06:51
Eh, I play Remy and Elena. Unless you are playing in a very high level environment, I think low tiers don't suffer such a big disadvantage.
For example, I play Elena by poking people to death and occasionally landing her awesome two EX combo. If I played in a highly competitive environment, I would be outpredicted and parried to death, sure, but that isn't happening soon here.
And on the other hand, the Yuns we have here, either play with YouHou, or have memorized a few GeneiJin combos but can't use them effectively enough, so he isn't that good here.
Dragon Kick your ass into the Milky Waaay~~ (Milky Waaaay)
Maese Spt 375th Post

Silver Customer
| "Re(7):New 2D fighter from Capcom Japan?" , posted Fri 6 Jul 14:32
quote: Well, I love the characters in Sengoku Basara (as well as the art), but I don't think "good taste" describes it especially well. I think "basara" is the best word to describe it.
Ah, you beat me to it. Anyway, it doesn't matter who pointed it out, THAT was a pedantic remark which totally needed to be done. The saga is so "basara" that I wonder why they didn't include Maeda Keiji and make him the main character from the beggining, instead of the much less kabukimono'ish Yukimura and Dokuganryuu.
Somehow, I've always had the feeling that if Nobunaga had ever ordered a videogame to be created, it would have ended up being pretty similar to Sengoku Basara...
Now I wonder if they will dare to include any new characters. I would bet for Yamamoto Kansuke, now that Fuurin kazan is airing on the NHK, or some Sekigahara-times guys like Mitsunari or Katou Kiyomasa. A lepper Ootani Yoshitsugu would totally rock, and it would be nice to see Hosokawa Gracia showing up too. She could do some priceless team-up attacks with Zabi, lmao.
Oh, and since it's gonna be a 2D game, it would be SO AWESOME if they'd used the sumie/nihonga style of the previous two game's artwork... kinda like Ookami's graphics, but in a 2D fighter. That would be totally and absolutely gorgeous, regardless of how well the game would play. But I'm probably letting my hopes fly too high now. *Sigh*
Spoiler (Highlight to view) - Meh, it's not even confirmed this game would be actually based on Basara universe, and here am I speculating like a hyped fangirl...
End of Spoiler
 マツケン サンバ!!!!
Iron D 2767th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):Re(10):Sengoku Basara X" , posted Thu 19 Jul 08:19:
quote: the SF EX series originated there, after all.
SF EX wasn't that bad. I remember having lots of fun with it, and it started alot of new mechanics that were later picked up in SF3 like throw cancels and cancelnig specials into supermoves and such.
(i don't KNOW that it started these, but it was the first game i remember that had them)
Also, the games had awesome artwork by Ikeno, and they even had combos that required 4 super bars (you built up the fourth one after using up your max of 3). It was fun!
Peh. The ONLY thing I liked about the EX series was the music (especially in 1). The gameplay didn't feel at all right, some of the 2d mechanics and moves just didn't translate well into 3d (Akuma's teleport just looked dumb), and most of the new character designs were terrible (Doctrine Dark? Skullomania?). And lets not forget the terrible graphics...
It wasn't the worst fighting game ever, and not even the worst game with the words "Street Fighter" in it (coughSTREETFIGHTERTHEMOVIEGAMEcough), but I couldn't help but just want to go running back to my 2d SF every time I played them.
I will say that Blair and Pullum give SFEX just a few extra points though. Rawr.
[this message was edited by Iron D on Thu 19 Jul 08:21] |
Maese Spt 377th Post

Silver Customer
| "Re(1):Sengoku Basara X" , posted Thu 19 Jul 14:20
Guess you can now officially react like a hyped fangirl.
God knows I will!
By the way, is that really a Famitsu scan? If so, which issue? Why the hell the only Famitsu I seem to find over Tokyo is the one about Dragon Quest Swords? Should I suppose this week's issue is already sold out...?
Questions, questions.
