Help with Art Book ! - Forums

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"Help with Art Book !" , posted Fri 6 Jul 07:18:post reply

Hello all,

I was recently told that Katsuya Terada (one of my favorite illustrators) is gearing up to release a new art book. It looks to be Devilman related (a big plus) and it has 3 varient covers.

I found a link to the product:

I was wondering if anyone could tell me what exactly this book is. Is it a Terada book? Is it a retrospective Devilman book? Both?

I would be real greatful if someone could help me out with this.

[this message was edited by nobinobita on Fri 6 Jul 07:19]


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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):Help with Art Book !" , posted Fri 6 Jul 14:44post reply

No friggin idea what this stuff is all about, but it looks like a conmemorative book with some variant covers.

I love Terada's art as well. Hope he releases vol. 2 of his "Monkey King" soon, the waiting is killing me...