Oh, and yes, the art does look pretty hideous by itself, but if you try to compare it with the orginal nihonga/sumie style of the previous games, then it's an abomination beyond any possible redemption, almost in the same league as OMG UDON'S ANATOMY and the like. But I'm happy enough having Oichi and her emo rants kicking back again, so I won't complain <3
I hope the final roster would be bigger than those 10 characters shown in the scan, tough.
 マツケン サンバ!!!!
Pollyanna 2291th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):Sengoku Basara X" , posted Thu 19 Jul 15:34
Naruto: It's Hathor from SMT Nine (the Xbox one). Kaneko did new art for a few of the demons in that one.
quote: Do you mean it's terrible compared to the art from the previous games or just terrible in particular?
Cos I think it's pretty well drawn, and I don't mind the designs.
I would have preferred Capcom style graphics and animation (Capcom has always had better movement than everyone else), but beggars can't be choosers I guess.
Terrible was an exaggeration. The Super move cut in art looks terrible, but the designs are just boring. They're completely lacking in artistry. I'm a huge fan of the original artwork, so this is a bit of a blow for me. They just didn't try. I'm talking about the art, not the designs themselves. I LOVE the design designs.
Even if you're probably right, it might be a bit early to make calls on the animation. And as far as the style goes...well, we've never seen a Capcom 2D fighter in high res, so it's hard to say what it would look like. Going off of the sprites, I would say this isn't too far from what SFZ might look like, though.
But still, I get your point (and everyone else's). It looks super Arc Sys.
Pollyanna 2298th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):Official Site" , posted Mon 23 Jul 09:42
quote: Everyone here seems to know this Sengoku game, however, I've never heard about it, is it any good? Is it like Onimusha or like Devil May Cry? Thanks
No, it's a Sengoku Musou "ripoff", so it's a beat-em up. Although the item system is a little shoddy and the characters have poor balance, the level designs are great, the cast is really enjoyable, and the system is fun. Also, the characters all have fancy special attacks, which should make it translate easy into a fighter.
I'm not a big Musou fan, but I really love the Basara games.
Edit: Well, Red Falcon beat me to it.
Maese Spt 380th Post

Silver Customer
| "Re(4):Official Site" , posted Mon 23 Jul 09:49
quote: Where is that scrawny blonde chick?
She's undoubtedly Kenshin's engun. My question is, where are Mitsuhide and Ranmaru? I would assume that Nou is going to be Nobunaga's engun. I thought the cast was a little odd, with several "save it for the sequel" characters, but it mostly works out, excluding that obvious omission. I guess Mitsuhide (with Ranmaru as engun?) might make a good sub-boss?
Ranmaru being Mitsuhide's engun would make no sense at all. Nor even inside the game's mythology. But I think each main character has actually TWO slots for yet-to-be-revealed engun characters, if I've seen correctly. Am I right? So I guess Nobunaga will get Nou and Ranmaru; Keiji will tag along with Toshiie and Matsu; Kenshin will go with the kinky kunoichi and the camouflage ninja; and so on.
I find a bit insulting that Shingen is an engun for Yukimura, where it should be on the contrary, but yeah, whatever. Surely Ieyasu is gonna be Tadakatsu's engun as well. THIS IS BASARA, after all.
And I'm guessing too Mitsuhide could very well be the final boss here, but I have no idea about who his engun could be. Maybe Zabi, if programmers go wild enough? Heck, actually Zabi would be the perfect final boss. They could work out such kind of scenario. That would be totally awesome.
Anyway, any details on the loketest? Dates, places, anything?
 マツケン サンバ!!!!
ONSLAUGHT 3672th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):Official Site" , posted Mon 23 Jul 10:01
quote: Everyone here seems to know this Sengoku game, however, I've never heard about it, is it any good? Is it like Onimusha or like Devil May Cry? Thanks
No, it's a Sengoku Musou "ripoff", so it's a beat-em up. Although the item system is a little shoddy and the characters have poor balance, the level designs are great, the cast is really enjoyable, and the system is fun. Also, the characters all have fancy special attacks, which should make it translate easy into a fighter.
I'm not a big Musou fan, but I really love the Basara games.
Edit: Well, Red Falcon beat me to it.
Thank you both. Never played those DW games, but they seem boring, I will pass on these series.
Pollyanna 2299th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(6):Official Site" , posted Tue 24 Jul 12:08
quote: But I think each main character has actually TWO slots for yet-to-be-revealed engun characters, if I've seen correctly.
We see Yukimura using both Sasuke and Shingen in the screenshots, so that supports the theory of two per character. However, it's likely that one with twice as many moves could serve just as well as two. With two per character, that starts getting a little messy...or...well, it's quite a few, unless a number of them overlap.
I would have expected Hideyoshi as the boss, or maybe Ieyasu/Hondam, but we might be seeing different bosses for different characters, or just a "powered up" version, like in GGXX and Hokuto no Ken.
I guess we'll know soon enough...
TreIII 1th Post

New Customer
| "Re(6):Official Site" , posted Wed 25 Jul 03:07:
quote: But I think each main character has actually TWO slots for yet-to-be-revealed engun characters, if I've seen correctly. Am I right?
Maybe, maybe not. The more I see it, the more it looks like it may be just a thing where those who stand to have two character for an engun may just switch between the two, or it may be possibly random. After all, we never see Yukimura have both Sasuke and Shingen on the field at the same time. This gives me reason to believe that it may be more of a thing where the two assists together make up for the entirety of Yukimura's assist repetoire, but doesn't necessarily grant Yukimura any thing over Masamune, who may just have a more fleshed-out support unit in the form of one character (Kojuuro).
If I had to guess:
Motochika -> ??? (you could literally throw anyone here) Motonari -> ??? (you could literally throw anyone here)
Well...not just any one, at least, if they were trying to keep sense with respect to the overall series. Motochika and Motonari don't have a lot of a cross-character relations in the BASARA series, so randomly teaming them up with some one like Itsuki, Mitsuhide, Hojo, or Musashi wouldn't make much sense, no matter how much I would like nothing more than to see some of these characters get into this game too. Heck, even Shimazu and/or Zabii/Xavi might be pushing it for Motonari (despite how they can be all seen together on some routes, as all a part of Zabii's happy little cult).
My guess? Motochika would probably just end up with some of his kobun/followers coming out to help their "aniki" out...preferably in the form of those mechanical golems and Sengoku-era AT-ATs. Could give Motochika a nice Jin Saotome-type of touch. :D
As for Motonari? Well, he did have a special ability where, with a swing of his hula-hoop of death, he could control two peon-level units, whether they were on his side or not, to fight along side him, and compliment his attacks until he either got hit (which would end the "spell") or for the second, much more bad-ass option. If you grew tired of the peons, pressing the taunt button would send the two units to run out in front...and then they would go kamikaze and explode (dying if they were low enough on health). Certainly would be an interesting option for Motonari as far as assists go, even if Zabii couldn't get into the mix this time. ;)
quote: As for the boss it could be as well a new character created for the game...
It would be nice, but I'm not so sure...chances are, any and all new characters would probably debut in the "proper" Basara games first.
But in lieu of that, I would definitely be open to a Alpha/Zero 2 type of thing, where your chosen character would just go around beating up different characters, until he/she would encounter who would be their designated "Boss", who would then be a regular character that serves as their rival, suped-up to Boss I-No, Holy Order Sol and Ken-oh levels of cheapness. Would certainly make more sense overall, given the different rivalries between a number of the characters (Yukimura and Masamune, Nobunaga and Hideyoshi, Keiji and Hideyoshi, Motochika and Motonari and etc.), or at least, would be a bit more imaginative than just having to look forward to a "SHIN! Nobunaga" as the end boss for everyone.
Any way, I guess it should go without saying that I'm looking forward to this game. Rugal could tell ya...hell, I'm the one who demo'd the game for his interests, and introduced him to the wonderful world of Zabii. :D
If there's anything that I really hope, is that the fact that it's on 256 hardware not only means a quick and easy port to the PS2/Wii, but that it could also mean a quick and easy retro-port back to the arcade scene when it comes to a "Version B" type of thing. Hey, it worked for Melty Blood, and I'm sure ASW and Capcom would like nothing better than to have something similar...
Dokuganryu wa Date jya ne you see?
[this message was edited by TreIII on Wed 25 Jul 03:14] |
TreIII 2th Post

New Customer
| "Re(6):Re(10):Official Site" , posted Thu 26 Jul 04:30
Wild JP Blog appears!
Any and all translators who can lend their aid, please help. :D
In any case, different stuff like engine aspects, movelists for the 4 characters available and such are here.
Also, as a BASARA fan, I can tell you right now that Masamune never had a "HELL END DRAGON" in the mainstream games, which leads me to believe that this is Insta-kill "BASARA KO" that we saw earlier.
I couldn't catch what are the rulings to use such moves, but from what I can see, each character has their own specific motion for the move, so at least that's something in itself...
But really, we need translators, stat!
Dokuganryu wa Date jya ne you see?
Maese Spt 382th Post

Silver Customer
| "loketest impressions" , posted Thu 26 Jul 11:44
quote: Of course I'm interested, although our opinions generally differ so much that I don't know how much your impressions will apply to me. I'm still excited you got to go, though!
Ask and ye shall receive. OK, here we go. Oh, of course, if any fellow Cafer is interested in some other specific details, just let me know and I'll try to investigate further today.
First stop: gameplay
As somebody pointed out before, it’s a bit too early to pass any serious judgment about gameplay, because most players were quite noobish. I only got two see two supers and one “Basara KO” on the whole time I spent there, and since the queue was quite long I didn’t even bother to try to play myself. I might have better luck today, tough.
The general looking, as expected, is quite GG-ish, but it seemed not so chaotic to me. It’s fast, yeah, but not vertiginous. That’s a good point in my book, actually.
The presented game was only a beta with 4 selectable characters and a few stages: Yukimura, Masamune (not a surprise, huh), Keiji and Kenshin. What’s worse, all the fangirls there kept selecting Yukimura and Masamune all time, so there was little chance to see other guys in action. I’m not an expert in other Arc System games, but the kind of combos and specials reminded me of the few times I had played GG X. Hmm, that’s quite obvious, I guess.
However, Yukimura and Masamune didn’t feel just like the Sengoku versions of Sol and Ky, respectively; they had quite different movesets and stuff. Generally speaking, specials and supers were not as flashy as I expected, tough. A bit disappointing, yeah, but maybe other characters would have cooler, more spectacular specials. Or maybe it’s just that noobish players could only pull out low level specials. We’ll see today. Not that I’m going to be able to pull out decent combos or whatever, tough!
The engun system is still a mistery to me. Yukimura and Keiji had indeed two supporting characters (they were not present from the start, it seems you have to fill a gauge or something to make them show up), while Masamune had only Kojuro to lend him a hand. It seems the main usage for the engun is to power up your supers and make some special combos, but probably there will be more than that.
Nobody was able to make use of Yukimura’s second engun, tough. Sasuke popped up on the melee every once in a while, but nobody could make Shingen participate, even tough he was present at the background along Sasuke. I think that has to do with the “level” you earn for your engun during the battle: the more level you get, the more (or more powerful) stuff he can do; maybe Shingen is a high level engun and would only show up with really huge gauge levels. Or maybe it’s just he was not yet fully implemented in the beta. Oh, yeah, and Kojuro’s aid seemed quite cheap to perform juggles and the like. I can see people bitching about that when game finally comes out.
Second Stop: non-gameplay stuff
I am a fan of both GG’s and Campcom classic fighting game’s soundtracks, so I was eager to hear how the BGMs of this Basara turned out. Sadly, the music was not implemented on the loketest. That, or maybe the volume was just too low. A shame, in any case. But I must say the announcer’s voice was just awesome, and just got to hear that made up for the music letdown. I expected Japanese lines just as in Samurai Spirits and such, but instead he went all in English… and I think it was a perfect decision. Totally loved the way he screamed “here comes a new hero!!” all the time. He added SO MUCH thrill to the atmosphere… the figure of the announcer often gets overlooked in fighting games, but it’s really an important element to make you feel in the mood for slashing the living shit out of some random conglomerate of pixels. But I digress.
Maybe it was just me, but animations seemed smoother than HnK. Nothing SF3 level, sure, but quite nice anyway. Visually speaking, I found the game quite charming: spectacular (but not as dazzling as GG), great light effects, cool style... Also, the “anime look” suits the characters quite well, and looks great in motion. In-game artwork turned out better than I expected; I did not miss at all the old sumie style of the previous 3D installments’ illustrations.
Backgrounds were colorful and gorgeous IMHO, but a bit static. Save for the engun characters witnessing the battle, the stages lacked moving elements and such, and even the engun guys were not very lively, if you know what I mean. While that’s not an issue for me, somebody might miss the baroque style of other Arc System games. All in all, graphics looked really good, but probably using a HD monitor has much to do with that.
Oh, and I found ludicrously fun the fact that, when both players selected the same character, the 2p costume was chromatically almost identical to the “regular version”. So there you had your usual crimson-clad Yukimura going against a pale-red Yukimura. Maybe they were afraid of the fangirls crying “OUTRAGE!” if they dared to give Dokuganryuu a yellow haori, or something.
I thinks there is hoping for more characters (even if it's only the final boss and a pair of sub-bosses) on the final roster, because there was some space for additional cells on the character selection screen. No clues nor hints about who the final boss (if there is such a thing) could be, tough.
Third Stop: miscellaneous
Did I mention the fangirls? I knew Basara had a somewhat strong following among yaoi fandom, but I didn’t expect 90% of the people at the loketest were girls. No wonder they kept choosing Masamune and Yukimura on an endless loop. There was even that chick who fanatically jumped, applauded and screamed “kakkoii! Suteki!” whenever masamune apopeared on the screen. And it was every 5 seconds. And she even was accompanied by her boyfriend. I pity the poor guy.
Anyway, I think this might be a good thing to insert some much needed new, fresh blood into the arcade scene. Arcades need to get new public, outside the usual otaku niche, and probably Basara has something to say in this regard. Kinda remembered me the times when Capcom tried to attract schoolgirls to fighting games by creating Sakura… only that this time the trick seems to have *real* potential to success. Hooray.
quote: Now, just throw together a Yukimura costume and maybe you can score today!
Oh, thanks for the advice, but I’m more a Masamune guy myself. Actually, I would feel more like cross-dressing as Oichi, but don’t tell anybody *blush*
 マツケン サンバ!!!!
TreIII 3th Post

New Customer
| "Re(1):loketest impressions" , posted Thu 26 Jul 13:20
quote: Oh, of course, if any fellow Cafer is interested in some other specific details, just let me know and I'll try to investigate further today.
Heh heh, I knew that BASARA definitely had a devoted yaoi fanbase, but I never thought that they would come out in such large droves for a fighter. Definitely could be a sign of the times. As long as it's simplistic, but not overly-simplified, I would see no biggie. The mainstream games are simple enough to get into, but there's enough meat to keep guys like me playing, and I hope this off-shoot fighter can provide something similar.
Any way, if you could, could you try and find out more about the specifics of the "BASARA KO" and Engun systems? I suppose that's all we could really stand to know until people really get a chance to know this game in-depth. Thanks!
Dokuganryu wa Date jya ne you see?
Pollyanna 2304th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(5):loketest impressions" , posted Fri 27 Jul 09:56
quote: New loketest vid.
Again, I'm liking how this game is shaping up. And I'm also happy to see that they're truly using tunes from the actual games, rather than just letting ASW put more of its rock in there. Not to put ASW on blast, but I just don't think that whatever they could provide would do a BASARA game justice.
Well, those people looked like they knew how to play fighting games...kinda...although I still don't think we've seen anyone play the game as its supposed to be played.
About the music...I both totally agree and couldn't disagree more. Although I find the Basara music to be generally mediocre, I think it's a great idea to use it in the game, rather than something new that might not fit. However, I'm tremendously biased towards the GG and HnK soundtracks, so to me, a cool solution would be hard rock remix versions of the original songs.
I mean, that's not too much of a stretch since a number of them are rock to begin with, they're just...erm..."fake rock" because they're digital.
Pollyanna 2306th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(6):loketest impressions" , posted Fri 27 Jul 13:01
quote: It looks different, but I'm going to "wait" on this one until it's been out for a while before I might consider getting it. TreIII will know what I mean when I say "Once bitten, twice shy." (Fiiiist, ha ha ha.) Just don't trust ASW too much right now, but I do have to say, it looks "interesting". I'm going to try and not be prejudiced.
Edit: BTW, anyone think we should start a new thread? This one is a tad long.
Well, from the perspective of someone who would be buying it for $2000+, HnK probably isn't so hot, but I feel like 2D fighting game expectations tend to be pretty high. I mean, I don't think HnK was really a disappointing game. I spent/am spending more time with it than most other games I play. It's just...when you stack it up against some other 2D fighters, it wears thin pretty fast.
I mean, if Basara X is as good as HnK, I'd still say it's a decent game. Not a $2000 game, but not worth bitching and moaning about either. (not that I'm saying YOU'RE complaining)
Still, I'm wary of the HnK "boost" we're seeing in the videos. I can't find how to do it on the moves list, though. If it works like the dust attacks on GG, it won't bother me so much, but if you can combo into a wall hit as easily as you can in HnK, then proceed into some obnoxiously long combo, then I'm gonna be a bit disappointed.
Also, starting a new thread is a good idea, but maybe Maese should do it with his impressions/links to the videos.
Maese Spt 383th Post

Silver Customer
| "Re(2):loketest impressions" , posted Fri 27 Jul 13:11
Maese reporting once again!
Nothing new under the sun. The queue was even longer yesterday, so didn't even dare to try. As the other day, 90% of girls.
The Engun system stuff works pretty much as Polly has descibed. The Basara KO is indeed an instant kill, and I think you have to activate first the "Basara mode" or whatever, cuz I recall seeing Masamune blinking like a Christmas tree for a short period of time. But couldn't get much more detail about it, sorry.
quote: Kinda remembered me the times when Capcom tried to attract schoolgirls to fighting games by creating Sakura… HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhah~ !
Hmm, I recall reading on several magazines, back in the time, that Capcom created Sakura precisely as an attemp to broaden their target into the teenager girl segment. Maybe it was just misinformation, tough. Anyway, I see your point: it always seemed to me that the kind of crowd Sakura was supposed to attract was not exactly the young schoolgirl type...
quote: PS: you've been Insert Credit'ed! Nice!
Cool! Now I guess I can finally start acting like the internet celebrity I am, making sassy replies to your puny comments and calling you "fella", "buffon" and the like. But Brandon could at least have corrected the typos when he quoted me... :(
Hell, this thread has gotten too long indeed, we should open a new one!
 マツケン サンバ!!!!
IkariDC 646th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member
| "Re(6):loketest impressions" , posted Fri 27 Jul 15:38:
About the music...I both totally agree and couldn't disagree more. Although I find the Basara music to be generally mediocre, I think it's a great idea to use it in the game, rather than something new that might not fit. However, I'm tremendously biased towards the GG and HnK soundtracks, so to me, a cool solution would be hard rock remix versions of the original songs.
I mean, that's not too much of a stretch since a number of them are rock to begin with, they're just...erm..."fake rock" because they're digital.
But HnK's music is just like that, "fake" digital rock, right? And until GGXX arrived, it was just like that as well, except guitars in the original GG.
Maese, it's awesome that you made it to the loketest but, why didn't you try to play it at least once? Come on, as you say, chances are you had to face a schoolgirl, you wouldn't have to bite the dust, wouldn't you?
[this message was edited by IkariDC on Fri 27 Jul 15:49] |